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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18559201 No.18559201 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of school lunch pizza?

>> No.18559205

Better than most of the goyslop you people eat

>> No.18559223

You Americans don't know how good you have it. Imagine living in Germany, where pizza nowadays is exclusively made by Turkish or Kurdish muslim immigrants who refuse to touch pork and where ham and bacon are made of rubber-like low-quality turkey and where a mystery-meat something called sucuk replaced all salami and peperoni.

>> No.18559247

Since when is Germany Muslim? Can't you find some solution to maintaining your ethnic authenticity?

>> No.18559252

It's sure as heck a few steps up from sbarro tourist times square level shit that even pigeons wont touch

>> No.18559266

We know and stop being a pretentious cunt

>> No.18559269

Since they went hypocrite with the fake guilt after WW II

>> No.18559296

proof that it is hard to fuck up pizza

>> No.18559298

>yeah i know its a thread about cafeteria pizza but did (You) know i hate niggers?

>> No.18559319

Fuck off. It was the Americans who forced us to take all the muslims. And now pizza is ruined forever. Pasta too btw.

>> No.18559322

At least black people know how to cook.

>> No.18559323

you know when you walk up she's like "hey baby :D"

i love her to death

>> No.18559324

Boo fucking hoo faggot
You know what you have to do but you don't have the balls to do it. Enjoy eating shitty pizza while a mudslime is ballsdeep inside your daughter.

>> No.18559328

Where did the black school pizza lady touch you anon

>> No.18559330

Anon I wasn't referring to the black school pizza lady...

>> No.18559374

>Imagine living in Germany

in 1933?

>> No.18559562
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Would smash

>> No.18560031

the crust should never be burned. although i like pizza these days, i didn't like pizza very much when i was young despite it being served to us once a week at school as a special lunch.

>> No.18560100

If you didn't get pizza & fries 3 times a week in public school, you're an oldfag in spitting distance of 50.

>> No.18560108


>> No.18560114
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Goddamn, I hate nostalgia and being hungry. I can taste that dry pizza already, and I'd eat that whole tray right now, and not regret it

>> No.18560373


>> No.18560449

God damn those were so good

>> No.18561019

Arab food is based

>> No.18561049

Sure, but Arabs larping as a Italians serving you a muslim Carbonara with glued-together turkey ham instead of bacon, or pizza with mystery-meat sucuk instead of salami/peperoni isn't.

>> No.18561075


(everyone goes up and grabs two slices of square sausage pizza)

the nasty day was the next day when it was sloppy joes day and they had reheated pizza as a side.

>> No.18561181

2008 was bad enough, I'm not entertaining another depression

>> No.18561194

The breakfast 'za in picrel goes absolutely fucking stupid, but they only gave me that in elementary school. I miss those things. At my high school they had pizza available every day for lunch but it was trash

>> No.18561203

pizza every day? wtf how is that legal?

>> No.18561206

Döner is 1000x times superior to gay pizza anyway.

>> No.18561349

It wasn't the only thing, there was just one spot in the line that always had pizza

>> No.18561473

i dont think you know what that word means

>> No.18563025

It's so gross hahah lol
>Proceeds to devour it like it'll be my last meal

>> No.18563082
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Brutal honesty right here
This is exactly how it went back then

>> No.18563623

Typically the solid back up choice if the main lunch sucks.

>> No.18563626

based latchkey kid

>> No.18564430


>> No.18564491

We called it goulash and it was fucking awesome.

>> No.18564519


>> No.18564530 [DELETED] 

They would sell microwaves tiny pizzas are school cafe. Godly place.

>> No.18564546

They would sell microwaved tiny pizzas at school cafe. Godly place.

>> No.18564609

absolutely terrible, i refused school lunch from kindergarten on. my parents packed a lunch or i fasted, they would usually force a peanut butter sandwich on me but after elementary school they let me choose to not eat.

>> No.18564654

i could stomach just about any cafeteria food but the 90% dry dough sheet pizza was too much for me

>> No.18564663

found the delicate bitch picky eater faggots

>> No.18564678


>> No.18564700

Mine looked pretty much exactly like that. There were two types of people. The people who ate the pizza every single day, (Which oddly enough consisted of a lot of the more popular people). And the intellectual chads who varied their menu.

>> No.18564707

Don't even pretend that Sbarro isn't leagues beyond school pizza.

