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18788149 No.18788149 [Reply] [Original]

I quitting alcohol. I've been a good boy and old drank water and coffee since new years but I'm craving something. What non alcoholic bevvie or snack should I get from sleven

>> No.18788166
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dr pebba

>> No.18788167
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keep drinking more water bro only 357 days left in the year

>> No.18788186


>> No.18788199

Dr Pepper and some hot fries

>> No.18788224
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Good job OP on cutting out the liquid jew. Maybe get yourself a fancy root beer?

>> No.18788229

Liquid jew?

>> No.18788240

Drinking tonic water without liquor works

>> No.18788242

A budlite. It's not technically alcohol

>> No.18788260

Kava is relaxing and has a sort of earthy taste to it.

>> No.18788327


>> No.18788379

Alcohol has been humanity's friend for thousands of years, don't blame it for your misgivings.

>> No.18788381

it's actual poison

>> No.18788386

If it was actually poison and thus immediately dangerous to yourself among contact, it wouldn't be sold in stores.

>> No.18788392

you argue like a drunk person. lay off the booze

>> No.18788405

If it's poison but still has some use, it can still be sold, the obvious cleaners. I can't really think of any use for grocery beer aside from a handful of recipes and otherwise being consumed, so why would they sell it?

>> No.18788416
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I got a big hotdog. Jalapeño chips and fruit punch. Eventually I hope to not have to reward myself like this, instead my success will be its own reward.

>> No.18788421

The LD50 of sugar is approximately a standard five pound bag. Mcdonald's, tobacco, etc. aren't immediately dangerous but are certainly poison.

>> No.18788444
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>> No.18788647

stay strong brother

>> No.18788905

I was going to quit alcohol tonight but I'm starting to feel deep anxiety at the thought of going to bed sober so I think I'll start by tapering down to six beers.

>> No.18788936

You all fucking pussies with those no self-control kill yourself

>> No.18788937

when i'm taking a break from the sauce i like to keep a bunch of san pelligrino around. it's tasty, not unhealthy, and feels like a little treat because i normally don't keep it around due to it being an obvious waste of money. but it seems more reasonable in comparison to destroying my liver/life. hits the spot when i'd rather have a beer or a glass of whiskey.

>> No.18788942

go be angry and foolish somewhere else please

>> No.18788963

Friend of mine who quit drinking drinks kombucha

>> No.18788981


>> No.18789035

>it wouldn't be sold in stores
based im gonna go drink a whole can of wd40

>> No.18789073

I have a couple of weeks here and there where I either abstain entirely - or cut it back to ~4-5 beers twice a week.

During the days I'm not having a beer - I sometimes drink non-alcoholic beers but typically mineral water.

Some people advise against non-alcoholic beers if you are trying to give up alcohol entirely though as you never really break the connection (for want of a better expression)... but it suits me.

Good luck with it though - first few days are hard but after that it's much easier

>> No.18789255

Never quit alcohol cold turkey, the abstinence can be lethal. Tapering sounds good

>> No.18789267

I was crushing handles every other day but went cold turkey and felt fiiiiiine

>> No.18789447

some type of fruit juice.

>> No.18789452

you can only quit cold turkey because eventually you have your last one.

>> No.18789624

Life without booze isn't worth living. I love getting drunk and talking with my pals. All inhibitions gone. Then I get home, put on some Pink Floyd and get euphoric.

>> No.18789634

I quit nicotine exactly one month ago and I've been eating way more to compensate. Already I've gotten fatter and I feel worse. I don't think about or crave nicotine anymore, but I feel like I was sold a bill of goods. I expected to have some reduced anxiety, elevated mood, more stamina, or some kind of benefit. Instead I just feel like I have worse focus.

>> No.18789646

What utter fucking horseshit. It's legal because it has thousands of years worth of culture attached to it. It's common knowledge by now that alcohol has detrimental effects to your brain and body. Even more so than most illegal drugs, with a few exceptions like crack and meth

>> No.18789657

I always feel bad when I see fat people smoking. They're so fucked either way as people almost always put on weight when they quite smoking.

