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19040634 No.19040634 [Reply] [Original]

How do skinny people avoid eating food all the time?

>> No.19040642

eat less carbs and drink less and eat more meat and veggies and u should feel and look healthier

>> No.19040697

Crippling chronic depression does it for me

>> No.19040701

Skinny people eat a normal amount of food. What fat people don't realize is that they've gradually become accustomed to eating all day, never stopping. I have a fat coworker and his average day looks like this:
>comes in at 8:30 with two breakfast sandwiches and a sugar filled coffee
>by 10:00 breakfast is finished and he grabs a couple bags of pretzels from the break room
>it usually takes him 30 minutes or so to finish the pretzels, and then he grabs the huge tin of nuts from under his desk
>shovels nuts into his mouth until noon, then drives to the McDonalds that's practically next door to get lunch
>always buys enough McDonalds that he comes back with at least two bags, probably because the employees assume his order is for multiple people
>sucks down the food like he hasn't eaten all day
>grabs a soda and a snack from the break room immediately after finishing his lunch
>repeats the process of getting up to grab a snack and usually a second soda every hour or so until it's time to go home
I don't understand how people can live like this.

>> No.19040708

I don’t. I exercise 6 days a week specifically so I can eat what I want

>> No.19040716

this too for me. i have been meaning to eat for 3 days but it just doesn't work out

>> No.19040717

I don't consume empty calories and my gut microbiome has changed over the years so now the emotional reaction I have toward food like in OP's pic is revulsion rather than yearning

>> No.19040722


>> No.19040724

They have sex

>> No.19040725

they simply aren't hungry all the time.

>> No.19040730

60kg 181cm male here

I eat food all the time. Despite that I only eat 1600 kcal a day. How much you can eat really depends on what you are eating.

>> No.19040735

Chronic autoimmune disease.

>> No.19040736

this one, plus i smoke 1,5 packs a day

>> No.19040740

I'm fat and I eat twice a day but I'm still fat. I was thinking about it the other day wondering, "do skinnier people really just eat like sliced veggies for lunch instead of a meal or is there something else to it?"

>> No.19040745

>for lunch
what's that?

>> No.19040769

you havent ate in 3 days?

>> No.19040940

>I eat twice a day
You realize this doesn't tell us anything, right? This could mean that twice a day you slurp down a couple 5 gallon buckets of cake batter.
But of course you're going to tell us you have a couple scrambled eggs in the morning and then a veggie sandwich for lunch and you skip dinner and you just can't understand why you're fat and it must be genetics.

>> No.19040941

yeah, happens quite often. im going to reheat some soup now though

>> No.19040955

used to happen to me when i was depressed and sedentary, i would sit in my room with the windows covered and browse international chat servers until i passed out, usually in 16 to twenty hour cycles, it'd feel like a long night when i actually hadn't eaten or left my room in three fucking days

>> No.19040976

Eat low calories, proteins and fats or carbs, workout not just your body but also your brain (it accounts for 20% of your bodies energy use), Play games like sudoku, read, puzzles, anything that takes more processing effort than doomscrolling or watching netflix. If you drink milk, choose whole or a higher fat percentage milk instead of skim.

>> No.19040989

>How do skinny people avoid eating food all the time?
of the skinny people that I know 1 did a lot of biking and often forgot to eat, when he did he would eat himself to a stupor, he only started gaining weight in his late 40's.

2 were vegans and because of their poor life choices have to eat constantly but their food is of such low quality both have stunted growth.

the rest are all women who starve themselves and will get fat the instant they start eating normal.

>> No.19041003

>What fat people don't realize is that they've gradually become accustomed to eating all day,
my day looks like this:
2 eggs on toast with salsa

sandwich of some kind with a small portion of whatever I make it out of.

varies but I try to keep it less than 1000 calories

no snacks, drink nothing but water, try to be as active as I can. no deserts, no soda, no fruit juice.

cannot lose weight no matter what.

>> No.19041005

I can't stop myself from being underweight
It's fucking impossible
This and anxiety means I really only get hungry like once a day, near the end when I'm entirely alone

>> No.19041010

Anon, I don't know how to tell you, but that is not an appetizing plate you have there

>> No.19041013

>I can't stop myself from being underweight
>It's fucking impossible

>> No.19041032

try cutting out the grains or go for complex grains

>> No.19041037

I exist purely to trigger anorexics

>> No.19041057

>2 eggs
>a sandwich
>still fat
Always the same with these faggots. It's like they read this shit from a script.

>> No.19041058

I don't eat out of boredom. I masturbate out of boredom. Lecture hall was hell in school, man. Such raging boners.

>> No.19041059

doesn't matter.

I once lost 60 pounds but the constant reduction in calories and activity level required was not possible to maintain, and after 2 years gained it all back plus. I'm going to see a nutritionist but there have been documentaries on PBS about this and I have seen several doctors.

it's my (or anyone elses) brain/metabolism that has to be reset and no one knows how to do that.

people who are thin cannot understand.

I have one warning for them. NEVER diet. NEVER purposely try to lose weight.

dieting is the fastest way to get fat.

>It's like they live a life different from mine.
fixed that for ya.

>> No.19041060

You exist because your stupid dad didn't finish into a napkin. Always remember that.

>> No.19041067

It always happened during math. Every year since middle school, no matter the classroom, teacher, or people around me.

>> No.19041078

idk man humans have been thin and putting up with daily strainous activity for over 250,000 years, and only recently began to have this issue.

>> No.19041080

Can confirm
Was skinny for years, went on a fast for Lent, went from 165 to 240 no matter what I (didn't) eat
I just ate healthy, normal, same as before, but the weight packed on
I lost the weight by going keto, then gradually adding carbs back
I'm skinny again, I would endorse keto if you can cook, it did work

>> No.19041084

>muh gementics
>da TV people said so
Imagine my shock

>> No.19041090

I get full so quickly, I eat six or seven times a day but maybe a handful or two of food at a time, and a couple hours inbetween. I am still drinking a lot of fluids, seems I am often thirsty. A lot of water of course and some juice, tea, or coffee.

Most of my eating is snacking on fruits, yogurt, or healthy grains, and then there's my candy and sweets lol. My meals include some meat or protein, some grain, and a lot of vegetables. I really eat a lot of vegetables, low calorie, high nutrition, satisfied.

I am very active in dance and sports
and fitness

All you can eat places are my worst nightmare, I would need a whole day to get my moneys worth.

>> No.19041095


>> No.19041099

>I really only get hungry like once a day, near the end when I'm entirely alone
fucking same and if there is someone in the kitchen i just give up even trying to make instant ramen

>> No.19041102

that's because they starved half the year.

people who have weight problems are descended from ancestors that lived with food scarcity, those who could gain weight easily and keep it longer were more likely to get through winter or times of famine skinny people that could not gain weight died off.

one of the reasons american indians have weight problems their ancestors went through many times of food scarcity.

skinny people from skinny families did not have this problem.

lying troll prove me wrong, go on a 1500 calorie diet for 3 months (no cheating) then go back to eating normal. see what happens.

>> No.19041113

Its usually this or eating whole fast food combo meals twice or more a day, everyone who says otherwise is a liar or has a metabolic disorder

>> No.19041118

I forgot I regularly take probiotics! I eat yogurt often and even days I don't I take a twice weekly probiotic supplement. Your gut affects your health so get that fixed, and if you still have issues see a doctor. Either it's medical or your metabolism is just slow and you are meant to be big and beautiful

>> No.19041122

i've been in a similar state for at least over a year now. barely showering, barely eating, not talking to anyone irl, basically only leaving my room to take a shit. and all this during supposedly the best years of my life, how do i get out of this

>> No.19041131

learn from your ancestors and feast during the summer and famine during the winter. You even get to screw over your descendants with this one!

>> No.19041132

>7000 calories a day is normal

>> No.19041135

You're a fat, coddled retard. I fast all the time, it's no big deal. He probably consider getting out of your SUV exercise.

