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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 598x540, 311858999_5544885322274791_763993620814045348_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18531388 No.18531388 [Reply] [Original]

box ice cream was best


>> No.18531394

i miss eating choc ices and getting paper in my teeth

>> No.18531399
File: 1.26 MB, 480x366, three flavors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18531402

By 2025 it will be mandatory in many jurisdictions to reduce plastic wate, so manufacturers with large supply chains will default to it.

>> No.18531432
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By 2035 they will switch to bug shells

>> No.18531436

We still have that over here. Plastic packages too, of course, but vanilla is almost always in a box. Those three-flavour things exist too in boxes but I’ve no idea who buys them.

>> No.18531462

Looks like s**p and even worse it's served in plastic. Holy fuck what is this world coming to

>> No.18531463

Before the family clash in 2013, grandma always had pails of 3 flavor ice cream as her house in the basement chest freezer. Now I don't even know if she's alive or not. Oh well, happy I don't have to take care of them or be sad when they die

>> No.18531465


>> No.18531469


>> No.18531487

well yeah, I remember it fondly (purely for the memories of enjoying ice cream as a kid) but don't miss it

I guess maybe it was easier to flatten the empty package, yay

>> No.18531498

Ice cream still comes in boxes, they just don't have flip-top lids anymore.

>> No.18531521
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it still comes in a box.

>> No.18531522

Only the cheap shitty brands come in plastic, like those generic buckets of vanilla or rainbow sherbet. Any ice cream worth buying comes in cardboard tubs, they're just properly sealed with adhesive and not folded up boxes.

>> No.18531527

also, that orientation is sideways.

>> No.18531531

california doesn't count, anon.

>> No.18531581

Supposedly packaging it like this is more difficult (it's harder to pack the ice cream evenly) and stores worse (the corners melt faster since more surface area is exposed). Ample Hills Creamery spent a ton of money trying to make the switch to retro-inspired rectangular cartons, there's an article about how it's one of the mistakes that nearly ended the business.

>> No.18531660
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You wouldn't know kino if you ran into it face first. Lurk moar.

>> No.18531727

How economical!

>> No.18531732

Its still fairly common in northern yurop

I wish. Your average contrarian couldn't decide whether to whine about "muh environmentalism" or "m-muh zoomers don't know how SOVL it was to have cardboard box ice cream". It would be priceless

>> No.18531735
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>> No.18531741

anything we grew up with is kino

>> No.18531743

child abuse?

>> No.18531750

Its fairly kino in movies

>> No.18531760

ice cream still comes in a paper contsuned. they changed the shape to save money by giving you less of the product.

>> No.18531763

yeah dogtooth is pretty kino

>> No.18531809
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this brand in Upstate New York still sells the half gallon boxes

>> No.18531915
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>> No.18531972

>Still Full Half Gallon Size
>text arranged so that "Full" is directly above "Gallon"
I see what they're doing, those sneaky fucks.

>> No.18532029
File: 692 KB, 985x985, oq8zZAZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vienetta always comes in a box

>> No.18532085

They still make it, just with that goofy shitty retard shape and the plastic lined lid, sold for a premium for what's usually 1.5 quarts instead of 2 quarts. The real king of ice cream was those 1 gallon plastic tubs that cost less than any of these other brands while still being better, just not as fancy.

>> No.18532097

I came in your mom's box bow go back to /tv/ you kino spamming faggot

>> No.18532107
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>back when I was growing up
I haven't bought ice cream in a long while, but I'm sure by then you could still find it in the box.
Or at least in the upper midwest you could. pic related.
I also grew up eating boxed frozen yogurt too, for some reason.

>> No.18532115

Everytime I want to buy this my girlfriend stops me and tells me how fat I am.

>> No.18532118

that's communism but I believe it

>> No.18532128
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>> No.18532139

>beg parents for vienetta
>refuse to buy me one. ever
>fast forward to well into adulthood and see vienetta round the shops one day
>excitedly buy it.
>bring it home
>cut a slice
>eat it
>it's shit
Fuck that dessert lasagne dumbfuckery. All that hype for fucking nothing. Same thing happened with Weavers. They suck hard, too.

>> No.18532141

Pretty sure in the late 90s/early 00s my nana used to get this Walls ice cream (vanilla, for fuck's sake) that was in a box and she sliced it into rectangle servings.

>> No.18532174

I know people sliced directly through the box to make portions for kids' parties. Is that the context?

>> No.18532253

what pride flag is that?

>> No.18532355

Came in here to post this. Stewart's is solid, if not pricey.

>> No.18532389

Anybody old enough to remember when people took the ice cream out of the box and cut it like a cake? That's like 60's and 70's shit

>> No.18532402

>le bugs maymay xD
Wow, even ice cream triggers your obsession now.

