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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19028773 No.19028773 [Reply] [Original]

>people who chew with their mouth open
>people who chew lie a horse
>people you can HEAR CHEWING
Holy freak, how do people chew so disgustingly. I chew very silently and take small bites of my food.

>> No.19028796

My dad used to hit me upside the head when he could hear me chew.

>> No.19028803

my sister turned into a fat cat lady and chews with mouth wide open. it's sickening

>> No.19028806

Imma chew the shit out of this steak all up in your face while you sheepishly try to hide your biological noises, chewcuck.

>> No.19028818

I was at Olive Garden with my family once, sitting next to jerk uncle, eating spaghetti.
Me: …yes.

>> No.19028889

Meh. I used to be self conscious of this because my father would beat me with a belt if I so much as made a single smacking sound during dinner. When I grew up I realized it's completely normal. It took a lot for me to start eating how I want to, and turns out my enjoyment of eating is highest when I make a lot of noise.
>take huge bites and chew with mouth open so I can breathe
>suck at bones intensely
>lick my lips and make a sucking/smacking noise between bites
>"kiss" the food between bites
I've developed a healthy social circle since then and nobody, literally not even one person, has ever said anything about it.

Which leads me to believe that you, much like my alcoholic father, have misophonia, a type of mental deficit commonly experienced by autistic and traumatized people.
I would guess you are either on the spectrum or were touched as a child. Either way, not my problem.

>> No.19028904

I can't fucking stand it man. It gets bad enough that I have to leave the table at times.

>> No.19028955

>When I grew up I realized it's completely normal.
It's not.

>I've developed a healthy social circle since then and nobody, literally not even one person, has ever said anything about it.
Just because nobody says anything, doesn't mean they don't find it disgusting. Nobody is saying your father should've beaten you, but making obnoxious disgusting sounds is repulsive. And if your social circle does it too, you're just surrounded by repulsive people.

The fact of the matter is that you don't have to make every sound on the planet when you eat, that is the epitome of no manners, rudeness, obnoxiousness and being disgusting in general. Maybe you don't want to be around people who make normal eating sounds, but you're definitely not attracting solid decent people with those noises.

And no, I don't confront people about their eating noises. But I am disgusted all the same and will refrain from eating with them. The majority of people I've met, do not make obnoxious sounds.

>> No.19028970 [DELETED] 

Anon people not calling you a dirty nigger for having no manners doesn't mean they don't notice it or don't hate it
You are a legit nigger baboon if you think eating worse than a barn animal is OK in your book

>> No.19028976

I absolutely hate this shit. I have the worst damn combination of triggers possible to turn life into suffering. Spiders, darkness and motherfucking chewing noises. So many disgusting pig students go to university when the fuckers don't know how to flush a toilet or chew with their mouth closed. Worthless damn brats. And they always have to sit near me at their designated damn lunch time so I can't escape this crap.

>> No.19029212

You're disgusting.

>> No.19029234

go on, op. tell me more, you're turning me on.

>> No.19029368


>> No.19029435
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What's worse, obnoxious chewing or people scraping metal utensils through their teeth?

>> No.19029463

This used to get on my nerves so much during the Sopranos. I'm pretty sure Chase meant it as another way to show how uncultured they were but it really made some scenes almost unwatchable.

>> No.19029538
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My nigga

>> No.19029594

it is very annoying but a little bit of chewing noise is okay depending on what it is. my best friend growing up used to bang on the table and scream at the top of his lungs whenever his mom was making mac and cheese and then he would sit there and chew all of it with his mouth open, it was terrible lol

>> No.19029601

eating loud/chewing with your mouth open is the biggest tell that your parents didn't love you

>> No.19029624

I bet you also refrain from suppressing your burps. It can be done discreetly but your type opens wide and lets fly with amplified belches and calls it "natural". Fuck y'all.

>> No.19029662

I wish pokimane would burp on my face

>> No.19029872

The virgin nibbler vs the chad chomper

>> No.19029889

This. I especially hate that family members will "let loose" around you, but their boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, or coworkers come around and they're now the perfect clean little angels. This is why men get married to this vision of an attractive clean woman, and then he gets reduced to "family" status, and now she's burping, farting, not showering, making a huge mess and not picking it up, sitting on her phone all day, and eating like a hog.

So disrespectful.

>> No.19030883

intense misophonia regarding chewing noises implies a childhood with excessively strict food habits. what was your home life like growing up, anon?

>> No.19030912

Would like to add talking with a mouthful of food to the mix.