>> No.18789769

Half-true. Alcohol has been a staple of humanity for a very long time, however wine and beer we're naturally very low in alcohol content compared to their modern day counterparts. Beer in the middle ages would be somewhere between 2-3% alcohol and wine under 10%. Likewise, distilled alcohol is a very recent development from a human history stand point and contains way more alcohol than any of our ancestors would ever be drinking in one sitting. Also alcohol has been with humans for thousands of years in a strictly social and communal setting, again it's only recently (last 300 years or so) that humanity has had the capability to just have personal bottles of highly alcoholic spirits just sitting at home, available to drink by yourself whenever you want.
Tldr; yes, humanity has used alcohol for thousands of years but we use it vastly different than our ancestors

>> No.18789807

> sugar is a poison because you might die if you eat 5 lbs of it at once
Ketolards get more and more disingenuous every day.

>> No.18789831 [DELETED] 

I got bad news from the doctor so I am also trying to quit. It's hard though. What I've been doing is drinking cola and strong coffee. Also eating lots of candy, chocolate, nice cheeses, etc. It's never as good as good though. I'm starting to think it might be better to avoid unhealthy foods and drinks altogether. That way the lifestyle change generally will complement stopping alcohol. Otherwise the mindset is the same - you're abusing your body as a kind of reward at the end of the day.
Also I've been in this spot before and the main challenge is not stopping alcohol but trying to stop the invasive thought that comes about a week in: when will I drink next? After a week what happens to me is I think, OK, I've come quite far, I've had a significant break, and now I can have a drink with my head held high. I can have a drink once a week or so and that'll be sustainable and healthy. But what always happens is I end up drinking once a week, then twice the next week, and before I know it I'm back to where I started. A week is certainly not enough. Be to be really vigilant about that kind of thinking. A week really isn't enough. Nor is two weeks or even a month. You have to really get out of the habit of even thinking of getting drunk as an option

>> No.18789883

Hopefully you reach a point where you'll be sober enough to proofread before posting

>> No.18789892

Get 0% alc beer. It's pretty good and scratches the itch without consuming alcohol.

>> No.18789955

Quit cold turkey the beginning of December after averaging 10 shots of vodka a day for several years, daily drinking for at least 7 years. My appetite and sleep schedule is back to normal feels good

>> No.18789967

great idea, buy something mostly sold at liquor stores next to liquor and drink something that mimics liquor, flawless idea

>> No.18789975

Lick my nuts faglord

>> No.18789976

>quit drinking for a few days
>feel great and, actually, this is easy
>quit drinking for a week
>this is going well but I'd really like a drink
>2 weeks
>surely this is enough now
>3 weeks
>constantly thinking of booze, powerful cravings
That's when I always lose. It's fucked up how it seems to get harder the longer your abstinance goes on. It's as though your brain is saying OK let's get serious now - you aren't actually quitting, right? You aren't actually never going to drink, right? Come on now. You've gone long enough now. Time for a drink.
Really tormenting

>> No.18789985

This only applies if you're drinking a full bottle of vodka a day or more

>> No.18789986

gj fren, I quit drinking as well. Most of the n/a beers taste like shit, but once in a while theyre slightly satisfying. I've been drinking tea, coffee, virgin bloody marys, and random diet sodas. There's lots of n/a cocktail recipes out there.

>> No.18789989

This. I started drinking a gallon of water a day and it really helps

>> No.18789991

I saw a couple of druggies tweaking out by the checkouts in Morrison's today and they were both sipping the pebba. Any junkies here know what they were probably on?

>> No.18790015

So I'm assuming UK. If you're down South then possibly Crack. Otherwise heroin, etizolam, some other street vallies or fake blues, take your pick of opioids and benzos.

>> No.18790025

He never said he was an alcoholic...
I get my 0% beer on Amazon.