>> No.19041145

I'm 5'10 and 135 pounds soaking wet, eat lots of red meat and potatoes and chips and pastries and whatever else and drink a lot of booze and beer. I am active in the summer but the rest of the year I sit on my ass and do nothing, I never work out. I have been the same weight for over 10 years. People keep telling me "oh anon when you hit 30 it's all gonna change!" but I'm 28 now and nothing has changed. Maybe I have a tapeworm or something I dunno. Hopefully whatever condition I have is fatal.

>> No.19041148
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I do intermittent fasting and workout for usually around 2 hours 6 days a week, a mix of calisthenics, weightlifting, and cardio, always followed by stretching. In general I also try be mindful of how long I sit around, preferring to stay moving.
Today I have eaten
>three sausage patties coated in kodiak pancake mix (1 cup with milk and 2 egg whites left over from my mom’s baking
>a large piece of rhubarb marshmallow crumble
>a few spoonfuls of salad
>a handful of chips
>sandwich with 100g of corned beef, combined with lettuce, sauerkraut, a pickle, mayo dijon mustard, jarlsberg cheese on an italian panini roll
>maple cream donut
I’m 5’9 153 lbs and personally I think I’m built like Griffith

>> No.19041151

>lying troll prove me wrong, go on a 1500 calorie diet for 3 months (no cheating) then go back to eating normal. see what happens.
This is how I went from 265 lbs to 175 and ran a half-marathon. Have kept the weight off for years now. Feels good man.

>> No.19041156

uh, get a job?

>> No.19041163

Do the opposite of all that

>> No.19041176

Holy shit that's exactly me
It's why my room is full of garbage and rotting food cause I eat everything down here and am too ashamed to throw everything out while there's people upstairs
Social anxiety?

>> No.19041194

look up any free events near you and go to one. Doesn't matter if it's a concert, church, walk, volunteer thing or whatever. Sign up for literally anythign that will get you out of the house, meeting new people, and doing something productive. Force yourself even if it feels dumb and useless at the end of the day, you'll feel better soon enough.

>> No.19041203

I got the same shit and I'm 40
But like the man said, don't try to lose weight, your body will rebound and pack on fat, that takes a hard reset to fix

>> No.19041226

you think i don't want to? my living situation is pretty shitty and i'd do everything to move out but obviously i need a job first. but how the fuck i go from not caring enough to take care of my body and eat to actually trying to work and talk with strangers

>> No.19041232

I wanted to say the same but figured that having never experienced depression, what helps me get out of the funk of boredom wouldn't help someone get out of the funk of depression.
Honestly, I can't even begin to comprehend depression. The most I can do to understand it is as an extension of boredom but I've been told that not only is that inaccurate, but offensive to people with depression.

>> No.19041236

fuck, same bro. i just switched to paper plates whenever i can so i can just easily throw all the rotten food away without anyone noticing. lost some pans and mugs i completely forgot about and when i finally found them they imminently went to the trash after i saw what became of them.

>> No.19041243
File: 111 KB, 1095x730, A03FE639-A5BE-4C7D-862F-292549CFCDDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found since I've turned 40, only need to eat a couple of times a week. Since I'm only eating once every day or two, I can afford to eat out more often.

>> No.19041256

That honestly sounds horrible - I love eating the idea of only eating a few times a week sounds sad

>> No.19041261

I typically eat some combination of these 2 things for lunch and supper, from lightest to heaviest.
>Bowl of greek yogurt
>french toast (no sugar in it, honey on top)
>potatos and bacon
>"breakfast" burritos (eggs, bacon, potatos, jalapenos, you know)
^lunch vsupper
>tacos al pastor
>Crock pot chicken or roast chicken with taters, carrots, radishes
>pumpkin soup
>pork chops with apples and onions
>fried rice/stir fry
>elvis burger
Every dish has a protein except the yogurt or salad.

Maybe not perfectly lined up but that's a good sampling. I typically eat one of the first 6 as lunch and one of the remaining as supper. My wife weighs literally half as much as I do, (I'm 290, she's 135) yet we eat about the same every time. So what exactly am I doing wrong?

>> No.19041262

No, it's fine. I simply eat when I'm hungry.

>> No.19041294

How much do you weigh? Do you not exercise?

>> No.19041337

laziness and lack of taste. I've legitimately met people who don't enjoy eating and only eat purely for sustenance. One friend I had in high school would eat one or two potatoes a day and that's the only thing he would eat. I asked him why he ate specifically potatoes and he essentially said "a bag is cheap and they store long". It's very wild to me but people like this specific example are a rarity though. A lot of people who are deathly thin are this way because they're too caught up in what they're doing and don't enjoy eating enough to sit down and take time to eat.

>> No.19041350
File: 77 KB, 881x707, youcouldntsavehim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is develop alcoholism. Your body's addiction will cause it to prioritize it over it's other natural desires like wanting to eat after 11 am. Because your bod knows that it wants to start drinking around 5-6 and if you've eaten dinner you won't be able to get buzzed. Source: My life for the past 5 years.

>> No.19041593

You are either lying (not necessarily intentionally) or you, like most fatties, drink a shit ton of calories.

For the next week write down everything you eat down to the smallest detail. The week after that eat exactly the same things in the exact same amounts but only drink water.

>> No.19041595

Depression is like being worried anxious angry and sad 24/7

>> No.19041606

I don't drink coke. Only non-water things I drink are bang and reign, which advertize as 0 cal. I'll still try the "writing it down" thing, though, that might not hurt.

>> No.19041660

Look, you're lying about how much you really eat, but it doesn't matter that you're lying to us. What matters is that you're lying to yourself.

If you really eat a low-calorie diet you will lose weight - it is impossible not to.

>> No.19041665
File: 28 KB, 564x564, freeza_laying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally hungry all the time nigga I'm on a fucking diet, I lost 10 pounds then plateud for 6 months

>> No.19041666

I hate the thermodynamics meme but there's some truth to it. If you eat less calories than you burn, it is impossible not to lose weight.

>> No.19041669

Despite what people will tell you, metabolism can vary by up to 500 calories between 2 people. This means that someone with a fast metabolism and someone with a slow metabolism can eat the same food and the person with the slow metabolism will gain 50 pounds over a year period.

>> No.19041672

That's not metabolism, that's because some people are more active than others.

>> No.19041690

Why is lying and being fat such a prevalent combo? You are on an anonymous image board and STILL you lie. You could have just not said anything, but you feel compelled to lie to faceless strangers. It's completely bizarre.

>> No.19041737

Its the "going back to normal" that does it. Your normal eating habits are what made you a fat cunt in the first place. Literally every single fat person who claims they cant lose weight isn't being honest about their calories. I say this as someone who went from 120kg to 85kg in my early 20s, but have gained it back thanks to alcohol and not being careful about calories.

>> No.19041745

>There was a large unexplained residual variation between individuals that accounted for 26% of the total variance.

>> No.19041747

You are eating more calories than you are willing to admit. When you and your wife have chilli for example you could quite easily have a plate with 1300 cals on it while she has a 700 cal plate even though you tell yourself you only have a little bit more.

If you stuck to a legit calorie deficit you would be shocked by how fast and easily you'll see changes, especially at 290 (which I'm guessing is also miscalculated).

>> No.19041748

The best part of you ran down your mother's leg

>> No.19041793

Engage in Socratic dialogue with yourself about why you act the way you do, what the underlying beliefs are that cause you to act that way, and what experiences you may have had that led you to believe those things. Also get out of the fucking house and do things, or at least travel vicariously through nature documentaries or whatever if it's that hard to start off with.

You can try other stuff and you don't have to commit to a whole bunch of things all at once but these two things are 100% necessary if you want a way out that isn't medication or death.

