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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 223 KB, 1320x742, MW-GN587_waitre_ZG_20180801132353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18992327 No.18992327 [Reply] [Original]

>you still workin on that?

>> No.18992338

i've always despised this term. if I had to work to finish my meal, the food was shit.

>> No.18992340

Waiters should be outlawed, have a cook run the food out to the table and I never want to see them again

>> No.18992354 [DELETED] 

sorry incels, they run what's called a business and if they can get your autistic ass that's been picking at a sandwich for 20+ minutes out the door with a few words, they will

>> No.18992383

I ordered food 15 minutes ago bitch

>> No.18992427

There use to be this 11 year old girl that use to wait at a local diner because she was family. The things I did with her when she was 14 I couldn't say on this safe for work forum.

BTW she was Greek.

>> No.18992443

Turbo based department, I'm going to assume that you're from one of the nearby countries like italy where the age of consent is 14 (also based)

>> No.18992450 [DELETED] 

your dreams aren't reality anon. know the difference

>> No.18992473
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My ex was a stupid white whore. She worked at a greek restaurant and sucked off her boss and a customer after closing. I can't believe I still went to see her after that. Stupid fucking bitch.

>you still workin on that?
Yes, obviously. Can't you see my chewing right now? God fucking damn it, move you're ugly ass out of my field of vision, you're wrinkles are causing me to lose my appetite.

>> No.18992635

She'd actually be somewhat attractive if she let her hair grow long, got it styled by a hairdresser, and wore nicer makeup, and pearl earrings instead of hoops (slutty). She'd be real pretty in fact.

>> No.18992754

T. Blind man

>> No.18992756

Why do people go for fourteen year old girls when there are 8-11 year old girls?


>> No.18992783

Rather be workin on you sweet thing ;) Can I get another round of joe here Doris?

>> No.18992893
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Poor, old, feeble, smoker, and likely diseased servants are my fetish too. They must be asian though.

>> No.18993109

Find a place that only has counter service. it's nice.

>> No.18993122

Just kill me if I get that old and have to work in a service industry.

>> No.18993144

I was always the best cook, so the waitresses never complained much, but I've seen them tear into cooks. Often time they'll get stressed and uppity and you'll have shout over whatever bullshit they're yelling at you and explain to them why they're wrong. Women are generally retarded so if you talk louder than them in an authoritative tone they'll say you're right and apologize.

>> No.18993164

it's getting harder to tell

>> No.18993245
File: 420 KB, 1534x2048, 1676857042470042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I woke up today with a thoroughly piercing idea that what I'm doing is my life. I'm only gonna be this age once, and that's it. The girls I'm banging, the work I'm burned out from, the programs I write, they are all written in history day by day. I've basically been indoors for 3.5 year now. Everything is a blur. The 3 weeks in Da Nang riding a motorcycle is the closest I've gotten to freedom and living outside these four walls. Wake. Fap. Touch some work computer keys (green means money even though is doesn't mean productivity), 4chan. What the fuck is this even. Breathing and shitting daily? What a mess.

>> No.18993263

I honestly don't have more than a handful of vivid memories from the last 10 years. I've seriously had dreams that I confused for real memories because my dreams were more real and palpable.

>> No.18993719

Ouch. Why it end?

>> No.18993740

Tell us more about this incident. She sucked off two dudes same time after closing? What the fuck lol

>> No.18993758
File: 2.20 MB, 4864x2059, _20190729_205043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to frequent a tiny Indian place with two employees and four tables (and a small bar), and a similarly tiny Cafe.
They knew me well, gave me perks for being a regular...comfiest restaurant dining I've ever had.

>> No.18993983

Me and her dated in City A, then we broke up cus I moved across the country to city B. She then moved to city C, and we kept in close contact for a year. I had booked a flight ticket to go see her, then a month later she texts me one night saying she did something. Doesn't tell me for 2 days. Calls me and tells me what she did.
>working some shit server job
>there at closing
>sucks the customer (bosses friend?) And the boss off somehow after having a few drinks together.
Stupid whore. I should've known this would happen the day she told me she previous had an abortion

>> No.18993988

What is your daily life like? Sleeping in a hospital bed 24/7? How is this possible? You gotta have more than 1 memory / year

>> No.18993989

cool story bro

>> No.18994013

I work 13 hour days in a factory and then I go home and look at 4chan for 90 minutes and go to sleep

>> No.18994046
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Thanks man. It's nice to reminisce sometimes.