>> No.18790028

Do you experience physical withdrawal symptoms? If not you should be fine. If you do, then >>18789255 is right be careful bro.
Close to same for me. Over $500 per month on alcohol, twelve pack plus a full bottle on my days off, rarely ever hungover, just felt slightly nauseous and stupid. I'm not sure how I never got a physical dependence on booze.
>buy something mostly sold at liquor stores next to liquor
Retard derected. By that logic you should never go to restaurants, grocery stores, or someones backyard grill since alcohol is available.

>> No.18790036

>My appetite and sleep schedule is back to normal feels good
The sleep was the best part for me. I actually remember going to bed, remember my dreams, and wake up feeling rested. Oh yea, and I have solid shits again too.

>> No.18790042

What's the best tasting fake amazon beer? I get the Becks n/a sometimes. Other than that the Bush 0% is kinda like beer flavored la croix but it's cheap.

>> No.18790066

Yeah. I was basically incapable of sleeping without at least 6 drinks in me, and even then I'd probably wake up after four hours and just lay there in the dark only able to half doze off, it was terrible.

>> No.18790072

He is getting anxiety even before his daily drink. There is no hard limit to where he can be safe from abstinence medicine doesn’t work that way, we have no way of telling how long or much he have been drinking

>> No.18790076

I like the Japanese zero calorie ones. Suntory all-free, asahi dry zero, and such. I get them at the nip store and I'll they're way more expensive than actual beer

>> No.18790084

>There is no hard limit to where he can be safe from abstinence medicine doesn’t work that way,
Oh fuck off, no one is going to die from quitting a half bottle of wine a day

>> No.18790088

I quite like shitty lagers so my favourites are Corona, Budweiser and Becks.

>> No.18790109

sparkling water, club soda, kombucha, coldbrew coffee
baking soda water, pickle juice, mustard, maple syrup
fruit juice, chilled tea, sherbert, flavored milks

>> No.18790110

Sparkling water is the true great option. Healthy, cheap and delicious. It even gives that fizzy pain in your mouth.

>> No.18790114

>they're way more expensive than actual beer
They are but a six pack lasts me a week vs drinking 12 to 18 beers plus liquor in one sitting. The latter costs around $40 per night vs a $10 six pack of fake beer.
Yea that's pretty much what I've been buying. I've found the Bush n/a to be the best value, but I haven't tried the Budweiser yet.

>> No.18790128

Quitting on the first was great I don't have to keep track of days. If you're thinking about quitting just tell everyone you quit on the first and start now

>> No.18790148

That works if people know you drink. I was really good at hiding it.
>never went to bars
>never drank around anyone I know
>never had anybody over
>only drank at home by myself
>only buy beer at convenience stores
>always park behind the liquor store
New guy at work asked me what my favorite beer is. Another guy said "oh he doesn't drink". Things like that happened a few times. Haven't drank since October and nobody even knew I was a shitty drunk.

>> No.18790163

Keep on keeping on, mineral water is a good bevvy, especially when off alcohol and/or sugar, haven't had cravings to drink since new years, feels like I'm slowly recovering after 9 years of drinking (was just on the weekends for 4 years, these last 5 has been pretty frequent)

>> No.18790270

maybe look up what happened the last time they tried to PROHIBIT sales of alcohol

>> No.18790382

good for you anon! I'm just doing the same right now.
I drink a lot of sprinkling water with lemon slices in it. also I drink fennel and lavender tea to calm my stomach and to calm me down a bit.
also pickles help me on the evening when I'm craving for something

>> No.18790422
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>> No.18790455
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>tfw you have a full litre bottle of Bombay Sapphire that was supposed to be a Christmas present but you forgot you already bought something for that person so you're keeping it for their birthday instead and it's just sitting there in the cupboard unopened

>> No.18790507

Just take a sip bro, just whet your throat bro

>> No.18790555

Don't drink. Unhealthy

>> No.18790602

That's why I'm of the mind that it is ok to drink sometimes, but making a big deal out of it by saying you can never drink again is just ridiculous, unless you genuinely can't touch the stuff because one drink makes you the town whore or something.

