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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 600x600, 0F0BC047-D9A8-49BC-AD30-26CE04A3D881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18735209 No.18735209 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins your pizza or sandwich

heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.18735226

Op here again, I'm trans btw, not sure if it matters.

>> No.18735235
File: 1.00 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20221224_200835[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although, yeah, the brined precut things are awful. The ones I had here just now are fantastic.

>> No.18735238

Get proper olives, newfriend. Taggiasca or gordal.

>> No.18735245

What a dumb fucking shape for a pizza.

>> No.18735257

What this anon >>18735235 says. A proper salted kalamata adds a nice touch to a dish, almost an anchovy or a caper-like blast.

>> No.18735267

I dunno about you but my oven is rectangular

>> No.18735274

You can fit a sphere inside a rectangle as long as it is smaller.

>> No.18735286

I don't want a small pizza

>> No.18735289

Nice pizza anon, would devour. Or maybe slowly enjoy with a glass of wine.

>> No.18735298

If you distributed the sauce and cheese better, you'd have more pizza and less crust, allowing you to make it circular and still have the same area of pizza.

>> No.18735321

I use green and black don’t be oliveist

>> No.18735382

Yeah those little faggots are gross. I like green olives though, just not on anything. I keep a jar in the fridge to pop one or two on occasion.

>> No.18735393

If I sauced the crust it would burn terribly. Ovens are hot. You can see where it happened inadvertently in the top right. Pizza crust is correctly plain.

>> No.18735408

I just don't like stupid rectangle pizzas.

>> No.18735533

Saves your salad tho

>> No.18735537

Green olives > Black olives > no olives crybaby

>> No.18735543

How retarded, those are not anchovies

>Wild card pizza topping power rankings
1. Pineapple
2. Black olives
99999. Anchovies

>> No.18735551

anchovies are a staple on lots of pizzas you retard

>> No.18735693

The shape isn't important. Really. What matters is the dough, the topping, and how they're cooked.

>> No.18735709


>doesnt like olives
>I'm trans btw

You are an ORC


>> No.18736359

If I'm going out to dinner with other people and someone suggests pizza I literally wont go if I know someone is going to refuse to allow anyone to order anchovies. They're such a got tier topping it almost seems like a waste to have someone make you a pizza and not add them. Also, what the fuck is people's problem with black olives on pizza? That's like the one place that they actually make sense.

>> No.18736396

for me, it's the purple ones

>> No.18736444

Other than like an olive loaf or muffuletta, who the fuck puts olives on a sandwich? Let alone black olives?

>> No.18736462

makes them even better, especially if they're kalamatas

>> No.18736465

why are you posting a pile of old rusty washers on a food thread?

>> No.18736493

Is being picky with food like this really because of childhood bad experiences? I'd understand if you had an allergy which gives you a good excuse to avoid certain foods but bitching about how much you hate so and so? I guess I was raised different, I so hate certain foods but I'd still eat it if it was given to me at a dinner table or something

>> No.18736644
File: 73 KB, 1024x753, DC98CB78-196B-41C5-B1BF-DFF9FAF998BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting filtered by black olives not even some gross canned meat or beef tongue

>> No.18736681

If someone put olives on my sandwich I think I might punch them purely out of the principle of them putting fucking olives on a sandwich.

>> No.18736754

Gross stuff. Good oil though

>> No.18736757

They taste like shit

>> No.18736787

Wittle baby taste buds can't handle green olives on a sandwich?

>> No.18736897

in sammiches they're great. on pizzas... meh

>> No.18737092

that's a really good looking pizza. I also like the way you cut the paprika. kalamta olives: you know what's good

>> No.18737329
File: 2.90 MB, 4000x2252, 20221224_131344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pizza bro

>> No.18737344

It takes like how rubber smells.

>> No.18737349

I love these things

>> No.18737377
File: 560 KB, 640x640, pizzaball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sphere

>> No.18737389

"Hentons just keeps the goodness rollin'"®

>> No.18737407

I call them nigger olives lol

>> No.18737604

That's good. May I use that?

>> No.18737611

Yea just give me credit if you get some laughs please. Something like "haha yea I got that one from anon, he's great with that kind of thing."

>> No.18737626

Sry OP, I dont think we can be friends anymore

>> No.18737659

Anchovies, artichokes, olives and garlic are all top tier toppings

>> No.18737668

Black olives are ripe, green are unripe soaked in lye. Kalamata are superior, but black > green

>> No.18737688

onion, olives, garlic, and pepperoni are all great on pizza

>> No.18737691

A nice fresh olive is a thing to be enjoyed, not thrown on a pizza by a dump truck and burnt to crisp, flavor ruined and gone

>> No.18737711

imagine not liking olives.

