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18754710 No.18754710 [Reply] [Original]

is there such a thing as too much fruit in your diet

>> No.18754734

yes, fruit is not actually very good for you in anything but small amounts
they've got a hell of a lot more sugar than nutrients, depending on your choice of fruit

>> No.18754754

>oh look, it's the daily reddit repost thread

>> No.18754859
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Even in 2022 , science cannot tell you if fruit is healthy
let that sink in

>> No.18755314

nice meme, strange there is literally no evidence for it.

also, not all sugar is the same, but nice try

>> No.18755315

Fruit is only bad for you if you juice it. If you eat it whole yeah it has sugar but you need to eat a lot of fruit to match the amount of sugar in juice because the whole fruit has fiber

>> No.18756539

It cant be proven

>> No.18756582

neva too much frizzy in your dizzy

>> No.18756586
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Your post is contradictory, anon.
I shouldn't be, but I am still astonished that people haven't caught on to nutrition profiles of regionally seasonal foods. Fructose isn't processed well in the human body, so the liver usually yanks it out of the bloodstream and stores it as fat in the liver for later glycolysis, favoring instead the more readily used Glucose.
WHEN different foods are eaten is just as important as WHAT and how much.
Think about what foods are around naturally for the coming season. There's your clue.
Fad diets and "Wonderfoods" (including all the fake shit and artificial sweeteners) are solely to push products.
true--our farmlands' soils are depleted and increased toxicity demands good vitamin and mineral supplements(or just clean organic food from well managed farms,) and clean water.
We are sold a style of eating that is unnatural. Fruits have a good purpose--padding for the coming winter, as do grains. certainly we have dramatically changed much of our foods, potatoes, corn, and others through selection, but the new trends in bioengineering foods is predominately a lie fostered by companies who are trying to get MORE money out of the harvests, regardless of end quality or long term detriments.

>> No.18756588

You dumb niggers talk about fiber like that fat cow that says
>if you drink diet coke after regular coke it cancels out the sugar
Fiber isn't some magical compound that nullifies sugar. At MOST fiber has only ever been show to slow down the rate of absorption of sugar, but never block it or prevent it.

>> No.18756601

this guy is right

when people say fruit is good for you, the question is, "compared to what"? compared to a donut? of course it's better. compared to vegetables? no. should you be eating a lot of fruit? no. it's a treat, and it gets you craving sweets more often.

you wanna eat fruit? have fun, it's great in moderation. just don't delude yourself into thinking that you gotta have fruit for health-related reasons.

>> No.18756609

to expand on this: fruit is more dense in calories than vegetables, because of the higher sugar content. is sugar bad for you? no, in moderation. is a high calorie diet bad for you? yes.

tl;dr: it's just food. it's not some sort of naturally-occurring medicine, you fucking faggot.

>> No.18756629
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>Fructose isn't processed well in the human body, so the liver usually yanks it out of the bloodstream and stores it as fat

This sentence contradicts itself
If your body turned some fructose into fat, it by god processed it

>> No.18756644

sugar is only bad for you because it spikes your glucose. slowing down its digestion fixes the entire problem.

>> No.18756645

>This sentence contradicts itself
It does not.. but to be fair, I should've typed"process it into direct usable energy as it does with glucose"

>> No.18756655

>it's just food. it's not some sort of naturally-occurring medicine
So much ignorance compacted into one small post.

>> No.18756668

Also, your reading comprehension is GARBAGE, faggot.

>> No.18756672

Careful. OP is a fruit bat.

>> No.18756680
File: 5 KB, 275x183, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really
only if you're a lardass who stuffs themselves stupid whenever they eat but you'd be pressed to do that with fruit
>midwits who think fruit is as bad as candy

>> No.18756694

You're right; fructose is unhealthy, while glucose is perfectly harmless.

>> No.18756700

Too much of anything is unhealthy. Simple as

>> No.18756709

nice rebuttal dumbass

>> No.18756715

>is a high calorie diet bad for you? yes.
What makes you think so?

>> No.18756721

Fruit = sugar

>> No.18756738

Yes it can and has done that for decades. Just because you are stupid doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.18756741

Not really. You can't eat so much that it would be too much. A stomach isn't bottomless.

>> No.18756815
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>doesn't address differences in sugar processing by the human body
>ignores the FACT that a truly healthy diet of clean unadulterated foods IS in effect medicine--as a matter of fact the FOUNDATION of medicine
What possible rebuttal would a midwit like you even entertain?
And the list goes ON and ON...
you see...Theres this thing...
Called the INTERNET...

>> No.18757247


>> No.18757271

Scientists are morons and people who outsource their critical thinking to them are even dumber

>> No.18757334

Truth. Any kind of sugar takes his tax on your liver just like alcohol. It isn't too bad but in nature we're only allowed to eat it in warmer seasons where you are supposed to use more energy. On top of that you're a lot more outside in the summer anyway.

>> No.18757340

Actually i've read about a example where blended fruit is actually digested slower or something like that, didn't think that would be the case but apparently it was.

>> No.18757567
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I don't know. Let's ask noted computer developer Steve Jobs, who adopted a fruit-only diet and later succumbed to pancreatic cancer because of it.

Mr. Jobs, can you tell us - oh wait, never mind, he's dead.

>> No.18757722

Turning fructose into fat is pretty complex although less complex than breaking down animal fat, then turning it into human fat

>> No.18757736

He didnt get pancreatic cancer from fruit , he got it from being a gigantic faggot

>> No.18758131

> is there such a thing as too much fruit in your diet

Fruits tend to contain a lot of fructose is turned into glucose and fat in the liver. When the liver does this process, the fat accumulates around the liver, and that "visceral fat" around and in your organs is correlated with poor health. The big name for it getting really bad is "fatty liver disease" which is often associated with alcohol, but fructose causes it for the same reason alcohol does.

Fruit has benefits though. Citrus, especially lemon, increases absorption of minerals that are connected to oxalate, and it also increases the excretion of oxalate, which reduces the risk of kidney stones. This makes it good to add lemon juice to a salad with things like spinach, because spinach is high in minerals and oxalate, but the oxalate just takes all of the minerals from you.
There's also the antioxidant effects from grapes' resveratrol and pomegranates' anthocyanin.
Fruits have a lot of prebiotic and probiotic fiber, which is important for your gut health, but many of these fibers can be gotten from vegetables too.
Plus if you want something sweet, it's better to eat fruit than to eat a candy bar.

>> No.18758143

bro your iron absorption... life isn't just carbs/fat/protein

>> No.18759008
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Needs marshmellews

>> No.18759026

i heard sugar is sugar
but what the hell do iknow
im just some alcoholic with a cooking hobby surfin the web

>> No.18759035

tomato is bad if you eat it as a fruit
tomato is good if you eat it as a vegetable

>> No.18759041

he sits on his ass all day