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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 115 KB, 990x657, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18681168 No.18681168 [Reply] [Original]

What is your go-to drunk food?

>> No.18681171

>getting drunk
>consuming gslop

>> No.18681178

Imagine walking out of the club and the first thing you see is a bench full of transexuals.

>> No.18681183

I hate fat people so much it's unreal

>> No.18681186
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watch your fucking mouth mate those are some high quality english roses

>> No.18681188

Have I died and gone to heaven?
I want a harem of British transwomen to use be as their toilet.

>> No.18681213

spam on rice

>> No.18681230

This and based.

>> No.18681232

Asada fries make me cream when I'm crossfaded out the wazoo

>> No.18681444


The nastiest thing about your whole post
fo' shame

>> No.18681466

This mess would never happen in japan. How do euros have zero respect for themselves our their cities.

>> No.18681479

human feces
my own human feces
and cat food

>> No.18681497
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Seems like some some kind of gay frisky feast

>> No.18681500
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nothing hits better than jack in the box tacos when sloshed. The crunch, the grease, the cheese, a little hot sauce mmmmm and some lettuce to make you feel good about yourself

>> No.18681544

They look like they're easy to fuck, but walk over to a group of slags, and the ugliest one will gatekeep her friends and tell you to fuck off. Happens to me so often.

>> No.18681566

You need a friend yourself. That friend jumps on the ugly girl grenade to give you an opening. It's a classic strategy.

>> No.18681608

Tried and tried and tried. The fat pig just tells me to fuck off regardless.
I have gotten laid quite a few times by talking to random drunk girls, but man, the fat pigs that tell you to fuck off are so many and so annoying.
I've looked up on google why they do this, and people will say things like "every group of girls has a friend they designate to keep guys away" which is frankly bullshit. The fat pigs are just jealous and don't want their hot friends getting attention.

>> No.18681627

Your not alone it happens to all of us

>> No.18681628

>hard rock cafe
>door handles are left-handed guitars
this world is nothing but lies.

>> No.18681632

I had my first mixed drink at a one of those places, it was a midori sour

>> No.18681633

>walk over to a group of slags
why would you do this?

>> No.18681640

Want to fuck them

>> No.18681642

>Want to fuck them
why would you want to stick your dick in a garbage bin?

>> No.18681648

Not that poster but sometimes your just chilling in school and you have nothing better to do so why not?

>> No.18681658

You don't leave the house, do you?

>> No.18681665

i have standards, anon.
i can afford to because i'm handsome.
chavs are below that standard.
>why not?
because that's called "bottom feeding".
be better than that.

>> No.18681674

I don't get drunk anymore but it was poutine tbqh

>> No.18681681

You don't leave the house, got it.

>> No.18681708

you should stop thinking about sex, tranny.

>> No.18681846

I don't really get hungry when drunk, so maybe a sandwich or a bag of crisps.

>> No.18682888

>he doesn’t have a backup gram of kitty litter and a wannabe DJ friend to distract her

>> No.18682960
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a 20 stack of flour tortillas and a pound of ground beef fried with taco spices and a plastic container of diced raw onions and just make tacos in front of my monitor until I pass out

>> No.18683209
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Halal snack pack, lamb with chicken salt on the chips, cheese and garlic and chillie sauce, or a kebab

>> No.18683213
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meager ang

>> No.18683217

Dunno what that means but it doesn’t sound good

>> No.18683565

Homemade pizza, usually I leave other half for next morning. Last friday I made pizza with jalapeno, red onion and beef.

>> No.18683570

>Can't say '''''goy'''''slop
Welcome, Reddit.

>> No.18683589

more drink

>> No.18683602

Something with bread and meat. I'm not picky. The bread'll soak up the alcohol, the meat will satisfy my hunger.
Burger, tacos on wheat tortillas, a sub sandwich, doesn't matter.
I try to stay away from chips or nuts.

