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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18938134 No.18938134 [Reply] [Original]

I've gotten into making my own pasta from scratch as of late. It's fun, easy and probably cost wise the same but without all the added preservatives and so it's a plus to me. Does /ck/ make their own pasta?

>> No.18938137
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Fettuccine for my Alfredo, I burned my mirepoix though and didn't take a picture.

>> No.18938139

looks shit mate

>> No.18938141

I have been tempted to give home made pasta a try I just worry I will screw it up and make a mess.

>> No.18938143
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Cheese ravioli with pork belly, sauce from pork fat with lemon juice

>> No.18938145

can't say i'm a great cook, i have eaten for my whole life industrial pasta and it was good, but holy fucking shit homemade pasta does really taste like heaven, it's really worth the extra time it takes to prepare it for its unmatchable taste and low as fuck price
also they generally cook way faster than industrial ones which gives me some suspiciousness

>> No.18938148
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Thanks, it's made with 1/3 whole wheat so it's not too pretty I guess, anyways here's more ravioli but in chunky red meat sauce

>> No.18938150

I had made ravioli, were quite good, just usr tipo 00 Italian flour and only eggs as liquid. Also hand pulled lamian/laghman, it was funny but my limit was only ~1 meter long noodles.

>> No.18938154

Yea I noticed my pasta is done in like 2 minutes or less at a rolling boil, I feel like I'm overcooking it sometimes

>> No.18938159

do you need to get one of those dough flatteners or is a rolling pin enough?

>> No.18938160
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Not pasta but same concept I make my own gyoza dumplings too

>> No.18938162
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Here's a better pic

>> No.18938167
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Love gyoza

>> No.18938173

Use a large mixing bowl if you're scared of your flour wall breaking and egg spilling out, just a bit more awkward beating the egg in there instead of a table. But go for it, fresh pasta is worth it and it's fun to do desu

>> No.18938179

I roll mine with a rolling pin, it's in some of the pictures, it takes more time than the machine but I'm not dropping 50 for a machine one, I also cut with just a regular knife

>> No.18938182

Mind sharing the recipe anon? I've been trying to get into making my own noodles from scratch too.

>> No.18938190

Pasta doesn't have any preservatives in it you mong. It's dried.

>> No.18938195

That's just dried vs. fresh having different qualities. Store bought fresh pasta also cooks fast.

Yeah, I've been trying it lately. Though I don't actually eat pasta that much so it's not super common.

>> No.18938225

For pasta I use 2 eggs per 1 cup of dough, makes me 3 portions, which really can feed 2 people, my op is one portion. Sometimes I do 2 cups and use 4 eggs for 6 portions, I've never bothered with more because 6 portions means I'm eating pasta all week.

To form, make a mound of flour, then starting from the center, create a well, have fingers together pointing down in like a wedge, spiral outwards to create basically a bowl of flour. Make sure walls are high and not to thin as you will break your eggs into this flour bowl.
Beat the eggs into an even consistency, and slowly incorporate flour, taking bits from the walls evenly, once egg flour mixture is becoming thick, use a dough scrapper to fold in the walls a cut into the thickened eggs. Do this for all of the walks and it should become a shaggy dough.
Begin to fold the dough, draw one part away and fold back on itself, this is to incorporate air into the dough, do this until the dough has fully come together, it should be a yellow color at this point, knead until smooth and portion

Whichever pasta you want them make, roll the portioned dough balls pretty much paper thin, it will double in size after boiling so keep that in mind. If you fold up your dough to cut ribbons like I did, be sure to lightly flour both sides to prevent it from mushing together. Flour the knife too to keep it from sticking.

>> No.18938230

Read the ingredients on your store pasta, there's more than flour, water, egg and salt you fucking moron. Many of them have shit to preserve color or have anti caking agents

>> No.18938237

I recently learned to make dumplings so I wanted to do pasta next, I almost never eat pasta desu but I had a lot of fun so I'll make it more often

>> No.18938278
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The fuck kind of industrial processed garbage are you buying? Barilla?

>> No.18938279
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Semolina (wheat), durum flour (wheat), niacin, ferrous sulfate (iron), thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid.
>barilla whole wheat pasta
>kroger store brand organic whole wheat pasta
Organic Durum Whole Wheat Flour.
tf are you talking about?