>> No.18564708

It was always cheese pizza where I went to school

>> No.18564713


>> No.18566393

Sbarro was the best place to eat at the local mall in bumfuck, 2005

>> No.18566409

I liked the breakfast pizza.
But never cared for the regular and would always try to get something else unless I somehow hated the alternatives more.

>> No.18566416

So in other words you're a pussy.

>> No.18566782
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'mexican pizza' day was the best

>> No.18566829

Why do you lie?

>> No.18566847
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better than our school lunch
we only got plain bread

>> No.18566852

french bread pizza was the best (not bad) all other were horrible and terrible

>> No.18566887

Well, at least that looks like normal bread. I remember kids in school used to mold our bread rolls into balls like it was Playdoh.

>> No.18567105

I always put mustard on school cafeteria pizza, just to make it taste like something at all. Utterly bland otherwise.

>> No.18567110

The ones i had in school were always a bity on the soggy side. I'd still eat it there's just something about it that while not great that i remember and when I do I want a slice.

>> No.18567341

Why don’t you start killing them, then? Why are you bitching about it online?

>> No.18567352

As an American I assure you that the chain-smoking obese highschool dropout that makes our school pizza isn't doing a better job

>> No.18567365


>> No.18567371

Ham and bacon aren't worth saving, but don't you have plenty of sausage types you can put on your pizza in ethnic german cuisine?

>> No.18567373

they were ok, but far inferior to school lunch chalupas

>> No.18567376
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Its Pizza Day bitches!
School was good times

>> No.18567382

>Imagine living in Germany, where pizza nowadays is exclusively made by Turkish or Kurdish muslim immigrants who refuse to touch pork and where ham and bacon are made of rubber-like low-quality turkey and where a mystery-meat something called sucuk replaced all salami and peperoni.
Most major German cities have first generation Italian immigrants making pizza, but even so from my experience Muslim-run pizza places have zero qualms putting proper ham and bacon on pizza for the kaffirs.

>> No.18567388

Once, anons, once, my school served Stromboli. Not reheated or cooked from frozen, but honest to god scratch made Stromboli, I think I have the pdf of the gov's recipe somewhere, although the proportions are for, like, 45 people.
only had it once, and I remember it to this day. That shit was the fucking bomb, and I'll never forget it.

>> No.18567445

Those weren't a thing. Unless you took classes at taco bell for some reason.

>> No.18567581


>> No.18567582

My highschool had this circular pizza. On the outer layer was crust and on the inside was one of the best fucking pizzas I ever had. I would go to school just for the pizza. (spicy chicken paddy wasn't bad either)

>> No.18567607
File: 101 KB, 1141x1777, hungry irish child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the ones that came in the Garfield box but I cant fucking find them and hardly anyone remembers them

>> No.18567622
File: 1.54 MB, 5555x3831, the-horror-the-horror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those boxes didn't exist.

You fixated on a Garfield stuffed animal in your bedroom during the years of childhood abuse, and eventually began to see Garfield everywhere as your mind desperately tried to salvage some semblance of sanity. For example, watch this new Markiplier video and tell us what you see:


>> No.18567643

Looking forward to the sequel:


>> No.18567663
File: 26 KB, 314x246, 1563364831554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tha- thats not markiplier...

>> No.18567670

You're so fucking gay

>> No.18567707
File: 154 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20221111-223453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which shithole city do you live in? I just checked first place in the delivery app which is obviously immigrant owned. Sucuk is distinct from salami and peperoni as seen here

>> No.18567865

Grab a fruit baby

>> No.18567886

Came in to post this shit.
It really was the fucking best right there.

>> No.18568266

for me, it was nachos day

>> No.18568322

Did anyone else's school stop serving sloppy joes? what the fuck happened?

>> No.18568330
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Considering I grew up in an absolute shithole rustbelt city that had nothing going for it, friday pizza was the best thing going for us kids back then. So yes i loved it.

>> No.18568344

I liked it when the lunch ladies would sneak some off the school board meals onto the menu.
My middle school had these glorious bitches who would sneak shit like beef stew and rice with corn bread and some of the kids would be like confused because they've never had corn bread then be convert. n
They'd turn left over chicken patties, spaghetti sauce, and make chicken parm.
And may god bless the women who would give kids who were disappointed with their portions a little extra.
They'd notice you were eyeballing that mac and cheese and hit you with another spoonful.

>> No.18569146

we were served the exact kind in Op's pic. It kicked ass. Best thing to eat at school lunch.

>> No.18569179

Pretty good. I could go for a breadtangle of pizza right now.

