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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18606618 No.18606618 [Reply] [Original]

is there a more disgusting cuisine in europe than german?
my entire life i thought that brits have the worst cuisine, but after moving to switzerland i realized my mistake.
picrelated, pieces of cold sausage with cold potatoes and vinegar. swiss people drool over this. most dishes (except the ones which are 90% molten cheese) are cold mixes of sausage (which itself is also disgusting, textureless blended meat), cold potatoes and mayo/vinegar.

>> No.18606664

germany is such a shit hole

>> No.18606737

I don’t mind German food from time to time. Sometimes I’m just in the mood for krautsalat for lunch. But then I’m done eating and can go 3 or 4 months without it again.

Alsatian cuisine is a totally different beast though. I’d eat that every meal of every day.

>> No.18606813


>> No.18606838

>sausage (which itself is also disgusting, textureless blended meat)
Nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.18606869

Cram it.

>> No.18607067
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its true anon
most meat products in german speaking region are composed of blended meat slop (that looks like it was blended for an hour rather than minced) formed into various shapes.
they can't compare with slavic stuff (like polish kielbasa) or italian meats, which are not nearly as processed and taste much better.

>> No.18607132

>is there a more disgusting cuisine in europe than german?

>> No.18607161
File: 134 KB, 1024x673, Traditionssortiment-Wurstspezialitaeten-1024x673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slavic stuff
Butthurtoid detected, opinion discarded.

>> No.18607174

Swedish fish can sup thingy
Swasrpodkpooper something

>> No.18607184

Aufschnitt ist basiert, du Schwanzlecker

>> No.18607200

Anon, thats cheese, not potato.

>> No.18607203
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>> No.18607216

No there isn't. While we're at it, let me insult their fucking """people""" aswell. The most disgusting, stuck up subhuman scum I've ever encountered.

>> No.18607223

Subhumans seething at germans, what's new.

>> No.18607317

>if you like slavic food, you must be a slav!
sure thing ahmad

what is your pic trying to prove? that "meat" in german cuisine looks as appetizing as dog food?

>> No.18607386

>Switzerland is the same as Germany

>> No.18607409

No, but people seething with hatred against germany like this usually are. Or brits, sometimes.
>Muh dog food
There is nothing of value to be found in your posts except that you hate germany. Duly noted.

>> No.18607475

>m-muh processed meats
Can you not be a retard for 3 seconds? It's literally just meat that's been ground up, unless you're one of those manchildren that won't eat something because of texture.

>> No.18607477

There are strong similarities between south(west) germany and german switzerland. Sausage salad for example is an allemanic thing (there are swiss and swabian variants, alsatians and badenians generally eat the swiss one). Vinegar potato salad is also typically swabian and a popular food for cheap canteens (which gives you a hint of OPs social status in switzerland.) Fleischkäse/Leberkäse like in
is generally south german and especially popular in bavaria.
That's just the stuff that showed up here. There are also similarities in preferred traditional beverages like beer, fruit cidres and brandies. Where it differs strongly is in common use of cheese and certain french/italian influences.

>> No.18607486

>Alsatian cuisine

So you eat dog meat, ya sick bastard?

>> No.18607519

I'm going to Germany next year, I'll be bouncing around the big cities.
What kind of food or restaurants should I be aiming for?
Best dishes?

>> No.18607525

doner kebab

>> No.18607552

>popular food for cheap canteens (which gives you a hint of OPs social status in switzerland.)
guess what kind of food is served in mountain huts that sometimes don't even have electricity and what kind of active pastime is popular in switzerland

what are you even doing on /ck/, if all you care about are original ingredients you might as well just go away and drink your soylent

you honestly think that germany is loved around the europe? i wouldnt be surprised if swiss hate germans more than eastern euros. arrogance will be downfall of your country

go eat a wurst / currywurst just to try it if you havent. from german stuff, schnitzel with fries (schnitzel mit pommes, schnipo) is okay too.
since germany has a massive population of turks and arabs you can easily find good food from their cuisine. get kebab, especially gemusekebap (kebab with vegetables). finding a restaurant that serves good plate of grilled meats, rice and hummus should not be a problem either.
ive had good luck eating italian food in berlin too.
slavic stuff like czech or polish, i did not have much luck eating very authentic dishes outside of their own countries.
IMPORTANT POINT: bring cash everywhere, germans are 10 years behind other european countries when it comes to cashless payments. maybe it improved during covid, but 2 years ago in berlin i had problems with card payments even in very popular restaurants.