>> No.18938287

If I'm buying pasta I'm not shelling out money for what's supposed to be wheat and eggs, anything "artisanal" is ignored as well as it's 8$ price tag, I'll make it myself for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.18938293

Adding (((vitamins)))

>> No.18938298

>Begin to fold the dough, draw one part away and fold back on itself, this is to incorporate air into the dough
This isn't true though. This is to develop gluten. There actually isn't supposed to be air in a pasta dough; you're thinking of bread, but bread gets its air from yeast.

>> No.18938312

It does both no? I was taught that it creates air between the pasta and the continual folding just makes those pockets smaller and smaller. When you cut a pasta dough ball in half you see them.

>> No.18938314

I think my pasta in the picture cost 1.80 usd at Walmart

>> No.18938333

It was less. Here it is.

>> No.18938338
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A scholar and a gentleman

>> No.18938353

A fellow man of taste and culture I see

>> No.18938389

Yes, because they know that healthiest thing an average pleb will eat is a pasta

>> No.18938452
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One can eat the beefaroni right from the pulltop can and not even need a can opener.

>> No.18938571

Store bought pasta has no egg in it, that's why it sucks and will always suck compared to homemade, please kys

>> No.18938574


>> No.18938811

So you've never seen or heard of egg noodles before? Pathetic.

>> No.18938928

See preservatives faggot
Otherwise all pasta would have it

>> No.18939064

The EU just approved insect meal additives to pasta a few days ago.

>> No.18939078

My wife and I got a KitchenAid stand mixer with pasta making attachments and ooh baby does it make making homemade pasta so easy

>> No.18939086
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show me where the preservatives are you schizo

>> No.18939198

enjoy your bugs kraut

>> No.18939212

I'm not from europe?
heres a screenshot from amazon you absolute mongoloid

>> No.18939218
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>> No.18939246
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You don't even know where your food is made, how they fuck do you know what's in it? I wouldn't put it past them to lie on their "ingredients" list, probably going to say the flour is "enriched" with "protein powder" and it's going to be ground up roaches and crickets.
Learn to cook or eat the bugs, choice is your faggot.
I'm not going to save and crop thiss but says "may contain s0y" which means it totall will give your phytoestrogen kys

>> No.18939255

Yo schizo, take it down a notch. This thread is about pasta, not your fear of globohomo. Post noods not bugs.

>> No.18939258
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>> No.18939259

>do you know what's in it? I wouldn't put it past them
>which means it totall will give your phytoestrogen kys

please see

you have lost my interest and I will no longer be replying

>> No.18939262

I'm the OP, the whole reason to make your own pasta is to beat the WEF and globohomo and not eat the goyslop. I also make my own sauces because store bought it full of sugar and s0y, you call me schizo but I make fresh bread and fresh pasta and delicious sauce, and know a disturbing amount about the talmud.

>> No.18939264

how can so many things be so intimidating while also looking like cute little buttholes at the same time...

>> No.18939270

Preservatives? It's durum semolina, water and salt here.

If I want wheat or egg pasta, I pretty much have to make it myself. They're worth the effort, but not every day.

>> No.18939273

cannot refute how you didn't even realize your shit was made in Germany, nor will you debate as to whether or not the FDA is dishonest, which as a government institution, they are not. Seriously have you seen how many foods have unnecessary amounts of sugar and soy in them? It's in everything, why does pasta sauce have ADDED sugar, tomatoes and onions have natural sugars, but they're adding cane sugar.

>> No.18939276

It's the cold lighting. Food tends to look cold, gross, or clinical/lab-grown if the lighting's blue.

>> No.18939277

Well the Greeks were gay as fuck until you had to fight them on the battlefield, then that phalanx fucks you up

>> No.18939278

Not everyone has a huge kitchen or wants to deal with the cleanup of flour all over.

>> No.18939286

Who someone fucks has little bearing on how tough they are... until you threaten the person they're fucking. DO NOT THREATEN THE TORTELLINI!

>> No.18939287

I don't have a huge kitchen and if you're not a total spaz you can keep it all on one large cutting board, you're just lazy and give into goyslop

>> No.18939288

>added preservatives

All of the shit is enrichment. One of the greatest advancements in human history. The ingredients list on your average dry pasta is a modern marvel.