>> No.19041794

>If you eat less calories than you burn, it is impossible not to lose weight.
Real question: If my muscle mass is low, is it possible that my base metabolic rate is much smaller than it should be for someone at my weight?

>> No.19041798

Some people do have "more efficient" and "less efficient" guts than others, where one person passes along most of their food without actually taking the energy out of it and the other will extract as much energy as they can out of the food. Same with nutrients, some people will eat something and not have absorbed any vitamins and minerals, instead passing it out, while others could become sick from having too much of a given nutrient.

>> No.19041807

Exercise, motherfucker, if you really can't reduce calories in then all you can do is increase calories out. You don't even have to run, just WALK. 1 mile on two legs = 100 calories pretty much no matter your speed, probably even a little more for you since you're so fucking heavy.

Fat mass doesn't increase your resting metabolic rate so either include your fat % or use your lean body mass if you're using an online calculator.

>> No.19041828
File: 57 KB, 1278x541, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lying troll prove me wrong, go on a 1500 calorie diet for 3 months (no cheating) then go back to eating normal. see what happens.
fatty cope

>> No.19041908

>activity level required was not possible to maintain,

You rack disprine

>> No.19042321

The worst lies are the ones you tell yourself.

>> No.19042343

Look up 'basal metabolic rate'. We're not talking about a marathon runner vs shut-in, two people strapped to a bed all day will not necessarily both burn the same number of calories

>> No.19042346

skinny fags will never understand don't bother
just hope a volcano sends us in another famine so they die off or something

>> No.19042350

the longer you go the easier it becomes

>> No.19042351

>avoid eating food all the time
>eating food all the time
If you think about the way you phrased your question for a moment, an answer might occur to you.

>> No.19042353

interesting, im probably you like 2-3 years in the past

how do you deal with the munchies, though? i usually snack on chicharron or some shit while im drinking

>> No.19042363
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>2 eggs and toast
>less than 1k calorie dinner

fatty always tell lies

>> No.19042365

I used to be skinny, like real skinny up until I was about 21-22. At one point I was about 51kg/110 pounds (5 foot 9). Actually look back not only was I severely depressed I also had sort of anorexic eating habits. I would look at myself in the mirror and just fat that needed to come off. But the thing is I wasn't hungry, I didn't feel hunger nor was I STARVING like I am now. I got put on mirtazpine and I balooned up to 68kg at my heaviest (I'm a scrawnlet framelet so I looked fat). I stopped that medication and lost weight, but over the years my appetite has just been unmanagable. I'm at 58kg now, but even with dieting I struggle to stay that weight. I literally wake up STARVING, like the hunger wakes me up and I just go into the kitchen and binge on anything, then I'll either go make myself vomit or go into a food coma. Even as I type this it's 9pm I ate an excess of calories today, my stomach is almost in pain from being so full but I'm still STARVING. I'm just so fucking hungry all the time.

I swear that medication literally lifelong altered my appetite. And it's fucked me up mentally as well I've had times where I thought about eating my cat or even cannabilism and whereas before I was very concerned about germs now I'm far less discerning. I even have eaten random food people threw away, leftovers from my family which I never did before, I ate raw food like seaweed and oysters and shit from the beach, random berries and plants I didn't even research them or know what they are. My whole relationship to food has changed. The whole world seems far more... edible lol.

>> No.19042367

>2 eggs on toast with salsa
2 eggs, lets round up to 200 kcal
2 pieces of toast, let's say they're white bread. wonder bread has 140 kcal/2 slices
salsa, 2 tbsp ~= 20 kcal, 360 kcal breakfast total
>sandwich of some kind with a small portion of whatever I make it out of.
i don't know if a trust a fatty's definition of a small portion (no offense), but let's say 600 kcal total
>varies but I try to keep it less than 1000 calories
let's just say 900
>try to be as active as I can.
just to demonstrate the point, i'll say you're sedentary. many people go on light jogs and overestimate the amount of calories it burns so "sedentary" may be fairer to plug into a TDEE calculator, honestly

360+600+900=1860 kcal
that is the TDEE of a sedentary 30 y/o, 5'10", 130 lbs. man (178 cm, 59 kg)
if you were actually consuming this many calories per day, you'd probably be dropping 10 lbs per month

>> No.19042439

67kg 181cm male here, I feel great and bmi is within normal parameters but I got a job interview tomorrow and they'll be weighing me and If I dont gain at least 2kg im not gonna pass the exam. I fucking hate this normalized fat clown world. Im fucking depressed now and I cant even eat let alone gain 2kg in less than 48 hours. I dont know how fat fucks manage to eat that amount of food in one sitting.

>> No.19042447

I eat when I am hungry which isn't a the time

>> No.19042452

>job interview tomorrow and they'll be weighing me and If I dont gain at least 2kg im not gonna pass the exam

>> No.19042468

I cant go into detail on the job itself but Ive passed the elimination criteria based on university education and my grade average, however apart from being mentally capable the employer wants a specific frame and physical appearance as well. They have a picture of my face and I assume they've taken that into consideration and on that merit I have passed, but I've been told they have very specific height/weight requirements. They basically stated manlets under 175cm need not apply. They're basically seeking lean atheltic tall males, however I maybe too lean.

>> No.19042469

fat bastard here, i've been on low cal omad for half a year and ive gone down from 126kg to 99kg. you have to do whatever works for your body. some lose weight easily and some just dont.

>> No.19042476

Sounds like escort service for female quantum physicians.

>> No.19042480

theyre on adderall

>> No.19042494

If only I got to fuck dork bitches for money. I live in the third world and competition for jobs like this is very strong, the job is rather dangerous and hard but its worth the benefits and money.

>> No.19042518

Well, good luck.

>> No.19042520

The fact that I feel full after eating?
I mean for me is that.

>> No.19042693

i dont believe you eat as little as you think you eat, you're 100% fat because you eat too much but you're in denial about how much you eat

>> No.19042954

I eat two to three times a day. Only other meal is the occasional coffee

I'm T1 diabetic, so I've never really eaten snacks because I feel like dogshit afterwards. Once my partner moved in with me she stopped eating snacks too outside of fruit and lost a shitload of weight.

Just stop snacking you fat bastards, it's not that hard.

Oh, and stop drinking fruit juice or anything labelled as "low-fat", it's all filled with sugar and making you fatter

>> No.19043128

your calculations of calories is way high and I am 6' 2" still cannot drop the weight.

the first time I was told I was fat was in high school I weighed 197lb at 6' 2" this was the first time they pulled this BMI shit. the measured our height, waist size and used some calipers to measure belly fat. there wasn't single fat person in the room, but all of a sudden half the people were declared fat.


>> No.19043186

>How do skinny people avoid eating food all the time?
I don't eat fat.
Fat is the problem.
I eat until I'm stuffed, but all my food is very low in fat, so I don't get fat.
I also do not snack, and I only eat twice a day, and after 12pm, I eat nothing.

>> No.19043218

I don't know. I just don't have that big of an appetite I guess. I tried to get into lifting but I hated it not because of the actual lifting but because I had to eat much more than I felt like.

>> No.19043224

1 gram carb stores 3 gram water. Eat lots of carbs and drink lots of fluid tonight and tomorrow morning. Avoid fibre (vegetables) and protein as they are satiating. Temporary weight manipulation is easy as fuck if you know what you're doing. I've lost and gained 5 kg all within 24 hours before weigh-ins.
And don't worry about the fat gain as most of the weight will be temporary water and carb bloat.

>> No.19043248

Thanks anon
Great advice i was thinking of eating some spaghetti tonight for that reason. I hope ill be able to put on at least 2kg like that combined with being very hydrated to the point of having to piss. 5kg seems wild tho.

>> No.19043287
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I fucking love eating so much it's unreal. I also don't know how people can be skinny when food is so enjoyable. It's like having your car on 100% fuel at all times, it's amazing. Glug glug glug, more fuel for me and I'll be at my optimum peak at all times.