>> No.18737717

>I so hate certain foods but I'd still eat it if it was given to me at a dinner table or something
i wouldn't.
i don't eat what i don't like because i'm an adult and don't care to suffer tastes i don't enjoy.

>> No.18737723

no point in them.
just sprinkle salt on the pizza.

>> No.18737726

bell pepper and mushrooms as well.
>Anchovies, artichokes
stop liking garbage, anon.
>1. Pineapple
people that order pineapple on pizza when it's for a group are solely doing it for the purpose of being a fucking asshole.

>> No.18737736

That's like saying there's no point to hot sauce/salsa, and you should just add pure capsaicin to your food.

>> No.18737743

not a fan of most olives or olives on pizza or sandwiches. but i had some castelvetrano olives with cheese and charcuterie yesterday, thos little shits are tasty

>> No.18737850

>Pineapple glazed on a baked ham is completely normal
>But if ham and pineapple are on pizza that's bad
Pineapple on pizza is not weird if you had any culinary understanding. You are however, allowed to prefer pizzas without pineapple.

>> No.18737879

Use to eat olives straight out the can as a kid. I liked the metallic taste.

>> No.18738315

Some people are stubborn and refuse to open their minds.

>> No.18738333


>> No.18739211

Juvenile hands posted this thread. Black olives are the best topping. Even the canned pre-sliced ones.

>> No.18739921

Brocolis are top tier topping

>> No.18739948

Just scrolling through and want to tell you you're an idiot

>> No.18739967

I like black olives on my pizza, but don't care for the big purple ones. Too bad every chain swapped to them long ago.

>> No.18739975

Agreed. They are boring. Green olives is where it's at.

>> No.18739979

decent for a first timer i suppose

>> No.18740778

*Personal. I see this everywhere, and no one knows how to use this word properly.

>> No.18742217

Sicilian and Grandmother slices are both great if done well.
Absolutely necessary for a proper "combo" or whatever the regional name is for green bell pep, white onion, sausage, pepperoni, black olive, garlic, and mozz with red sauce pizza. Think the King Arthur Supreme from Round Table - combo pizza is a very specific flavor and black olive is necessary. Green or kalamata would throw the flavor off entirely. It's like how a Chicago hot dog needs yellow mustard, even if it's generally an inferior mustard on its own - stone ground or dijon simply doesn't work to get that specific flavor. Or, how you can't clone a big mac with romaine and cheddar instead of shredded iceberg and American cheese, even if those are worse tasting on their own.

>> No.18742223

I know, the people who misuse it are a diamond dozen on this message board

>> No.18742249

Hello, new user! I hope you are enjoying the riveting discussion and funny pictures here on 4channel.

"Nothing personnel, kid" is a reference to a homegrown meme from this website - quite an old one, at that! So, using that phrase, with that spelling, is actually an intentional in-joke among users who are "in the know" here. I know some of these intricacies can be confusing at first, but as the saying goes, you should "lurk moar" (sic). With time, you will come to recognize these memes for what they are. In the meanwhile, enjoy your stay and please take the time to read the global rules as well as the individual rules for each board you post on.

Happy trolling, newfriend! 8)

>> No.18742335
File: 353 KB, 1244x750, pondering the pizzorb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18742365


fucking kek. just realized i need a shoop of this with Davis pondering roundmeal.

>> No.18742388

Personally I do not mind eating these things, but the worst thing about them is that they make my poo smell like onions. They also give it a worse consistency.

>> No.18742433
File: 346 KB, 1244x750, Roundmeal-Priazza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a long night..
The roundmeal one has been done.
This one would be breddy /ck/ niche.
>over 9000hrs. on MS paint

>> No.18742438
File: 341 KB, 726x542, 1560150770241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who like things I don't like are secretly just trying to irk me

>> No.18742454
File: 55 KB, 600x400, Ice-Planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...And a nice ice planet for dessert!!
>a well rounded meal

>> No.18742497
File: 46 KB, 500x500, olive loaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So perfect, so good

>> No.18742525
File: 449 KB, 2400x2400, Black olives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I member as a kid we would stick these on the tips of our fingers and then eat
not bad, not great, but fun

>> No.18742583

kek that's a nice one

>> No.18743016

>I member as a kid we would stick these on the tips of our fingers and then eat
that practice is an idea created by a marketting campaign to sell these olives by making them seem fun, since they obviously aren't actually good like actual olives.
these black olives are forcibly oxidized by a factory, not actually ripened like a real table olive of darker color.
they were always literally just bad, unripe, overprocesssed, pitless oiless and thus tastless compared to almost any real normal table olives.