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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18677100 No.18677100 [Reply] [Original]

Do you go for the basic 32 chews or go for the safety of 40? I find myself sometimes going as high as 80-100 chews.

>> No.18677111

It's usually too hot to keep in my mouth for more than five chews.

>> No.18677133

lol are these people cows?

>> No.18677141

Who the fuck is chewing more than like 4 times? I'm not goycattle.

>> No.18677173

32 times what the fuck. i chew maybe like 20 times max. i dont need my food to be complete mush before i swallow it

>> No.18677183

I never stop chewing, when there is no food in my mouth I still chew

>> No.18677229
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>foods that are harder to chew
>like steak
maybe you shouldn't overcook your steak

>> No.18677232

I too enjoy spending 2 hours eating my meal

>> No.18677233

I barely chew my food at all

>> No.18677325

Chewing is for steers and queers. Real men chomp.

>> No.18677333
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None. I unhinge my jaw and swallow my food whole.

>> No.18677343

i barely chew my food now i have really bad GERD and possibly esophageal cancer.

>> No.18677370

you can only chew once per food, idiots

>> No.18677383

I find if I chew my food too much the mushed up texture makes me gag.

>> No.18677506

I let my stomach churning and acid take care of the breakdown

>> No.18677521

Have you never been to france?

>> No.18677565

I'm about to have some pasta I will try counting

>> No.18677570

5 to 7 chews maximum

>> No.18677593

The heat of my teeth breaks down the food

>> No.18677622

I used to scarf food down with the minimum amount of chews possible but lately it gets stuck and feels extremely painful unless i chew a million times
I also eat way less
I think i might be dying

>> No.18677662

>Not chewing properly

Why don't most of you have acid reflux and bad indigestion? Or do you have it already?

>> No.18677673


>not unhinging your jaw and eating the meal whole


>> No.18677678

I remember looking this up years ago and it said 12 to 15 times, How did it turn into 32 times? You might as well just liquidate your food at this point.

>> No.18677684

It's part of a They Might Be Giants psyop.

>> No.18677709

The band?

>> No.18677711

I mostly eat goyslop, so chewing isn't really required. I can slurp KFC right off the bone.

>> No.18677829


>> No.18677979

I new a girl who chewed every bite of food 36 times.

I read somewhere that a study was done about chewing food and how much it aids digestion the results were that you just needed to chew enough to swallow.

here's a test to see if you have chewed enough.

look at your shit, if you can identify chunks of food you have not chewed enough (corn don't count).

pro tip it doesn't really matter.

>> No.18677985

This made me kek

>> No.18678125

based and vorepilled

>> No.18678155

I don't worry about shit like that

>> No.18678167

i got told in school its best to do 15

>> No.18678332

I chew until I swallow. Can't imagine the sort of autism it takes to count the bites one takes.

>> No.18678339

I barely chew my food, it's bad for your teeth and I put too fucking much money on them to go around ruining them.

>> No.18678343

I do something similar but, uhh, different.

>> No.18678469

Lately I get stomach pain when I eat too fast and chew too little. My belly bloats up and filled with gas due to indigestion I think. It sucks.

>> No.18678479

If you chew too much, you're doubting the kingdom of God inside you and its capabilities of breaking down food. Basically you're a heathen.

>> No.18678534

I just bite and swallow. 0 chews

>> No.18678718

when you run out of food to chew just start chewing your clothing, then work your way through your home chewing on furniture and plastic straws.

>> No.18678722

you wont notice food shortages if you spend all day chewing your food. just another globalist think tank subversion piece to trick you into not noticing your falling living standards. chew your food 64 times guys, the science said so.

>> No.18678732

>"oh btw I like my steak well done"

>> No.18679071

I was doing this until I got a bit of Fajita stuck in my throat, took like 5 minutes and 2-3 litres of water to get down. Legitimately thought I was going to die from choking. I haven't eaten Fajitas since, I think I've got PTSD lol

>> No.18679235

This thread makes me want to masticate

>> No.18679281

t. Degenerate Choomer

>> No.18679291
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you got me

>> No.18679334

I've been chewing less and eating faster lately

>> No.18679336

This happened to me with well done steak. Thought it was all over
Don't care though, still eating it well done

>> No.18679346

I just swallow a few small stones with my meal and let them crush up the food in my stomach.

>> No.18679347

I chew two or three times before swallowing, usually. My friend said it was like watching a dinosaur.

>> No.18679356
File: 658 KB, 530x530, Screenshot_116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marines got ptsd in Fallujah.
Meanwhile you got ptsd in Fajita.

>> No.18679358

well you were told wrong

>> No.18679360

I do a minimum of 20. its to prevent you from choking on food. also proper manners.

>> No.18679382

Three or four times. Then swallow. Imagine chewing 20 times per bite, kek.
Only shit you need to chew carefully is motzerella, and maybe fish.