>> No.19043362

I've fallen into the habit a couple times, but it's just that. Once I started to get fat by my standards I started fasting and came to enjoy hunger - it felt like I was actively working to lose the weight even outside the gym. Since it's just a simple brain trick it seems like you should be able to hypnotize it into people.

>> No.19043566

they have other things that make them happy

>> No.19043590

Wtf lol military service?

>> No.19043592

That just made me eat more.

>> No.19043598


In uni I'd buy delicious breakfast as a motivator to wake up. Eggos and bacon prepped the night before.

I'm constantly trying not to visit mcdonalds lately. Their adverts and signage is too luring. I ate their yesterday for the first time in 3 years.

>> No.19043616

That's funny, I also don't keep my gas tank nearly 100% because of the weight. Yes, I know it's negligible, but it's the truth.

>> No.19043842
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i used to be skinnyfat but i switched out eating snacks for carrots and celery and whatever. i still have a huge appetite and poor portion control but this is how i cheated the system. also i try to limit my carb intake by just eating lots of protein and fat to feel fuller during meal times

>> No.19043886
File: 659 KB, 918x669, star_trek_sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low carb/Keto reduces appetite. Avoid socializing. Have basic fundamental self-control.

>> No.19044081

That diet sounds fine, try boosting your metabolism by drinking coffee and working out 2-3 times a week. Cardio boosts your heart rate but from my experience building some muscle drastically increases your passive calories burned. This method is how I dropped from 220 to ~190 in like 3 months. Not the fastest method but I didn't have to change my lifestyle or diet that much. Bonus is that working out makes weed feel way better.

>> No.19044111

I'm 6ft 260lbs but a lot of that has to do with stress eating due to 2 toddlers and sleep deprivation. Before these two fuckers I was an overweight but not revolting 210lbs.

I'll have relatively normal poorfag meals during the day like spaghetti or rice shit but at 2 am I end up having like a breaded chicken naan wrap amd a mr. Noodle.

>> No.19044138

I have hobbies that absorb my attention and make use of my hands and I work shit job where I am paid based on the work I do and not hours logged so I just do my work day without breaks and go home sooner, also I usually stay up late and sleep in then rush to work so I don’t eat breakfast

>> No.19044142

Hunger doesn't mean you need to eat. Simple.

>> No.19044157

Just stop being miserable. Oh yeah and leave 4chan forever

>> No.19044163

The skinniest people actually eat mostly carbs and very little fat.

>> No.19044165

Not OP, but booze doesn’t get me snack-y. Not like weed does. I can usually make better food decisions while drinking.

>> No.19044170

>Be a hungry skeleton
>Eat only once a day, no junk crap
>Lose weight
You fat fucks should learn how to put your fork down.

>> No.19044194

1. be not hungry
2. dont eat

very simple

>> No.19044246
File: 107 KB, 1080x639, hxozeyv9unp21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks getting a job will fix his life
you are one retarded fucker

>> No.19044262

You should deal with your eating disorder before talking shit about someone elses

>> No.19044266

It genuinely hurt when I tried to eat at my lowest weight of 153

>> No.19044283

Im not hungry for most of the day, i dont watch what i eat but also sometimes when im hungry i will just smoke and drink coffee/water/tea because im lazy to cook something
thing is most fat fucks lie what they eat like we seen ITT dont eat shit every single day like pizza burgers and cakes
and work out like is that simple
or dont and stay a lazy fat fuck for the rest of your life (short)

>> No.19044385
File: 255 KB, 298x491, 1651944789253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lard cope threads are the best

>> No.19044410

sadness, uninterested in eating

>> No.19044429


>> No.19044450

If you're not larping you have an actual eating disorder. Given that you went on medication you are hopefully working on that. You likely also have other mental health issues, I assume those are also being treated since you went on an antidepressant, but the eating disorder is pretty obvious. Be open and honest with your counselor/therapist/doctor about what you're going through. They may be able to change up your medication or find a way for you to deal with your unhealthy relationship with food.

>> No.19044452

if you're not lying(doubt) you're probably dousing everything in cooking oil or butter which is extremely calorie dense. also im gonna assume you dont weight your food and your guess of a serving is way off

>> No.19044489
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>I eat until I'm stuffed, but all my food is very low in fat, so I don't get fat.
this is not why you are not fat, as that has nothing to do with caloric intake
>I also do not snack, and I only eat twice a day, and after 12pm, I eat nothing.
this is why you are not fat, as this has everything to do with caloric intake

>> No.19044501

Not true. I could not eat high fat food until 'I'm stuffed' without getting fat.
You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.19044510

Depression helps, especially if you don't keep snacks in the house and have enough restraint to not get fast food. You eventually get to a point where you'd rather go to bed than cook anything and there ya go.

>> No.19044519

I don't know. I literally think of food ALL THE TIME. Even if I fast or do keto, it's like a constant itch in the back of my mind. Even when I lose weight, the moment I stop counting calories I start gaining weight again. My brain does all sorts of fucked up rationalizations. I was able to lose a ton of weight during covid lockdown, but after I started hanging out with friends again it started shooting back up because I got out of the habit of tracking my calories.

It's maddening. Honestly I think once semaglutite stops being in a shortage (might be after the patent runs out in 20 years lol) I'm gonna get on it.

>> No.19044524

Most skinny people didn't finish their food

>> No.19044541

fat people are literally fucking delusional. they do not understand how much theyre eating or exercising. every time theyve studied it they found fatties will massively (50%+) underreport how much they eat
its the same story every time
>wahhh my diet is nothing but lettuce and water and i run a half marathon in 1 hour every day and i cant lose weight
like all the fatfucks itt who claim they cant lose weight
wrong, youre a fat disgusting sack of shit and youre lying to us and to yourself

>> No.19044566

>I don't know. I literally think of food ALL THE TIME.
fatty food releases dopamine. it's like an opiate.
That's why I avoid it
I eat natural starchy food that is sweetened with aspartame. I eat beans oatmeal, pasta, and stuff like that.

>> No.19044571

fat people mythology is fascinating

>> No.19044663

>they have very specific height/weight requirements. They basically stated manlets under 175cm need not apply
Which job?

>> No.19044683
File: 35 KB, 607x347, genuinequestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute bullshit, either you're lying to me or you're lying to yourself.
you understand your argument is
>muh fat in muh food means muh fat in me
which is the argument of a baby.

You're not a baby, are you?

>Not true. I could not eat high fat food until 'I'm stuffed' without getting fat.
your metabolism doesn't give a shit whether or not you're full, if you're intaking more calories than you're expending you're going to put on weight

>> No.19044723

Have you considered that the issue is your fatness? No, you haven't. Your problem is healthiness. That's bizarre. Go outside and chop firewood.

>> No.19044762

I'm tall so I can still eat a shit-ton while maintaining a healthy weight. Damn it feels good to be tall.

>> No.19044787

>How do men who have wives/GFs avoid having sex all the time?
>How do people that have guns avoid shooting all the time?
>How do people that can swim avoid swimming all the time?
Eating is not an automatic action. You can choose not to engage on it

>> No.19044794

>muh carbs!
I bet you're 300lbs and smell like eggs. Just eat less you stupid ketolard.

>> No.19044802

be an alcoholic and destroy your gastrointestinal tract and appetite
t. drunk that eats once every three days
also >>19040697

>> No.19044804

self control

>> No.19045070
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I don't snack
I don't drink alcohol, soda or juices
No sweet tooth
I cook most of my meals
Dinner at 8-9pm (protein, grain, veg), tea and banana/yogurt at 8am, coffee and lunch at 1pm (sandwich/salad)

Underweight my whole life

>> No.19045080

I have the metabolism of someone on cocaine

>> No.19045364

What are all these people with no appetites doing on /ck/

>> No.19045418


>> No.19045424

What does that mean?