>> No.18994054

>I've basically been indoors for 3.5 year now.
oh no how awful

>> No.18994193

Yeah but it's not the worst. My apartment is pretty comfy and I have learned a lot about computers

>> No.18994216

90 mins on here and you pick ck? I'd be on gif kek

>> No.18995319

>yes ma'am just finishing this article in philosophy now on an amoral manifesto. everythings great so far! My compliments to the chef de cuisine.
>I will however have another serving of your blended drip coffee, please. No cream, 2 equals.

>> No.18995397

>Find a really good Indian restaurant in my town that has a nice dining hall and great food
>Start bringing my friends, even go on my own on days I feel like giving myself a treat
>Always bring my family there for a dinner when they come to visit me in town
>Indianbro waiters always remember me, love to chat and remember every conversation we've had
>After lockdown barely anybody eats in anymore, all they do is takeaway for delivery apps
>Still go there with my friends, my wife and my family
>Indianbros are always delighted when I show up, they keep a nice table by the window just for me
>They give us free shit all the time and chat with us until we've ordered our food and respectfully leave us to eat
>"Thank you sir, have another complimentary drink on the house :)"

>> No.18996259

Thanks for taking the time to type this out even though this place is so ephemeral. I feel I shared you and the restaurant sense of comfort and happiness just by reading your good prose.

Have a bump and a (You), on the house.

>> No.18996286

love computers
we have a lot in common

>> No.18996297

Have you ever used Nginx or Python? You know, while eating good food?

>> No.18996374

Sorry that happened anon. Just remember you're better than that and move on. There's plenty of cheap whores in the world that are just like her. Fight off the snakes and worry about betterment for yourself first

>> No.18996379

Literally what I did when I worked 6 days a week at a factory, I was so tired after cooming Id just sleep and go back... So happy to be NEET again and hoarding the saved money

>> No.18996399

Where was this photo taken?

>> No.18996404

python yes, nginx no
but I'm gonna try it. whats the best food pairing with it

>> No.18996422

A Flask API with NGINX as a reverse proxy deployed on Google Cloud Run + a gas station hot dog + a sugar-free Red Bull... soul...

>> No.18996442

>So happy to be NEET again and hoarding the saved money
I'm very happy for you! I had the privilege of being a neet for 8 months. Spent about 16k of my savings and was down to 12k by the time I got a job. I was getting worried enough that I applied to Fed Ex even though I'm a software developer.

What's your monthly budget like? You have enough to still eat well?

Don't listen to this >>18996422 Chud. He hasn't programmed or ate a decent meal in his sorry Gas station attendant life. You really want Flask + gUnicorn + NginxProxyManager with a food pairing of chamomile tea + rice + eggs + tomatoes + soysauce. Pussy or ass eating for dessert is good too. Up to you which one you pick.

>> No.18996552

There's a hint on the receipt.

>> No.18996600

It just says y's. That's not very helpful.

>> No.18996608

I've probably only been to a sit down restaurant 3 or 4 times since Covid, sick of this in your face shit while I'm trying to eat

>> No.18996622

Kino. Treat your waitstaff and cooks right and you'll always get great food.

>> No.18996649

Waiters are absolutely necessary for a good restaurant. Not just for customers, but for the restaurant itself. It's not a real problem for a small restaurants that don't get lots of traffic, but for anything with 10-12 or more tables, waiters are a necessity. Cooks don't want to deal with customers. Without waiters, the whole restaurant system goes to shit. It means more work for cooks and dishwashers, who now have to worry about bussing tables and keeping the dining room clean on top of all their other responsibilities, which leaves simply no time for hospitality. The result is ignorant customers and a disgruntled staff.
t. worked in a busy pizza/bar which tried to forgo waiters with disastrous results.

>> No.18996761

I meant the currency. The shop is Gemminy's.

>> No.18996823

Lol, it reminded me of a place I went to in Hiroshima. Pretty funny that it's the same country.

>> No.18996848
File: 1.87 MB, 3347x2731, _20190103_062559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not shocking. I'm not the most well traveled guy, but Japan likes a bit of salad with Western breakfast.

