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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18870943 No.18870943 [Reply] [Original]

How will this change the world of food and cooking?

>> No.18870949

they will break down more than the mcfullry machines and get removed after 6 months after the gimmick isnt funny

>> No.18870951

Ok boomer

>> No.18870954

im a zoomer

>> No.18870964

Even less excuse for being a luddite

>> No.18870974

The moment the door slides open I will toss a large bucket filled with a fermented slurry of all my excrement from the last month straight into the conveyor system while screaming CLEAN IT UP, WAGIE.

>> No.18870975

i dont think i ever started a riot and destroyed industrial machinery

>> No.18870985

What wagie are you yelling at grandpa? All you'll do is set off the sprinkler system.

It wont change anything at all as it's neither food or cooking

>> No.18871001

That activates the spike strips.

>> No.18871003


>> No.18871024

First off, Ye mum is my grandpa. Second off the entire thing is not automated someones gotta inspect that shit and clean it up, and let me tell you, son, they ain't doin it for free like that rag guy does.

Good I never back down from a challenge.

>> No.18871039

Why do they insist on ruining my state?

>> No.18871060

Toughest challenges, strongest warrior. Just remember to never back down.

>> No.18871256
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I predict a certain group of people that exist in the US will make it impossible for these things to succeed.

>> No.18871328


>> No.18871602

homeless shelter/crack den after a week

>> No.18871786
File: 636 KB, 805x956, 9QWAnsJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do they insist on ruining my state?
Your state is pure shit.
Austin aside, it's everything that's wrong with America, but super-concentrated.
Born in Bexar county, BTW.

>> No.18871799

yes, owners of mcdonalds restaurants who can hire high school dropout labor for lestt

>> No.18871800

There are still fry cooks doing everything else right? I doubt they've have the confidence to let robots handle anything at all if there weren'ts still workers there to clear jams and otherwise fix shit that fucks up every 15 minutes like it will

>> No.18871816

I've been using my own mastery of the black arts and dark rituals to curse my local synagogue. May Yog share his blessings upon McDonalds for this wickedness.

>> No.18871877 [DELETED] 

Just wait til nigs trash the place and expect whitey to clean up after them

>> No.18871910 [DELETED] 
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No time like the present, anon

>> No.18871997

I know this question has an obvious answer for restaurants (bcuz tipping is getting ridiculous), but why do so few people sit in at food places now? Whenever you go by coffee or fast food joints they have lines of vehicles going into the road, and people are more willing to spend 20 minutes in line at a Target Starbucks than go into an empty dunkin that would finish your order in 2 minutes

>> No.18872002

I will now consume the McDonalds

>> No.18872044

Sure, blame the niggers for your own personal shortcomings.
Fucking GOP are the enemies of America,

>> No.18872045

I like the idea.

>> No.18872048

So sad that you're this out of touch with reality.

>> No.18872056

So sad that you're that in touch with reality.

>> No.18872082

there's armed guards in the back to assure you tip the machine btw
>t. houston

>> No.18872122

Well fill me in because sitting in an empty cafe for an hour to do my college work is pretty comfy. My guess to the answer is homeless people but I don’t live in a city

>> No.18872160
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Where is the robot to spit in your food?
Where is the robot that forgets to wash its hands?

>> No.18872292

Your sample data is flawed. No place with a drive thru is comfy to sit in.

>> No.18872319

you are everything that's wrong with america

>> No.18872321


>> No.18872404
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Maybe if you add cameras and automatic guns

>> No.18872501

I'm just happy I'll no longer have to deal with talking to the "colorful" people that work at these places and hopefully my order will basically never be wrong.

>> No.18873038

>raise minimum wage to the point where it's cheaper to just build a machine to do the job
>get replaced by machines
surprised pikachu face

>> No.18873358

Minimum wage in Texas hasn't changed for fifteen years.

>> No.18873374

The "happiness fits in a bag" on the wall is a bit dystopian

>> No.18873384

They wanted $15/hr and now $22/hr. What did they expect. All of the experts told them that $15/hr was the breaking point.

>> No.18873389

No food is involved

>> No.18873390

Not with the new push for $22/hr min wage.
They got $15 and everyone told them it would spike prices.
Prices rocket up.
Oh, we need more money...
Then robot is the only way to stop this cycle.

>> No.18873397

I won't ever have to worry about some stoned teenager getting my order wrong anymore. Sounds like a dream come true.

>> No.18873433

The price of labor has not risen in line with the price of inflation, not even close. You guys are crazy to think that. If anything, the price of these machines are even further out of reach for the average franchisee.

The real question is, is keeping a rotating group of teens and addicts on staff cheaper than buying a giant, complex metal box and well-trained maintenance team on your payroll?

>> No.18873439
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>> No.18873444

Having to go inside of a fast food restaurant is fucking terrible, I'd much rather wait 20 minutes in my car to order than spend 5 minutes standing in line inside the building to order. Why the fuck would I want to sit inside of a dimly lit, linoleum floored, concrete walled prison cafeteria and have to listen to the mexican family with their 8 children have a food fight next to me when I can enjoy my food in my comfy car and listen to music and scroll instagram peacefully or just drive back to my house 5 minutes away and be even more comfy and peaceful?