>> No.19045451

No, I guess I can tell you, since the selection is almost over, I applied to be a 4chan Janitor. The job requires a high degree of physical fitness and mental acuity, as well as sexual attractiveness since we are the face of the "company". To say the process is grueling would be a malodorous understatement. One of the tests was swallowing a whole banana without vomiting, I do not know why, but it was probably the most challenging of my life, and I served in the Special Forces in the Venezuelan Army. Next week we fly to Japan for final selection. The CEO likes to pick his team... personally...

>> No.19045467

Skinny person here. I think my guts just suck. Sugar givee me intestinal cramping and excessively soft stool. Sadly i have a sweet tooth

>> No.19045476

>this was the first time they pulled this BMI shit. the measured our height, waist size and used some calipers to measure belly fat.
The whole point of BMI is that it only uses height and weight. They were taking bf% readings. And the average american's standards for being fat are way off, saying nobody was fat doesn't mean shit.

>> No.19045502

i dont. my boyfriend seethed at me last week for eating an entire tub of mini eclairs because he knew it wouldnt make me fat and he was jealous. i eat less than the average person most of the time, but thats mostly out of laziness.

>> No.19045521

I eat a lot and stay skinny

>> No.19045544

looking at pics of food while waiting for me next meal

>> No.19045607

Post stomach

>> No.19045627

why would i post myself on 4chan retard

>> No.19045637

I think it was a hit single in the 80s, not sure how it relates.

>> No.19045658

Same reason retards post themselves on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. : to be seen. In this case you would likely use it as visual proof and they would likely use it to fap.

I personally don't take selfies, but not sure what is so different about 4chan that you would be worried about it in particular.

>> No.19045668


>> No.19045692

social media may be pathetic but posting yourself on 4chan is definitely worse, besides even if this guy isnt just trying to get free tummy pics i dont care about proving that im skinny. if people think im fat on here it really does not effect me.
yep, you caught me.

>> No.19045693

Just get used to just having one meal a day. Doesn't matter how the portion is. Pigout as much as you want, but ONE meal a day and that's it.

>> No.19045706

Fat people are delusional and think theyre consuming less than they actually are

>> No.19045715

I'm 31 years old, 5'9", and have never weighed above 140 lbs. I just weighed myself and I am about 135 lbs. My lower body actually looks relatively normal but my upper body is completely emaciated.

For me the cause is crippling depression and severe anxiety and being a completely pathetic worthless loser for most of my adult life.

I grew up emaciated due to workaholic parents. When I got to college, all you can eat cafeteria I grew 2 inches and 15 pounds in a few months. Then as college years rolled on and I remained a pathetic miserable socially isolated loser, I just didn't care about eating. Lived down the street from the grocery store but only ever made pasta.

All thru my 20s my social isolation, depression, anxiety, and suicidal desires have gotten worse and worse so I'll just kind of eat the bare minimum. I will do heavy cardio activities and be hungry and just still not eat, or I'll eat a regular sized meal when I should have had 2-3x the amount to make up for my heavy cardio activities. I watch lots of youtube cooking videos and only take away a few of them to make sometimes.

I don't care about putting in the time and effort required to eat lots of food. It doesn't even matter to me anymore. I want to waste away and die.

>> No.19045725

>social media may be pathetic but posting yourself on 4chan is definitely worse
I don't do it but I don't think that is inherently pathetic or that the consequences of posting on 4chan would be significantly more malevolent. Like the worst case I'm seeing is accidentally including personal info and some goon(s) mildly annoying you through internet services until they get bored. I guess if you have a job with terrible management you could get canned, but it would require them to care at all if informed.
>besides even if this guy isnt just trying to get free tummy pics i dont care about proving that im skinny. if people think im fat on here it really does not effect me.
I think this is actually the primary reason people dont tend to post - less the consequences and more that there is usually little to be gained in the first place.

>> No.19045729

The reason people don't want to post their face on 4chan is because we all know what a horrific, godawful shithole this website is filled with the scum of the Earth, including ourselves, and we don't want the idea of our ugly faces being circulated on here. It is completely different having your face on a legitimate, non-antisocial social media site like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, dating apps, etc. vs this shithole.

>> No.19045768

On every board Ive been to over the many years Ive been on 4chan Ive seen this exact same story posted hundreds of times. Youre a 5'8-6'1 straight depressed anxious young white adult male. You've been skinny your whole life (as if this is a bad thing) and were teased in school or had "emotionally abusive" parents. You are literally normal you aren't special get a grip on reality there's nothing wrong with your life you are describing the most common male archetype in the united states.

>> No.19045776

>equivocating 5’8 and 6’1
Based, manlets all of them

>> No.19045811
File: 74 KB, 835x896, 08667668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in bed, I feel a little hungry right now, but my body also knows I've eaten enough for today and isn't full of carbs and sugar so the satiation will last quite a while. my metabolism is good from regular exercise, so I don't feel sluggish and weighed down, more prone to veg out on the couch or on bed in front of a screen. though I am eager to work into the night on projects that excite me, I also recognize that my rest has been inadequate the past few days and so I will use my free time for extra sleep to make tomorrow especially productive. I will give thanks to the Lord when I wake, enter a meditative trance while engaging in a round of exercise, then enjoy a small, protein heavy meal with a bit of fresh fruit and some tea or coffee with milk. though I am an excellent cook and absolutely enjoy food, I tend to not eat unless I feel the need for calories. eating is fuel but also a commitment to use that energy in some way. if I have no plan and nowhere for it to go, I am penalized with unsightly bodyfat, lethargy and clouded mental faculties. it is no different than assuming debt in the financial world - can't keep accruing debt and doing nothing about it. that isn't to say I never eat to a caloric surplus, but I simply do not have that desire 99% of the time. eating means I have to stop what I am doing. eating means cleanup. eating means time out for dental hygiene depending on what it is I am eating. I am a strange person but I understand these things well. I am in order, and order slays the wild to be.

>> No.19045816

I don't like food or eating. Taste is okay but overrated.
I only come on here because I think you people are weird, no joke.

>> No.19045984

>31 years old

>> No.19045999

You say we but I'm indifferent and have posted photographs when relevant for over a decade, which is admittedly rare.
Also it bothers me how people are so generally convinced that people who use 4chan would not use other sites to get similar entertainment. The only real difference is that on social media the creeps are actually secretive because of account systems and paper trails, and most people seem incapable of giving a fuck if it isn't shoved in their face.

>> No.19046001

They never said they were special or anything why so hostile
Idk man fussy eater so i find it hard to eat and my stomach will feel like it's about to burst before I get fat so that's how it works for me.

>> No.19046005

>why so hostile
Probably annoyed at any sign of whining and hiding the thread isn't an opty apparently

>> No.19046027
File: 172 KB, 600x600, f65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been losing weight by skipping breakfast and/or lunch through sheer will; haven't really been counting calories, just eating less

I feel only slightly more depressed than normal

Today's by birthday so I had some ice cream though :)

>> No.19046109
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, 20221023_141124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do people that have guns avoid shooting all the time?
Because ammo is expensive :(

>> No.19046522

We eat tasty food and go, yep, that was good. We don't keep eating because we're addicts to sodium, sugar, and the sensation of eating

>> No.19046756

based me too
everyone is so scared of the feeling of hunger, not knowing it goes away by itself

>> No.19046760 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 680x529, 8b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't eat as much as I want and lose weight still.

>> No.19046763

Happy birthday, anon

>> No.19046764
File: 118 KB, 680x583, 201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can eat as much as I want and lose weight still.

>> No.19046817

>I eat twice a day

liquid calories still count fat boy

>> No.19046836

By not giving a shit about food. I'm not a foodie. I don't eat for recreation. To me food is just a necessity, a fuel and raw material to keep my body going. As a result my body hasn't gotten into the habit of having an insatiable appetite. Once I'm full, I don't feel like eating no matter how good the food in front of me is. And it doesn't take much to make me feel full, since that's how my body has become trained to behave through a life time of eating in moderation, just enough to get me through the day.

