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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18798840 No.18798840 [Reply] [Original]

I know its not the same as a fried egg, but have you tried JUST brand egg scramble substitute? I was apprehensive at first, but a day after first trying it I went back to the store for 2 more bottles for the week; it tastes and feels nearly indistinguishable from how I remember real eggs. It can be a bit pricey depending where you're located/what store you find it in, but it has honestly allowed me to reignite my love for breakfast foods. Breakfast sandwiches, burritos, omlettes, mini fritatas, even French toast. If you haven't tried it but you miss certain egg dishes, I'd highly suggest it!

>> No.18798846
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>> No.18798847

Why not just eat eggs, they lay them all the time. It's not cruel if you just buy quality eggs from a farmer.

>t. chicken owner

>> No.18798848
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What’s up with trans people ruining every fucking meal?

>> No.18798874

Try just eating a real egg you faggotjss

>> No.18798892

Well, you see that plants are far more common than animals. And JUST is arguably healthier than bird eggs, what with the lowered cholesterol content. It's also more convenient than cracking those eggs and dealing with salmonella.

>> No.18798896

What do they taste like with ketchup anon, I can't eat my eggs without tasty tasty ketchup

>> No.18798901

Written like an AI/corpo put it together, but I'll make an honest reply:
The taste is fine, texture is good too even, but if I didn't live with people who missed having eggs, I wouldn't eat it

It's one axis of the moral quandary of consumerism, but if your choices are A) buy soi faux-animal product, B) buy animal product from local real farmers and grocers, or C) don't eat them at all, then as a vegan for me it's C > B >>>> A
Exception being if something intriguing seems worth a try, or as I said someone really doesn't want to cheat on being vegan but also doesn't want to not have their precious non-vegan thing once in a while

the tl;dr is you vegan faggots better be buying things made locally instead of just shifting your purchasing priorities to Other Globohomo Product, and you non-vegan faggots better be putting your money where your mouth is and buying food grown by human beings instead of your goyslop grown last year in China

>> No.18798904


>> No.18798924
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>> No.18798930

Wouldn't B be arguably more vegan because if you don't buy the animal product it'll go to waste which would cause suffering on top of the mere existence experienced by chickens at local farms? You can't undo global animal 'exploitation' and eggs without a fertile rooster around are just biomatter. It's your duty as a local vegan to care for the chickens by encouraging their good treatment and consuming the beautiful energy they share with us just by waking up every day and shidding an egg out. Veganism doesn't make sense. I'm trans, btw

>> No.18798932
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>it tastes and feels nearly indistinguishable from how I remember real eggs
>If you haven't tried it but you miss certain egg dishes

Did I sleep through a nuclear apocalypse? Did chickens go extinct? Why would I "miss" eggs? Just go to any store in the world and get some fucking eggs.

>> No.18798936 [DELETED] 

Goyim slave feed, a humiliation ritual of the lowest order. Death to the Synagogue of Satan, the Edomite Jews of today.

>> No.18798980

Purchasing the product encourages supply, spending money elsewhere sends that encouragement to other places. Any ethically consuming omnivore should have no choice to make - simply buy local. Vegans should be doing the same thing for the appropriate products (buy produce/grains/whatever grown nearby from farmer's markets or whatever) , but if you had no concerns about anything besides ethical consumption of goods - animal welfare, environmental concerns, cost of food, and so on - you'd probably not bother to be vegan and simply make a strong concerted push for people of all dietary restrictions or choices to focus on local markets instead of shit coated thick with preservatives grown two seasons ago by debt-bonded wageslaves in the third world, and in getting people to focus on the things that matter, not care about which particular locally productive enterprise people care to give their money to

I recognize your comment is only passingly in good faith and is trying to start an argument instead of addressing the thread topic, but I'll at least give you the satisfaction of receiving a halfway decent reply from someone who isn't a sockpuppet

>> No.18799003
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Kill yourself.

