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18395788 No.18395788 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to give up one completely?

>> No.18395795


>> No.18395796
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I already did

>> No.18395798

the only reason to buy pork is because it's cheap, not because it's a superior meat.

>> No.18395805

Are you a Yankee or a Texan

>> No.18395810

Give up beef. Replace it with lamb and venison.

>> No.18395813

I'm gay, if that matters.

>> No.18395819

im allergic anyway

>> No.18395835
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>> No.18395845
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Easy: Poultry

>> No.18395848

wtf thats easy as fuck

>> No.18395855

If I got rid of pork I would only miss sausage and bacon, and I ate too much sausage anyway (though not as much as OP).

>> No.18395858

Probably beef, yeah. Seafood is fucking aces, that is a total non-option.

>> No.18395863

Same. Seafood is fucking disgusting and it can fuck right off

>> No.18395864

beef because venison is better anyways

>> No.18395865

It's a tough choice between pork and poultry. The other two are like 4 tiers higher.

>> No.18395875


>> No.18395876

I already hate seafood so not a hard decision.

>> No.18395886

Is this even a question?

>> No.18395904

If you can't sea food how can you eat it?

>> No.18395938
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>> No.18395952


>> No.18395965

Poultry, but only if I can count duck as game, not poultry. Otherwise beef.

>> No.18395974

Seafood. I'd miss seared scallops but I don't particularly like the others

>> No.18395982

Poultry. Anyone giving an answer other than poultry is insane. The only reasons it's even remotely popular are because it isn't red meat and because seafood is more expensive. It's objectively the worst-tasting option on the list. It's always the worst thing to order from any restaurant menu.

Eggs don't count as poultry so I keep those.

>> No.18396002

pork, easily

>> No.18396007
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If you don't live near a coastline and your answer is anything other than seafood you're probably a retard

>> No.18396016

I am gonna pick a specific meat (beef) over a whole category of meats to be removed from my diet.

Also, anyone thinking they can say something is "objectively the worst-tasting option" is actually "insane".

>> No.18396069

I'm not sure I could, or would want to survive without any of them

>> No.18396086

Seafood and it's not even close. You can keep your raw shellfish and boiled octopus.

>> No.18396089

fish is almost always frozen on the boat or in the first phase of processing nowadays

>> No.18396096
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More or less my thinking. I love seafood and absolutely founder myself on it when I go to the beach but it’s such a rare occurrence that it’s the practical thing to give up.

>> No.18396285

Pork. I love pulled pork BBQ but it's this sort of weird inbetween of red and white meat that doesn't have a defining cell structure. I find pork loin especially fucking atrocious.

>> No.18396295


Pork. It's always just been alright to me, nothing special

>> No.18396315


>> No.18396340

only thing pork I would miss is bacon

>> No.18396350
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Pork can fuck all the way off. Haven't eaten it in years. It wouldn't be missed.

>> No.18396422


>> No.18396481

Pork. I'm Muslim anyway

>> No.18396522

Poultry easily, I'd only miss tendies and chicken thighs

>> No.18396526

Beef can fuck right off.
It's okay, but not nearly as useful as pork, poultry or seafood.

>> No.18396531

poultry to be honest
>luv me steak
>luv me pork loins
>luv me fish

>> No.18396533

>chicken is utilitarian
>beef is luxury stuff like steak and the best ground meat
>seafood is extremely diverse
pork is just shitty beef

>> No.18396548

Imagine living in a place where fish is almost always frozen on the boat or in the first phase of processing. Imagine living in a place where seafood goes through any further "processing" beyond pulling it out of the sea and beating it to death (if it's not sold live).
A pitiable existence, truly.
Where I'm from, I can literally walk down the hill to the sea, a mere 10 minutes, and grab whatever seafood, caught just that morning, I want. No freezing. No "processing" (unless you ask them to gut and scale it for you). Just fresh fucking food.

>> No.18396563


>> No.18397349


>> No.18397353

I only eat poultry
The other 3 are
>amerimutt food
>jew food
>cuck food

>> No.18397358

in exchange you have to deal with shitty maritime climate rusting all your shit constantly, cyclones, and tsunamis
you can keep the fresh seafood lmfao coastie, if i want fish i can get it out of the river.

>> No.18397359

Easy, seafood. It all tastes like feet or garbage. I'm tired of everyone pretending it's good

>> No.18397363

Seafood is bugfood

>> No.18397384 [DELETED] 

if you chose seafood or beef over poultry you are a kfc nigger
if you chose pork you are 100% semite
Poultry is the only right answer for white men

>> No.18397481
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>if i want fish i can get it out of the river.