>> No.18532411

i love when creativity, humor, and coincidence come together to give us stuff like this

>> No.18532495

no need to screenshot your own photos anon

>> No.18532543

This was from the web so I have to. But I do also screenshot my own photos to make them smaller and to avoid the FAGGOTY 4CHAN IMAGE ROTATIONS before uploading.... I'm sorry.. I'm exhausted. I think I speak for everyone on this issue

>> No.18532560

I audibly laughed at this.

>> No.18532612

Shit from mysteries past tier

>> No.18532958

>*absorbs weird smells from freezer in your path*

>> No.18532962

I bought a few at Target recently.
Isn't that what Breyer's/Dreyer's, store brands, and Haagen Daez come in anyways? It's not the same flip box, but they have lids.

>> No.18533118
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>> No.18533198

I hate plastic so I'm okay with this

>> No.18533199

Slap her.

>> No.18533281

>neapolitan ice cream
Mmm yes.

>> No.18533393

I get this reference

>> No.18533691

pls tell us about the family clash

>> No.18533846

Based off the thumbnail I thought the guy was a burn victim.

>> No.18533866

Dad died, parents were already split. Dad's side of the family sells me and my siblings stuff or gives it to my cousins. Grandparents always seemed shitty and never called us, oh well.

>> No.18533880

Sold what stuff? Who cares? You don't have to buy it if you don't want it. This story makes no sense.

>> No.18533898

Sold our stuff, sorry

>> No.18533942

Ice cream is terrible and so are those who enjoy it.

>> No.18533953

Lactose intolerant filthy nigger.

>> No.18534015

chapmans instituted a vaccine mandate on their customers. they also fill their ice cream with guar gum etc . garbage company

>> No.18534047
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Anime ruined ice cream for me.

>> No.18534068

The point is to experience all three at once, so...

>> No.18534139

Grew up with these as a kid, my sister would open it at the corner, ok fine.
she would then open the opposite corner and eat half and then place it back
so I would think it was still half full only to find a half scoop

>> No.18534142

Anon being bullied by his sister, as she presses her stomach against his head an tells him to listen to the ice cream he can’t have.

>> No.18534193

We were kids, but it was a family Sunday dinner. Sort of the same feeling. It was crap ice cream, but I have nostalgia for it. Better times.

>> No.18534810

Ice cream ruined anime for me.

>> No.18534922

How bad are they? My horrendous mother died recently and getting one of these was always a treat with dad for when she would go off on a "nursing seminar" so I was going to get one. If they actually suck though I'll not bother

>> No.18534926

I forgot about that. One time my dad cut up a bunch of garlic and onions that were going to go bad, and even sealed them in a ziploc bag but we all ended up eating onion flavoured ice cream for a while

>> No.18534932

2 in 1

>> No.18534969

>believing the human race will ever let go of plastic
Even if plastic was showing up inside our bodies because of the food we eat, governments won't be able to fight corporation lobbyists and poor people complaining about losing their cheap products. I would love to be on glass, paper, and aluminum for packaged goods but it'll never happen.

>> No.18534980

sorry, have you used plastic before?
it's fucking nuts. it's light, it's see-through, it's durable. hit your glass cup with a hammer, then hit a tupperware bowl with a hammer.
try and make a ziplock out of aluminum.
it's perfect. it's a perfect material. what's the one downside of it? sometimes it melts. if you get some plastics really hot they melt. how often is that ever a problem? basically never. plastic is great.

>> No.18535008

it's a decent ice cream treat. nothing mindblowing, but worth a try for the specific texture

>> No.18535537

All I want is a pack of small containers of Häagen-Dasz strawberry and to watch Kara no Kyoukai. But no shop carries them anymore, it's all with cake and cookie flavour and I hate it.

>> No.18535604

>Even if plastic was showing up inside our bodies
Yeah... IF... heh, imagine if such a thing were to happen. Crazy, right? I'm sure glad that's not something that's happening!
On a completely separate and unrelated note from some other alternate universe that definitely isn't ours: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/microplastics-detected-in-human-blood-180979826/

>> No.18536619

Micro plastics are fake, citing your liberal scare articles don't prove anything.

>> No.18536626

I chuckled heartily

>> No.18536636

Leftist pretending to be a strawman of a conservative spotted

>> No.18536778

daily reminder that a ton of jewish ice cream brands were forced to change their product to "frozen treat" because it isn't fucking ice cream it's frozen goyslop, literally no cream in it

>> No.18536822

Take your meds.