>> No.19047503
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Fat people lie to themselves and others. Thats not what you eat.

>> No.19047513
File: 70 KB, 620x675, tf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to me food is just a necessity
>a fuel and raw material to keep my body going
>my body has become trained to behave

>> No.19047534

I was at a company training a few weeks ago that was catered and the amount of people ceaselessly munching down muffins and cookies and drinking 7-8 cans of full sugar soda throughout the day made me physically nauseous. I had never seen anything like that before

>> No.19047540

You need to read up on self actualization. I understand it's a lot of stress and anxiety wrapped up in these thoughts. It's easier to think there is something external that forces you to be fat. But let's be honest with ourselves. If you counted your calories you'd have a baseline to work off of. It doesn't matter what number that is, you just go up or down depending on how quickly you lose or gain weight. It's not that hard, but you don't want to do it because it forces you to face reality. Reset your brain? This is how you do it. Consistency. That's the only way. Every time you fail you pick yourself up and keep going. If you succeed more days than you fail you're winning. It took years to train your brain to gain. Now it might take some time to train it to lose. Results will take time, but this is much better than floundering in a Rollercoaster of indulgence and misery.

>> No.19047548

I eat as much as possible. 3k a day min. I also have a very physical job, so it evens out. When I can gain weight I'm a happy sticc

>> No.19047553

I workout like a freak and eat KFC to keep from losing weight. And I still lose weight. Sometimes I look in the mirror and attempt to lower my self esteem, so I don’t work out like a freak athlete. Then I remember I just ate three KFC chicken sandwiches for breakfast (and I don’t want to gain weight), so I take a crash course down my local bike path to the local gym, check my digits on the scale, and realize I lost five pounds from the previous days KFC. I usually get KFC or chik fil a on the bike back. So to answer your question I dunno, I eat a lot but I still lose weight. I’m pretty thin too.

>> No.19047559

I absolutely guarantee you are blowing your TDEE's back out with whatever you're eating for dinner. There is no way you're keeping it under 1000. You probably do well for breakfast and lunch but by the time dinner comes around you're off the rails. Try to keep all of your meals around 500-600 calories rather than having one gigantic meal for dinner. You're simply saying to yourself, "well I ate so little today I can afford a big dinner" and then you're skyrocketing your calorie count to the moon while thinking you did well.

>> No.19047562

That's because you simply don't want to eat as much as a fat person does.

>> No.19047584

i've given up and accepted i'm going to have a heart attack and/or die before 50
food's nice though

>> No.19047601

I'm skinny. BMI straddles underweight and normal weight. Yesterday I ate two big bowls of pasta, a peanut butter sandwich, peanut butter and crackers, black coffee, and some chocolate.
The calorie total for everything was under 2000 and I still felt satisfied.
Fast metabolism plus not eating much to begin with is suffering. It's honestly hard to eat enough. Sometimes I stuff myself with potatoes or pasta just to feel like I'm getting enough.

>> No.19047602

Doesn't matter. Ignore other people and their circumstances. It does nothing but foster useless negative thoughts. Only focus on your own body and its needs. Choose a baseline, like 2000 calories. Eat this amount every day and see if you gain or lose weight over a month. For good data weigh yourself at the same time each day and keep your activity level moderate. Based on the data you'll know if you need to raise or lower your calories.

This is if you have self discipline. The easy way for those that are so afraid of failure they need to take it slow involves just tracking what you normally eat every day. Don't try to gain or lose weight. Just track your normal eating. Get used to recording everything you eat. Get used to weighing things when you're cooking. Just make it a habit. When you've done that for a month you've probably already started to realize where you're going wrong. Just try it. The only thing you need to do is write down everything you eat. Nothing else. That'll get you started.

>> No.19047614

Wow I can't imagine experiencing a change like that. What an interesting perspective you've shared. Could easily write a character based on this mindset. Like the French guy who ate everything, including a baby.

This seems much more like a clinical issue. Antidepressants are known to cause weight issues. Interesting shit. You might benefit from that new drug that shuts down hunger. I'm too lazy to look it up right now.

>> No.19047639

It does seem true that some person have genetic advantage in life. Like take my friend, Juan Carlos. He was born with kind eyes and a sweet face, like movie star. So, the prostitutes like him, they trust him... and he can kill them easily, after going to dark alley or abandoned shed. But me? I look like hulking goat monster! No woman will be near me! Therefore it is much, much difficult for me to kill prostitute. Sometimes I kill only one or two in the year, when Juan Carlos has killed tens! Once the police they even arrest ME for his killings, by accident. But alright, we are old friends from the village, there can be no serious dispute. So we still drink wine on the roof at night, and I say to him: Juan Carlos, tell me again about you kill so many prostitutes! And we laugh, old friends. This is life, no?

>> No.19047660

I eat all day. It's just that I generally avoid unhealthy foods and sodas.
t. 190cm 72kg

>> No.19047661

Why can't Costco get off their liberal karen high horse and start selling Kirkland Signature 5.56, it would be a game changer, they would make a billion dollars in Utah alone.

>> No.19047673

You don't have to gain the 2kg. Just drink at least 2l of water before the weighing. Too be extra sure you could also make sure to arrive with a full bladder but ehh.

>> No.19047941

drink lots of black coffee without sugar and smoke cigarettes and also be too lazy to actually get every meal/"intermittent fasting"

>> No.19047974

Unironically a tax inspector, as I said im in the third world so collecting taxes isnt easy or safe.

>> No.19047979

Kek losers

>> No.19047984

Why would you monitor his eating habits like a stalker? lmao guaranteed you're literally just describing yourself

>> No.19047994

Most of you are brown esl posters.
You're grown men still living with your parents after graduating years ago. You're not seniors but you're definitely not young anymore.

>> No.19047998

Gross foreigner

>> No.19048016


>Kirkland Signature .308

I could see it working well

>> No.19048023

>How do skinny people avoid eating food all the time?
>posts plate full of carbs
eat protein

>> No.19048034

Not that anon but the eating habits of fat people are disgustingly mesmerizing. like watching a car crash or something. morbid curiosity you know. You know you're fucking up, you know you're fat, you know people are judging but you just can't control it. All you would need to do is just not eat as much but you're so beyond fucked that you don't even realize anymore how much garbage you're actually stuffing into your hole. It's just interesting. Taking interest in others in our group is built into our nature as human beings.

>> No.19048230
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>How do skinny people avoid eating food all the time?

>> No.19048973

>5’9 153 lbs
I'm 5'9 170 lbs, teach me how to Griffinmaxx. I think I need to add in calisthenics.

>> No.19049002
File: 15 KB, 400x297, Meth-adderdal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19049009

You either build muscle or you lose fat. Now be honest. Do you need more muscle or less fat? Griffith is lean jerky mode. It's only for kids that don't eat enough or the truly oblivious/ truly starved.

>> No.19049011

Do I really have to only lose 2 pounds a week? I want to straight up starve myself for a month or two, I want to lose weight so bad.

>> No.19049025

OOOOOOH SAY can you seee

>> No.19049046

>hates America
>knows our anthem

>> No.19049064

I've seen one of my coworkers eat 3 meals before 12 pm and one day he told me he ate pork chops out of a dumpster because they were "only in there for a few hours". He also eats other people's food and once complained about maggots on a pepperoni pizza that was sitting outside for hours.

>> No.19049108

you're going to turn into a bag of skin if you do it too fast

>> No.19049125

I'm only trying to lose ~20 pounds also I read that's a myth

>> No.19049132

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

>> No.19049134

20 pounds isn't so bad. When Christian Bale got thin for The Machinist he claimed to only eat a can of tuna and an apple a day while taking vitamins and running an insane amount on a treadmill.