>> No.18683603


>> No.18683926

Honestly, it must be easy for hobos to find food scraps in Europe on the weekends.

>> No.18683932

my boyfriends turd cutter

>> No.18683995

you, sir, are a man among men. i salute you.

>> No.18684017
File: 477 KB, 624x625, 88EE4EFD-88F2-4196-AF6B-251E23254F03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaved twink asshole

>> No.18684252

Anglo culture at its finest.

>> No.18685136
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pic related is my favorite place to go after drinking.

>> No.18685140

It's crazy how easy it is to recognize British people.

>> No.18685175
File: 1.83 MB, 3572x3024, _20221204_224213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk: kebab, ramen, various fried chicken
High: cheeseburger club sandwiches, chicken tenders + a ton of fries, pizza, ice cream

>> No.18685257

that meat looks like the texture is shit.
doesnt look enjoyable to eat.
and an egg? why? yolk tastes like shit.

>> No.18685403
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You can just say you don't like ramen, man. It's OK.

>> No.18685422

thats what i said, it looks shit.

>> No.18685434

just look at that cold, raw looking meat, that tepid looking water, dogshit

>> No.18685450
File: 2.38 MB, 4218x2736, _20221211_170410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do this all night if you want. Here's a breakfast ramen they serve in Fujieda. It's wonderful, and the locals are thrilled if a foreigner shows up.
Really takes the edge off if you need a hangover cure.

>> No.18685462

this one looks better than the others, ill give you that, but can you describe the texture of the meat? i dont see any steam, so it looks like a cold bowl of tough, chewy, hard to digest pork, and how do you eat the green shit?

>> No.18685470

God why are Americans like this? Even british bustops aren't safe from them

>> No.18685476

because we're allowed to be you fucking cuck. we can do whatever we want whenever we want and you will bend the knee. You speak english because we decided its pointless to speak in yours and you will capitulate. Thats why.

>> No.18685487

Locals, in a good functional society, are always happy when a foreigner shows up. Black and brown flush it down

>> No.18685488
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Its been several years, so I don't recall the texture of the meat in this particular bowl. Most pork served in ramen is pretty tender, in some bowls it splits apart easily with chopsticks.
The "green shit" is spring onion, it'll come up with your noodles or you'll sip it up in the soup.
As for any of this "looking" cold, is it possible you are retarded? You need to see steam to understand a dish is hot?
It's pretty clear you've never had it. Give it a shot sometime, dude.
Here's some chicken ramen from Toybox. It is among the best I've ever had.

>> No.18685503

since youve been kind enough to show me these pictures and answer my questions, ill tell you the truth:
ive never tasted pork, and ive been afraid of it my entire life. thats why i shit on ramen and say it looks cold and tepid and disgusting.
but i will try chicken ramen, and if i like it, ill try pork.

>> No.18685521

Burritos. Relatively cheap when eating out, and easy to make at home from leftovers when wasted.

>> No.18685529

that isn't britain? we cant have public bins anymore because you know, some diversity might put a rucksack of peace in them

>> No.18685545
File: 2.17 MB, 3964x2736, _20221211_170445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, chicken ramen is fuckin' great. Do it up! Might be a little harder to find than pork ramen, pork is pretty much the standard.
I didn't eat pork growing up because my father didn't, so we never had it in the house. When I moved to Japan though, it's very common over there especially in ramen and tonkatsu (pork cutlet) both of which are great. It isn't my favorite meat, but it's nothing to be scared of.
Here's another really nice one I had with chicken meatballs.

>> No.18685567

This board is filled with european mental patients accusing each other of being americans, it's best to just ignore them.

>> No.18685581

Fucking animals, swear to God.

I love how these porcine creatures think rural folk are uncultured.

>> No.18685689

I get drunk 3 times a week. Poreblemo?

Also, I usually go for doner kebab, cause it's not 12€ like McD's but 4-ish and it's right next to where I live.