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File: 224 KB, 1500x1000, Classic_steak_tartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18780555 No.18780555 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like steak tartare?

>> No.18780559

not really

>> No.18780568

No of course not. We can cook our meat now.

>> No.18780579

Tartare her? I hardly know her

>> No.18780603

Never had it and never plan to. Like I don't even eat steak cooked less than medium, actually raw beef seems like it would be disgusting.

>> No.18780605

i prefer chicken tartare

>> No.18780816

I really love it.

>> No.18780821

hit the road jack

>> No.18780873

Yes. Good pleb filter, too. It isn't surprising to find it's unpopular here. 95% of posters are tastelets who will never even advance beyond level 1. Many of them are only here to find excuses to argue politics for some retarded reason that only makes sense to retards. I'm one of the exceptions.

>> No.18780878
File: 99 KB, 1136x852, 61200f291c47770019e6b071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes. Good pleb filter, too. It isn't surprising to find it's unpopular here. 95% of posters are tastelets who will never even advance beyond level 1. Many of them are only here to find excuses to argue politics for some retarded reason that only makes sense to retards. I'm one of the exceptions.

>> No.18780919
File: 101 KB, 378x545, IMG_0142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Fucking love it. Especially with some sea salt flakes.

>> No.18780920

Ta-ta yourself I just got here. And yes I do like steak.

>> No.18780921

It's alright. It's just raw meat, raw egg with salt/pepper and capers. I don't like the taste of capers so I would eat it without. It's just a cold cut meaty type of flavor that has a doughy consistency.
I've had it once in Paris back when I lived there, from a high end restaurant. It was good quality. I'm sure you can have bad experiences with it, but I'm glad I had it in a ''safe'' environment I guess.
It's neither as bad as people think it is, nor as good as some people say. It's mid-range, I would even say basic. But nowhere near as bad or good or as divisive as it seems to be.

>> No.18780942

Do they serve it cold or is it room temperature?

>> No.18780966

usually it's brought to 36-37 degrees of celsius so it's literally the same temperature as your body but it just makes it feel extra weird when you put it to mouth

>> No.18780992

Yes but that one in the OP looks pretentious AF. I've had real tartare and it looks stupid when people shape the meat. Also the sauce should be fully integrated and generously given to the dish, rather than slopped on like that gay yellow glob.

>> No.18781001
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could you sear a steak tártäre patty just to get a nice caramelized crust on the outside and still nice and raw/rare inside? I feel like that would be good and certainly not something I would do with normal ground beef

>> No.18781004
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>> No.18781012

>That will be 50 dollars plus tip
>For a tiny serving of meat
This is a dish you should just make at home

>> No.18781013

>Also the sauce
Its just an egg yolk. You dont understand what you are talking about.

>> No.18781018

searing it defeats the purpose of it being steak tartare. but yeah, i suppose you could quickly toast it with a hot flame, though I wouldnt want that done to mine.

>> No.18781020 [DELETED] 

It wasn’t that much because it’s considered an appetizer but I eat it as a meal

>> No.18781023

I just checked, it was $12 and was served with the crostini

>> No.18781026

That's a big relief.

I admit I was wrong, I just assumed it was a sauce instead of trusting my eyes. Regardless, I still think that's a crap looking tartare in the OP.

>> No.18781028

damn that looks good
might make that
can i use regular grocery store ground meat or am I going to get ass worms? big city Australia.

>> No.18781032

>can i use regular grocery store ground meat
Absolutely not. You have to grind or finely chop high quality cut yourself.

>> No.18781033

You want to get lean ground beef, but yeah.

>> No.18781036

is the yellow bits lemon pulp?
I can parse finely chopped garlic, red bell pepper, capers and onions, and parsley I assume
But the yellow bits?
Then drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper? Reminds me of carpaccio one of my favorites. Might even add some ground walnuts/chestnuts, balsamic or raspberry vinegar drizzle. With some finely sliced beef carpaccio...oh my days, I miss that.

>> No.18781037

Never had it but I like mett.

>> No.18781038

the problem here, and trust my words, as a euro expat living here, is that butcher meat is not really that much greater. It's pretty much all the same standard quality, which sadly, doesn't mean much.
I might have to wait until I return to Europe to try this.

>> No.18781046

>But the yellow bits?
Its "yellow" onion. There is no lemon in this. This is not ceviche.

Here you can see a few regional recipes:

>> No.18781048

Some recipe say lemon zest

>> No.18781049

>is that butcher meat is not really that much greater
If you get a great, fresh lean sirloin cut for example, but dont have a meat grinder, you can chop it fine yourself with a good sharp knife.

Point being do NOT use store bought ground beef to eat raw. It is not intended for raw consumption.

>> No.18781052

Ah. Yellow onion...hmm okay. I much prefer the idea of lemon pulp. And I think steak tartare ceviche (what I had in mind) sounds better.
I might try a rendition of that. Fresh for the summer. Paired with some tomatillo+red bell pepper gazpacho and as a side drink cucumber water lemonade.
Dessert, I'm thinking cuts of cantaloupe and watermelon.

>> No.18781053

Do you eat lemon on beef?
None of the regional recipes there include lemon.

But shove lemon into it, and up your ass too, if you want.

>> No.18781055

okay, thanks for the precision. Yeah my intuition told me not to trust it. I guess I can try finding a really fresh piece of lean beef to try it. And yeah I can handle the chopping. We shall see.

>> No.18781056

Also, lemon starts to denature the protein, so in effect to "cook" it. This is perhaps desirable in ceviche and fish dishes, but not in a red meat dish.