>> No.18873450

>tfw I can't taste the poopoo pebbles that dislodged themselves from under the dirty fingernails of the unwashed teenager who put pickles in my burger when I asked for no pickles
Why even bother going to mcdonalds at that point?

>> No.18873463

>implying economics experts have ever been right about literally anything

Minimum wage had always risen with inflation until the 2000s without a problem, it's once that stopped that everything started going to shit. The minimum wage should have been $15 like 5 years ago. Now thanks to all the inflation from covid you really would need $22 an hour just to afford living in a basic room by yourself.

>> No.18873464

There isn't anything to ruin, it's already texass. But fancy auto burger stand. At least something nice will be there now, aside from whenever the power grid next goes down for "y'all".

>> No.18873488
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my guess is more places use these, more people unemployed, NO to UBI, legislation drops requiring automated businesses to pay higher taxes to fund the mass unemployed, then less businesses use these. They fall out of fashion with all but the biggest companies who use loopholes to pay the least into the programs. The system corrects itself

>> No.18873506

automation is preferable to immigration.
Corpos will never pay an attractive wage to make people actually want to work and have gone out of their way to actively not hire teenagers anymore.
Either they exploit immigrants who can't work anywhere better or they use robots.

>> No.18873519

>get removed after 6 months
kek no, they'll happily spend plenty on repairs as part of R&D. they'll be working out a ton of the kinks here and other similar locations for years before they start pushing automatization more broadly.

>> No.18873537

It'll be like self checkout in grocery stores. It was fucking terrible at first but now it's way better than getting rung up by a cashier. Most of the checkout lanes in stores go completely unstaffed and you just have like 3 or 4 cashiers out who stand around waiting to assist people if the machine can't read their card or if there's some old lady who can't operate a self checkout machine and wants a cashier to ring her up. It'll basically be the same in mcdonalds, robots doing what minimum wage employees used to do and the few who are left are there just to make sure the machines are working properly.

>> No.18873595

this. i fully welcome our ai robot overlords. its my dream to go to a fast food place, give my order as soon as i pull up, and have food ready as soon as i get to window AND it's the right items in the fucking bag so i dont have to come back

>> No.18873604

>sitting in an empty cafe for an hour

You might as well tell me you live in a cardboard box and dream of molesting little girls, but you're just not attractive enough.
Call your mother and apologize for how you've just wasted your life.

>> No.18873606

I welcome automation, but I don't think this kind of automation is going to be successful. We need humanoid androids to basically replace humans in an ordinary kitchen rather all this specialized equipment.

>> No.18873609
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No, I'm desperately trying to save my homeland from people like you.

>> No.18873618

I don't see a problem. Have like four or five white people actually born in the USA on-hand if the Mecha-Maccas has some issue. Then deport all the spics who "work" there now or just kill them in camps.

>> No.18873621
File: 434 KB, 1182x1484, alan-hale-jr-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hopefully my order will basically never be wrong.
Oh my GAWD!!!!!!
You're going to be one of the first to starve to death when the economy collapses.

>> No.18873629

They have humans monitoring security cameras. The point of increased automation is that you can have a single human operator managing the operations of say, 5 stores simultaneously. So if Karen walks into the store she can still ask to speak to the manager, but that manager can handle Karens at multiple locations and so is not underutilized as a burger flipper the rest of the day.

Similarly, vandalism or spills can be handled with a rapid response cleanup crew. You don't need instant cleanup response at a single location every five minutes -- you might need 2--4 cleanups at a location per day, so the crews can spread their services around locations, or they can be outsourced to a contractor servicing several different companies in the immediate area so they don't even have to drive around much (thus making it cheaper than doing it in-house).

If you look at the train industry, for example, automation doesn't mean that robots solve every single problem all the time 100% with no oversight -- it means a single person doing oversight and management can do so over many trains and routes at once, instead of a single train or segment of track as in the past.

>> No.18873638

>austin aside

>> No.18873642

Good. Humans weren't born to wrap burgers in paper all day long.

>> No.18873649
File: 61 KB, 602x595, IAInFME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the experts told them that $15/hr was the breaking point.
Try $24.00, and nothing's going to break.
I make twice that, and I'm worried I won't be able to retire until 10 years after I'm dead.
Fuck me. And fuck you too, unless you haven't done the math. You gonna die in poverty, mostly 'cause of you and your horseshit political beliefs.

>> No.18873661

>They got $15
B) Prices are up because of price gouging, NOT wages.
Just google this shit, nigger.

>> No.18873674

You're an idiot.
A selfish, shameful, self-absorbed, mis-informed idiot.
Please just turn off the internet and never come back.

>> No.18873682

>Minimum wage had always risen with inflation until the 2000s
We all know you're a liar.

>> No.18873693

>The system corrects itself
Kind of with you up until you miss-spelled "everyone dies of starvation".

>> No.18873701

>automation is preferable to immigration.
Oh Good Lord, it's like you don't understand how FICA works at all.
And they let people like you vote....
God help us all.

>> No.18873709

>burgers will actually be made correctly AND neatly


>> No.18873715

>way better than getting rung up by a cashier.
It's not. Just not.
So sorry you hate human interaction so much.
So sad you must hate yourself and your parents.
Sad day for America.
God, I hate about half the people on this board.