>> No.19031780

Deep, skull bone reverberating chomping like a horse eating giant carrots makes me fucking CRINGE. STOP YOUR FUCKING HORSE CHOMPING.

>> No.19032118

Watching my family chew like obnoxious pigs.

>> No.19032177

Can another anon back this up, been really struggling cause my dad and brother started chewing with their mouths open and it drives me insane

>> No.19032466

*A childhood not raised in a barn.

>> No.19032473

I wish more dads did this.

>> No.19032476

Move the fuck out.

>> No.19032493

This. Isolate yourself from your family, make it on your own, and take this reasonable loan to help you get started.

>> No.19032756

never go to korea anon

>> No.19032863

>I chew very silently and take small bites of my food.
Submissive and effeminate

>> No.19032950

Korea is coming here I'm afraid.
Why didn't you include people who hammer their cutlery with their teeth with every single bite? It's like they think they're playing a carillon for the entire dining room or something.

>> No.19033170

I'm female

>> No.19033185

metal utensil scraper here, i fucking despise obnoxious chewers.

>> No.19033186

You will never be a woman

>> No.19033240

kek wtf? just out of nowhere? Chances are they realized you get angry over mouth noises and are coordinating it to fuck with you. based dad & bro weeding out the weak runt of the litter

>> No.19033243

i must be the exception then. parents divorced and didnt give a shit (also werent strict prior to it) and i hate this shit

>> No.19033372

Already am

>> No.19033399

This Korean guy lived in my dorm in college and he would chew so fucking loudly, it was almost like he was making an effort to be as loud and obnoxious as possible.

>> No.19033425

dude, my cousin brought her new boyfriend over for a thing and he kept burping loudly but nobody said anything because she's happy and they might be getting married. doesn't mean we don't think it's disgusting and disrespectful

>> No.19034060

My coworker who does both.

>> No.19034495

Their entire language was designed to be obnoxious and loud. No such thing as a soft spoken Korean. ONDEH?! NEGA?!

>> No.19034507

Where do you live? I have never seen a person above the age of 10 chew with their mouth open.

>> No.19034587

>Which leads me to believe that you, much like my alcoholic father, have misophonia
nice diagnosis, doc.
A second opinion? you're a nasty retard and your dad was right to belt you.

>> No.19034730

Jerk uncle is based you little mouthbreather

>> No.19034749

I love seeing my kpop waifu enjoying food and chewing with their mouth open now, but it definitely took some getting used to as that behavior used to disgust me.

>> No.19036195

Horsey chomp bump

>> No.19036204

>The VIRGIN nibble
>The CHAD chomp

>> No.19036309
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>dad eating anything
>does a really irritating thing where he takes a HUGE gulp of air then says "and now the food" before EVERY fucking bite
>says he does it because 'the pocket of air minimizes his choking risk because the air resistance keeps his throat secure'
> one time I screamed at him for being annoying
>he acted mad and said he wouldn't do it next time he ate
>almost choked to death on a fucking dried apricot because he wanted to 'prove' he was right

>> No.19036701

I travel all over the country, which makes this unfortunate.

>> No.19037693

My childhood was the opposite, my dad was the loudest and most obnoxious chewer and my PC was smack dab right next to the dining table back in the 2000's, and I could hear that shit through my fucking headphones. I'd then tell my dad to cut it out for the love of God and then my mom would yell at me for it. Fuck I don't miss that shit.

>> No.19037697

>intense misophonia

My brother in law has this shit yet had zero strict food habits growing up, he's just on the spectrum or has Asperger's or some shit instead.

>> No.19037750

Literally anything in existence can be a phobia according to pseudoscience. Don't allow uppity journalists to dictate what is normal. For someone to have a phobia it needs to be debilitating and life stopping. Nobody here has misophonia or anything close.

>> No.19038433
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The lack of motor control needed to chew silently like a normal human being is an evolutionary indicator of disease.

>> No.19038455

Does anyone else pause while chomping their popcorn in a theatre between commercials? Or quiet moments? Shit seems SO loud to me in those and I just wait.. wait.. ah fuck a quiet part.. wait.. yes. Dialogue and action! Woo.

I once asked a handful of Indian college gents to please chew with their mouths closed cause they were insanely obnoxious, had to sit RIGHT infront if me in an empty threatre, and my gf at the time was like OP and had misophonia or some gay shit. I still feel kinda bad, despite doing it more or less politely. They were so loud and they'd like.. not swallow after mouthfuls, just keep stuffing more in and making mushy macaroni stirring sounds mixed with crunch. Why they'd listen to a hs kid baffles me.

>> No.19038456

And all you learnt from that is you don't like people not treating you like a princess?