>> No.18790609 [DELETED] 

Reminder to zoomies, this is what alcoholics actually look like

>> No.18790645

>friend wants to hangout
>"Let's get drunk!"
>meanwhile 4 days sober after a brief relapse after not drinking for a month

Fuck I hate how drinking culture has permitated everywhere. Hopefully she gets drunk before she realizes I'm not matching her.

>> No.18790660


Some people can't. God knows the amount of times I've told myself "just one or two drinks and then I'm done" just to end up blacking out. The second you start feeling it whatever plans you have can change very rapidly, especially if there are other people egging you on.

>> No.18790724

Why not pour your max amount first then lock up the bottle before even drinking

>> No.18790800

Not him but you don't seem to understand the mind of an alcoholic.
There is no max amount once I open that bottle. If I'm at home alone I'm going to drink until I pass out. If I locked it up, then I have a way to unlock it. If I threw away the key, then I'm going to unscrew the hinges off the cabinet, cut the lock with an angle grinder, whatever it takes to get that bottle. Or, since I already went that far I can simply go back to the liquor store.

>> No.18790850

Yea I hate it too. I have one friend who doesn't drink and he's a boomer I met at work. I'll still go to bars with people, but I'll drink anything but alcohol and nobody seems to care, but it's still tiresome

>> No.18790858

I wish I had friends that I could awkwardly not get drunk with

>> No.18790926

Yeah but this low alcohol beer was common because it was better than drinking water which might be unclean. People would literally drink 2-3% beer all day

>> No.18790941
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I am a beer drinker so ice cold Club Soda works well for me when I'm trying not to.
>ice cold fizzle from the can
>small amounts of electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium)

>> No.18790958

They would drink beer as food. Winter months had no harvest but beer could preserve calories from the previous harvest's grain and was more shelf-stable than bread. 2-3% ABV does nothing to kill bacteria. And it was more like 0.5%-2%. The reason it was shelf stable is because all pathogenic bacteria are wiped out during the fermentation process, you can make beer with diarrhea-laden water and it wouldn't give you food poisoning.

>> No.18790963

become addicted to marijuana instead

>> No.18790978

To be fair the daily dudeweed is likely much healthier and happier than the nightly drunkard.

>> No.18790982

I haven't smoked in 6 months I don't really want to DESU

>> No.18791009


I mean, for me it's one of the other. Working with a therapist on the underlying issues but I'll find myself staring at the wall and pacing thinking about going to get a drink just to get through periods of boredom or sadness. Weed has its own issues but at least I'm giving my liver a break.

>> No.18791023

Do you have any hobbies?

>> No.18791037


Nah, that's clearly my next step. It's just so hard to take for some God dammed reason. One day at a time though.

Cookings kind of a hobby right?

>> No.18791072
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kek that sounds just like me

>> No.18791111

>that's clearly my next step
>one day at a time though
I think you're going to be okay fren. You seem to actually want to be better
>cooking is a hobby right?
Yea it is, but something that gets you out of the house away from the liquor is better. Maybe start cooking /out/ with fire somewhere? I was already into fishing so i started doing that even more, and i just started mountain biking. What are you into bro?

>> No.18791113

>just a nice G&T
>mm delicious, one more
>ahh so nice to be a little breezy, a little more would be nice
>aww it's wearing off, I'll have another chug from the bottle to maintain
>well that was fun. It's still early though, so I'll have a bit more
>wake up at 1pm next to an empty bottle and a hundred texts

>> No.18791123

Forgot to mention simple nightwalks help a lot for me also, since that's when I want to get drunk the most.

>> No.18791133

You just have to make it to 12pm, then you can't buy booze.

>> No.18791163

24/7 here

>> No.18791183
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The moussey lemon-mint malt beverages really hit that beer craving on a sunny day. Strawberry is good, too.
Find an Arab store and see what they have. Mine has 2 or 3 brands and about a dozen flavors.
Good luck to you. Hardest part is just stopping. After that, it's managing the boredom.

>> No.18791219


>> No.18791544

My bad, Cali does not sell it between 2am and 6am. Never been awake to realize. There are 24/7 liquor stores but they apparently don't officially sell liquor during that time.

