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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18698886 No.18698886 [Reply] [Original]

Do you stew or are you one of those faggot guys

>> No.18698888

im openly gay

>> No.18698897

Bracelet? Stew?

>> No.18698900

nigga who tf is stew?

>> No.18698903

honestly no bracelets but I wear a cheap digital watch, does that count
I like stew, I make pot roast
I have multiple quarts of homemade stock in my fridge - some chicken, some from roasted pork trotters from a local butcher
but this has gotten me thinking
i like stew
but whats better
is stew that has gotten TOPPED with something
like shepherds pie or chicken and dumplings or pot pie

>> No.18698904

Holy shit Adam is washed up. Loveline was 20 years ago.

>> No.18698905 [DELETED] 

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was 2002, and I had just attended a live taping of The Man Show. I was excited to be there and see Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel in person.

After the show, I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. As I was finishing up, I heard someone enter the bathroom behind me. I turned around and saw Adam Carolla standing there. I didn't think much of it at the time, but then he approached me and started making inappropriate comments.

Before I knew it, he had pushed me against the wall and started fondling me. I was in shock and didn't know what to do. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He continued to assault me until he was finished, and then he just walked out of the bathroom like nothing had happened.

I was stunned and didn't know what to do. I didn't want to cause a scene, so I just left the bathroom and went home. I never reported the incident to the authorities, and I never told anyone about it.

I have never forgotten what happened that night, and I still feel the pain and trauma from it to this day. I can only hope that Adam Carolla is held accountable for his actions and that he never does this to anyone else.

>> No.18698950

I'm gay, I wear a paracord bracelet with an integrated firestarter that I made myself, and I eat stew at least several times a week; WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?

>> No.18698953

why do you wear it? be honest, i expect the first answer you give wont be the real reason.

>> No.18698972

I made a chicken stew tonight. It was very good.

>> No.18698974

I usually make casserole.

>> No.18699010

That's interesting. Why do you assume that? Anyways, I bought a bag of ferrocerium toggles to string onto my boot laces as an unobtrusive nth-echelon backup, but that didn't work out as I'd hoped, so I grabbed some leftover paracord and made the bracelet instead so it wouldn't be a total failure.

>> No.18699011

>there are people on /ck/ who actually follow adam carolla on twitter
>there are people on /ck/ who follow adam carolla on twitter and take screenshots of his tweets and make threads about them
If you weren't sure if this board was dead or not you now have your answer.

>> No.18699018
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>> No.18699059

ok..but why? nobody needs that. youre not being dropped behind enemy lines with no gear. so what gives? be honest.

>> No.18699063
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What's wrong with stew?

>> No.18699127

I actually do frequently go into wilderness areas alone.

>> No.18699128

I make stew 2-3 times a week in winter.

>> No.18699134

yeah, but you wear it when youre not in the bush, dont you? you want people to see it and think "hes some kind of special forces guy" dont you? huh? be honest.

>> No.18699149
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I'm a stewman for life.
You can't go wrong with a nice stew.
And it's the season.

>> No.18699158

I do wear it constantly, yes, much like my pistol, knife, and flashlight. But if I were as desperate for attention as you seem to insinuate, I'd probably interact with humies in meatspace a little more frequently than "as little as fucking possible". I think the last time I talked to someone who wasn't family (or, like, customer service or something business related) for more than a few minutes was in about mid to late 2017.

>> No.18699174
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What even is stew? I make lentil chicken stew. I thinn it's stew. That's probably the gayest of the stews, though.. the ones with lentils.

>> No.18699260

yep. confirms what i thought. you want people to think youre some special forces guy. youre not. youre a phony

>> No.18699269

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.18699270

Whatever you say, buddy.

>> No.18699274

corr nice stew that
sadly i only get to have it when my mum feels like making it since it takes hours
when i finally move out ill probably have stew twice a week

>> No.18699276

Even after all these years,
>gorilla warfare
still gets me every time dude.

>> No.18699282

>typing all this bullshit out and expecting anyone to believe it
Yeah, you're a gay phoney

>> No.18699285
File: 88 KB, 433x655, R (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty pathetic. "The Man Show" was supposed to be a joke but apparently Adam was taking it seriously the whole time that Jimmy was preparing his next career move. Pic related, Adam's signature booze, "MANgria".
Who is this mincing nancy boy trying to convince so hard that he's a MANLY MAN? (MAN!) 10-to-1 he starts transitioning next year. (Seriously though, my condolences, because typically a kid needs to get molested pretty bad to end up with such an identity problem as an adult.)