If you like to make fresh pasta that is fine. Chances are you are also using enriched grain to make your scratch pasta. Either way, it's foolish to run mouth knowing so little... the enrichment of grains of all types has saved billions of lives from starvation and malnutrition.

I'm glad you can appreciate your boujee pasta I'm sure it tastes real nice. Have you ever heard of sauce?

>> No.18939297

You are of the goyim, are you not?

>> No.18939301

>have you ever heard of sauce
I'm sure he's heard of salt and boiling water too. That's not done yet.

>> No.18939305

Anon, you're exactly right, but larping /pol/faggot retards don't know about foods being modified to add more nutrition. Like most rice, pasta, bread, and even some veggies.

>> No.18939335

I refuse to use the kike terminology, I prefer one who is not of the cursed race of the kikes, a bit lengthy but accurate.

>> No.18939341

Yea the bugs will be a great addition to everything, just like high fructose corn syrup.
Also the way that wheat can no longer reproduce naturally, so farmers can't set aside 10% of their acres and reseed their entire farm, that's great, so happy we have that nonsense. Let's cut down a few more rainforests.

>> No.18939342

They pine for a simpler time when children died before they were old enough to be shot in school.

>> No.18939347

But you'll use "Goyslop" more often than pepper?

>> No.18939353

they hate when we say goyslop as it gives truth to the lie they pretend to be food, when it is merely cattlefeed for those they see as slaves

>> No.18939354

>Yea the bugs will be a great addition to everything, just like high fructose corn syrup.
what the fuck does this post have anything to do with anon calling out OP for not knowing shit about preservatives in dried pasta?

>> No.18939367

modified food is not good, we should be growing our own food and cooking it properly, city life is for slaves. People need to know, you call me schizo meanwhile the pyschopaths who know the same things I do walk all over you and enslave you with chains of debt, shoot you full of opioids and narcotics and feed you food not fit for consumption. They seek to dehumanize you, mark my words there will be bugs added in the form of "protein" on the ingredients or will simply be omitted from the ingredients, most foods you can buy in markets are, it's best to buy striaght from farmers if you can.

>> No.18939374

if you eat that which is not food, that which humans do not eat but cattle do, you will become cattle. if you go against nature and how the gods made you to be you will lose your spark of divinity, you will fall from grace, you will become slave not only in name but in being.

>> No.18939378

Maybe it's the way I'm looking at it, but it seems more like taking ownership of being a part of the slave caste.

>> No.18939383
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Sometimes even the humble tortellini has friends, like these killer attack tomatoes.

>> No.18939386

>Modified food is not good
Dude, throw out everything in your fridge. It's all the result of selective breeding, often involving carefully plotted layers of incest that would make the most potent strains of marijuana and the most hemophilic royals blush.

>> No.18939396
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am i missing something here?

>> No.18939397

Alfredo isn't authentic.

>> No.18939403

especially not with mirepoix

>> No.18939408

I wish it wasn't done for potency anymore, like the old Thai weed that friends and I could find back in the day when there was stuff from all over the planet. That stuff is near impossible to find now.

>> No.18939422

selective breeding is different than gene modification you stupid faggot redditor athiest nigger.
You realize the wheat today cannot be bred? You cannot selectively breed it and if you tried it would die out in literally one generation? Monsanto has a vice grip on the modern wheat supply, they take wheat that can make seeds and modify it so that any wheat produced from those seeds will create wheat that will not produce seeds. They then make it illegal for farmers to use the older strains saying some shit like "if it gets into the wild it could wreck havoc on the ecosystem" despite not doing so for hundreds of years.
And you smoke pot, no wonder you're fucking retarded.
Dude tehy're so against people cooking these days, not even women know how to cook whereas before it was basically one of the things women had to do until they shoved them into the work place and called it empowerment, when in reality they've stripped them of power.
If you know how to cook your are not part of the slave caste, slaves are given food..
Not to be mistaken with the elite who are served food, those who know how to cook can care for the elite if they lack the strength to make it on their own but they're just one step above most salves, still a slave though.
Psychopaths rule your world.

>> No.18939427

I'm not an eggplant I don't care about "authenticity" I'll cook how I please.

>> No.18939440

I'm really starting to wonder about its effects (high THC marijuana strains) on people. It might just be that certain subcultures really encourage verbalizing every paranoid thought, but... the noid rage is fucking real these days.