>> No.18799010

I'll admit that my OP was just a rehashed reddit comment, but I do appreciate your perspective. Local ag and food systems are the solution to a whole shitload of problems. Supply/demand is a hard construct to unwind with regard to ag and especially animal welfare. If demand is localized and scaled appropriately, quality of life for animals and quality of end food product both improve. I think the issue of veganism is really troubling, because it reflects a natural reaction to a terrible system created by humans (factory food) and a rejection of naturalistic tendencies (most animals eat other animals, and the ones that don't typically get eaten). Human veganism is antithetical to optimized health. But, since we've created a system of animals that are dependent on humans for security and longevity, it seems that a balancing act of ethical breeding practices and maximizing the wellbeing of animals while alive (but ultimately which will either die and feed other animals or can die and feed people) has to occur at some point. But I guess I'm not willing to sacrifice my quality of life and health for the lives or products of other creatures.

>> No.18799014


>> No.18799023

JUST fuck my eggs up

>> No.18799034

when I was working in a camp kitchen I would cook huge mounds of scrambled eggs and just eggs for the vegans. I have to admit the JUST (FUCK MY SHIT UP) eggs are pretty good. I wouldn't say they taste like eggs really but they're pretty tasty in their own right. If I ever decided to become vegan this would scratch the "hungry for hot yellow lumps" itch. For best results, cook in butter

>> No.18799036

>cook a vegan product in butter

>> No.18799046

>low cholesterol
enjoy your alzheimer by 40 retard

>> No.18799051

I didn't use butter when cooking for the vegans I meant for myself
You could say that defeats the point, but there is no point because I'm not vegan

>> No.18799071

Dietary cholesterol does not contribute to poor health.

>> No.18799082


uhm sweety the studies say otherwise

>> No.18799099
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>> No.18799104
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>> No.18799113

have you read these studies or did you hear somewhere that studies said something?

>> No.18799120

The studies go so far as to say dietary cholesterol is actually good for you bud

>> No.18799146

Trannies can't cook anything but the meth/estrogen mix in their bathtub.

>> No.18799159

>dealing with salmonella
is this actually a problem outside the first world?

>> No.18799184

It's not a problem anywhere unless you're already severely immunocompromised. Salmonella is unironically worse than covid for boomers since that's when salmonella started infecting the egg and not just the chicken. No one who is healthy has anything to worry about it at all and has likely had a bout without even noticing unless you're particularly careful and have never eaten out in your life. Anyone who treats raw chicken or eggs like they're nuclear should be laughed out of the room and anyone who even mentions salmonella as an actual concern should be immediately discredited, unless you're specifically talking about cooking for the elderly or people with AIDS.

>> No.18799204

Not to mention eggs in the first world are practically sterilized so they're both clean and flavorless.

Tbh fuck grocery eggs. Get a farm.

>> No.18799927
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Where the fuck are trannies mentioned in the OP?

>> No.18800069

If any egg chads are reading this, do yourself a favor. Find that _one_ supplier near your that has the pasture raised chicken eggs from a small farm. Mine is a long-standing booth from the weekly farmers' market. They sell out of eggs for the week between 9 and 10 AM because they're not trying to factory farm them, they're just keeping the chickens they can. It'll take some trying because not all "pasture raised" eggs are created equally. But when you find the good one, you'll know. And it'll drive you crazy, because all it requires to have eggs this good is to care for the chickens like one would a pet, and allow them free time to forage for bugs and stuff. It's insane that such a simple thing is so uncommon now.
A good egg, fresh from a good chicken is unlike what is at the stores. People will go on about yolk color but that will depend only on diet and it can be faked by the industrial farms if they care to do it by feeding the chickens certain nutrients which will make the yolks a darker yellow. A good egg when fresh has a white that will naturally stay around the yolk in the pan. It will be tight and the egg will have some height to it after cooking without you having to push the white towards the yolk. The texture of the white is also way different. It has some texture and it quite opposite of the rubbery that store bought eggs get especially when old. The yolks flavor is noticeably better and it feels just _good_ to eat. Also the shells break cleaner while also being harder.
I pay 5 bucks a dozen and I'll keep doing so until they retire or I die. I could buy 2 dollar dozens from the store but those eggs make me sad. I eat a dozen eggs a week. 3 dollars extra per week is $150 dollars a year and I'll happily pay that for good eggs every single day of my life until I can get chickens of my own.

>> No.18800315

Sterilization makes them vulnerable to be infected by salmonella
The irony

>> No.18800320

Dietary cholesterol is what your brain uses to repair itself

>> No.18800340

good eggs are so much better

>> No.18800372

true but animals are more common than factories

>> No.18800387

eating eggs does not kill chickens they haven't been born yet bigot

>> No.18800393

cracking the eggs is like the best part of making eggs dude what the hell is wrong with you

>> No.18800406

The name "Just Egg" is a branding choice by the company that produces it and it is not intended to deceive or mislead consumers. The name is meant to convey the idea that it is an egg substitute that is plant-based, and it allows consumers to quickly identify it as a vegan or plant-based alternative to traditional eggs.