>> No.18536836
File: 194 KB, 512x220, D3EE0BB7-05E1-4F2F-A15E-554434EF2C7C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling a freshly formed log eagerly waiting to be pushed out with your pinky

>> No.18536869
File: 40 KB, 450x450, 3517115c-8445-491b-9074-721795d52ed6_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walmart still sells it in cardboard and the french vanilla is actually pretty good
put a scoop in some GV root beer and you got a good cheap treat

>> No.18536878
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>Mom is a flaming liberal in politics
>hates Nepotolian ice cream and says the flavors would be better off in their own carton

>> No.18536882
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>> No.18536884

the cardboard reinforced the subtle notes of chicory and thyme usually buried within the whole milk

>> No.18536885
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>> No.18536891
File: 20 KB, 305x284, Screenshot 2022-11-02 at 20-59-03 _ck_ - box ice cream was best kino as fuck. - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sliced directly through the box
this behavior always disturbed me
>gr8 PP

>> No.18536906

I fucking love Byrne Dairy

>> No.18536912
File: 1.64 MB, 1494x903, Screenshot from 2022-10-18 02-08-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do it to quickly resize because my phone takes giant 12mb HDR photos

>> No.18537259

Haha and so did I!

>> No.18537273

Why is it so fucking kino?

>> No.18537479

but chocolate is the worst ice cream flavor

>> No.18537488


>> No.18537495

Eat her. Then she can't stop you.

>> No.18537506

Wtf I love chocolate ice cream now

>> No.18537516

You know what you must do.

>> No.18537539

box icecream went away because literally everyone switched to whipped or air filled or soft serve icecream which is highly susceptible to melting.
it literally cant work because it will just make a huge mess.

>thick proper icecream starts coting too much money
>box icecream seen as cheap
>no one will buy it
>switch instead to selling it in fancy plastic quarts for $6-8 each
(((they))) LITERALLY took this from you.

>> No.18537542

it's bc thick ice cream sucks big ones and u have shit taste

>> No.18537570

Weve come full circle

>> No.18537586

>1 $0.50 off coupon has been deposited into your account

>> No.18537654

I've only seen ice cream in plastic when someone gets one of those buckets for children's parties.

>> No.18537660

wow things change who knew!? fuck off you bawwing old faggot, 4chan is for young people

>> No.18537668

you buy shit ice cream

>> No.18537701
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You mean *is*

>> No.18537702

Uh, aren't most ice cream tubs cardboard?

>> No.18537741

Yeah. I have no idea what OP is referring to.

>> No.18538615

>pedophile incest ice cream

>> No.18539122

Is this a British cuisine thread?

>> No.18539613

that means ur gay

>> No.18539654

no AI knows i have a great pp, its seen it. probably my only redeeming feature

>> No.18539981
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So real question about ice cream

Why is it some brands I damn near got to let that shit thaw for 7 minutes before I can make a dent in it and some that shit comes out smooth the moment I open the lid. I just recently discovered how much easier margarine is to spread compared to butter so I'm kind of retarded.

>> No.18540003

a tub is just a rounded box.

>> No.18540555

Is your phone really expensive or do you have hipster IG mode turned on?

>> No.18540561

It could be fuck ups in local distribution methods

>> No.18540576

Stewarts is so goddamn good, it's a crime they don't expand beyond Syracuse

>> No.18540605

Stabilizers and emulsifiers.

>> No.18540609

Nobody did that you fucking donkey

>> No.18540613

can we see it?

>> No.18540619


>> No.18540636

We have this in my Eastern European country, it's still sold in stores. And my, is it vile. It's bad. I regret not having the choice to eat Ben & Jerry's and Haagen Dazs like I do today back in the 90s when I was a kid.

>> No.18540971
File: 210 KB, 678x906, LG-G4-vs-iPhone-6-Plus-Details-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was at the time, LG g4, 16mp camera

>> No.18541231

>But no shop carries them anymore
Ask the manager to order it for you.

>> No.18541292

different ratios of cream, vegetable oil, additives, and whipped air.

>> No.18541863

i have like 6 around me and im 5 hours south of syracuse

>> No.18541949

I see what's going on here.

>> No.18541962

Love box Neapolitan, but never had it as a kid. Does anyone else slice it evenly across all 3 flavors and eat it like cake?

>> No.18542045

Maybe in India or some weird place like that

>> No.18542047

Why do some circumcised pornstars dicks look like these color?

>> No.18542048

Don't really do that though unless they ask. They don't usually like it.

>> No.18542111

>can we see it?
if you look hard enough

>> No.18542528
File: 753 KB, 638x801, Screenshot_2021-10-28-12-24-02-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had ice cream in over 4 months

>> No.18542553

do NOT look up the amount of bug parts currently contained in all food.

>> No.18542624

show the picture then
I will look hard

>> No.18542673

No, middle would have chocolate filling most of the time. Not too many brown girls have pink lips in my experience.