>> No.18873726

Like you could do any better, white nigger.

>> No.18873727

I live in Australia. Our immigrants don't work, are given welfare, free housing, and carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want.

One guy belted the shit out of a female cop and said nothing would happen to him because he's black. Nothing happened to him because he's black. There has been an increase in break-ins where the intruders have machetes, there are abo and sudanese teenagers killing each other.
You tell me how this is preferable to a fuckin robot.
Because it's dispelling the lie of Make-Work jobs?

>> No.18873730

I don't have to. The machine will do it for me :^)

>> No.18873732

Austin is the only city in the US where I have seen white touts advertising drink specials. Absolutely degenerate.

>> No.18873733
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Nice try, kikeboy.

>> No.18873734

>Our immigrants don't work, are given welfare, free housing, and carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want.
Gonna have to Google this, but 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999% certain you're full of shit.
Post sources, nigger.

>> No.18873736

mcdonalds isn't even food, who even goes to mcdonalds. wow automated trash, so uh, who is eating it?

>> No.18873740

I'm not American, the immigrants here aren't mexicans who plan on starting a family here and contributing to the country.

>> No.18873741

And then you'll die of unemployment.
Good fucking riddance,

>> No.18873744

Time to do real work, wagie. It's either physical labor or mental labor, no more standing around doing basically nothing for a check, the robots can do that now.

>> No.18873748

Honest question. What's a tout?
99.etc% sure you're a racist.

>> No.18873749

just means they will have two or three more of these drive thru windows with automated parts and one service tech on site per site so if it breaks down it can be repaired while the other two or three are still pumping out orders, that or they will just have a few roving techs run from store to store fixing each one as it goes down.
worst i can say about this is that they are creating higher paying jobs by removing the lower paying ones.
though i do wonder what will happen to the ordering system if someone has an emergency and doesn't collect the food before driving away.

>> No.18873753
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Time to lower the prices!

>> No.18873758

>you'll die of unemployment

Also I use my government given funbux to grow my own vegetable garden

>> No.18873764

Nice projection, fag. I already have friends and family to talk to, I don't wanna have to make small talk with a stranger when I go out to buy milk and bread. I'm still gonna use self checkout every single time.

>> No.18873778

>implying I don't make my own burgers that are 10 times better at home anyway
Fast food is only for when you're feeling especially lazy and are willing to sacrifice the quality of your meal for the convenience of not making it yourself, but yes, I absolutely can do it better than the dipshit behind the counter at mcdonalds.

>> No.18873783


>> No.18873785

i find this humorous
i was a wagie about ten years back and can tell you from experience that we rarely got orders wrong, it was usually the customer that made the wrong order, after a few months of it i got the knack of being able to measure out a customers competence and started correcting their order by stopping them in their tracks, asking them questions about what exactly they were wanting, and then choosing for them. we have 18 types of sauces and just because you think in your mind the special sauce (sweet) is going to be a spicy-savory mix doesn't mean you're correct, just makes you flat out retarded.
and for some lulz i am going to take your original reply as a serious one and tell you, god you're one of those retards who think they ordered it right and instead ordered wrong and got exactly what you ordered for.

>> No.18873787
File: 102 KB, 1183x695, minwageinflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice try, kikeboy.
Nope. Catholic.
And 100% uncertain why you'd just go on the interwebs and lie.
MinWage took a nose-dive in the 80's.
I remember, I lived through it.

>> No.18873788

>I'm not American
Then your opinion doesn't matter.
Not sure why you feel like you deserve to post.

>> No.18873791

The opening of McDonald's first fully automated location in Austin, Texas, could potentially signal a shift towards increased automation in the fast food industry. With automation, fast food restaurants may be able to operate more efficiently and with fewer labor costs. This could lead to lower prices for customers and higher profits for the companies.

However, it's important to note that the full impact of automation on the food and cooking industry is uncertain and will depend on how widely it is adopted and how it is implemented. Automation may also lead to job loss for employees in the fast-food industry which is a concern for many.

Additionally, automation may also change the way food is prepared and served, as machines and robots may be able to perform tasks more quickly and consistently than humans. This could lead to changes in the quality and taste of food, as well as changes in the customer experience.

In the long-term, it will be necessary to observe and evaluate the impact of automation on the food industry, including its effects on employment, food quality, and customer satisfaction.

>> No.18873800

>say no cheese
>it has cheese
Nope, you're just retarded.

>> No.18873801

Also you suck at basic logic and economics.
Thank God I'm old enough to die before your generation incompetently burns the world to the ground.
Gotta keep pounding that whiskey.

>> No.18873804

Useless retard.

>> No.18873806

Okay so the problem started even earlier. Either way the minimum wage needs to be well above $15 at this point.

>> No.18873810
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>asked for no cheese on the fries
>fries has no cheese
>order was correct, anon was retarded
so many such cases.

>> No.18873811

>, I absolutely can do it better
Guessing by your posts, I doubt you could tie your own shoes.
Velcro for life!

>> No.18873823

>This could lead to lower prices for customers
Why would anybody post this billionaire-appologist horse-shit?
You are the enemy of humanity.

>> No.18873828

I make the mcdonalds employees come out from behind the counter and tie them for me :^)

>> No.18873830

Thank GOD you finally understand I was right all along.
Now go to /b/ or /hm/ and stop shitting up /ck/?