>> No.19049135

its still the best drug ever idc what anyone else says

>> No.19049162

...so you do have an appetite then

are skinny people just as in denial as fat people are

>> No.19049269

i am poor

>> No.19049350

>lost over 100 lbs a few years ago
>kept them off, eat healthy, enjoy cooking
>still think about food every waking minute
>still plan my entire day around food
>still weigh some indredients, only recently stopped autistically counting every calorie
>feel the pounds creeping up slowly, because apparently I'm not extreme enough with myself anymore
Tell me, when will it fucking stop? Normal people can't imagine the amount of fucking discipline I have to muster up every day in order to not constantly shove food down my throat. I fear I will snap one day and completely let myself go. Either that or I will starve myself to death to free myself from suffering any longer.

>> No.19049470

Uh work out and don't eat 3 big meals a day you fucking idiot.

>> No.19049471

My problem with calorie counting is what if you have to eat someone's homemade meal or you're at a restaurant that doesn't give you calorie estimates

You would literally have to weight out and cook everything yourself. So much work.

>> No.19049567

you need to find a hobby or something. I find that I eat when I'm bored

>> No.19049617

i'm on a 2000 calorie diet

yesterday i had half a rack of ribs, a lemon italian ice cup, and a reuben sandwich with double swiss cheese 8 slices of corned beef, sauerkraut thousand island on rye fried in butter in a pan

and that was still under 2000 calories

it's not I CAN'T EAT FOOD. it's, you can't keep eating food after you've had enough food. you cannot eat stupid ass portions of food. that's all it is. it takes like 3 days of getting used to and you lose weight fast

>> No.19049669

I would gain weight from that. But I'm female so I my TDEE is much lower.

Do you exercise intensely or something?

>> No.19049691
File: 523 KB, 2000x1500, deckmill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i'm a 5'11" man and i do free weights and speed walking. i'm actually this faggot who posts this setup sometmies

>> No.19049723

Most common is depression. I've been emaciated my entire life. Some people get fat when depressed because they binge eat, others just don't care about eating. I'm the latter. Like I'll be hungry and just not care. Or I'll skip lunch for no reason then dinner comes and I would just eat what a normal person (or maybe even less than) eats for a meal and be full, but factoring in the lack of lunch, I lose weight.

And I just don't care.

>> No.19049730

>How do skinny people avoid eating food all the time?
By busying themselves and not surrounding themselves with easy to consume snacks.
Lifestyles that result in you stuffing your face more and being impeded from physical activity due to being fat create a feedback loop that reinforce each other. Escaping from it is hard work. Maintaining the escape to prevent a rebound is also hard work. But once a healthy lifestyle habit is established it finally becomes easier to maintain.

>> No.19049760

30 years old. 6' 0" gumby looking mafaka here. When I walk it looks like a frog stood up. Seriously working with twigs.


I eat all the fucking time (when not busy) and apparently just either shit it out the next day or my metabolism is insane high. I don't track but estimate my daily intake is 3,500 calories on avg.

Inb4 some /fitfag comes in and tells me to work out. Mother fucker my body doesn't build lots of mass.

>> No.19049773

>lying troll prove me wrong, go on a 1500 calorie diet for 3 months (no cheating) then go back to eating normal. see what happens.
I went from 176 to 145 losing an average of 2 lbs per week by counting calories. After I reached that target I stopped counting and started eating whatever whenever again. I stayed around 150-155 for 2 years. Then covid hit and I became more sedentary and I went up to 165 over the course of the year. Since then I've been staying around 160-165.

>> No.19049776

>I eat all the fucking time (when not busy) and apparently just either shit it out the next day or my metabolism is insane high. I don't track but estimate my daily intake is 3,500 calories on avg.

I can't believe you're 30 years old and still say this shit. This is the kind of shit that teenagers say.


>> No.19049781

I had similar thoughts in high school. Then I actually started counting calories properly and discovered I was barely breaking 2k most days.

>> No.19049804
File: 1.14 MB, 640x640, friends.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you're saying but it's really easy to estimate calories if you eat entire packages/containers of food for meals.

In highschool I was literally on a "mom made me do it" diet of 1 small/medium shake and 1 small/medium fry 3x/week in highschool because I was underweight.

The eating basically never ended.

I probably have some weird ass worm of bug in me eating everything.

>> No.19049822

The fact of the matter is simple: You are not eating as much as you think you are. Your body is not defying the laws of thermodynamics, where you are taking in hundreds or a thousand more calories per day than you burn but "just don't gain weight". You are making caloric assumptions and seem to be unwilling to actually track calories and know your basal metabolic rate along with any exercise you are doing, probably because you know that if you actually calculated it, you would see that you're eating nowhere near the amount you think you do.

Also funny you mention fast food because that's a huge thing that skinny people do. They will say how they eat fast food or other unhealthy high caloric meals and "dude if I can't gain weight with that obviously I have a tapeworm!" when the calories you're taking from the fast food are the majority of your day's calories so you're still undereating or barely breaking even.

>> No.19049824

No, you just have a small appetite. So from your perspective, you do eat "a lot". But in objective terms, you do not.

>> No.19049857

>there's nothing wrong with your life
Just because it's normal doesn't mean it isn't wrong desu, makes it more horrifying actually.

>> No.19049893

Very funny anon

>> No.19049956


There's an exercise bike in the house, I might actually start using it

Every time I pick up running I lose weight without changing my diet despite all the stuff about how exercise doesn't burn many calories

>> No.19050148

Honestly trying to actively get a better physique really did fuck me up with a bad bounce back too but unironically going poorer helped me because I had to think about what I was buying (maybe meant shit like not having sides with stuff, dips or less drinks or whatever compared to my non diet, regular fat times) and had less time to prepare shit so couldn't get extravagant even when I wanted to because how my real life was busier.

>> No.19050155

>has a metabolic disorder
the only way to get that is from goyslop like soda, sneed oil covered carbs and fast food

>> No.19050157

post diet you lying fuck. otherwise you arent fat.

>> No.19050158

I eat less than 1000 calories a day.

Typical day:
>Black coffee for breakfast
>Light lunch, usually half a bowl of chili or half a sandwich
>Dinner is a full bowl of soup, sometimes crackers
>Granola bar as a snack
>only drink water

>> No.19050168

odd flex

>> No.19050234

Have you tried smoking crack?

>> No.19050286

I eat rice 2-3 times a day and have only gained maybe 10 lbs in the past 3-4 years lol

>> No.19050294

by having impulse control unlike fat fucks and animals who have no impulse control

>> No.19050300

that's because carbs and sweets spike your blood sugar which makes you feel hungry...

>> No.19050435

JFC the amount of copium in this thread. Start measuring the amount of butter, cream, oil you fat fucks use. A single tablespoon of oil is 120 calories and eating it wont make you full. Salads with oil drizzled ontop even if its "just a little" can easily add 300 calories. A pasta sauce with a dash of cream another 300 calories. Just "a little butter" on my toast or before i fry my eggs 300 calories. Start weighing and measuring your food. A tablespoon of mayo is fucking 100 calories and who the fuck is putting just one tablespoon on a sandwich try 2 or 3. Someone here said they have beef stroganoff. Oh you mean the dish with lots of butter, sourcream, and wine? Like yeah its fucking calorie dense as fuck. Alfredo pasta sauce? You can have calorie dense meals just cut the portions but dont pretend these foods are somehow low calorie

>> No.19050449

Get a load of this starving POW camp survivor. Man, you must be a walking bag of bones with that party poopin attitude. Somebody get this poor gentleman a burger stat!

>> No.19050467


2600 calories. Thats my maintenance calories. I eat whatever the fuck I want, I just know what I'm putting into my body and portion appropriately. Have fun being out of breath walking to your car you fat fuck.

>> No.19050477

Assuming you aren't lying, you probably don't get off your ass but to walk to the fridge or car. Do real exercise and get your heart rate and breathing up

>> No.19050521

not lying just retarded.