>> No.18792120

Your body is probably craving the sugar/yeast from alcohol. Fruit salad will probably satisfy.

>> No.18792235


La Croix/Cheap sparkling water scratches that itch for me. The carbonation and cracking the can hits that little dopamine trigger I used to get cracking open a beer.

>> No.18792306

>Some people advise against non-alcoholic beers
I have a bro who has been sober for 7 years, and he likes these. He tells me he does generally have a desire to drink most days, but from the sounds of it that desire would be there regardless.

>> No.18792391

I mix mineral water with old fashioned syrup.
It tastes like a cocktail but isn't.

>> No.18792400

If they didn't want me to drink WD-40 why would they sell it with a Capri Sun straw?

>> No.18792410

Just sit there and suffer like a man. Your weak ass subconscious is just trying to get you to stimulate your gratification receptors, and pick up a new vice in the process.

>> No.18792472

You gotta be careful though. Ive seen kombucha cause a full relapse on a couple occasions. For someone clean and sober for years, they'll still feel that 0.25% alcohol like a very minor buzz

>> No.18792897

>stimulate your gratification receptors
Alcohol addiction is more insidious. There is the dopamine receptor burnout you're talking about, but there's also the GABA burnout. The brain cannot downregulate its functions because it stopped producing GABA, since alcohol stimulates the receptors. This is why cold-turkey in heavy alcoholics causes shit like hallucinations, heart symptoms or seizures. If you don't get DTs you still suffer the consequences like emotional instability, anxiety, heart palpitations, etc. Alcohol dependence is much worse than just burning out your coom receptors.

>> No.18792931

they sell cigarettes anon.

>> No.18792933

>and a hundred texts

>> No.18793355

What is La Croix? Just sparkling water? See it all the time on American media but I don;t think it's sold anywhere else.

>> No.18793405

bruh why

>> No.18793431

yeah, it's flavored sparkling water

>> No.18793465

bitter lemon and OJ, 60 bl, 40 oj

>> No.18793573

One cigarette won't kill you, the same way one beer won't.
Yours is also a poor example because it's a lot easier to kill yourself by overdrinking in one night than by oversmoking in the same amount of time.

>> No.18793594

>muh drinking culture
your so called friend evidently doesn't know or doesn't care about your struggle.
in the first case, you were either too autistic to tell her, or she's not a close enough friend to be informed of that, so why even bother, decline.
if it's the second scenario, then she's not a friend period

>> No.18793714

This is how crackheads justify taking crack as a way to stop taking crack.

>> No.18794143

crack has been scientifically proven to reduce crack cravings

>> No.18794303

>What non alcoholic bevvie or snack should I get from sleven
I always liked mixing fruit juice and soda water. Makes it feel more "special" than a normal drink so it scratches that itch a bit more than just cracking open a soda or something.
Otherwise get a root beer, or learn how to make root beer yourself as a project to also help get your mind off the booze

>> No.18794328
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Not sure if you can get that on Amazon, but I really like (Czech) Budweiser's alcohol-free beer.

>> No.18794815

Except crack gets you high, nobody makes 0% cocaine crack. Nobody smokes crack for the taste. 0% beer has no affect on you, it's impossible to get drunk from it. Are you retarded or just trying really hard to look smart?

>> No.18794829

Ummm... i'm going to uni soon and i kinda afraid not making any fren if i dont drink. Is alcohol really that bad?

>> No.18794834

You are retarded

>> No.18794846

I’ve never drank a single drop of alcohol in my life because because i’m a based monotheistic muslim chad , but i love to drink shit like energy drinks red bull is my favorite even tho it’s pretty pricey it sets my mood up high

>> No.18794851

Did he say he was drinking half a bottle of wine a day? Not gonna read through the whole thread

>> No.18795447

Kek sometimes these threads remind me im really not the only one who knows this feeling

>> No.18795462

I wish I could quit the liquid jew. I drink a few beers a month but if I go a day or two without milk I start craving a big glass real bad.