>> No.18699299

>not pasta
Doesn't surprise me. I heard this clown on the radio back in the day and as I recall his main interests were:
>complaining about his parents
>discouraging kids from trying to better themselves by going to community college
>(meanwhile the only reason he's not still a carpet cleaner is because he hit the jackpot by becoming Jimmy Kimmel's personal bitch boy)
>telling stories about how he and his "buds" used to literally pop each other's hemorrhoids, as if that's something completely normal
>making fun of Dr. Drew for having a happy marriage and kids
>smoking weed

>> No.18699301

>blue checkmark
Of course.

>> No.18699328

I (26M) eat stew (beef) regularly, I also wear a seiko (SBGA231) with a steel (316L) bracelet

>> No.18699361

He’s a conservative chud now.
Everyone eats stew.

>> No.18699369

kek he's so cringy these days

>> No.18699376

Is chili a stew? I made chili last week.

>> No.18699386

I really only know this guy as the pig from Drawn Together.

Why don't you make some stew for your mother?
It takes hours but it's not like you have to stand there and gawk at it the whole time.
Warms out the hovel and smells nice as well.

>> No.18699387

shes got blood clots in her wrist apparently and will probably die soon (vax side effect)

>> No.18699398

All the more reason to make her a nice stew while you have her, man.
Get to it.

>> No.18699410

Insecure faggot.

>> No.18699429
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>not recognizing one of the most famous pastas in 4chan history

>> No.18699461
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>> No.18699485

>nobody needs that.
imagine not knowing you've been in a war since before birth.

>> No.18699489

I'll put my hoohoodilly in your chacha then make you marhapörkölt after so... both?
To paraphrase a favourite song of mine: I'm a fag and i stew, how do you do?

>> No.18699501

sure buddy. whatever you have to tell yourself to distract yourself from the fact you dont own a house, have a wife and kids like everyone else you went to school with.

>> No.18699514

>muh crotch spawn
nta but why do some people think not knowing how to use contraceptives is something to be proud of?

>> No.18699520


>> No.18699529

dont be jelly that youll never have kids, loser

>> No.18699535

whatever you need to tell yourself to cope with being held hostage for life because life begins at ejaculation

>> No.18699623

Is stew a particularly masculine dish? Beef stew is just something my mom would occasionally make.

>> No.18699643
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Heterrhoids/cissies are always trying to code everything as "male" or "female" no matter how ridiculous. Shampoo, coffee, meat, you name it, no one will touch/buy it unless they are reassured that it's for their assigned sex/gender.

Aggressively policing the gender and sexuality binaries is absolutely crucial or the whole house of cards collapses under a gentle breeze and then it's cats and dogs living together. It's not unlike how christofascists think that not believing in heck will cause everyone to start doing cannibalism and incest because apparently they lack any moral compass of their own

>> No.18699691

I think you’re looking a little too closely at this, anon.

>> No.18699694

Glad I'm not OP then

>> No.18699698

You used "crotch spawn" unironically. You sound like a blue haired lesbian you retard lmao

>> No.18699700

I don’t eat any sort of soup because I’m not a woman.

>> No.18699713
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>using birth control and/or being pro choice is a socially transgressive radical alternative lifestyle
maybe if you're an okie living in a trailer somewhere in tornado alley

>> No.18699720

I want to stew because it would save me a shitload of time to just make a huge stew and eat it for like 3-4 days but I live in Japan and stew meat here (namely beef or pork loin) is fucking expensive.

>> No.18699733

What’s wrong with wearing bracelets?

>> No.18699773

What about chicken, sausage. Could check out some gumbo recipes, etc.
Don't you know, Anon? That's how we closed queers identify each other for casual hookups in city parks after nightfall.

>> No.18699776

*closeted, obviously, fucking phone.

>> No.18699860

Lentils = low T automatically

>> No.18699867

On God newfag you need to lurk more fr fr

>> No.18699898

I can't tell if this is post is by a woman, a soyboy or a groomer tranny. It starts off dripping with estrogen and kvetch but then suddenly it starts talking about children being molested in a way that makes me think he popped a boner while writing it.