>> No.18607563

>Brown man from the outside can't handle our cooking.
Fuck off then, the door is still open, we survived well enough since 1291 without your ilk.

>> No.18607586
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>you are a polack!
>you are a brownie!
if i was a turk id feel right at home in germany, after all 4 million turks already live there.
id take sandnigger cuisine anyday over german garbage though, picrelated, grill platter from some lebanese restaurant in konstaz i tried this week. whats the german alternative? grilled wurst with cold potato salad?

>> No.18607600

This shit literally stinks and I’d take whatever the fuck that cold meat salad is in OPs pic than this

>> No.18607603

When I went I really loved all the bakeries with different flavors and garnishes.
Maybe it's just because I'm a fucking leaf and what counts as difference between breads to us is fucking generic loaf vs generic loaf with shitty whole grain

>> No.18607605

This looks pretty good ngl

>> No.18607717

German food is like if you took American food and replaced the corn syrup with vinegar.

>> No.18607743

I'm also a leaf lol. I've heard great things about German bread and beer
Bread here is grocery store bakery baguette or Dempster sugar loafs lol

>> No.18607746

>you honestly think that germany is loved around the europe?
The rest dislike us about as much as we deserve. You are just deranged.
>arrogance will be downfall of your country
Wishful thinking.

>> No.18607876


>> No.18607948
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looks like a delicious sandwich filling, hope there's mayo in there too

>> No.18608821


>> No.18610163

German food overall is much better than you guys make it. Except for that stuff, I don't get it either.

>> No.18610178

I could eat that for lunch, doesn't look as bad as some of the foods posted here

>> No.18610183

If you want to make a troll thread then you need a worse pic, I'd murder that entire bowl straight from the fridge at 2:00am.

>> No.18610189

Quick hide the rotten poison shark.

>> No.18610197

What is this looks delicious want to make

>> No.18610502
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Kinda explains the food from the midwest and Florida.

>> No.18610520

>Cold potatoes
Its cheese you mongrel

>> No.18611525

>Sausage stripes (lyons sausage, made of finely diced pork, stiff with not too much fat, apparently has the closest american equivalent in bologna sausage)
>Cheese stripes (emmental cheese, stronger swiss cheeses can be used alternatively or mixed)
>Pickled gherkin stripes
>Bit of mustard
Onion rings are optional but good. Can add radishes and whole cherry tomatoes at the side. Properly eaten with bread (sourdough and rye content obligatory).
The important thing is to let it rest for a while so the vinegar and mustard can penetrate the sausage.

>> No.18611529

This, also Polish/Russian/Belarussian/Ukrainian/Baltic, disgusting, vile, subhuman food.

>> No.18611540

I always got the impression that the further north and east you go, the more the cuisine is limited by the variety of ingredients available.

>> No.18611542
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How is it possible that, out of so many cultures to have lived and died on this planet, only Italians, Spaniards and Greeks have figured out how to eat food that tastes good and not only doesn't kill you, but is straight up good for you?

>> No.18611556

When will this Spain meme end? They have like 2 dishes. You also missed France who have the best cuisine in the world.

>> No.18611562

Btw. the best sausage salad I ever ate was with bell peppers mixed in.

>> No.18611565

Spanish food is terrible, certainly worse than German food
>salami, jamon iberico (all cured meat is bad)
>coffee as a regular part of the diet
>chicken/seafood combination risotto (subhuman!)
>they actually believe omelletes are something to boast about, cause they've got nothing else

>> No.18611567

Not german but I vaguely remember eating this in school or somewhere like that and enjoying it. I mean I don't think it's supposed to be a main dish or anything but more of a salad bar thing. I don't see what the hell is supposed to be disgusting about it to be honest. Also it's cheese, not potatoes you retard.

>> No.18611582
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That's it.
The regions you mentioned have extremely rare and unique conditions found nowhere else on the planet that ensure you can locally source pretty much every tipe of "edible" possible, leading to an eternal spring of fresh ingredients that allowed experimentation aimed at increasing variety and taste while still being made of healthy, balanced components.

