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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18573041 No.18573041 [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you realize dark chocolate is superior to milk "chocolate"?

>> No.18573045

When I was like 14 and started drinking coffee.

>> No.18573046

so is she gonna shit on it or what

>> No.18573052

When I realized that if you are an adult man who is straight, you shouldn't be consuming sweet products.

>> No.18573054

said no man ever.

>> No.18573063


>> No.18573072

Imagine thinking not eating sweets makes you manly lmfao. we can smell your seething insecurity through our monitors, you fucking faggot.

Dessert is standard issue in all military MRE's. Good enough for me.

>> No.18573110

Everybody knows the military is a huge gay orgy.

>> No.18573120


>> No.18573127

Chocolate is a dessert item. I dont want bitter dessert. I do like bitter coffee. But when im eating chocolate, i want an enjoyable treat, not a test of stoic masculinity.

>> No.18573142

At what age did you begin professionally sucking cock?

>> No.18573146
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Milk chocolate is best enjoyed on its own. Dark chocolate is best paired with other things thanks to the bitterness. Fight me about it, fag.

>> No.18573153

My wife says 38.

>> No.18573167

>Oh boy I just love eating this stale cardboard shit that leaves your throat drier than a pigs anus

>> No.18573174

At some point I just found other chocolates too sweet. I like the bitterness of dark chocolate but not that of coffee, oddly enough.

>> No.18573175

When I was like 12 but then as I found european milk chocolate I have become even more based and go for the milkiest chocolate available

>> No.18573332

When I was old enough to trick or treat.
Hersheys milk chocolate was like vomit, special dark was amazing.

>> No.18573336

Probably like 14, this coincided to when I started drinking coffee.

>> No.18573342

When I had sea salt and dark chocolate together.

>> No.18573350
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>> No.18573360

He's right, no matter what modern soyboys tell to try to justify themselves
> Achtcshkually also adult can enjoy sweet things and watch Rick and Morty

>> No.18573426

>Dessert is standard issue in all military MRE's. Good enough for me.
So literal slave "food" for cannon fodder designed to make you constipated so you don't have to shit the week you're in the field...? Yeah everyone knows real "men" love to be enslaved, fed dehydrated processed garbage and killed for their government. How retarded do you have to be to believe this?

>> No.18573437 [DELETED] 

Deal with it trumptard

>> No.18573549


>> No.18573556
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>> No.18573600

Like 16 or something

>> No.18574094

granny age

>> No.18574116

this is a thinly veiled BBC thread

>> No.18574133

That's the most Danish looking woman I've ever seen.

>> No.18574181


>> No.18574189

I went down the manly route and realized that all these "rules" that you are supposed to follow are exactly what a lesser being like cattle would do.

>> No.18574273

Sometime in early elementary school. I never liked milk chocolate that much

>> No.18574279

all threads are thinly veiled BBC threads when you think about it

>> No.18574496
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BBW/hamplanet material.

>> No.18574512

Leave her alone. She looks cute.

>> No.18574590

They're not rules. They're trends amongst naturally masculine men that girlyboys such as yourself sometimes try to imitate.

>> No.18574606

i literally do not trust anybody with a plastic cutting board
shit was sliding all over the fucking place and she doesn't even know better

>> No.18574610

I would unironically feed her until she got pudgy and no man would want her. Then I could have my fat beautiful wife all to myself

>> No.18574625
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Based architect.

>> No.18574686

I just don't eat as much sugar as I used to. Dark chocolate is just sweet enough for me.

>> No.18574704 [DELETED] 

u jus know she thinking about bbc while handling that chocolate XD

>> No.18574716
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27, im a late bloomer

>> No.18574758
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>> No.18574760
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i kinda like a hairy pussy, it feels good when her pubs scratch at the base of my cock

>> No.18574769

>in order to prove that I'm not part of the hostile dichotomy culture, I have to be hostile to it
Really floggins the noggins.

