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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.88 MB, 600x338, Recession meal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18644260 No.18644260 [Reply] [Original]

/recession meal/ general

>> No.18644266

find some variation of chickpeas in coconut milk. caribbean people have healthy poverty-level food down to perfection.

>> No.18644501

He didn't take the fucking plastic off the edge of the bologna.

>> No.18644502

Is bologna still cheap? A lot of the cheap processed food from his era are now more expensive than buying raw ingredients

>> No.18644504

Man this is depressing to watch
Poor old man

>> No.18644532

The plastic cooks the balogney

>> No.18644551

Potatoes and eggs. One of my favorite meals and bonus it's cheap too.

>> No.18644567

the funny thing with Featureman is that you will never know when his trolling is transitioning into actual dementia

>> No.18644570

not in Europe. its fucked up because bologna is supposed to cheap throwaway meat.

>> No.18644636
File: 1.18 MB, 2494x3295, b994a64a3a2c_YnluA2Kr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my dinner once

>> No.18644640

Let it be a warning to you if you don't end up getting married. Settle if you have to. This guy will die one day and no one will realize it till the stench oozes out of his apartment 2 months later

>> No.18644661
File: 299 KB, 1920x1280, 9410E0EF-C128-4DBE-85AD-AA168375C913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking American hands wrote this obscenity, of course.

>> No.18644669

I eat lentils every single day. 1 pound of dry lentils is 1600 calories and costs $1.50 at Walmart. Add whatever spices you want. It literally does not get cheaper.

>> No.18644679

How can you make lentils taste good and not be unhealthy?

>> No.18644685

Powdered tomato bouillon, herbs, Cajun seasoning. Pick anything.

>> No.18644766

Featureman is reasonably wealthy. He was a movie extra in many famous movies, and acted in a sitcom. He is also a talented musician who has played on several different shows. He has two houses. I wouldn't really consider him to be a pathetic old man.

>> No.18644775

No where did I call him pathetic I called him unmarried and alone.

>> No.18644790

Not to mention that he's both a kisser and a hustler

>> No.18644804

You kind of implied that he is a nobody who lives in an apartment, when in reality, he is great friends with his neighbors and is a bit famous. But yes, you didn't literally call him pathetic.

>> No.18644807

we aren't in a recession, the markets are doing fine.

>> No.18645129

shouldn't that be a saffransbulle by now?

>> No.18646214
File: 437 KB, 2289x1365, Clem's Kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never tried making his recipes, but I like Clem's Kitchen. They're comfy cooking videos. He finally came out of a 5 year hiatus this year.

>> No.18646310

waki shirt...

>> No.18646322


>> No.18646328

wtf is bologna

>> No.18646362

Asian ham.
Hence, it's the best processed meat ever!

>> No.18646586

literally me in 5 years

>> No.18646780

wait... that's plasti-ACK

>> No.18646794
File: 208 KB, 400x400, 1628966512958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potatoes, eggs, and unwanted chicken cuts used to be cheap

>> No.18646806

if that flickr account really is his, then tom is probably gay, it's not a surprise that a guy from the silent generation never got gay married

>> No.18646891

Tom is what was known as a "confirmed bachelor" back in his day

>> No.18646902

Sleepy joe really fucked things up huh..

>> No.18647070

>recession meal
>when eggs are $5.70 for 10 now
lmao fuck off ladyboy

>> No.18647246

I'm not a Californian so eggs are still $2.99 for 18 at the store right this very moment.

>> No.18647253

>10 eggs
confused bot?

>> No.18647297
File: 34 KB, 906x597, LIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$2.99 for 18 at the store right this very moment

>> No.18647301

That's collagen based casing, goober.

>> No.18647372
File: 104 KB, 1152x320, 1669981651611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me, they're $3.22 this week. Most sincere apologies

>> No.18647469

>hello food fags

>> No.18647570

Used to be able to get 12 eggs for a dollar.

>> No.18647575

>$5.70 for 10 eggs
Do cityfags really??