>> No.18699902

In the grander scheme of things he's not wrong. American """""values"""" are an aberration at best.

>> No.18699928

What does this idiot think a watch is? It's a small clock on a bracelet. I bet this homo doesn't even make his own stew and relies on his mom/wife or store/restaurant for a stew so how much better is he?

>> No.18699937

Adam is talking about jewelry, like gold bracelets, or shit like charm bracelets. A watch, signet ring or a small chain necklace (with or without religious symbol) is generally culturally appropriate but anything more than that is preening and is something women do. There's a reason that men with earrings or non-whites covered with thick chains are ridiculed.

>> No.18700005

>What even is stew?
It's the same thing as soup but with less liquid
>carries weapons
>hasn't had a conversation since 2017
>goes in the woods by himself for some reason
ticking timebomb

>> No.18700031

Nobody cares about earrings anymore, it's not the 90's

>> No.18700104

the average man on the street is confused about cause and effect. high HDI is a prerequisite for lower birth rates, not the other way around. people shitting out babies without limit are responding to insecurity on multiple levels. basically your reproductive system is attuned to the increased chances of your kids dying before adulthood so instead of putting all your eggs in one basket you go for the human wave approach

tl;dr lots of kids is a third world lifestyle

>> No.18700123
File: 2.43 MB, 3024x3704, Etouffee12-3-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love stews, love sloppas

Pic related: it's shrimp étouffée

>> No.18700126

I'm pretty sure Adam Carolla is the kind of guy who likes stew

>> No.18700136

I can't understand a word you're saying with all the cum dripping out of your mouth, Karma Chameleon.

>> No.18700143

>shrimp étouffée
should have made it with crawfish

>> No.18700148

>Do you stew
im not sure if im drunk but ive been laughing at this line for 4 minutes straight

>> No.18700310

I wear bracelets :3
Stew is for poor people

>> No.18700358

those taters look really chonky
also, saute your onions
is that a Yuro stove?

>> No.18700368
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hello my coonass fren

>> No.18700377

in that case (and i hope this isnt prying or rude) couldnt they amputate above the wrist?

>> No.18700402
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I would eat the sloppas, Big Papa Sloppas!

>> No.18700476
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>> No.18700501

The overwhelming majority of what I eat is stews/casseroles or other one pot sloppa

>> No.18700593

Ur about to get TOPPED with something

>> No.18700597

is it bbc?

>> No.18700645

Who the fuck doesn't eat stew? It's an easy, cheap meal that can be prepared in advance and reheated with minimal quality loss.

>> No.18700668

Adam still works as an actor, a voice actor, a writer, and a producer.

>> No.18700680

>There are people on this board that watch that shit
Go back to /v/ faggot

>> No.18700688

>she knows what it is
I don't even have any idea wtf it even is. You're the same as the Anon who posted it, sweetheart.

>> No.18700696

Is pot roast a stew? Cuz I'm making pot roast tonight.

>> No.18700866

>Gaslighting faggot
Read the 2nd part of my last post freak

>> No.18700870

FOOD should be 90% MEAT and 10% other. Stew is NOT 90% MEAT and 10% other and so is for FAGS. Adam Carolla wears FAG glasses and so is a FAG who eats STEW.

>> No.18700894

I saw Adam Carolla at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.18700902
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There's no way this isn't ironic, right? Please tell me you were a troll trolling trolls and not genuine. That's it, right? R-right?

>> No.18700919

lmao shut the fuck up bitch

>> No.18700948

What a closet case

>> No.18701019

he's wrong

>> No.18701044

i eat steww and wear multiple bracelets on BOTH Wrists,hell sometimes i wear rings too

>> No.18701287

>she's upset that she knows what that is but I don't
Why dontcha fuck off to play with your dollies, Suzy Q?

>> No.18701537
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>can take care of himself
>focuses exclusively upon the well-being of his people, ignores popular """culture""" and NPCs entirely
>not only touches grass, but rides ADV, climbs, catches fish, and generally communes with nature
Oy vey indeed, Rabbi.

>> No.18701541

Have you ever tried not being a fag

>> No.18701581

i wear bracelets and paint my nails black
and i make plenty of stew in my slow cooker

>> No.18702459

My parents used to make stew all the time and i hadnt made any in years. Last week or two weeks ago idid with leftover thanksgiving turk and old stew pork feom my freezer. Was hearty and lasted a few days. Good for the soul and would recommend

>> No.18702681
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>hates jews and loves twinks
are you me anon?