>> No.18873832

And thanks to automation, now you're useless too
you're one of us useless retards
one of us
one of us
gooble gabble
gooble gabble
one of us

>> No.18873834

>Boomer who was handed the world on a silver platter and managed to fuck it up for every generation after him
Make sure you're taking triple shots of that whiskey and die faster please.

>> No.18873836

i'll be the one to explain the reason why it won't. because the machine is expensive, the parts that will wear out (and quickly) are expensive, and the techs that will have to be paid to work on the machines will be expensive, the price may be slightly lower than paying 7ish people to work day in and day out, but realistically it will almost be negligible at best, and CEO's and top people are greedy.

>> No.18873839

Plus, I fucked your Mom.
In the Ass.

>> No.18873854
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Racist? No, just observational realist. Have you ever travelled abroad? You should save up and try it some time. You can go to any SE Asia megacity and touts will try and hustle you to buy a tailored suit ("Come, my friend, you buy!"), or some "jewelry" or other counterfeit product, and try to pressure you to go into a bar for drinks and try their house prostitutes. The only time I've seen that behavior stateside from white people publicly was in Austin. They are about the same class as strip club DJs or barkers. 2pp4s

>> No.18873855

That was AI written. Learn to spot these things so you don't sound like an out of touch old man.

>> No.18873859

Do any of you assholes understand how old actual boomers are?
Post WW2 baby-boom lasted from 1946 to the early 50's, no matter how many people want to pretend I have cultural commonality with Beatlemania, Woodstock and Anti-Vietnam protests.
My parents are in their 80's and are only _slightly_ too old (less than 5 years) to be actual boomers.
GOD, I hate people so fucking much.
Get your shit together.

>> No.18873867

>Racist? No, just observational realist.
Sounds like a fancy way of saying "racist".

>> No.18873876

That headline sounds so absolutely believable that it must be true, especially since the dental records that all public school students in some states are required to have (and schools would have easy access to besides) are already on file and have been used for decades to identify bodies far more cheaply and more quickly.

But if a random Twitter "influencer" with a check mark says that's what their purpose is, then there's absolutely no need for anybody to double check on it.

Fuck I hate social media. (And yes, that means I hate 4chan too -- even more so since none of you faggots even try to post your sources.)

>> No.18873886

>none of you faggots even try to post your sources.)
It's like you're not even trying.

>> No.18873889
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>the seething lefty in this thread

>> No.18873898

ok boomer

>> No.18873900

>CEO's and top people are greedy.
This is the real problem. An ACTUAL solution to this would be to implement some sort of percentage cap of the company's yearly revenue that any single person in a given position can take home as income in companies with over a certain number of employees. The more money the company makes, the more money everyone working there makes, higher tier positions still make more, but the disparity between CEO and lowest paid worker is greatly reduced and wealth inequality in the country as a whole would be brought back to reasonable levels pretty quickly. I know there would be a lot of details to hash out in a system like this and the percentages would have to be calculated for each company, I don't think you'd really be able to standardize something like this but if there was a serious effort by the government to regulate and enforce this kind of thing you'd still have people being incentivized to work as hard as they can without leaving an option open for upper management to abuse the rest of the people working there and take home way more money than they really deserve at the expense of everyone else working for them.

>> No.18873905

Understand that "lefty" means "decent, moral human being".
But hey, just keep hating if that's your thing.

>> No.18873908

>Post WW2 baby-boom lasted from 1946 to the early 50's
more like early 60's.

>> No.18873919

>1946 to the early 50's, no matter how many people want to pretend I have cultural commonality with Beatlemania, Woodstock and Anti-Vietnam protests.
I have absolutely no common generational culture with actual boomers.
Google "interstitial".
Still rather be a boomer than one of your shitbag generation.

>> No.18873922

You clearly didn't test well in reading comprehension evaluations in schools.

Posting your sources on 4chan would be like posting the source for the image capture -- in that case the Twitter post. The Twitter post includes a "source" from the Houston Chronicle, the subject of which they completely misrepresent in their summary. My comment was that I hate social media in general because both practices are bad, though I think the Twitter common practice of posting a source and grossly misrepresenting it is slightly less reprehensible than the 4chan common practice of not posting sources at all.

Do you understand, now that I've S-P-E-L-L-E-D I-T O-U-T for you?

>> No.18873942

The only people that doubt this are people who've never had a job.

>> No.18873961

>election tourist

>> No.18873963
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>"lefty" means "decent, moral human being".

>> No.18874014

>in that case the Twitter post
WHAT PART OF HOUSTON-FUCKING-CHRONICLE.com are you not getting????>???
Jesus, what a useless piece of shit you are.
>post a source!
>already did.
>Oh, noes, that's not good enough!
Fucking idiot.

>> No.18874054

A screencap gets posted on 4chan. The source of a screencap is the site from which the screencap is captured. It's been a long time since I've read the Houston Chronicle, but you seem to be indicating that their site has an eerily similar layout to Twitter, even hosting Twitter-like posts and providing checkmarks. Or you're an ESL who can't read English. Or you're a fucking retard who can't read English. Or all of the above.