As you pointed out, "Just" can mean "only" or "solely" and in this case, the "Just" in "Just Egg" doesn't mean that the product contains only eggs, but it's just an egg substitute. It's a simple way for the brand to create a name that makes it easy for customers to understand that it's an egg substitute and it's plant-based, even if it doesn't contain real eggs.

In general, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates food labeling and advertising in the United States to make sure that they don't mislead consumers. So it's important to understand that products are often labeled in a way that makes it easy for consumers to identify what they are buying and that they meet the criteria set by these regulatory agencies.

>> No.18800581

You have to be a real piece of shit to eat this

>> No.18800700

I tried it because I have a light allergy to eggs
It doesn't fucking taste like eggs, it tastes like ruined mung bean noodles. Because that's what it fucking is.
I'd rather eat eggs and feel sick than eat this shit

>> No.18800707

Your brain has its own cholesterol that it makes, it doesn't rely on dietary cholesterol

>> No.18800875

A "friend" tried to be vegan and only lasted for 6 month before she had irregular periods from being anemic. In that time i have tasted all the trash food vegan food products needless to say, they all taste terrible but the "eggs" were the worst by far. It's literally canola paste with egg aroma that tastes like death and makes an oily film on your tongue that doesn't go away. I hate women so much.

>> No.18800900

Trans derangement syndrome. Seek mental help at the first signs and symptoms of trans derangement syndrome

>> No.18800931

Vegan delusion but atleast you're admitting that the vegan diet is malnutrition. Vegans supposedly have lower cholesterol levels than non-vegans, which is proof that your body doesn't make enough cholesterol.

>> No.18801170
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>JUST is arguably healthier than bird eggs
"Organic Marketing" faggots are the worst.

>> No.18801193

>And JUST is arguably healthier than bird eggs, what with the lowered cholesterol content. It's also more convenient than cracking those eggs
I'd hoped the last time I'd see this retarded marketing would have been during the time where baby formula was being marketed as the second coming and breast milk was the devil. Or any of those "this sugar is a gajillion times richer in energy that fruits and doesn't make you fat!" products.

>> No.18801196

I'm so fucking sick of this meme.

It's been proven time and time again that dietary cholesterol does not equate to the cholestrol in your blood. Your body literally produces cholestrol.

>> No.18801197
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I like how vegan shills never actually post OC of their 'meals'

>> No.18801199

>as a vegan
You deserve death.

>> No.18801233
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Check the ingredient list, duh

>> No.18801442

You do understand trans and cis in the context of chemistry right?

>> No.18801447

it's a joke you dumb autistic nigger bastard cattle

>> No.18801472


>> No.18801481


>> No.18802150

Lower blood cholesterol, but every cell in your body is capable of making cholesterol when and where it requires it. If you have high blood cholesterol, it's not doing anything, it's just accumulated in your blood while your body tries to excrete it as soon as it can.

>> No.18802221

Why the fuck would I eat this seed oil laden goyslop with an ingredients list that the size of a novel instead of just eating eggs?

>> No.18802227
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>organic canola oil

>> No.18802292

Some people are willing to make sacrifices because they are uncomfortable with the level of suffering modern scale farming inflicts on the animals.

>> No.18802301

Never heard of pastured eggs?

>> No.18802321

The problem is that even by buying those, they believe that they are implicitly supporting the chickens' slaughter. There isn't a single farm in the universe that doesn't slaughter or get rid of chickens that stop laying. And then there's a large subset that consider the level of domestication that most modern farm animals have been through to be a crime against nature even if there were an otherwise 'cruelty-free' farm.

>> No.18802341

>There isn't a single farm in the universe that doesn't slaughter or get rid of chickens that stop laying.
As opposed to what, letting it just die of "natural causes" or setting it free into the wild to get eaten by a coyote? The animal is going to die either way. How is letting its sustenance go to waste ethical? Or is the idea that you want all chicken farming to end, so that chickens can go extinct as a species?