>> No.18795476

You are a degenerate and a weakling. I can't imagine ever allowing myself to get drunk once.
I have a family history of alcoholism so I don't consume alcohol at home except in rare occasion. When I do, it's not from a larger container, so there's a clear stopping point.

>> No.18795637

Honestly if you keep it to social settings you'll be fine. It's when the party is over and you're still just swigging out of the bottle that you may have a problem

>> No.18795770

Yo, based?
*gives you a high five*

>> No.18795788

Never drink alone. There is a really good reason that social norm exists. Do not do it. Getting into that habit is what fucks people up.

>> No.18795809

Sounds like a drunk talking.

>> No.18795816

Uh, Redpilled?
*upvotes, and inserts penis into your hand*

>> No.18795920

>128 posts
>no slurpee

>> No.18796007
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>> No.18796144

the only good non-alcoholic drinks are water, cocoa, tea, and coffee. milk acceptable as an additive.

>> No.18797064

>nobody makes 0% cocaine crack.
that's where you are wrong kiddo. There's always that one asshole with deathwish who'll try to make quick buck selling meth cut with some of those designer drugs as crack.

>> No.18798159

im trying to quit too, ive gotten so fat between beer and the subsequent munchies

>> No.18798179

For me it's buying a small 200-350ml bottle whiskey. Even if I drink all this I won't be too fucked up. Helps that the off license is a good drive away and I'm not so insatiable that I would attempt it

>> No.18798195

For me, it's buying three 9.5% tallboys so I can say I'm only having 3 beers for the night

>> No.18798263

>didnt have the munchies
>try quitting
>get night munchies
>start again
>drinking makes the munchies much stronger

shit sux

>> No.18798318
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This is me.

I can actually control myself when I'm out with friends but will head to various liquor stores on different days after work. There's something comfy about just drinking and watching YouTube/twitch.

Yes I'm aware that I'm a degenerate but a very secret one.

>> No.18798385

its a neverending cycle of drinking, maybe some DUDE, munchies, waking up hungover (withdrawal), shitting, and then drinking again to stave off the hangover.

>> No.18798440

>tough day at work
>head to the supermarket
>buy nice snacks, and ingredients for a kino dinner
>buy a bottle of vodka, a bottle of tonic, and a bottle of wine or beers
>get home, get in the kitchen, wack on a podcast or YouTube
>cook whilst drinking the booze
>eat dinner and continue to drink
>play vidyas, watch films, eat snacks and continue to drink
>have an epic fap and continue to drink
>get a bit too drunk
>memory after this point is patchy at best
>wake up the next morning with hours of YouTube history I have no memory of, films finished but with no memory of, vidya save files in places I have no memory of, chat logs with pals I have no memory of
This was 2-4 times weekly for many years. It got boring towards the end. Still sometimes miss it though.

>> No.18798446
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>the bottle of Bombay Sapphire is still there

>> No.18798519

lmao even

>> No.18798538

hot chocolate always does it for me desu

t a quitting alcoholic

>> No.18799387

It stopped being enjoyable for me, especially after the brain fog started feeling like it might become permanent. I also ruined my chances with two girls because I was too drunk when they invited me out.

>> No.18799411

planing on quitting myself soon. gonna stock up on tea.seltzer and soda also work. hop water is very good, but expensive good luck and godspeed

>> No.18799527

Same bro, thought i'd have a beer today and bought 5 tall boys instead. Would like to have more but this country doesn't sell after 9pm

>> No.18799549

Drink more water
Orange juice
Apple juice

>> No.18799562

After you finish the "max amount" you think
>OK one more swig
>OK one more
>OK last swig
>Ah there's so little left in the bottle I might as well finish it
Rising blood alcohol level is the strongest association between alcohol and euphoria. So you feel best when you keep drinking. When you drink your last drink, you feel OK for a while and then it's downhill from there.
So alcoholics just keep drinking until they finish everything or feel too drunk to continue. Or just keep going until they pass out.

