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File: 112 KB, 960x692, lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18542179 No.18542179 [Reply] [Original]

i have been living on bread with pork lard recently, sometimes i treat myself by adding some salt and pepper. such is life in Wales

>> No.18542198

based t b h

>> No.18542199

I love lard

>> No.18542247

lard tastes like a baseball gloves smells but somehow worse
i like to cook in it but smearing it on cold like butter seems nasty

>> No.18542248
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 873A8141-2003-4E6F-985B-32D5AD08EA1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the US my staple dinner is pork chops, sauerkraut, and a baked potato. When I’m feeling fancy I’ll fry the pork chops and make gurkensalat. Easy to make a big bowl and eat it all week.

>> No.18542257

Lard is best on bread, lightly salted. Nothing else.

>> No.18542276

When I'm trying to save money I try to get creative to not waste anything. Nothing more expensive than food you toss in the trash.

Wife wanted to make pasta, but we needed a bunch of ingredients to make exactly what she wanted, and we had some unused ingredients. I used the leftover 3 strips of bacon we had, half an onion, canned diced tomatoes, chili flakes, and yogurt to make a spicy/creamy rigatoni. Shit was actually good as hell. Whole fat greek yogurt is super underrated as an ingredient, super versatile.

>> No.18542289

Are you of russian/polish ancestry? This is a normal meal for slavs

>> No.18542321

I'm not currently living in poverty, but I have before. In reality, at least in the US, you can still eat a large selection of foods. Beans and rice get LARPed in every budget thread, but in reality, most people are eating frozen pizzas and boxed dinners to get to the next paycheck. Slightly smarter anons might microwave some cheese wrapped inside a tortilla, or combine a few different cans of food to make a soup. Maybe 1% of posters take the bait and actually try to live on literal rice and beans. I doubt they last more than a few days.

>> No.18542344
File: 990 KB, 989x742, Screenshot from 2022-04-17 16-33-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people are eating frozen pizzas and boxed dinners to get to the next paycheck.
those people are retards that are spending more money then they realize because non of that shit is cheap anymore.
I couldn't afford to eat like that on my $100/month budget but i can make home cooked meals and eat real food

>> No.18542362

>that pic
holy boomer, batman

>> No.18542427

what are you addicted to, heroin or crack?

>> No.18542446
File: 811 KB, 857x644, Screenshot from 2022-04-17 16-32-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close, im 1 year off from being a zoomer
that was Easter dinner and i got the ham for $0.99lbs so i paid less then what it costs to order 1 large pizza for that whole meal which had enough left over ham for ham/rye sandwiches and split pea/ham soup for 3 people

>> No.18542452

why not both?

>> No.18542466

>ham/rye sandwiches
Based Chinaski

>> No.18542484
File: 39 KB, 480x360, aHR0cDovL2ltZy55b3V0dWJlLmNvbS92aS9hSWJwdDFhREZxTS9ocWRlZmF1bHQuanBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's usually how the Welsh do it

>> No.18542599
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I've ben eating bread dipped in lard and dandelion wine.

>> No.18542724

no i'm just poor

>> No.18542731
File: 3.59 MB, 368x498, C6B7B989-7720-40F0-B148-BCBAE6016D6D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We fought WW2 for nothing

>> No.18542737

Ok. My grandpa would eat this often with pickled hot peppers but he'd buy the lard in smoked block form

>> No.18542743
File: 46 KB, 496x384, grammel-img-28951 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lard and fried pork skin is a popular bread spread here. Very good.

>> No.18542789

you should bake the bread with bacon grease in the dough

>> No.18542842

Sorry I don’t eat vegan, buddy

>> No.18542859

It never was. You could always save money in the long run by buying your own ingredients but it requires planning because buying your own ingredients/meat/veggies/fruit requires buying large quantities up front. Poor people are mostly retarded, though, so they can't understand how to divide out those up front costs over long periods to realize the massive savings over processed/prepared single serving food.

>> No.18542865

Based Grammelschmalz poster - easily one of the best things I ate in austria. Beuschel was also pretty good

>> No.18542903

yea i buy in bulk for multiple months that why each month i only have to buy certain things and rotate month to month

>> No.18542933

Where are the oats and potatoes anon?

>> No.18542935

That's a classic polish dish

>> No.18542938

lol why?

>> No.18543003

Based Bukowski enjoyer

>> No.18543132

Any Amerikanski know where to get lard here in the US? All I find is vegetable oil in most stores. Sometimes duck fat

>> No.18543155

I get pure lard from a local farm. Even if you can get lard in a grocery store it's almost always hydrogenated (increases shelf life but is absolutely terrible for your body). Just look up farms near you, many of them have websites and sell direct.

>> No.18543265

>can't into southern cooking
because its tasty and cheap

>> No.18543270
File: 344 KB, 600x600, Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 15-03-52 lard - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walmart sells a big jug for the same price as corn oil

>> No.18543271

go to a Polish deli or a smoke house that make there own sausages.

>> No.18543272

Most stores sell it in plastic tubs but that's pretty much just for cooking with, for eating you want smoked lard which you should be able to get at eastern euro ethnic shops

>> No.18543283

>lard in smoked block form
We call that bacon

>> No.18543307

Yeah we do too, but I didn't say that because americans/anglos only think of bacon as the strips

>> No.18543343

>i have been living on bread with pork lard recently, sometimes i treat myself by adding some salt and pepper. such is life in Wales
Pork lard? What we wouldn't give to have some pork lard for our bread back in my day. We had to make do with nothing but the loaf!
t. Yorkshireman

>> No.18543374

Beef dripping on bread is godtier. Put some pickled onions and or parsley on as well if you're feeling fancy

>> No.18543433

Don't buy this. Seriously.

>> No.18543458

It's not hard to make, just take fatty pork and a little water leave on low for an extended period and strain. Hydrogenated lard that is basically crisco is also widely available next to the shortening

>> No.18543469

Hot bacon grease and dandelion greens are fucking amazing.
Hope you're using the whole plant.

>> No.18543623

I wish it was easier to get better quality pork that isn't fed soy and high pufa

>> No.18543637

fellow yorkshireman and my grandmother used to do this
i thought it was wierd as fuck when i was younger but growing up i've come to appreciate it
i miss my grandmother it would have been so nice to talk to her as an adult

dairy and eggs are my go to for cheap decently healthy protein and energy
vegetables are cheap in the uk and i find them filling
i also like to steal fruit

>> No.18543665

a normal meal for slavs is a meal of abject poverty for anyone else

>> No.18544005

My grandma talked about eating this during The Depression.