>> No.18802422

You're asking the wrong person that. I'm borderline eco-fascist. The only issue I see with that is that chickens and coyotes are not native to the same biome anywhere, so that interaction still required detrimental human intervention at some point anyway. But I digress. I get your point and the answer is yes, I find that preferable and don't really understand why anyone else wouldn't. The core of the issue is that no matter what you, as a human, do to an animal, the animal is entering as an unwilling participant. Since you can't make them willing except through domestication (Which again, to the level that modern farm animals have been domesticated, I find to be a crime against nature. Dogs would be an example of acceptable domestication, barring things like pugs that even the mainstream has started to agree are getting fucked up.) the only way to make that an ethical interaction is to either only do it when necessary (ie, eat only the meat that you actually need to.) or if both participants are on the same level (eg a coyote killing and eating a chicken.) That's just nature. And for the record I do believe humans to be 'above' nature. The fact that we are having this conversation is all the evidence I need of that. But I consider that to have had far more negative repercussions than positive.

The huge issue is that everyone says, "You need animal meat to live," and then end the discussion there. The fact that meat is needed justifies literally everything done to the animal in pursuit of that to them, and the incredible cruelty they're subjected to is a-okay because it makes it cheap. A large part of the reality is that people eat far, far more meat than their dietary needs require and care far more about saving a dollar a pound than they care about the suffering they inflict.

>> No.18802423

I hope you die

>> No.18802434

>Or is the idea that you want all chicken farming to end, so that chickens can go extinct as a species?
Also, I have to mention how much of a shitty, disingenuous argument that is. You're like the atheist fags that try and guilt trip christians into accepting immigrants because Jesus totally would have done it. Anyone who isn't a child should see that bringing something into the world only to torture and eat it is probably going to be worse than never bringing it in at all. It's why you're not allowed to murder and rape your children even though they wouldn't have been born without you. It's just trying to trick the other side into an emotional reaction and avoid the argument of what is actually happening.

>> No.18802447

>yes, I find that preferable and don't really understand why anyone else wouldn't.
Well, normal people don't understand why you think it's morally wrong for humans to eat animals.

>Anyone who isn't a child should see that bringing something into the world only to torture and eat it is blah blah blah
We're talking about pastured chickens here. No one is torturing them. They're living happy fulfilling lives, insofar as that's even possible for an animal. Who's being disingenuous now?

>> No.18802461

>murder and rape your children
>It's just trying to trick the other side into an emotional reaction and avoid the argument of what is actually happening.
Take a look in the mirror my friend. Also, you're not even Christian, as Christian doctrine has no issue with eating meat.

>> No.18802569
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The only "vegan substitute" I've ever had that was actually good was vegan chicken nuggets. The "unholy slime" part is probably more important than the meat part.

>> No.18802711

schweet, AI comment

>> No.18802718

I think it's fine that vegans don't want to eat meat since they find it distasteful, but they lack a moral framework upon which to judge others and morally wrong beyond "suffering...le bad".
At least jainists and hindus have a reason, that particular creatures are divine or that followers have a religious obligation to not commit violence.
Because they are overwhelmingly liberal irreligious their ideas typically revolve around social contract or the golden rule or the idea of being "morally consistent", which all stem from utilitarianism and so have no logical reason for being applied to animals.
On the other hand, being disgusted by meat, slaughter, or feeling sympathy for the animals are perfectly acceptable reasons for veganism.

>> No.18802730

Also vegans are not morally consistent because their definition includes products that use animal abuse/slavery, but has no qualms about child labor/slavery and in fact tries to justify as "impossible to avoid" or "necessary for surviving in the modern world".

>> No.18802736

I honestly was really impressed when I had it. But I'm not a vegan so I don't care much about it.

>> No.18802737

>On the other hand, being disgusted by meat, slaughter, or feeling sympathy for the animals are perfectly acceptable reasons for veganism.
No it's not. Being disgusted by your own nature is indicative of having lived a sheltered life and having been brainwashed by anthropomorphized cartoon characters since childhood. Life can't exist without death. You're part of the infinite cycle of life and death. There's no getting around it. To deny and fight against the essence of your existence is inherently harmful. And we can readily see how this culminates in our society.

>> No.18802743

That's a fair point, at the same time I'm not going to shame someone for their disgust reaction.

>> No.18803350

It's interesting to me that the they defend this obvious misleading name.