>> No.18397495

Seafood is for non-whites

>> No.18397502

Seafood, because I work for a living and even the dogshit fish cost 9 bucks a pound or more.

>> No.18397633

seafood. there is almost nothing that comes from the sea that tastes good.

>> No.18397646



It's been deregulated in the U.S. since Trump was in office anyway so you're more than likely eating people.

>> No.18397747

>Can't eat pork
>Can fuck goats or children
What did the prophet Mohammed mean by this?

>> No.18397818

I don't eat beef already.

>> No.18397822

Seafood, without question

>> No.18397829

I already never eat seafood and I don't think I really touch pork either, gonna go with pork because i'm too much of a weeb to fully condemn seafood even if I don't eat it

>> No.18397837

Same no shellfish for me.

>> No.18397856

Pork because you can somewhat replace it with beef and you can't replace beef with pork. Seafood is too broad, since it includes all variety of fishes, poultry is also too broad and chicken is irreplacalble.

>> No.18397858


>> No.18397872

Pork, easily.
Seafood and poultry are irreplacable. You can't get chicken wings from any other animal, and crab/lobster/shrimp is too good.
That brings it to beef vs pork. Beef is a more universal meat than pork is, and in most applications of pork you can substitute beef or chicken. The one unique thing pork has going for it is bacon, but I've heard of venison bacon and duck bacon before.

>> No.18397901

i would get rid of seafood
i love it but it consume it the least of the 4

>> No.18397990

What a fucking dumb opinion. Pork is the most versatile meat and is not at all substitutable with beef. Beef has a much stronger flavour. And pork has the best fat.

>> No.18398006

chicken. its good but i love pork and beef more. seafood is too big to cut out. you got fish, crab, lobster, shrimp/prawn, shellfish. all of which is much more varied than any of the rest.

>> No.18399021
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Probably pork. I cook with lard but other than that don't consume it any other capacity. I could substitute it with another fat easily.

>> No.18399034

>all these anons saying pork and seafood
tells you how many of them are jews and mudslimes

>> No.18399044

Wasn’t an option

>> No.18399229


>> No.18399364

I love a good pork roast too much to give up pork. Gotta go with poultry

>> No.18399376

What's the lower right square say?

>> No.18400105

Not a fan of pork. I don't even eat real bacon anymore since I like turkey bacon more.

>> No.18400119

Poultry is more expansive than chicken. Pedantic, and most Western people really only eat chicken and turkey regularly within poultry, but he's technically correct.

>> No.18400183

Holy shit, it says "chicken", I stand corrected. What an absolute spastic.

>> No.18400559

does eggs fall under that category? if so, that cements poultry as indispensable

>> No.18400660

Seafood. Bacon is cheap, beef and chicken are bulk/cut staples. Seafood is just there when it's there.

>> No.18400718 [DELETED] 
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VHAT makes you Tink, you haff a CHOICE?

>> No.18400749
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VHAT makes you Tink, you haff a CHOICE?

>> No.18400763
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>The entirety of any form of sea life regarded as food by humans

>> No.18401022

Spot on. Ribs, sausage, bacon versus chicken wings and crispy skin chicken thighs. I think I lean towards giving up poultry, despite ironically eating more chicken breast than any other meat because price and health reasons

>> No.18401071

Seafood, obviously. Stuff barely even qualifies as edible.

>> No.18401082

seafood deffo
shits nasty

>> No.18401084

i don't really have pork enough to miss it, so goodbye

>> No.18401867


>> No.18401888

Pretty much this. I don't eat hardly any seafood so striking it completely from my diet would have little to no effect on my diet and happiness.

>> No.18401893

Poverty meat aka poultry
>all these tastelets saying seafood

>> No.18401898

wife and I made a new years resolution to give up beef for 1 year last january (mainly just to see if we could, and partially for health reasons)
We have gone the whole year successfully, with an exception of the state fair this year (we already agreed to it beforehand).
We plan on adding pork to the list next year, just to see if we can. We will likely have a steak this january to see how it tastes after a year of abstaining from beef.

>> No.18401983


>> No.18402060

I don't think it's really fair to lump all seafood together like that.

>> No.18402202

if I gave up poultry I'd have to give up chicken tendies so that's out
if I gave up seafood I'd have to give up fried calamari rings from olive garden so that's out
if I gave up beef I'd have to give up burgers so that's out
I'm afraid I'll have to give up pork since as good as pork tenderloin and mexican carnitas and bacon are, they aren't good enough to justify losing burgers, tendies, or calamaris

>> No.18402214

eggs are 100% undeniably poultry and you're an idiot
and if you give up eggs that means you have to give up everything with eggs in it, which includes pretty much all bakery and pastry goods that aren't just plain bread

>> No.18402291
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lol ez

>> No.18402294

Beef for me just because beef is so friggin expensive.