>> No.18575098

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.18575104

Being a man means doing whatever the fuck you want without worrying about what someone else will think of it. You're 100% flaunting your gay little yellow streak right now.

>> No.18575116

A man cares what his loving wife thinks.

>> No.18575119


>> No.18575133

>Being a man means doing whatever the fuck you want without worrying about what someone else will think of it.
Lol no, it's the opposite. As a man, every action has repercussions and even small flaws can have serious consequences on your life.
On the opposite end, as a woman, you really can do whatever you want, be as irresponsible as you want, literally shit your pants every day in public and nobody will judge you. They might even praise your bravery.
So I think you long to be a woman judging by your post. But you will never be one :-)

>> No.18575212

Never, women like dark chocolate. white chocolate for me.

>> No.18575222

Why do white women love chocolate?

>> No.18575242

I realized that I didn't really like chocolate when I was 10. Milk chocolate with caramel and nuts can be fantastic but even plain milk chocolate is a bit too chocolaty for me.

>> No.18575248

I sometimes buy a bar of dark mint chocolate and eat a section or two for dessert, it's pretty nice.

>> No.18575325

Because chocolate releases endorphins, and they don't work hard, so they need some way to get their juicy biochemicals.

>> No.18575557

You still live with your parents.

You’ve never touched a woman.

>> No.18575597
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>> No.18575652
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>he still hasn't graduated to cacao nibs

>> No.18575689

She has an adorable smile

>> No.18576009

Dunno about all that 'sweets mean you're gay' stuff, but I did notice I enjoy sweet foods much less as I grow older. I haven't bought chocolate, candy or made sweet desserts since I finished college. Doesn't mean I don't like them, it's just not something I'd think of making anymore.

>> No.18576527

Depends how dark. I still prefer milk choc to just eat, and dark choc for cooking deserts.

>> No.18576563

white chocolate chad coming through

>> No.18576582

The more videos I watch that have such high quality the more I hate it.

>> No.18576602

I'm a Mexican spicy chocolate kind of guy myself

>> No.18576786

My Nibba.
I find mixing with cacao powder works best.

>> No.18576800

Is that Rose Winters' face model?

>> No.18577434

You don't have to worry if you actually act like a man, as you naturally should

Otherwise you should worry, because you are essentially a woman

>> No.18577451

god i hope she farts on it

>> No.18578290

"you see that? i made that." - Pierce "Bossman" Brosnan.

>> No.18578313

Did they shoot him? I hope they did.

>> No.18578321

when I hit puberty
Its either white or 70%+ dark now, milk chocolate not just tastes too sweet, but also "feels" too sweet now(can feel teeth tingling type of feel). I can still enjoy white chocolate for the same reason why I only take hard candy now, and can't stand chewably candies: the sweetness of soft chewy sugar bombs will assault your tastebuds all at once. Hard candy dissolves slowly in your mouth, and despite also melting, I never experienced the problem with white chocolate

tldr milk chocolate is disgusting

>> No.18578330

so are dessert chefs an occupation only reserved for females then? Or do you ignore the fact that a large proportion of world class chefs are male now that the statistics no longer fit your narrative?

>> No.18578579

>living away from parents or having sex are a huge deal to anon
you just outed yourself

>> No.18578602

Me too. A little cayenne goes a long way.

>> No.18578609

As a man, yes. Yes I did.

>> No.18578653
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no they gunned down some random hippie girls for no reason

>> No.18578677

You're agreeing with me. I hope you realize that.

>> No.18578694

Never had a age where milk chocolate weren't the cloyingly sweet and bland second choice.

>> No.18578928

>another thread where zoomers compensate for their emotionally absent boomer fathers and subsequent absence of a male authority figure through latching on to whatever le manly man trend is getting the most upvotes this week

>> No.18578967
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I'm not. I hope you realize what my post is about and some day becoming an adult male
It's nature