>> No.18702711

is there anything more effeminate than buying expensive branded products because you're too lazy to put fruit into red wine but too snobby to drink tinto de verano?

>> No.18702715

Faggot isn't even welcomed back to Drawn Together, how can you be such fuckup?

>> No.18702714

im extremely effeminate and I generally buy generic products where possible to save money

>> No.18702732

10/10 based, would get drunk on bag wine in my front yard with

>> No.18702745

i tried to make stew, it didn't go well. i'm also wearing 7 bracelets

>> No.18702832
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nice digits

>> No.18702994

Not anymore boomer. Whites have taken back gold jewelry.

>> No.18703151

>Drawn Together
Sometimes I'll randomly remember when Foxxy called a handgun a Puerto Rican credit card and just fucking lose it.

>> No.18703217

hahahaha thats a good one
i gotta watch that show again, ive only ever seen parts of it

>> No.18703340

Im a gay bottom and i make stew

>> No.18703354

Have you tried taking your medication?

>> No.18703848

Real men never ate stew. Like soups they are a woman thing. Real men eat hunks of meat like steaks.

>> No.18703862

I remember the cool thing to do when I was a teenager was to leave on the wristband you got at concerts for whatever reason. I never did because it was dumb but some people really loved having those things on until their sweat rotted them off lol

>> No.18705329

I wear bracelets and make stew and I broke my cock through a porn addiction

>> No.18705356


>> No.18705439

All at the same time?

>> No.18705455

Don't know the particulars of it, I just know I spent the good part of my week off this summer masturbating for hours and hours every day. I felt a strange sensation in my balls and afterwards stopped being able to get erections basically overnight, and my libido dropped hard. I got a halfhearted screening from my GP and we basically determined I don't have cancer and left it there because any other screens would have been too expensive to run
I don't have a sedentary lifestyle and I cook decently healthy food. Just pre-empting the meme replies I expect to get

During the process of breaking my cock I wore a bracelet and ate stew in between. Guess so

>> No.18705484

Bracelets: not even once
real talk tho anon i hope you get that fixed, i've been considering dropping porn in the new year and your post is motivating me

>> No.18705508

I haven't seen porn for over five years. I don't masturbate less than I used to, but masturbation feels nicer because I get lost in my own world.

>> No.18705704

if we don't strictly enforce gender norms then trans people won't know they were born the wrong gender and they'll be stuck

>> No.18705724

>It's not unlike how christofascists think that not believing in heck will cause everyone to start doing cannibalism and incest because apparently they lack any moral compass of their own
spoken as the US voterbase rallies for the right to murder infants en masse

>> No.18705824

What if I was an artisan jewelry maker and chef? Like you walk into my establishment and see bracelets and necklaced and rings for sale, and you see stew on my menu in the kitchen half. What does that make me?

>> No.18705902

It's an honor to meet you, Adam.

>> No.18705908

if you suck a bunch of dick and also fuck a lot of pussy, you're gay bro

>> No.18705915

I watched his episode of are you garbage and he said his parents weren't horribly abusive, they were just emotionally disconnected people who didn't really seem to care much about him or his sister at all. the kind of people who had children because that's what you do, but just never really bonded with them. His sister ran away at age 14 and he said they were a bit concerned at first but they didn't put much time or effort into looking for her. They just let their minor daughter run away and not come back. Really bizarre family

>> No.18705922

No that means some people actually love me, unlike you.

>> No.18706016

Imagine not only assimilating nog culture, but being proud of assimilating it.


>> No.18706029

This is the true big brain take

>> No.18706240

This bait is too juicy for me to not bite at it!

>> No.18706242


back to r*ddit

>> No.18706335
File: 199 KB, 680x396, Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 18-53-38 _ck_ - Food & Cooking - Catalog - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, shit

>> No.18706391

Further proof that the only reason homos are the way that they are is because of their hatred of organized religion and the desire to be nature's contrarians.

>> No.18706455

I saw two male dogs trying to fuck, I gave them a Bible and they stopped having gay sex with each other and instead with me. feels good to stop nature's freaks and let them into a powerful white woman such as myself

>> No.18707706