>> No.18874111

I think it will make the burger taste like metal because the robot's metal hands will be touching my burger and fries and making it taste metallic :^(

>> No.18874120

Are you one of those clownsexuals? Because you straight gassin' on us, honky.

>> No.18874122

based dissociator

>> No.18874124

>Understand that "lefty" means "decent, moral human being".
Which is why lefties will advocate for more refugees in one breath, pointing to untouched, pristine land and saying "does that look like we're full", and then in the next breath say that we need to stop destroying the environment, stop ripping apart nature for strip malls and suburbia, drive electric cars, and subscribe to anti-natalism because there are too many people?

Lefty means white retard who doesn't know what it's talking about, especially when it wants to speak on behalf of all minorities everywhere.

>> No.18874305

inflation is theft

>> No.18874308

>"lefty" means "decent, moral human being"
that's a good one!

>> No.18874461

>ari jewish schizophrenic and known homosexual

>> No.18874582

It won't, in fact it's incredibly inefficient.
>MD's buys kitchen wearhouse for wagies to make food
>MD's has to employ people to deliver the pre-made food to the auto mcdicks
>auto mcdicks is just a bunch of conveyor belts that leads through super hot ovens
It's not even a new concept.

>> No.18874754

they got $15/hr in seattle where everybody whos not a min wager works for amazon and makes $6million/year

>> No.18874762

This, the tiktok in op is bullshit. If you look into it they still employ "a team" of "cooks" you just don't see them. Which is an improvement, don't get me wrong, but it's not actually automatic and likely is just as shit as normal mcdick.

>> No.18874765

This is why we have Gas Chambers!

>> No.18874796

You can't order food inside and then leave with your food?

>> No.18874832

usually the drive thru is faster because they're timed on orders so in-store customers aren't a priority
i've been behind a long line at taco bell, go in, place my order myself on the kiosk, and watch the cars of people that were behind me in line go past the drive thru window

>> No.18874840

I hope so. Fuck fast food.

>> No.18874846

i bet you got real heated when you saw that bro. i would be fuckin steamin

>> No.18874855

You seem like the type of grown American men who still eats at McDonald's

>> No.18874952

Do you even internet?
It's a twitter post citing the Chronicle as a source.
Let's not forget the part where your original complaint was a lack of source when it was right there all along.
But sure, *I* can't read English.

>> No.18875203

Yadda, yadda, blah blah blah.
On;y one of us is trying to make a bette place for all Americans, and one of us wants just laugh while America burns to the ground, my Ameri-Nazi "friend".
Do us all a favor and repent your sins.

>> No.18875208

I'll take "nonsensical GOP fantasy" for $1000, Alex.

>> No.18875211

Why do Americans hate having rights?

>> No.18875215

>who still eats at McDonald's
As it turns out, NO, wrong AGAIN, my negro friend.

>> No.18875227

Is that a fantasy? That's the reality of living there for 10+ years, you got Minimum Wagies working fast food and uber and Tech Workers and the "middle class" between them barely exists, especially among people under 35.

>> No.18875244

Nothing, because junkies, hobos and niggers will destroy the place within weeks, or malfunctions (because mcdonalds will buy the cheapest equipment) will break down constantly, leading to bizarrely constructed big macs and boiling oil literally sprayed in your face followed by an automated "have a nice day!" as an almost deliberate fuck you to the consumer. This is ridiculous, why should I pay for a completely unsupervised machine to cook me a meal the same rate as a person? This will not catch on outside the bay area

>> No.18875248

So you agree that conservatives are deliberately murdering the middle class, just for the "fun" of watching America burn to the ground?
Maybe just stop posting?

>> No.18875449
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Who the fuck said anything about Conservatives? Or Liberals for that matter. Take meds

>> No.18875642

thats minimum wage in mass you absolute tard

>> No.18875778

no because mass starvation means less profit for companies that get rich on pennies from the lower class. If people arent working, they arent buying dollar coffees and breakfast sandwiches at McDonalds. Theres no one to fire or to cut pay from if no one works there so profit loss is pure. Itll take awhile but everyone will figure it out

>> No.18875795

>Austin is good
How about you neck yourself, lmao.

>> No.18875810

if you can't feed yourself without the fast food "system" you deserve to starve

>> No.18875853
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literally all ingredients are pre-made in automated factory, untouched by human hand before some zitface puts them together and hands it over
the last step can be (and should be) easily automated - just as easily as the steps before the final assembly
it's funny how it works out financially
say you have 3 dudes working 8h shift
if you want it to work 24/7 like a robotic line could, you need 3 shifts - $540000 a year
I bet the robot pays for itself in under a year

>> No.18875872

you clearly work at some cushy high end fast food establishment.
you have NEVER been to an american burger king in your life and i envy you
i swear my burger king just guesses what you're gonna order, and hopes you wanted an empty bun and a mixture of fries and onion rings.
fuck, burger king even fucks up your soda, like what the fuck.

>> No.18876196

Everything‘s microwaved

>> No.18876241
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>Itll take awhile but everyone will figure it out
We've been heading that way for 75+ years, and nobody's "figured it out" yet. The people making the decisions aren't stupid, they're just acting in their personal self-interest.

>> No.18876286

Yea I agree, millennials suck ass.