Anywhere else, and I mean literally any place on the planet that's not the northern Mediterranean coast, you're gonna run into issues caused by the longer winters or summers, which will have, historically, two effects on cuisine.
In the case of longer winters, the scarcity of produce and the difficulties in rearing cattle will lead on poorer variety of ingredients. The local cuisine will evolve to ensure you can always make "something" that'll get you throuth the cold day, even if you lack the means to reheat it later.
Cold meats, potatoes, soups, anything that can be made in huge quantities in a single pot then spooned out into portions and tastes the same when cold.
Longer summers cause rapid spoilage, more difficulties in ensuring a variety of ingredients can be sourced during the off-season, and favors the growth of herbs and spices. Which is why hotter regions are so rife with not very varied "types" of dishes, but a ton of ways of essentially dressing up the same dish a billion ways by variating the spice mix.

Italy and the surrounding regions are literally the only places on Earth where evolving a proper cuisine was even physically possible for 99% of human history.

>> No.18611602

Most of that is locally sourced and good for you though.
I don't know why lentils make you so mad (as they're part of the much more popular Italian cuisine too anyway), same for chickpeas.
You also need to remember that the food consumed in a region by the people that live there =/= "typical" dishes.

Throwing pieces of fresh sausage on a bed of veggies then eating it off bread isn't something you can give a name and sell to tourists, but it's still gonna end up meaning the population is gonna be much healthier seeing it as a staple food compared to regions where they'd be more likely to throw on three cold weiners on processed cheese and call it a meal.

>> No.18611613

I appreciate you leaving out Japanese food from this, seeing as it's so rich in sodium it causes the highest stomach and color cancer stats out of all developed countries.

>> No.18611621

this health talk is bullshit, as Germany, the US and Britain have some of the longest-lived populations on earth despite subsisting entirely on roast meat, potatoes and steamed veggies, which diet is undeniably tastier than cured meat, chickpeas and lentils.

>> No.18611643

>Germany, the US and Britain have some of the longest-lived populations on earth
They're all really low when compared to the above mentioned Mediterranean countries, dunno where you got that idea.
The highest ranked in your list is Germany and it's ranked 29th, 14 places under Spain's 15th, France's 14th and Italy's 10th.
The UK is 30th and the US is 57th by the way.

>> No.18611654

>The UK is 30th

due to Scotland, that has the life expectancy of Russia

>and the US is 57th by the way.

due to black people, who naturally seem to die of a heart attack around age 65 if they don't kill each other first

>> No.18611666

The UK and the US both have had long issues with obesity and can't source fresh food of most kinds (the UK due to it being an island, the US due to its size and the extremely low quality of the food circulated).
Even corrected for population groups and considering the higher incomes of whites in both countries, they're still consuming much more unbalanced diets and, even if they ate exactly the same things as Italy, you'd still run into the issue of ingredient quality in both the US and UK being extremely lower due to economic and geographical reasons.

>> No.18611694

>US due to its size and the extremely low quality of the food circulated
Reminder that US meat standards are so low that American meat is literally illegal to sell in most European countries due to it failing to classify as "edible" in most grading systems.

>> No.18611704
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>failing to classify as "edible" in most grading systems.
Germany infamously loosened its standards until it did.
Crazy how it also happens to have the worst food culture in Europe huh.

>> No.18611709

>cashless payments
>being this much a good goy

>> No.18611722

oh it is a main dish

>> No.18611737

>loosened its standards
the standards are getting raised every second year.
>.t farmer son
Most are food scandals are roach owned kebab factorys importing Belarus or Turkey produce in uncooled trucks.

>> No.18611747

>the standards are getting raised every second year.
After being lowered below the ground in 2016, making these "improvements" just little steps forward after a gigantic step back.
Germany is still the only place in western Europe (not counting the UK) where US meat is considered fit for consumption, it's an unacceptably low standard.

>> No.18611762

Meanwhile Germany is the only country where it's safe to eat raw pork.

>> No.18611774

The whole meme about it having parasites is unknown in Western EU, it's more of an anglo issue.
I mean, even the fact you'd bring it up as being proof of Germany's food quality (while it's just given for granted anywhere with good food) is telling.

>> No.18611786

>while it's just given for granted anywhere
Which voice in your head told you that?

>> No.18611816

He said food that's tasty and good for you. Smother everything in butter aka French cuisine is not good for you. Still tasty THOUGH

>> No.18611869

Meanwhile the French become old af.