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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 1260x1680, BongsCantCuisine4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18656628 No.18656628 [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve the "bong" problem?

>> No.18656641

Stop letting them live rent free in your head

>> No.18656645

Just let them eat their ridiculous food in peace, they earned it

>> No.18656652
File: 128 KB, 960x1280, sav-and-chips-960x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant just let them be. They will drags us down.

>> No.18656654

oi m8 ave you not got any brown sauce innit

>> No.18656743

needs gravy

>> No.18656775

You don't put gravy on a saveloy sausage. They are more like a hot dog with thick skin

>> No.18656848

A fucking time machine and a bullet to Roosevelt's head.

>> No.18656902

Simple. Rustic. Delicious.

>> No.18657008

Oh God make it stop

>> No.18657010

fake news. this is an american attempt at making british cuisine

>> No.18657024

There is absolutely nothing wrong with British cuisine.

>> No.18657032
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>> No.18657038

Fockin beaut! Jus like me mum used to make. I would demolish it a d lick the plate afterwards. Not even anglo, just love the beans

>> No.18657080

>saveloy and chips
fuckin lovely
pretty sad lookin beans on toast tho

>> No.18657111

I can feel my esophagus close up from the dryness

>> No.18657117

I'm American but I've always wanted to try fish and chips, sounds like a comfort food

>> No.18657332
File: 2.81 MB, 640x351, BongsCantCuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just getting started, anon.

>> No.18657743

Not my problem

>> No.18657746

wtf ive never seen a sausage like that in a chippy before

>> No.18657795

It's a saveloy lad

>> No.18657800

mental, looks like something youd buy from an indian its so bright

>> No.18657944

You try living on a shitty island poorer than Eastern Europe and then let’s see what your ancestors cooked.

>> No.18657951
File: 59 KB, 443x750, ForTheLoveOfGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have found the worst of the worst.

>> No.18657958
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Uma delicia

>> No.18658051

there is literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.18658055

That looks pretty alright, enjee el.

>> No.18658058
File: 227 KB, 2048x1536, IMG0185A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't need saving. Our food is alright

>> No.18658106

Stop believing your prejudices born from ignorance and imagining that this is all they eat.

>> No.18658128

Just moved to the USA from the uk. The food here is a total joke. Supermarkets other than whole foods and maybe trader joe’s are unbearable and restaurants are crap. Suspect American food gives you cancer. There’s also an appalling atmosphere in every restaurant beaches neither the staff or customers have any decorum.

>> No.18658133

>USA from the uk
thats what you get for buying rustlers man

>> No.18658173

There’s a gradient for everything here. We have extremes of literally everything here. With that being said, you should move back home Ahmed.

>> No.18658192

>you should move back home Ahmed.
NTA but ive had nightmares of being stuck in america, i honestly cant think of somehwere "civilised" id hate more to be stuck in than america. ive had nightmares of being stuck in other countries but always america is the worst man. if hes english he probably doesnt want to be in america

>> No.18658201
File: 413 KB, 1960x2265, e64b0g0tiga21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Bongloid

>> No.18658213

Your high end places are also trash, with few exceptions like good bbq places. Every us restaurant feels like someone saw one in a film once and then tried to make one out of memory

>> No.18658218

americans always tell me olive garden is top tier have you tried there? its meant to be like our nandos

>> No.18658223
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>> No.18658323
File: 356 KB, 2560x2560, 81cyd4Qu-LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its "poached" eggs made in one of those little egg coddlers.

>> No.18658327

Why are you black?

>> No.18658335

my skins pretty fucking milk white mate
why do i wear all black? i dont know i just feel more comfortable with wearing black jeans and black sweaters

>> No.18658348


Until they start providing healthcare to trans women

>> No.18658357

I’m the guy you’re responding to but I USA Nando’s is unironically better than UK Nando’s but this is because UK Nando’s is geared towards teenagers.

Haven’t gone to an Olive Garden

>> No.18658392

Do bongs really eat this?

>> No.18658426

You mean people that speak English?
There's nothing to solve there you fuckin' savage.
You're the fucks that should be solved, solved right out of existence unless you're working for us. Dumb nigger.

>> No.18658438

>Olive Garden
You don't bring or meet with your mom to bring her to an Olive Garden place, that said my mom loved that place so my bro and I had no choice but I think it was because didn't want to go a better place. In her mind it might have cost us more money and we didn't care about that.
Mom's are kind of goofy and gotta love em.

>> No.18658440

>t. Bongloid

>> No.18658445
File: 64 KB, 500x500, artworks-000457989813-36580i-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep me posted

>> No.18659046

Good morning from across the pond, bongbros. I am eating Heinz beans with a slice of pasteurized American cheese product and a dash of Tabasco. I can say with confidence the dish has been perfected.

>> No.18659074

Just say they're not white. They're obviously inferior so by definition can't be white.