>> No.18997124

waiters can do their waiting behind a counter. there's a fairly large vegan place here that's always packed and they only come to tables to bring food ordered at the counter. i prefer it over anything less than fine dining level of service. the constant intrustion at casual places is not enjoyable. i don't go out to LARP as el jefe

>> No.18997454
File: 1.93 MB, 4101x2735, _20190727_104553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't waiters that suck, it is the US culture of tipping that inspires worse service.
Waiters need tips, which means they need to develop rapport, which means they need to serve the same section of tables, which means you can't get service when you need it.
In Japan, you just yell out for a waiter and whoever is handy immediately comes to help you. Some restaurants even have a button on the table to push for assistance.
You get whatever you need when you need it. Then at the end you take your bill to the front and pay. No waiting for someone to take your credit card. No wasting time. No tipping.

>> No.18997648


You would LOVE massage parlors.

>> No.18997669

Did she kiss you after sucking off these dudes?

>> No.18997807

I've worked in many restaurants. The vast majority of the wait staff are retarded drug addicts.

>> No.18997908

wow, thats horrible. do you have pics so i can hate her more?

>> No.18997997

You don’t want that

>> No.18998306

Couple months after. Yeah. I know. Fuck

>> No.18998311

Any good ones in Canada?

>> No.18998320

>I work 13 hour days in a factory and then I go home and look at 4chan for 90 minutes and go to sleep
sounds comfy

>> No.18998328

same. i hate sitting there and the waiter comes over and puts food on the table.

>> No.18998599

I would smile and say almost. Then I would finish my three eggs with bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, and hash browns. Then half the pancakes. Guzzle down two last cups of coffee, tip her 25%, and hit the fucking road. That woman is awesome and I would be absolutely grateful to spend a sliver of my exhaustion at a greasy spoon diner in the middle of a long trip.

>> No.18998654

Wrong thread? What the fuck is going on

>> No.18998794

>you still workin on that?
>almost done hun', thank you. can I get another cup?
is that better?

>> No.18998836
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>> No.18998848

sounds great

>> No.18998851

What's the orange sauce?

>> No.18999155

>with disastrous results.
I'm jealous. Where I work they're just barely managing to stay afloat which means they still haven't learned their lesson yet.

Tips are the end result of tasteless morons trying to flash their cash for prestige. Society being what it is, now it's the default and everybody has to do it. Bribes breed corruption which makes bribes necessary - it's not rocket surgery.

>> No.18999310

>He hasn't programmed or ate a decent meal in his sorry Gas station attendant life
Fair criticism
>chamomile tea + rice + eggs + tomatoes + soysauce

>> No.19000785
File: 45 KB, 520x620, 1660701749246163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tips are the end result of tasteless morons trying to flash their cash for prestige.
I want everyone to take a deep breath, close your eyes, and imagine what type of unfun, unfuckable, absolute loser this anon is irl. Then spend the rest of your day smugly knowing this isn't (You).

>> No.19001185

He's based, what are you talking about?

Oh, and waiter, my tendies are cold. I want new ones.

>> No.19001207

>I want everyone to take a deep breath, close your eyes, and imagine what type of unfun, unfuckable, absolute loser this anon is irl. Then spend the rest of your day smugly knowing this isn't (You).
Should I be worried that I had to reread this a few times to understand everything?

>> No.19001731

>the unfuckables have further commentary

>> No.19002153

>i don't go out to LARP as el jefe
boomers do and this is why we the "restaurant experience" is in the accursed state that it is

>> No.19002769
File: 38 KB, 580x528, whynobite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find great pizza place
>pizza is cheaper and better
>order pizza there at least once a week
>walking distance so i pick it up myself
>after a few weeks, all of the staff knows me by name, and scream-greet me when I walk in
>even the chef all the way in the back
>chef always asks if i want it thinner or thicker this time, throws in extra toppings, sometimes the cashier gives me discounts
>have to move away
>become a regular in other places
>it doesn't matter because they're all cunts
Never stop going there until they close.

>> No.19004447
File: 789 KB, 1637x1069, Screenshot_20230227-122957_NewPipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, all comfy things seem to be ceasing lately