>> No.18647598

Dice a large onion, 3 cloves of garlic, chop a sweet green pepper, a carrot and a peeled medium sized potato. Fry them in a bit of olive oil with salt & pepper (add meat if you can afford it, chorizo is best but bacon, chicken etc are good substitutes) and cook on medium high for maybe 5 minutes. Add a 1 & 1/4 cup of dried green lentils, mix with the veg & fat/oil, cover with water. Bring to a slow boil, add a bouillon cube and simmer for about 45 mins to an hour. Makes about 4-5 portions of stew. You will have surplus lentils and veg to make more stew for maybe a week and a half for like 5 dollars.

>> No.18647604

get a bread machine
a cheap one
from goodwill ideally
look at the recipe book
get the stuff for one of the simple breads
make it
hooray cheap food
very cheap but it's like 80% of its calories are fat so it's not a good source of protein
just buy those big cans of chicken from ALDI or Walmart or ideally Costco
both chicken and eggs are s tier proteins, really just need to vary it up with some beef once a week or so for iron and stuff

>> No.18647608

I've been real into buying dry beans from Walmart lately. Less than $1 a pound.

>> No.18647619

They're already healthy. Highest protein plant source other than soi, pretty much.
The most basic way to eat lentils that isn't just lentils is ham and lentil soup.
You rinse the lentils extra thoroughly, add in some water (just look up how much), and chop up some ham to add in to at a certain point.

Pork is basically the cheapest meat you can get, even cheaper than chicken, and any cut will do for soup. Lentils and ham are basically made to go together and it boosts the protein even higher while also adding some fat. It's one of the most filling soups imaginable too.

If that's not enough for you, dice up some potatoes too and add them in. Unimaginably cheap.

Not only are lentils better nutritionally and better tasting than beans, they cost the same or less dried. They also can cook without soaking first, and cook way faster than even presoaked beans.

If you can't pay a dollar for a bag of lentils every day, grow your own lentil bushes in nearly any climate on earth, when they're ready just put down some plastic and shake the bushes to harvest the lentils, then dry them yourself.

>> No.18647620

it is now. this was taken in spring sometime. no liquor anymore either, i think that's what was making my dinners unaffordable

>> No.18647622

>I'm European, I LOVE wasting food!
Your ancestors are ashamed.

>> No.18647650

It’s too late for me.

>> No.18647708

Thank you janet

>> No.18647763

I remember only a couple years ago Aldi was selling eggs for $.39/doz. Saw an Amish family in there buying a full cart.

>> No.18647891

Those were the days my friend.

>> No.18648741

Fucked up part is the guy isn't even poor he's just cheap and brain dead. Sitting on like a million dollars eating cabbage.

>> No.18648833


>> No.18648989
File: 1.58 MB, 3291x2249, 20221202_171733-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow up. Just got off a five day fast. Breaking it with pic related. A pound of lentils, leftover vegetables from the fridge, water, seasonings. Delicious and cheap.

>> No.18648995
File: 1.73 MB, 2600x1733, IMG_8397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bread sandwich with a couple of mcchicken sauce packets

>> No.18648996
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, wolfepit inflation stew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the wolfe pit

>> No.18649236

They don't sell them in dozens anymore.
Also why fridges only have 10 egg slots instead of 12

>> No.18649320

What backwards commie shithole do you live in? I've never seen eggs sold in packs of 10.

>> No.18649333

Just another channel I can’t watch anymore.

>> No.18649338
File: 36 KB, 480x360, gimme-da-possum-boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gangway plebs, DINOTENDIES coming through.


>banned from /ck/ for being too based

>> No.18649360

>4 years ago
Too bad he's dead

>> No.18649372
File: 61 KB, 160x90, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm... why has no one mentioned beef liver? Literally beef liver and onions will go a long way. Super healthy and full of proteins.

>> No.18649907

I'll be honest, I don't even know that the problem is that he's old, just that he's really doddering and indecisive. He doesn't seem to have any problem gripping or articulating his fingers, he just can't seem to make up his mind about how he performs actions and as a result of that, he ends up executing movements poorly.

>> No.18649914

Did you get grounded from the internet?

>> No.18649922

Your 4-yo kid's toy is on an unhealthy amount of shelf stable cheese flavored gelatin, fella

>> No.18650403

Buy in bulk for a low price, plant them, and then charge way more after they sprout and hatch. The Amish are savvy chicken farmers.