>> No.18542725

Ok what the fuck am i missing that's so hilarious ffs

>> No.18542898

my guy the reason we switched to plastic containers with separate plastic foil lids is because nogs decided licking the ice cream in stores and then putting it back was funny

>> No.18542908

I immediately lose all respect for you if you end your sentences with an exclamation mark

>> No.18542911

o man i'd still be using my LG G4 if it didn't keep freezing just web browsing nowadays
lasted me 6 years just because i could replace the battery

>> No.18543033

But illya is not vanilla, she is strawberry, Miyu is vanilla for being plain.

>> No.18543565

dumb zoomer

>> No.18543624

One in the stink 2 in the pink.

>> No.18543654

You can still buy ice cream in a box if you don't live in a shithole.

>> No.18543809

>i could replace the battery
i know that feel, i'd be still using mine but my service provider no longer supports it.
the G4 a lot better then my new phone

>> No.18543912

Microplastics are the number 1 cause of transsexualism

>> No.18544411

I'm pretty sure they're headquartered in eastern upstate NY.

>> No.18544424

It's a sex haver thing :)

>> No.18544474


>> No.18544489

I don't have meds to take because I'm not a mentally ill liberal.

>> No.18544526

>don't trust psychologists therefore no diagnosis therefore not clinically paranoid

>> No.18544547
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>> No.18544645

are you me?
but i have solid ground for not trusting psychologists, all the ones i've known where the craziest people i ever met, mom, sister, first gf, state enforced ones from childhood, two friends.
I went a psyc uni and they are all fucking nuts

>> No.18544656

The downside is there's no actual way of disposing of it. It will just lie on the ground for all of eternity, killing whatever land it's dumped into. It's the same issue with technology, old motherboards, CRT TVs, etc.

>> No.18544660

these things fuckin suck i tried one a week ago. tastes like water

>> No.18544747

They used to be delicious but expensive as hell. Probably changed the recipe to make it cheaper and that made it awful. Like most things.

>> No.18544752

>there's no actual way of disposing of it
We could put it on a rocket and send the rocket into the sun but everyone's too pussy to do it. If we can land a rover on Mars with delicate precision we can certainly hurl a rocket into the fucking SUN.

>> No.18544880
File: 619 KB, 747x747, Screenshot 2022-11-05 at 01-19-14 unbreakable glass pipe - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hit your glass cup with a hammer
yea, potheads have been making unbreakable pipes for like 40 years now, is just borosilicate glass slowly cooled in a kiln so all the imperfections cook out making it strong as fuk

>> No.18545283

nope it tastes like shit
literally the worst flavor
also choccy milk sucks
you would never buy and enjoy anything that tastes the way chocolate ice cream tastes other than chocolate ice cream for some reason.

>> No.18545286

post belly big guy

>> No.18545303

And effectively impossible to realistically recycle when it does break. Good job.

>> No.18545367
File: 48 KB, 337x452, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI you can ctrl+v images (at least with 4chanx). Just keep one on the clipboard and paste while the text box is active. Better yet, read this: https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-create-photoshop-droplet-batch-process-images/

>> No.18545385

pink white and brown are the only colors that cock comes in

>> No.18545660

That won't help the fact that his original images are 3 times the maximum file size.

>> No.18545667

>can get napoleon ice cream readily
>can get chocolate ice cream readily
>can get vanilla ice cream readily
>strawberry ice cream, nowhere to be seen
Always found this very strange.

>> No.18545677

You can make a better version by smashing some chocolate biscuits in the bottom of a bowl, then alternating between vanilla ice cream and that choc ice magic (apparently called Magic Shell in the rest of the world) stuff that gets solid when it freeze. Throw in some regular chocolate sauce as well.

>> No.18545687

>sister brings home Vienetta one day because it was marked down
>all the chocolate's melted and refrozen
>ice cream is all crystalised from melting and refreezing
>it's terrible
>don't have another for many, many years
>eventually buy another one on a whim
>it's amazing
>eat the whole thing to myself in a night
I don't know what your problem with them is, but I love 'em.

>> No.18545837
File: 32 KB, 500x350, glass-melting-furnace-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>effectively impossible to realistically recycle
its glass retard, you throw it in a furnace and melt it and skim off any impurities, its infinitely recyclable. you could smoke crack and meth out of it then melt and make a pyrex kitchen bowl out of it and it would be 100% safe to use

>> No.18545845

??? it skips having to save a file, you just win+shift+s, screenshot, ctrl+v

>> No.18546175

im using Linux so i can just use gimp if i need to do batch files but on here im just uploading one image i just took for a quick post, oddly enough my old phone had a option to resize and remove location data when you sent it but my 7 years newer phone doesn't have that option

>> No.18546265

Anon shellac is great but not really suitable for making food containers out of

>> No.18546353

He's posting from his phone, dude. That's why his screenshot has a filename that uses mobile phone formatting.

>> No.18546541

Snip & Sketch has ALMOST the same formatting