>> No.18659089

No. Sadly there is no solution to the bongs, but their total extermination. Genocide. Everyone with an ounce of Anglo DNA should be sent to the extermination camps. If they knew how poorly they ate and lived, I truly believe they would simply kill themselves. As Tully said in 60 BC, "They cannot be taught to read, and are the ugliest and most stupid race I ever saw.” And as Ceasar said before him "The Britons are the most ignorant people I have ever conquered. They cannot be taught music.” The vikings usually wiped everyone out whenever they invaded but the British, they felt so sorry for them they eventually felt extreme remorse during their raids they just let them live. Even an evil man like Hitler refrained from all out war with them and showed mercy that he did not spare to any other belligerent in the second world war. I believe with reason it is possible to educate these people to understand their hopeless plight and simply vote for self-genocide as only the British would be able to do it, all others would be disgusted like the vikings, and say, this isn't a man, it's not culpable for its actions therefore should be exempt from the owed sanctions. As such, consensual genocide is the only possible way for bongs to cease. All other options are hopeless.

>> No.18659092

Beans on toast is actually quite nice, it's the cheese that's the only part that bothers me about that picture
Most people who get grossed out by baked beans on toast only do that because they haven't actually tried it and the closest thing they can think of is Texas style pinto beans or something like that

>> No.18659097

Hitler presumed England would ally with Germany because their monarchs are German and England has a bit of rivalry with Francen

>> No.18659101

No. I'm a bong, and I have never eaten this or know of anyone who has.

>> No.18659109

Thats what be said but deep down, he felt bad for them. Leaders can't show feelings like this and need to say it in other words.

>> No.18659134

Fish and chips are great. I really like cod for it. When you do get around to trying it, malt vinegar is a MUST. A lot of Americans skip out on that detail and don't know what they're missing

>> No.18659196

Every times a Brit posts a pic of their food the picture is gloomy and darkly lit. You people are like real life horror movie creatures.

>> No.18660211

It's a meme made by an American, anon

>> No.18660269

>I think I have found the worst of the worst
Well done! We have never ever seen this before.

>> No.18660276

Place of origin says UK though

>> No.18660337

haddock is the best for fish and chips but a pain to get outside of britain

>> No.18660362
File: 95 KB, 1500x1500, 96559-2629022173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My preference is Worcestershire sauce for cheese on toast.

>> No.18660446

what is the appeal of posting these two gay guys all the time? genuinely curious

>> No.18660641

It's fish with chips. There are fish and potatoes in America.

>> No.18660663

don't get them up norf

>> No.18660838
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>> No.18660867
File: 200 KB, 600x800, sub-buzz-15049-1485268822-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18660917
File: 126 KB, 390x292, Lamb's heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in a dark and gloomy kingdom. Have mercy on us.
Posting some random British food I cooked because I might as well. Here's some pan seared lamb's heart with pickled walnut sauce.
I've never understood the reactions to beans on toast. It's just so...inoffensive. It's the kind of food you give to picky kids because it's bland.

>> No.18660920

switch to hash

>> No.18660930
File: 1.14 MB, 1346x1007, Roast chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some simple roast chicken

>> No.18660946
File: 31 KB, 555x546, BongsCantCuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some noodles on toast.
I'm gay BTW if that matters..

>> No.18660965

Here's a kipper salad
We won't be using lube tonight

>> No.18660968
File: 884 KB, 1346x1007, Kipper salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18660974

No, perfection includes brown sauce (HP).

>> No.18660977

We get haddock in leafistan.

>> No.18661410

When I was a younger bong, hungover from a rough night... I'd go to a "caff" and have a fry up.

The best part of which would be bubble in fried slice sandwich, with lots of extra pepper and cheap brown sauce.

Bubble is like a mash potato hash with cabbage for the culturally bereft

>> No.18661502

The drumstick looks good. What's the potato and mushroom-looking medley?

>> No.18661566

I would not be talking shit about any other country at this point if I were british

>> No.18661575

>haha bongs are so bad at food
>I'm just gonna get a slice of apple pie after my burger which I preceded with a bad of chips and wash it down with eggnog haha all those non British foods haha

>> No.18661773
File: 129 KB, 292x390, Cottage pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you're not wrong lol, it's a potato and mushroom medley. There's also a slice of bacon peeking out there, and I'm pretty sure I drizzled the whole thing with some kind of brandy pan sauce.
Don't forget the macaron- I mean, mac n cheese.

>> No.18661803

>Reee I have to be different from the Americans
>Starts eating smack barm pey wet

>> No.18663067

the oily cheese slices are incredibly offensive. the entire british empire needs to be firebombed

>> No.18663073

You mean salad cream

>> No.18664591


>> No.18665978
File: 3.23 MB, 720x404, 1661628904242723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18666385
File: 233 KB, 512x512, What's inna name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great...The Troon woke up the JIDF Algo.
Gud Jearb Homsar!!

>> No.18666548

I... I don't understand this...

>> No.18666563

Fuck olive garden, nandos is much better if you're gonna eat at some chain restaurant.

>> No.18667620

where's the curry though

>> No.18667627

>beans on toast
>pinto beans and corn bread
>bean burrito

What do these have in common, anon?

>> No.18667640


>> No.18667649

I guarantee OP eats goyslop regularly