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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18550868 No.18550868 [Reply] [Original]

Toasters are a fucking scam
>put bread on dry skillet
>it’s toasted

>> No.18550873

you are brain-dead and likely an ass fetishist

>> No.18550877

american detected
>duhh how i make toast without toaster

>> No.18550880

It's convenient if you don't want to keep an eye on the bread, incel retard

>> No.18550894

Toilet paper's a fucking scam
>rince ass off in shower.
>it's clean

>> No.18550897

I don't care for dedicated toasters, but toaster ovens are the shit. Need to cook something small and don't want to heat up the big oven? Toaster oven. Need 6 slices of toast ready at the same time for breakfast sandwiches for me and my kids? Toaster oven. Want to quickly and easily toast a roll or something else oddly shaped? Toaster oven.

>> No.18550903

stop asking yourself questions and answering them

>> No.18550905

if you spend every waking moment glued to reality tv and fast food ads i guess it is inconvenient having to watch a piece of bread for 30 seconds

>> No.18550910
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Simple and convenient plus they’re cheap as shit and are tempting when depressed. Just staring at me. It knows. And I know it knows that I know. Soon.

>> No.18550911

you can also make a cup of coffee or do other things you need to while the toast is in the oven, moron. Would absolutely love to beat the ever-living shit out of you

>> No.18550918

you can do those same things while toasting a piece of bread on the stove

>> No.18550919

Lots of times the circuit breaker trips before you get anything worse than a shitload of pain and permanent burns.

>> No.18550922
File: 64 KB, 410x1024, 858CC119-01A4-416D-B4DF-09E2E8CCE1EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t ruin this for me it’s the only thing keeping me going knowing that I have an out

>> No.18550926

yeah, but then you'd need to keep an eye on it. Are you dense?

>> No.18550928

You can try binding the circuit breaker with duct tape or something.

>> No.18550933

when you make something on a skillet do you literally stand there staring at it the entire time it’s cooking

>> No.18550938

>keep an eye on =//= standing glued to the stove

>> No.18550942

Bread heated via conducted heat is so different from bread toasted with radiant heat that I wouldn't even consider it toast. That said, putting it in the grill does the job just as well so I don't own a toaster.

>> No.18550948

I toast my bread in the oven because I don't want to spend $20 on a toaster. Is toasting it in a skillet better?

>> No.18550949

this is a good argument
this is an american sharting in rage

>> No.18551423

This is you projecting your bizarre obsession on strangers

>> No.18551434

based toaster oven chad

>> No.18551502

no you don't. do you not have a nose? or is it stuffed with your boyfriend's shit?

>> No.18551608

you live in a state like Missouri or Oklahoma. just admit it

>> No.18551704

>why would I free up a pan for a different task when I can instead tie up a quarter of my stovetop to crisp bread

>> No.18551760
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Living out your life and finding pleasure in whatever stupid little things you find fulfilling for the next 60 years is a scam.
>put gun in mouth
>pull trigger
>it's toasted

>> No.18552667

I tried this and got brain damage wtf

>> No.18553978

Doesn't it use way more energy than a regular toaster

>> No.18554078

Unironically agreed, its substantially more sanitary

>> No.18554120
File: 60 KB, 1200x1200, 1650143630391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will spend $400 on a two slice toaster handbuilt in england and I will be happy.

>> No.18554273
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Indeed, toasters and air friyers are a scam. That's why you get a mini convection oven which can toast and "air fry" + everything else a oven can do.

>> No.18554282

Want to kill yourself in the bath? Toaster oven.

>> No.18554293

>eating sliced white bread

>> No.18555883
File: 1.17 MB, 1339x1445, 1637234613465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will brag about spending $1000 on a rice unitasker and then make a post on /ck/ shitting on toasters

>> No.18556258

>americans think smearing shit around their asshole with dry paper is more hygienic than blasting it with water

>> No.18556259

its convenient and doesnt waste as much energy, time and money you tard

>> No.18556444

toasters dont even make good toast.
rice cookers make rice better than you could in a pot with less effort

>> No.18556451

>boil water
>add rice
>cover and wait
wow so hard i need a big ass expensive appliance because i'm too retarted to comprehend a pot

>> No.18556648

this. >uses 50x the energy and takes 10 times as long
toast was traditionally prepared on an open flame. a pan on a stove is not even the same type of heat.

>> No.18556656

Breakers are designed to trip even if something is holding the switch in place, you'd have to completely bypass the breaker with a solid wire.

>> No.18556673


>> No.18556709

no, I refuse to not fill my counters up with semi-useful/useless appliances...

>> No.18556713

i can make shit tons more rice in less time in the oven... why have/buy an rice-cucker? like ever?

>> No.18558172


i refuse to use electricity to boil water, i have a gas stove. rice cooks so fast

>> No.18559085

>wake up
>scratch my balls
> waddle into the kitchen
>turn on burner
>grab stick of butter out of the oven
>grab knife
>cut off knob of butter and toss it in the pan
>stick butter back in the fridge
>grab slice of bread
> toss in now melted butter
>look back in fridge
>think about life and all the missed opportunities
>close fridge and turn around
>bread is now toasted and buttered
>take bread out of pan
Woah so difficult I can't believe I had to watch the bread for so long like half my day is now gone. Fuck this shit I'm getting in my car and driving down to costco right now to buy an industrial sized 20 slice toaster. No longer will I be beholden to the whims of the toast. Now I will be the master.

>> No.18559135

>cut off knob of butter and toss it in the pan
just mash the butter on the pan chud

>> No.18559142

what's the difference between a skillet and a pan?

>> No.18559182

Yeah. Absorbing moisture does way more for inhibiting bacteria growth than introducing mousture does.

>> No.18560082

yeah very good point.

>> No.18560161

Not as fast. And you could be cooking something else in that skillet while making the toast in the toaster. Pan-fried toast is a million times better than toaster toast, though.