>> No.18679385

chewing less feeds your microbes

i often starve them up to once a week by fasting so i look good in a crop top

>> No.18679387
File: 18 KB, 481x360, kitchen rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use my kitchen rock to pre-chew food. you have to make sure you use a wooden plate though

>> No.18679388

i have terrible anxiety about things in my throat so sometimes i will chew for minutes on end and usually just end up spitting my food out anyway

>> No.18679403

This is some real autist shit. Just counting how many times you chew and making sure you hit 32 before you swallow it.

>> No.18679407

Overcooking your steak would make it easier to chew retard

>> No.18679411

The rubbery well done steaks my mom does would disagree with you. She's a shit cook but bless her heart for trying

>> No.18679599

Food stuck in your esophagus is not choking

>> No.18679646

This: >>18679599
If you're able to breathe it won't kill you even if it's painful.

>> No.18679661

If you can identify chunks of food I think your stomach has problems digesting. I don't chew a lot and the few times I've thrown up was basically just throwing up my meal again, but my shit still looks like normal shit.

>> No.18679691

>foods that are harder to chew
>like steak
>maybe you shouldn't overcook your steak

nobody should eat any steak that isn't well done. Any non-well done steak is FUCKING RAW.
>but then you need to chew it more!

I think people rather chew more on well done steak than having parasites chew on them because they ate FUCKING RAW steak

>> No.18679698

>Food stuck in your esophagus is not choking
>If you're able to breathe it won't kill you even if it's painful.

NO NO NO, you have no idea how much it hurt me when I swallowed too much peanut butter, it was like a ball of cement violating the inside of my throat. I could breath but it hurt SO MUCH as it went down, very slow and painful. It is something nobody should ever risk.

>> No.18679766

I got this when I eat mochis, that's why I don't eat them any more.

It feels like it's duck in my throat and won't go down at all. It's also kills lots of old people in Japan every year because they don't chew them properly.

>> No.18679832

32 chews is when I'm full but really trying to finish the plate

>> No.18679891

you’re gagging cause you’re not chewing enough

>> No.18679913

No, I don't gag from attempting to swallow, I gag when the food becomes too much of a paste in my mouth. Less chewing causes zero gagging at any point.

>> No.18679918

When I eat my superior Japanese cuisine, I chew it over 1,000 times.

>> No.18680761

How many have started counting their chews since this topic?

>> No.18680847
File: 59 KB, 657x527, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading about this from a really old Yoga book once... I'm trying to find it... but this is definitely some old and basic knowledge

>> No.18680927

One time when I was a kid my teeth hurt after going to the dentist so I didn't chew 90% of my dinner, just chopped up the steak into tiny bits.
The next two days were absolute hell on my intestines.

>> No.18680934

Kek, like the way they make those knives

>> No.18681014

I chew properly, I like the taste of food and I figure if I spend twice as long eating it I get twice as much enjoyment out of tasting it. It's sad when you see someone who's been in the army or was raised fighting in a free for all with their siblings and they've learned to just inhale food as fast as possible.

>> No.18682547

Yes eating a few spoonfuls of peanut butter then drinking something is pretty painful and can feel like choking, but it's not.

>> No.18682853

I probably do more and always sipping some water now because my throat doesn't work properly anymore for some reason and food get stuck easily making me shit my fucking pants every time it happens
It's 5 years that I'm aware that every meal could be my last

>> No.18682921

Americans are so retarded they have to ask online how many times they should chew their food before swallowing.

Lord help me, I am on the same planet as these idiots.

>> No.18682925

> Using that hack Alton Brown as an example of cooking in the slightest.

>> No.18682948

that's not the only reason you're gagging

>> No.18683564

I'm not American

>> No.18683663

>he hasn't taken the chewpill

>> No.18683761

But you're not supposed to chew pills...

>> No.18685035

Chew bros...

>> No.18685043

You mean you don't like the bitter taste of raw medicine?
Stop posting until your palette has matured, kiddo.

>> No.18685144
File: 669 KB, 1438x810, proxy-image[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you got me

>> No.18686055

>I find myself sometimes going as high as 80-100 chews
1. You must have a jaw like Gigachad
2. I'd hate to eat a meal with you, it probably takes you like 80 minutes to finish a fucking onion ring

>> No.18686314

that was my point.

>> No.18686320

has not one thing to do with how much you chew.

>> No.18686471

I'm the asshole that takes a hour to eat a plate while people are finishing their deserts.
No I will not eat any faster.

>> No.18686560

I chew for the most part around 6-12 times depending on the food type, I cannot stand the thought of chewing on for an eon just to break down the food to a gruel-y slop.

A piece of medium rare steak gets chewed no more than 8 times. For some foods I chew a couple of times only for the phycological element, making foods and thick liquids easier to swallow.

>> No.18686566


Though I love seaweed.

>> No.18686594


>> No.18687622
File: 408 KB, 800x550, 1645598661950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chew >200 times per mouthful
>brush teeth 4x a day for 30 minutes each time
>always get 16h sleep
>nutritionally advanced diet including at least 50% bread and grains
>masturbate 8x a day to prevent prostate cancer and HPV
healthy habits are important. *injects insulin*