>> No.18876333

What are you supposed to do when it screws up your order and you want a refund?

>> No.18876334

peak burgerpunk

>> No.18876400
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>> No.18876674

"X isn't in the set of everything that's wrong with America" is not the same as "X is in the set of things that are good", dumbass.

>> No.18876679


>> No.18876681

>I bet the robot pays for itself in under a year
Not even close given the R&D needed for a robot built specialized for McDonalds specifically, the testing prior to this rollout, and the trial and error that's going into this initial rollout. But probably once they get it to work adequately on a decent maintenance cycle and people aren't holding 24/7 protests to get it removed, then they introduce it to more stores, then they will all pay for themselves in a year.

>> No.18876696

it will become like the chip industry - very little passion and creativity, rather the focus is on developing a high yield high efficiency process, and monitoring/maintaining it. Instead of hiring people to cook they will be hiring people to maintain the robotics.

>> No.18876712
File: 136 KB, 639x731, genius oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit will be in a constant state of disrepair. It's too reliant on everything working perfectly.
The taco bell near me has automated ordering kiosks and half of them were out of order for like 6 months.
The wendys near me has one of those touch screen soda machines and it was so buggy I couldn't get a fucking coke.
The more tech you bring in the more points of failure you introduce.

>> No.18876721

I make $13/hr and it's plenty to live on. Stop eating out so much and wasting money.

>> No.18876760

What a profoundly convincing argument.
You really showed me.
Such wow.

>> No.18876762

>I make $13/hr and it's plenty to live on.
I don't eat out. It's not, and you're a loser.

>> No.18876795

If you think some static robot can replace anyone at just about any hands on job, you're an unemployed armchair philosopher NEET. You genuinely think that all McDonalds kitchen staff do is stand in one spot and flip over burgers for 8 hours? Holy shit lmao you actual fucking idiot.

>> No.18877124

i make 20$ and have over 30000 dollars saved up in my checking account. what the hell are you blowing your money on

>> No.18877149

>lives in mom's basement and pays no rent
>i have tons saved up guys I dont understand??
Yeah retard it's real easy to save when you're not dropping $1000+ a month on rent

>> No.18877194

my rent is 1300 a month. make better choices. and no i dont work overtime either

>> No.18877301

Ignore them, who gives a shit about saving money. If you're a low tier wagie making <20/hr you'll never save up enough to mean anything even if you pinch every single penny you can. Better to buy that sack of weed and 30 rack of rolling rocks and then at least you can have a good time with your life when you're not working, rather than being miserable absolutely 24 hours a day.

>> No.18877342

My professional employment is the manufacture and installation of automation systems.
Everything needed to automate fastfood has existed for t least 20 years, the order interface technology much sleeker nowadays. Complete machine prepared fastfood would only need 1 or 2 people present to monitor operations, supply, clean, and maintain. Unfortunately for you they can not be wagie-tier workers, they need training, skills, and intelligence which would earn them a job they sit around and relax most of the shift.
The reason it is not done is the massive initial setup costs, which would take a few years operation to pay off with the entire build of a new store. But long term operating costs would be lower, and removes the risk of having human contamination and laziness ruining a meal.

>> No.18877357

>I don't know how to manage my finances
>yOu'Re a lOsEr
lol, sad

>> No.18877364

>removes the risk of having human contamination and laziness ruining a meal.
This is the real long term impact right here. Everybody I know avoids fast food because the orders are fucked up, made shitty on a level even beyond using cheap ingredients, and probably spit on by the nogs working inside. They are bleeding customers permanently every single day because of this and full automation is the only way back from the brink.

>> No.18877387

Only good post in thjs thread. Conservatives need to kill themselves.

>> No.18877399

Oh, so they're doing nothing at all about school shootings then? Nice "win."

>> No.18877413

My brother, the end game is to ensure that there is nobody for Karen to complain to. She will scream and bitch and complain to robots who are completely immune to her antics.

>> No.18877452

Have you met high school kids? They deserve to be shot. If anything, we don't have enough school shootings.

>> No.18877518

>go to robot macdolans
>get your order
>it's actually made right for once
>it still costs more than it did even just one year ago despite the savings from cutting down wages by 99%

>> No.18877526

>muh minimum wage
Tell me you're a cuckservative without outright stating it. Did you know wages of all types have been stagnant since the 70s and that minimum wage is meant to be the lowest possible wage one can live on, but has been below that level for decades?

>> No.18877561

>still rather be a member of the generation that's the cause of everything wrong in the western world than one of the symptoms

>> No.18877581

no i didn't know that

>> No.18877979

Why would I do that when I can order in my car?

>> No.18877984

bruh they can't even get their milkshake machines to work. Having a maintenance crew on staff when something invariably breaks after the first week would probably be just as expensive as hiring a bunch of teenagers.

>> No.18877987

>the right to flip burgers for stupid fat fucks for 8-10 hours a day.
This is what the rest of the world thinks rights are, no wonder you're all so far behind.