It will basically turn it to mush.

>> No.18781060

Eh, it's okay but beef is better cooked.

>> No.18781066

Can I supplement with vinegar instead of lemon pulp then? I would like some acidity to the dish. I was thinking either pomegranate coulis/melasse vinegar or raspberry vinegar.
I usually add dash of white vinegar to my ceviche. But I sort of want to accentuate acidity here.
Maybe even break down some raspberries and sprinkle the berry bits around the dish. Would pair nicely I believe? Might try it.

>> No.18781077

Its not intended as a vinaigrette either.
Check the regional recipes in the wiki link.
If you add fermented chopped pickles, you will already have acidity and from for example capers or salty pickles for savoriness.

Make it how you want, but you keep trying to twist this into a ceviche or a vinaigrette, whereas the purpose of this is to taste the beef, not cover it up.

Try one of the original recipes before you try to "create" your own, so you have a baseline understanding of why this became a dish in the firstplace.

>> No.18781081

I already tried the dish. I also don't like capers but wanted to replace them with something else which adds similar balance. I like tartare on it's own (minus capers) but I want to dress it up now. I guess the appetizer anon posted above inspired me to try and experiment with it. Anyways thanks for sharing your thoughts and advice. I will look into the information.

>> No.18781082

Then be a fucking faggot/whore and try to re-invent the wheel of a dish that already is perfected as it is. Fking infuriating, people like you.

Do what you want with it, but its not steak tartare then.

>> No.18781095

Don't be a hateful absolutist idiot. Did I say whatever I make is steak tartare? No. I just said it gave me an idea to make a raw meat dish. No need to be such a bitter purist and have foam at the mouth with rage at the idea of someone having fun experimenting in their kitchen. You have problems. I respect cultural patrimonies and I even would fight to defend the preservation of some cultural elements like food standards, etc. But I absolutely despise people like you who have this gatekeeping, snobby and foppish attitude about making food and use cultural standards as a way to tear down any creative inkling in others.
Leave the ''rules'' to when people are setting on to actually make a specific cultural dish, by the book. Not when people are just giving their own ideas or inspirations.
Anyways good luck with your attitude, you sound like an insufferable person to be around.

>> No.18781097
File: 177 KB, 1000x667, carp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think carpaccio is better though. Basically the same flavour combination but more interesting to eat because it's not all mushed together.

>> No.18781106

>not egg
Am I being b8ed or are you this stupid?

>> No.18781107

>I respect cultural patrimonies

You were being a complete faggot about this.

Do what you want, but this is about tartare, and what you are trying to shove into it, is not tartare. Its just you being an entitled faggot/whore that thinks they can re-invent the wheel.

I regret informing you and answering to you at all. You didnt deserve it, and still went with your own faggotry.

>> No.18781112

I've eaten this in London, Paris and Brussels and it was fantastic. No way would I ever eat it in America.

>> No.18781119

jesus christ what a douche

>> No.18781120

Yeah but raw meat is not steak tartare. Pretty rich of you to reduce the dish to this, since you can't seem to parse the integral difference in the fact I want to make a raw meat dish and not steak tartare. So who respects cultural patrimony more, now? ...

>> No.18781123

classic ingredients for tartare:
- salt
- ground black pepper
- egg yolk
- capers
- shallots/onions
- worcestershire sauce
- mustard
- olive oil
- parsley
- ketchup
- tabasco sauce
- pickles

you can also use:
- parmesan
- anchovies
- balsamic vinegar
- soy sauce
- sesame seeds
- other oils (sesame, walnut...)
- other herbs (cilantro, basil...)
- arugula
- olives
- chili powder

You can try some particular savor profiles, like an "Asian" tartare with soy sauce, cilantro, sesame seeds, sesame oil, something spicy like chili powder or gochujang
Just don't use everything at the same time

Yeah, a lot of restaurants propose it either raw or just seared on the surface

>> No.18781125

Id rather be a douche than an entitled faggot/whore that in a tartare thread repeatedly insists on making it something that it is not.

I helped this person, and should not have:
These are my posts above:

>> No.18781126

tourist trap

t. french

>> No.18781133

excellent post.

>> No.18781385

Have sex.

>> No.18781882

It's great

>> No.18781885

Cook and eat my shit.

>> No.18781916
File: 1.05 MB, 1268x710, koreansteaktartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive only ever had yukhoe and i like it. great to drink with

>> No.18781925

For what it's worth, your idea seems solid for those trying to eat raw meat with lessened risk. I've been searing 4-6 pound roasts on a cast iron skillet and then putting them in the oven at 225F for one hour. They come out with a great flavor, basically raw and warm on the inside. I've been concerned about the risks but most sources are pretty confident that cows don't have any reason to have parasites or bacteria in their flesh, just up near the skin.

>> No.18782896

i love it, eat it at least once a week. gonna make some for dinner

>> No.18783402

no but i like eating raw steak with a dash of salt upon it.

>> No.18783470

I love raw fish but raw steak just sounds weird

>> No.18783579

I'll eat it if it's in front of me, but tbqhf I'd prefer a burger, and I'm not even a fat bastard.

>> No.18785155
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, salvation burger - perfect burger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18785191

The heat of the egg cooks the steak.

>> No.18785196

I used to until I realized it's really bland on its own, it tastes like fat and all the flavor comes from the seasoning.

>> No.18785238


>> No.18785269
File: 635 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230108_142012_Maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posters on nu-chan's cooking board think steak tartare is an exotic dish
lmao dweebs