Some vendors take a sense of pride in still offering some low-mid potency, chill-while-you-function strains of landrace kush, much like some greenhouses and farms take a sense of pride in offering heritage tomatoes when mealy, tasteless beefsteaks could technically triple their profit.

>> No.18939443

gods the fucking pot heads are here to derail the thread, fuck off back to plebbit fuking filthy goys

>> No.18939444

That's fine. I didn't get the Guinea food-autism gene; I'm just curious what you're actually making.

>> No.18939450

He typed with a distinctly nasal /pol/ accent.

>> No.18939452

I think its more this, they can make seeds but they're not viable so useless and it's not illegal for farmers to try to use them it's more against some licensing agreement.

>> No.18939456

bella mushrooms
chicken meat cut up
thyme and S/P
my homemade fettucini

to me it was chicken alfredo and it was good if slightly bitter due to the burned bits. I bet it'd make an Italian seethe, but they don't even know pizza was really made in New York by Italian Americans so idgaf what they think

>> No.18939473

I dont know for a fact but from stories I've heard pizza was really from Italy during WW II from allied troops, mostly American just trying to find food and it evolved from there.

>> No.18939478

before monsanto farmers could simply hold back some of their yield to reseed their fields every year, it's now illegal to do so. I had a small bundle of wheat, like foot long stalks bundled about a quarter sized diameter from a harvest festival where you hold onto it and burn it next year with a wish as tradition and I was not allowed to bring it into commiefornia because it wasn't an "approved wheat" they confiscated a few ounce of wheat because it could potentially cut into big agriculture's profits.
It's insane if you actually go down that rabbit hole.

>> No.18939482

Pizza was a long evolution, and a lot of things are older than the Republic of Italy.

The only problem with calling that alfredo is offering it to someone and expecting to meet expectations. For one, everyone would expect garlic; for another, nobody would expect mirepoix. But yeah, my grandmother would blow a fucking gasket lol.

>> No.18939498

Italian immigrants would serve a flatbread with tomato poured on it and rolled up, sometimes with cheese, it was very popular with construction workers and the like. Flatbreads like this existed everywhere and throughout time, the first recognized pizzeria in the US was Lombardi's in 1905.
Supposedly Naples had it in 1700s but those weren't the pizzas of bread, tomato sauce and cheese, you can argue Neopolitan was first in the late 19th century, but pizza took off in the states more than Italy and it wasn't until it boomed in the US that Italy then lay claim to it. But that's only because the US is so influential and so Italy can have some influence by claiming to be the originators of something so American as pizza.
But if anyone thinks of pizza around the world, chances are they imagine a newyork or Chicago slice and not that hoity toity Naples shit.

>> No.18939501

ignoring the stoned idiots
to OP: that doesn't look like pasta, more like flat wheat noodles without eggs. But anyway, I don't make fresh noodles anymore, too much time needed for dough resting and I work 6-6. I barely eat fillers, now I just eat a hunk of whatever meat cooked in whatever way I like, a simple soup and a side of pickled vegetables. Done. Shame, making egg ramen, udon, alkaline noodles were quite enjoyable, not because "i eat because no preservatives" but I because simply enjoyed the process.

>> No.18939503

eh the others who had some liked it, but maybe alfredo in the US is just "creamy white sauce pasta", I made raviolis and put liver pate in them, I bet Italy would go to war over that.

>> No.18939510

I do find it funny that Neapolitana and Margherita especially have become a fashion statement... It's literally a handful of cheese and basil tossed haphazardly on some lightly sauced dough, and cooked as fast as possible without lighting it on fire.

>> No.18939512

It's not "illegal" its just against the licensing agreement that farmers are more or less forced to sign.

>> No.18939515

I made it with 1/3 whole wheat so it didn't have the vibrant yellow of normal pasta.
I mean I enjoy the process as well, kneading and baking bread is one of my favorite things but it's also undeniable that home baked bread is simply of a much higher quality and standard than store bought, unless you go to an actual bakery where you're going to buying some expensive bread (albeit for good reason).
Everyone should learn to cook and it becomes more necessary as time goes on, hell I'd say it's necessary to buy land and have a farm, in 1 or 2 decades tehy're going to slowly get rid of meat and dairy, replace it with crickets and roach milk.