>> No.18878004
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>austin aside

>> No.18878023

You're full of shit, you retards religiously get orders wrong

>> No.18878053

>The reason it is not done is the massive initial setup costs,
This. If the initial cost of automation wasn't so high most people would already be out of a job. They can fucking 3D print a house in like 24 hours, there's already AI capable of making music better than whatever the fuck you hear on the radio, everyone already suspects hollywood is using AI to write movie scripts, most of the real work in the finance sector is controlled by algorithms now, we've been using robots for surgery for years now, and AIs can already create lifelike images of real looking people who never existed. It's funny how all the jobs everybody thinks could never be replace by machines are ALREADY able to be replaced by machines at any moment and the one people think can be replaced by machines (driving) is likely going to be one of the last things machines actually get right. If a mcdonalds owner was willing to foot the bill, they'd have a fully automated mcdonalds by next week.

>> No.18878081

>and citizen bounty hunters can ban abortions
what the every living fuck is this idiot talking about? Bounty hunters banned abortions?

>> No.18878084

I always order from one of those ordering screens whenever they're available to me instead of talking to the cashier because the machine never mishears or misunderstands what I'm telling it and makes it as easy as possible to select and deselect ingredients. Talking to the cashier when the order screen is available is just asking for your order to be wrong.

>> No.18878091

What an absolutely worthless comic. Is this communist propaganda from the 50s or something?

>> No.18878637

Well its got way too many words and panels, so it's definitely leftist.

>> No.18878838

Yeah, I make $85k/year, have almost three times your savings in the bank, plus I'm putting $12k/year in my 401k, $5k in my IRA.
No fucking clue how long you had to hold your breath until oxygen deprivation convinced you I was wasting money.
Please don't use the sharp scissors, OK?

>> No.18878848

>30 rack of rolling rocks
Good advice except that whiskey will kill him faster without making him quite as fat in the process.

>> No.18878886

>>I don't know how to manage my finances
Where are you getting this nonsensical idea?
I could just quit working today and live on my savings until either the brain thing the doctors tell me "probably isn't a tumor" or my failing liver kill me.
Jesus Christ, $13 an hour?
Just checked an inflation calculator, and I was making today's equivalent of $11.43 when I was 16, still in high school and living with my parents.
Fuck's sake, just go full homeless and beg for change on the side of the road.

>> No.18878902

Wow, SUPER edgy. Don't cut yourself!
Meanwhile, most of the kids from Uvalde were 9-10 years old.

>> No.18878912

No you won't, there's nothing stopping you from doing that right now and you are too pussy to do it.

>> No.18878913

>actually made right for once
Really curious. Is this just a dumbass meme, or you do any of you actually live somewhere that the McD's routinely fucks up your order?
It's happened to me like twice in the last 40-50 years.
Maybe move out of your bullshit flyover state?

>> No.18878922
File: 1.91 MB, 1536x1670, 3AD7D2BD-9155-4F93-B106-F772331DF99E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thers no evidence any kids were shot at Uvalde

>> No.18878923

The answer is people are fatter and lazier than ever and they would rather wait 30 minutes in a drive thru than spend 5 minutes getting out of their car and walking 20 feet to order.

>> No.18878926

>the generation that's the cause of everything wrong in the western world
Sorry, I'm not Dick Cheney, Elon Musk, any Republican since Eisenhower, or any billionaire but Warren Buffet.
So nice to know you think the working people of my generation had any kind of sway over the course of American history or economics, so thanks!

>> No.18878935

Read the fucking news, retard.
It would have taken less time to educate yourself than post nonsense on the 4chins.

>> No.18878943

>knowledge is the domain of the majority, non-conservative people

>> No.18878988

>ten years
kek you have no idea how much things have changed in the last 10 years. It's not go getting teenagers working fast food anymore. It's 30 something single black moms and people who don't speak the native language.

>> No.18879028

>They got $15 and everyone told them it would spike prices.
>Prices rocket up.
Wrong order.

>> No.18879051
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polniggies big mad

>> No.18879056

Because I'm not fat and its 5x faster?

>> No.18879074

why do you go to places that "always" fucks up your order, that seems like a personal problem to me. if i went to a place and they fucked up all my shit every time i go to them, i wouldn't go to them. it's really simple shit.

>> No.18879081

>kek you have no idea how much things have changed in the last 10 years.
>It's 30 something single black moms and people who don't speak the native language.
no it's not, it's the same as it has been for 30 years, walk into any kitchen, and yell "la migra" and there will be no kitchen staff. it's always mexicans. they put all the white people (like me) on the front.

>> No.18879084

I want to laugh at America as it burns to the ground because I am not American.

>> No.18879103

it is

>> No.18879114

>time to lean time to clean
>all the staff druggies or drunks or both
it's literally not. nothing has changed.

>> No.18879121

it literally is

>> No.18879220
File: 81 KB, 640x476, 1386858812173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it's like you don't even care about reality. No-fucking-body in America got $15.00, yet you still want to blame decent working people, mostly working parents, for the price-gouging that lines billionaire's pockets.
Poor as your average nigger, but still shilling for people that have more money they could ever spend.
Fuck's sake.

>> No.18879226

McDonalds doesn't serve food, so ... nothing?

>> No.18879229

>always mexicans. they put all the white people (like me) on the front.
Just imagine competing with actual Mexicans for a job.
Move up the ladder or open a vein.

>> No.18879231

>I am not American.
OK, so even lower than an actual Republican?
You're not fit to lick my balls.

>> No.18879274

Boy howdy you sure are dumb. Re-read the string.