>> No.18799630
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>get 6 pack & pint of vodka on the way home
>drink just one beer while cooking and eating
>do some errands to finish the day without drinking
>8 PM hits
>drink it all while browsing, watching vids, shitposting
>wake up next morning
>go through browser history to catch up on all my (You)s

>> No.18799713

Get a few BBQ wings

>> No.18799751
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>> No.18799822
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>> No.18799847

You have to be a 26 per day drinker for a decade to have lethal effects from quitting cold turkey. Like, borderline homeless, shaking hands if you don't drink alcoholic. Most young people are fine to quit cold turkey. Stop being a dramatic queer

>> No.18800523

Not true. I knew a 19 year old with dt’s

>> No.18800713

started spending my evenings alone watching yt/twitch while drinking rum and blackcurrant

wasnt planning on stopping but now im having second thoughts. Videosstreams just aren't as interesting sober though

>> No.18800779

Lol this but with food. I can only imagine how it must feel with the alc but it seems to have similar urges

>> No.18800784

Been there done that. Weed sucks ass if youre addicted. Yes its healthier and better suited for long term than alc but it will still fuck you up at some point if you're not careful.

>> No.18800813

can confirm. i got drunk on nonalcoholic crack once

>> No.18800815

I'm certainly not as bad as some people but I suppose it's not great that I always want to be at least a little buzzed to enjoy anything. I've just always found it hard to sit down and unwind without thinking of life's bullshit, and alcohol seemed to solve that at least

>> No.18800979
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Grape Nehi

>> No.18801083

Don't you end up staying up too late that way though?

>> No.18801136
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not sleven, but I've found tonic water and a splash of bitters helps keep the alcohol cravings at bay. settles an upset tummy too.

>> No.18802322
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2 days no alcohol here

>> No.18802350
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>feel the cold can in your hand
>feel the fold fizzy nectar flow into you
Nice and cold
>savoring the moment
>bring the can to your lips again
>chug half the can
>familiar warm tingle grows from your stomach
Let the good times roll anons. Tonight is gonna be a good night

>> No.18802361
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>smell the potent liquor
>feel familiar warmness in your sinus
>bring to your lips
>down the hatch
>feel the warmth go down your stomach
>close your eyes and savor it
>feel your worries melt away

>> No.18802371

Why would you ruin avocado toast with runny eggs? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.18802380
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>> No.18802411
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>> No.18802428

prove it

>> No.18802463

People who put easy eggs on sandwiches deserve to have their sack stomped.

>> No.18802467

it's been less than two weeks, you're craving alcohol anon. you should find something else to get your hit of neurotransmitters. for me it's shrooms that do the trick, but others swear to kratom as it hits the opoid receptors in the brain. I'd be careful with that though, since it can give you withdrawals too. there is also ketamine treatments. so you shouldn't get anything from sleven.

>> No.18802470

Haha. Spoken like a true retard. I was a 3/4 handle bottles of whiskey per week for the past 4 years. I'd get shakes daily near the end of the work day. I quit about 2 months ago, still shake and occasionally can't keep any food or liquids down. Then, there is the insomnia. I haven't slept more than 4 hours per night for the past month.

I mix decaf black tea, orange MIO and Sprite. Not the greatest, but it helps.

>> No.18802479

How do you get things like that though? TOR?

>> No.18802488

It definitely seems to differ from person to person. Some people need to be in a near-constant state of drunkness for a long time to get withdrawal; for others they just have to get drunk quite often.

>> No.18802522

He said fatal effects. You didn't describe dying. So you didn't contradict him at all and just made yourself look stupidly combative.
He's right. If you're now downing a 26 per day, you can go cold turkey and not die. You might still get shakes, insomnia and other things you describe. But those aren't fatal effects and worth going cold turkey over "tapering".

>> No.18802576

Drink alcohol once/week, stay sober during Lent and during Advent. That's basically sobriety 322 days out of the year.

>> No.18802675

Insomnia can definitely be fatal. To a lesser extent so can nausea when you can't get the nutrients your body needs to function.