>> No.18939520
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>> No.18939521

"it's not illegal, it's just forced and if you don't comply you'll be ruined"
You're right it's worse than it just being illegal, it's like denying the holohoax

>> No.18939558
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>undeniable that home baked bread is simply of a much higher quality and standard than store bought, unless you go to an actual bakery where you're going to buying some expensive bread (albeit for good reason).
not my problem. Bread is dirt cheap here and exceeds any form of home-made bread because they have specialized high-pressure high-moisture baking racks. But hey, I'm using a 11L oven, who am I to judge.
>Everyone should learn to cook and it becomes more necessary as time goes on, hell I'd say it's necessary to buy land and have a farm, in 1 or 2 decades tehy're going to slowly get rid of meat and dairy, replace it with crickets and roach milk.
Not my problem. I still have wet market where animals are butchered every morning.
Anyway we are digressing. I used to make noodles, period. Dragging this shit out to "preservatives" and "the future of food and human consumption" is out of the scope.

>> No.18939588

imagine being a bug person, i guess you're free of kikery

>> No.18939610

Yet s0y sauce is the key ingredient in a East Asian cuisine, the least kiked countries in the world

>> No.18939619

>slaves are given food..
Niggers who worked the cotton fields cooked their own food, retard

>> No.18939623

fermentation either greatly reduces or removes the hormonal changing effects
tofu still makes you a fag though

>> No.18939629

oh you're one of those "niggers made all souther cuisine" asshats.Firstly, most did not, you did not have nigger slaves family sitting down for their KFC after a long days work of barely picking cotton and being illiterate.You had cooking slaves who were given the shittiest scrapes of food who would mass cook gruel and it was given to the rest of slaves, they were fed in the same manner livestock were fed you fucking moron.
You really think they invented fried chicken? I bet you're a nigger.

>> No.18939642

I mean really you think a jew (the real slave owners) would bring themselves to make slave food? They pay goys minimum wage to make goyslop and then ship it all over to goys, they're not making fucking matzah ball soup for goys, they're making little debbie snacks, hotdogs and shit like that. Bottom of the barrel, just cracasses striped of meat and then ground up and shoved through a mesh strainer and then formed into shapes and cooked, all tendons and connective tissue, or wheat full of soy, sodium and sugar, that's what you're eating. I take it back, some cattle get fed better than many goys.

>> No.18939833

Yeah, that delicious creamy beige is definitely an American twist, probably just on butter and hard cheese. It also winds up with ham and peas or broccoli in it sometimes.

My dad and his mother would fight over whether or not that could get garlic, and absolutely insisted on calling it by its ingredients rather than any sort of formal name ("fettuccine al burro e parmigiano, SENZA AGLIO!") so you might be right about pate in a stuffed pasta - but only if it's pork liver. I feel like poultry liver and mushroom in some sort of cappelletti would be a thing in the northern provinces.

>> No.18941155

I rarely make pasta but it's usually Orecchiette or Gnocchi

Also, try frying Gnocchi instead, it's interesting

>> No.18941237

Well air does get into the dough as you fold it, that's an unavoidable part of folding. But that's not the purpose of folding. The purpose is to develop gluten, and a tiny amount of air getting worked into the dough is just a side-effect. it's not really a bad thing.

>> No.18941866


>> No.18942139
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i make my own pasta, but i am /extrudergang/

>> No.18942144

did you add in the pork belly raw or was it pre cooked or cured?

>> No.18942319

Its raw and I slow cook to render the fat so I can make a pan sauce from it

>> No.18942326

I prefer my gnocchi fried, almost never eat it unfriend, the texture of crisp outside and soft inside is magnificent

>> No.18942355

For pasta dough?

2 cups flour to 3 large eggs (or about 1/2-2/3 cups water)... by weight, depending heavily on the type of flour you're using, that's about 9oz/255g flour (AP - 00 is lighter, semolina is heavier, but a mix of the two at 250ish g is fine), 6oz/170g egg (please don't weigh your eggs, it's weird) or 4-5oz/115-140g or mL water. Mix it thoroughly, let sit for at least an hour to allow it to become pliable, flour it a little, and run it through a pasta roller.

>> No.18943643

>we're ready for marriage