>> No.19050529

too much work

>> No.19050553

Whatever you say, mr. starving Ethiopian.

>> No.19050568

i do eat all the time, whatever the fuck i want too

>> No.19050599

For me I got fat when I was super depressed and ate way too much. I eat less now and generally healthier foods but still don't lose weight because I don't excersise hardly at all

>> No.19050604

Because i metabolise 1000000 calories in 10 minutes.

I also piss fire occasionally.

>> No.19050617

this is a big brain move my dude, they guy basically skips work. If he gets fat because of it, so be it

>> No.19050663

you can eat like shit but dont go over your tdee, you will lose weight

>> No.19050671

you don't need any exercise to lose weight, just eat less

>> No.19050680

enjoy losing all your muscle and still having a bread gut

>> No.19050681

i've never had a gut

>> No.19050686

then you've never had to lose weight and therefore know nothing about it

>> No.19050687

seethe fatty

>> No.19050693

I'd prob waste away if I didn't drink so fucking much over the weekends and, as a result, eat a load of mindless crap on mondays cause hungover and semi-depressed about the working week ahead. too occupied with my work and exercise routine from tuesday to friday to even bother eating properly or enough

and no I certainly would not recommend this to anyone but been at it so long now I can't change

>> No.19050724

You should sacrifice your muscle with your fat and start over working out a real body

>> No.19050742

>people who are thin cannot understand.

>I have one warning for them. NEVER diet. NEVER purposely try to lose weight.
Fatty propaganda is always the same BS
I was obese for almost a decade, maxed out at 230 lb
I learned how to cico and lost 100lbs 4 years ago
Haven't gained any weight at all because it's literally all just a game of cico
Amy I hungry? Sure, but fuck that feeling, I eat what I need, not what I want

>> No.19051080

a truly fat guy would be overjoyed to find the maggots since that just means more food to eat

>> No.19051091

I literally have two meals a day, only drink water and black coffee and I am obese. And the lunch meal is usually just something packaged with 300-400 calories. Im starting to think its really just down to genetics.

>> No.19051101

Most fat people think that a meal can be healthy and thats enough, but never really realize portions. They will have like 3-4 portions of food for dinner and just randomly guesstimate the calories under the assumption it was one portion.

>> No.19051104

Genetics in people usually only account for like a 5% different. Theres is no way someone on a calorie counting accurate diet can gain weight. CICO is a universal law.

>> No.19051112

>two meals a day
and how many snack in between?

>> No.19051163

So what im supposed to just have like 5 bites of food for dinner and still be hungry unless I eat a head of lettuce with it too?

>> No.19051178

400lb death feeder here. i've tried to change my habits for years but it's very difficult and i've become acutely aware of how much i actually do eat ever since the pandemic. it doesnt help that i'm a 33 year old virgin loser with no friends, no skills, no schooling, no life experiences. i legit exist only for gluttony, it's all i have

>> No.19051223

The lack of socializing is the only thing that's going to hurt you. I became a hermit for a year and it became hard for me to keep steady eye contact with checkout people.

>> No.19051625

Uhhh snackies dont have calories, chud

>> No.19051641

Not answering the question, retard

>> No.19051697

This is true, but people will lose their minds if you suggest they should look at their fat intake. It's not because "fat is unhealthy" or anything, it's just calorie dense as shit, and very easy to cut down to on if you actually want to lose weight

>> No.19051930

it's rare that a post makes me sad. I would have to give up everything I enjoy in life to be like this. I hope you don't think it's over.

>i'm a 33 year old virgin loser with no friends, no skills, no schooling, no life experiences
none of this matters

>> No.19051958

>How do skinny people avoid eating food all the time?
Well first of all men and women are different, men have more muscle and therefore can eat more food. The taller you are the more calories you can/have to eat. If you lift weights you will be able to eat more calories and look thin.

Lastly, not everybody eats all day long. This is a huge once, I eat a sit down meal once a day. Maybe I'll have a small snack of vegetables or something in a controlled amount later on in the day. I do not drink soda often, nor chips, nor candy or things that accumulate calories fast.

If I gain weight or eat too much, I become bloated and disgusted by food.

>> No.19051976

This. When I order takeout or fast food, I don't eat the whole thing in one sitting. I eat it over the course of 2-3 days.

>> No.19051981

I can see how. Some mornings I'm so busy I just grab a coffee, toast and jam. Then I don't want to eat a heavy lunch because it makes me fatigued. I usually only have one big meal, and it's a satisfying one at the end of the day. I'm fat though because I tend to eat a hefty dessert, jump in bed and pass out watching anime.

>> No.19052093

People are kind of like dogs. Some dogs can have a full food bowl out all the time and they will only eat when hungry. Others eat it all until nothing is left and will constantly beg for more. Some people are just born hungrier than others. Or they aren't eating food that keeps them full or they are addicted to bad food or alcohol
I'm a big eater not picky love cooking and eating and that's never going to change. I will always have to fight against my instincts to stay a healthy weight

>> No.19052152

download a calorie tracker and write down *everything*, yes really everything. and no guessing, weigh what you eat.
you'll be surprised how much you actually eat.

>> No.19052154

>Some people are just born hungrier than others
lost hard. fuck fph threads, you can't make this shit up

>> No.19052177

you can recomp

>> No.19052182

metabolic base rate is mostly determined by your body keeping you alive.
muscles and movement only add like 300 to 1000 if youre very active

>> No.19052245

It's true why are you laughing
Some people don't feel the urge to overeat and have never had troubles with their weight and others will always struggle
See: fatties in otherwise slim families so it wasn't nurture

>> No.19052338

It's funny because you've just decided that discipline isn't real because it's inconvenient. It should be self evident that life isn't fair.

>Some people don't feel the urge to overeat
They do, they just have this tool called self restraint. It is your own fault you refuse to use it.

>> No.19052537

You can change. I did. Do it.

>> No.19052665

A food scale has really helped with counting calories.

>> No.19052700

This. The 10$ kitchen scale I bought was the best investment I ever made for dieting.

>> No.19052791

Food has gotten expensive, but that doesn't explain the past few decades.

>> No.19052794

Kek loser

>> No.19052800

Eat less and exercise more.

Also, you must always tip your waiter 25% so he or she can afford their $3,000 rent and so they can buy drugs.

>> No.19052812

Basically find something you enjoy doing in your life. Sometimes you will get so engrossed in whatever it is your doing that you'll forget to eat lunch.

>> No.19052836

I said that some people don't need discipline they just naturally don't eat like hippos

>> No.19053028

>there's nothing wrong with your life
so why do i want to kill myself?

>> No.19053033

lack of mental fitness

>> No.19053945

Wow so 26% of the variance and the stdev of their subjects' bmrs was like 280kcal... So not that much difference really. The largest portion of that variance was explained by differences in lean body mass, they say.

>> No.19054723
File: 66 KB, 257x196, E53D44E0-3E6B-4079-84B2-8D2F4A307029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a BMI of 18.2, which is considered underweight. I’ve always felt extreme contempt for overweight and obese people. Allowing yourself to get to that state demonstrates a lack of self-control, self-respect, and all too often, hygiene. Eating takes time, and I’m almost always too apathetic to get around to doing so. I choke down a balanced and nutritious diet just to keep my mind sharp and my body from wasting away. I just don’t enjoy eating, or much of anything else for that matter. I’ve also had Lyme Disease since I was eleven, I smoke, and I’m dependent on alcohol, so that’s probably why my caloric intake is more akin to that of a prisoner of war than the average person.

>> No.19055319

Huh? Half the things in OP's picture are vegetables, if you're feeling revulsion you might be fatter than you think, bub

>> No.19055510

put the fork up sticman

>> No.19055628

>How do men who have wives/GFs avoid having sex all the time?
If only food was passive-aggressive, dumb, arogant and started bleeding when you're in the mood for eating, we wouldn't have an obesity problem