>> No.18879306

>Boy howdy you sure are dumb.
Wow. Such sources. What a convincing piece of nonsense you pulled out of your ass!
Please stop being part of the group of poor people that cheer as the 1% kill the middle class?

>> No.18879308

Couldn't do it even if I wanted to since you chopped em off, Ameritroon.

>> No.18879331

Boy howdy you sure are dumb. Re-read the string.

>> No.18879390


Why didn't anyone tell me I could hunt down whores in Texas for money?

>> No.18879395
File: 154 KB, 376x250, 4039644-c5c784e1b15bf1110a193a52f7f8179e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's insane that people are actually falling for this. Say it with me:
They have automated precisely nothing, the only purpose of this stunt is to scare the wagies into demanding less pay. Robots are nowhere near the point of being able to flip burgers, much less at anything near average human pace EVEN LESS McDonald's pace.

>> No.18879478

Librul fooled by computer text generator. Color me fucking surprised

>> No.18879527

I would agree, but the only automated store I've seen was a local movie rental store and it only closed after a few months. I imagine it was because NetFlix was actually serious competition and streaming was just getting popular, but there were quite a bit of mechanical parts.

>> No.18879537

I believe that's called a "redbox"

>> No.18879550

>demanding less pay
A thing that will never happen. I know this is bait but it could be of higher quality, work on it a bit.

>> No.18879556

This was an actual store not a kiosk. It had arms that picked up movies.

>> No.18879560

I didn't say it was going to work, since it's not

>> No.18879565

I was sure these machines were a decade old.


>> No.18879582

The only reason it's not going to work is because darkies will find a way to break everything. Beyond that there's no reason to believe that automation is more than a few years away.

>> No.18879587

Pathetically slow, clumsy, and funny enough the actual grill isn't shown. The fact of the matter is McDonald's DIDN'T make one of these for this restaurant, and believe me they really REALLY wanted to. It's just not possible. AI is going to take every single white collar job before robots can even touch burger flippers and amazon fulfillment center workers.

>> No.18879597

Yeah they've been saying that for the last twenty years, only now it's true... just for artists and programmers and accountants and pretty much everyone EXCEPT who they originally thought. This "automated" restaurant, in the year 2023, is just a normal McDonald's with a dumbwaiter installed (1800s technology)

>> No.18879605

>Yeah they've been saying that for the last twenty years, only now it's true
Could've ended the post there.

>> No.18879994

>you're an unemployed armchair philosopher NEET
seems like a projection my friend
it won't an android or robot arm with a spatula, it will look like this, on a smaller scale
you will have a one guy fixing occasional errors, filling up hoppers with frozen patties/buns/shredded lettuce and of course, cleaning the machine

>> No.18880161

Not really the point though, huh?

>> No.18880165

Like I told my grandson years ago.
By the time you're a grown-up the only jobs left will be robot repairman and real human waiter.

>> No.18880207

I practiced it on ye mum. I actually care about people and tossing a bucket of fermented dookies on unwitting and unwilling people is unkind and cruel.

>> No.18880297

>Killing the protestors is le good if i don't like them
What's your opinion on Kyle Rittenhouse btw?

>> No.18880393

On board with you, except for the part where you mis-splled "anti-american shitbags trying to overthrow the rightfully elected government".

>> No.18880697

Fucking lel.
>Defending 15$/hours wage
Fucking kill yourself please. Massive retarded tranny dick sucker. I hate you and every single one of your Family WHO shares the Same DNA as you. Nigger

>> No.18880881

>broke down mcflurry machines
>he doesnt know that people say that because its easier to explain than "the machine is performing its cleaning services which renders it unavailble" to the land whale and her 4 kids she picked up from soccer practice

>> No.18880887

Cleaning? Hah no they just say that so they dont have to make one

>> No.18880997

>thjs thread
lol dumb nigger

>> No.18881046
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>Austin aside

>> No.18881098

Those machines are forced on by contracts, and they rather tell you it broke past 4pm than deal with its ridiculous cleaning process.

>> No.18881153

>How will this change the world
Now you really won't know when they slip the arsenic into your food once the population control goes into effect
At least a human will have the morality to rat their company out if they feel like it

>> No.18881264

Please God let this be true (I know it's not, but still).

>> No.18881313

Robots like Flippy, and picnic works will definitely lead to even smaller restaurant footprints, a reduced cost of labor for businesses, and fewer hirings. Most likely, the youth of today will have to go through internships to get any experience over working which will give them some networking possibilities but fewer ways to earn anything monetarily at the start. Resutrants will probably use value menus to lure more people to buy and prices probably won't change much. Certain areas may employ armed guards at locations so the machine can cook while the wagies left handout the food.

>> No.18881326

this has literally happened in NYC with the immigrants from texas, what's so unbelievable about it happening in a much more liberal country like australia?

>> No.18881354

>monetarily at the start.
We're on a collision course with disaster, the collapse of society and mass starvation.
Drinking as fast as I can to hopefully die first.

>> No.18881364

>this has literally happened in NYC
No-fucking-body in NYC can "do whatever they want".
Also waiting on a source for your claims in general.
But hey, keep patronizing that Q-Anon part of your malformed brain!
God help us all.

>> No.18881630

Unironically this