>> No.18650424
File: 73 KB, 400x485, nice-hiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DT's last post was actually 9 months ago, but yeah, there's some concern. For that matter, Steve1989 hasn't posted in 7 months, wtf. Youtube /ck/ will never be the same if they find the body and it turns out that Tendies was just Steve with a spray tan.

>> No.18650711

I've always wondered, if you ate mostly fat but worked out and made sure to keep track CICO would you still build muscle? What would happen?

>> No.18650720

What's going on in Murrika? Eggs are around 2€ per 10 here and I live in one of the more expensive countries in Europe.

>> No.18650729

Liver hasn't been that cheap since snout-to-tail became the new hipster thing.

>> No.18650734

Parasitic gynoid hooks typed this.

>> No.18650750

Those guys still exist? I would've thought they'd all been genocided by now.

>> No.18650754

I have reasons…

>> No.18650761

theres no concern, DT posted today and in october on twitter

>> No.18650766

I'm pretty sure botulism just makes hubby stronger at this point.

>> No.18650772

do europeans really live like this? for all the doomposting about inflation, staples like milk, eggs, cheese, and bread are largely the same price

>> No.18650773

over a very wide range of markets in the USA, that is simply not the case

>> No.18650927

I'm in the midwest and it's the same story. I remember it wasn't even two dollars for a dozenbefore Biden, it was around 1.60.

>> No.18650930
File: 201 KB, 1001x667, skidne-aeg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up on a dish known as "skidne æg" in Denmark. Translates as "shitty eggs" or "dirty eggs" depending on the company.
Boiled eggs and potatoes with a basic bechamel with a dab of mustard. If you're going fancy there's also diced fried bacon.
It's not a bad dish and definitely not an expensive one either.

>> No.18650955

It's like 3 dollars a pound here. Unless that's expensive?

>> No.18650974 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 525x632, 1663417261986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had me at shitty eggs

>> No.18650976

why is everything he makes unnecessarily bad and gross and complicated when he could cook simple, normal food for the same price per weight?

>> No.18650982

Yeah that's called keto.
Mostly fat, secondarily protein, and minimal carbs.
Used primarily for weight loss, cutting, and muscle growth.
A 50% fat (by calorie) diet is pretty easy to follow actually, if you keep the carbs unrefined

>> No.18650992

My mother’s family were poor Danish farmers and according to her the diet her family ate was basically rye and barley gruel, ‘berry soup’, pannekager, frikedeller, and mashed potatoes with kale (They moved to Canada, kale grows really well here).

>> No.18650998

He owns multiple houses (I heard him refer to his summer house a few times). I don't think he's poor.

>> No.18651635

Indian foreign student diet is best

Dhal (lentil curry)
Big bag of rice
Chana aloo (chickpea potato curry)

Potatoes, lentils, and chickpeas are dirt cheap in large bags

>> No.18651678

Lentil flatbread is pretty good and you dont need to eat a lot of it to get full. Mix them in a blender until you get a paste. Then fry the paste as if it was pancake batter.

>> No.18651920


>> No.18651965

even "american" sliced cheese is almost $6 for a 10-pack now.
and with the price of bread having gone up too it costs almost fucking $5 to make a single grilled cheese

>> No.18651989

Those frozen ones are looking like a better and better deal. Especially when you factor how much natural gas costs to run your stove. I hate the Putin economy...

>> No.18652005

What the fuck happened to Spam prices? Same goes for Deviled Ham as well

>> No.18652012

They never recovered from pandemic panic buying

>> No.18652033
File: 14 KB, 480x480, anzu_raucht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf where do you live? Unironically do a favor and kill yourself. Southeast coast anon here even kraft 40 pack are less than $5.

>> No.18652241

how old are you

>> No.18652250

>even american sliced "cheese"

>> No.18652287

I switched to mixing oats with water instead of milk, which is how my parents always cooked it. I actually prefer the texture of the oatmeal with water.

>> No.18652441

>white eggs

>> No.18652447

What? Nobody has ever made a fridge like that, no store has ever sold eggs in batches of 10. Are you confused?

>> No.18652449

you pay more for brown ones in America
make of that what you will

>> No.18652479
File: 24 KB, 500x435, 41DNIs9KE4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy these fuck-huge logs of hamburger meat at Sam's and make this dude's salisbury steak.

>> No.18652584

Eggs are the opposite of society, the brown ones are actually better