>> No.18402301

Pork. Bacon and ribs are honestly whatever to me, won't miss chops or tenderloin at all.

>> No.18402303

pork, easily. Not even a fucking question. I would also accept chicken, but anyone answering beef or seafood is a tasteless cretin.

>> No.18402630


>> No.18402639

Ok american

>> No.18402678
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lmao @ all the fucking retards itt assuming poultry = chicken exclusively.

>> No.18402682

>she thinks everyone lives in her country
We don't get cyclones where I'm from due to it being too mountainous and while I've heard of tsunamis (we have our own word for it in our language rather than use the weeb word), I've never heard of one actually happening anywhere near my country.
Sounds to me like a case of sour grapes, my vulpine friend.


>> No.18402704

Gotta drop pork.
Seafood is way too general of a category to want to give up, you lose salmon, tuna, squid, oysters, etc. Poultry is also very general because it includes duck, turkey, geese, etc. So now it's beef vs pork. I think (almost) everything you can do with pork you can do with beef, which means what tastes better and has the better preparations, cost not being a factor? I'd pick a strip steak over a pork chop any day so pork loses.

>> No.18402721

woke folk don't even eat pork

>> No.18403115

How are people saying pork this easily?
Sausages, cured deli meats and sweet/savory asian recipes >>> any poultry.
Poultry is only good for cheap protein but eggs exist (they are not the meat of the chicken , they are not poultry) so that's redundant.

>> No.18403269
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>> No.18403783

Same here. Seafood is awful anyway.

>> No.18403800

this. Maybe some pork chops

>> No.18403839

Seafood. I like it, but I can do without it. It's got stupidly expensive as well, the basic shit tier frozen basa costs as much as chicken thigh/breast.

>> No.18403912

Seafood, no doubt.

>> No.18404034

Pork. I would indeed miss sosig and (american style) bacon but all other pork products can fuck off, especially ribs

>> No.18404067

only thing i miss out on is bacon

>> No.18404243

>Poultry is only good for cheap protein but eggs exist
You would have to eat an entire six-carton of eggs to match the protein content of one chicken breast

>> No.18405409


>> No.18405429
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How is this even a question?

>> No.18406864

I give up none and then kill and eat the person giving me this ultimatum

>> No.18406961
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Pork sucks

>> No.18406963
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>> No.18406980

haram and therefore based
the most delicious of all meats, nothing can beat it except the best steaks
wagyu beef, enough said
shit tier cheap meat for poor people, the 'vanilla flavour' of meats.

>> No.18407491

shut the fuck up, fried chicken and butter chicken slap hard

>> No.18407588

>fried chicken and butter chicken
yes and all of their good flavour comes from lots of marinating, seasoning and spices

you can have very plain steak with only salt and pepper and it'll taste heavenly. Ditto with pork belly. And seafood only needs a dab of butter/salt.

>> No.18407590
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Seafood. We stand as one, friends.

>> No.18407593

This really just comes down to “no pork belly” or “no fried chicken” for me because those are the two kings of their respective categories
I’m gonna have to let go of pork sadly

>> No.18407815

I'd miss a few things from pork, but ultimately its gotta go.

>> No.18407877

Seafood means giving up fish sauce, and poultry means giving up eggs. This reduces the problem to beef vs. pork, and beef is slightly tastier, so I choose pork.

>> No.18407934
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poultry i guess
i cant give up pork, i grew up close to a porco preto farm and it's the flavour of my childhood

>> No.18408257

Dammit anon, this is so hard. Pork is so tasty, beef makes the best burgers, poultry is healthy, and seafood is like a firework display of flavours. How is anyone supposed to choose?

>> No.18408278

Americans eat the most beef you idiot

>> No.18408300

Already gave up pork, I heard its inflammatory

>> No.18408385

People saying pork probably eat sausage and bacon weekly

>> No.18409011


>> No.18409662

I won't give up ruminate meats like beef or seafood like oysters
chicken is middle of road
"conventional" chicken and pork aren't that great compared to "conventional" beef and beef wins out easy since it's also ruminant meat

>> No.18409671

Beef, easy. Second runner up to give up would be pork. Beef because my teeth is garbage, can't really eat beef in steak form. Pork because it's not as tasty as seafood or chicken.