>> No.18569268
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>his school just gave him food
So you don't have to pay? How does this work?

>> No.18569273
File: 67 KB, 626x436, tired-american-football-player-resting-after-hard-training-field_530697-3795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw grew up in bumfuck rural nowhere and one of the lunch ladies came to my class to bitch me out in person for "ordering seven lunches" and she and I had a screaming match because YOU MAKE THAT SHIT NOBODY EATS WHEN ALL WE WANT IS THE PIZZA and coach made me run like twenty gassers for cussing out the lunch lady
Bitch stopped having other shit on pizza friday, though. Totally worth it.

>> No.18569296

My high school had cheeseburgers available everyday and I ate it for 2 weeks until I felt my heart actually start hurting kek so I stopped.

>> No.18569326
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I bet everyone remember that shit to this day.

>> No.18569628
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you take it from your fellow schoolmates' parents' wallets after every paycheck. you even pay it on your local utilities bill from internet to gas. it's the gas that goes in the cars too. either be a part of your society or fuck off and stop voting in sort of economics that favor harsh truths and ignore cold realities that can brushed under the rug for your enemies.
schools don't use processed fats.

>> No.18569642
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pic related was my reason for getting out of bed on tuesdays

>> No.18569743

deja vu

>> No.18569747

GUYS GUYS GUYS where can i get these pizzas with the little pepperoni cubes?

>> No.18569784
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There was one of these across the street from where I live but they went out of business a few years ago. I remember getting off of work back when I used to rebuild machine parts (very labor intensive) and literally eat like half of one of these.

>> No.18569788

they always had huge thick tomato slices, I hated those

>> No.18569791
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It's called commodity pizza and Schwan's makes it under the Tony's brand. You can buy it by the case at GFS

>> No.18569792
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I loved it.
We always also had corn on that day, and at some point I started putting all my corn on the pizza and rolling it up. Sometimes I'll get those small Totino's pizzas and do the same thing.

>> No.18569825

this is actually a non-problem
kebab pizza is based
also there is salami made from beef which tastes literally better for pizza

>> No.18570073

It's just missing canned peaches and chocolate milk

>> No.18570160

>Americans force Germ-many to take Allahu Cockblocks
I thought it was because a white woman (Merkel) decided it would be a good idea to let a bunch of backwards, terrorist cultured people into Yurop because
>nein, nein, nein, vë ahr noht ze nazis, kohm ohn inn, refügiez - vë lofhe die kolor awf braun !!
and then made it to where any other foreign leader in neighboring states would look like they were beaten by a girl in the philanthropic pr sector.

>> No.18570168

My highschool had a cafeteria, but instead I would walk 3 blocks to a nearby mall and buy food at the Safeway or at the food court. I never once bought food from the school.

In hindsight this was probably an extremely autistic thing to do.

>> No.18570171

When I use to work at papa
John's I would put bacon grease on assholes pizza who asked us to clean the cutter first cause they were muslim

>> No.18570185

Heh, I remember in middle school, they had a la carte stands, and they'd get items delivered from Pizza Hut.

Ate that every day, and became a fat fuck.

Got to a point where one day during track exercise in p.e., my brain was signalling for my legs to run, but they wouldn't respond.
Had to explain to the coach that my legs couldn't run, so I walked the mile while everyone else got to go enjoy free day.

Felt disgusted with myself, and decided to get in shape by playing fútbol every day out in the sun.

>> No.18570197

I work at a school and the cafeteria has a couple variations of pizza
>triangle slices
My favorite, I’ll get it once in a while when I’m craving pizza.
>french bread pizza
I’ll eat it if it’s free and I’m really hungry, would pass otherwise.
>pizza tart/mini pie thing
Didn’t try these but a bunch got left in the staff fridge for a few days and I threw them out after no one ate them. They didn’t look very good.

>> No.18570201

Kek, fuck the people who cite schizophrenic principles as their reasoning for being a pain in the ass about food.

The only legitimate, humanitarian concern is if someone is allergic to something, and it isn't entirely obtuse.

>be celiac
>go to pizza parlor

>> No.18570297

>When I use to work at papa
>John's I would put bacon grease on assholes pizza who asked us to clean the cutter first cause they were muslim
I actually love bacon grease. If I lie and tell Papa John's that I'm a Jew will they put plenty of grease on my pizza? :)

>> No.18570425

>leaving any pizza uneaten for tomorrow
your fault, dumbass