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File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, icecubetray_sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18373857 No.18373857 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone done this? Is it messy and shitty? I don't trust retard ragusea but i'm interested in freezing my sauce. Also does the flavor keep well?

>> No.18373866

That seems like the worst fucking way to freeze bolognese sauce. I'd slap it in sandwich bags an freeze them flat. Or some other type of flat bag.
Or maybe I'm gonna take the noplasticpill and switch to all glass bell straight sided jars

>> No.18373907

>"smear it"
>spills it
>fucking ice cube trays
Is this supposed to be a joke?

>> No.18373908

oh right that sounds better.
Can you freeze glass jars though?

>> No.18373912

I've seen people say it's okay, even with shit like sauces since it's not all water it won't expand as much as ice, but Idk, still seems sketch to me.

>> No.18373918

Yeah man, just don’t fill it up too much. If you’ve ever frozen a water bottle, you know water expands when it freezes.

>> No.18373920

Found a handy link, apparently it's all okay. Neat. Might make the switch to jars soon since they're at the stores rn anyway.

>> No.18373921

yeah hes constantly fucking up kitchen things and leaving that in the recordings he publishes to the entire world with his full name and location attached. Theres one where he's pouring shit through the fucking handle of his dutch oven. I swear he's hiding like a neurological disorder or something.

>> No.18373925 [DELETED] 

What’s the point of making it into tiny cubes? Just measure out portions into a feeder bag. I always have chilli in my freezer for example.

>> No.18373927

Disposable cups, or vacuum bags is a much better idea.

>> No.18373936

What’s the point of making it into tiny cubes? Just measure out portions into freezer bags. I always have chilli in my freezer for example. And yes it keeps its flavour. Takes about twelve minutes to defrost in the microwave.

>> No.18373947

I take it back. I thought that dude was an annoying faggot but if he tricks retards into doing it then that's based

>> No.18373978
File: 19 KB, 540x340, 1650546213560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I drive on the same road as these people
Use a mason jar you fucking retard.

>> No.18374025

uses fewer bags i guess?

>> No.18374030

It’s like £2 for 50 bags. I guess if you really care about the environment…

>> No.18374034

What's even stranger is this is being done by a guy with a whole sous vide setup (I presume). But hey fucking around trying to get frozen sauce out of a cheap shitty icecube tray with freezer burn on the top is neat too lol

>> No.18374035

I use the plastic jars that soup comes in from the Chinese place.

>> No.18374042

I just reuse portion cups from the deli. Half lbs portion is good.
That was babish, this is "soychad."

>> No.18374065

You can tell he never actually does this because the cube trays aren’t stained.

>> No.18374071

Obviously he bought new trays just for the video so they would look nice and clean

>> No.18374083

being able to freeze it and then put it into bags does make it really convenient to portion for how much i need, its an alright idea.

>> No.18374086

Just buy 1 quart jars like a normal person. Only a retard would use anything else.

>> No.18374089

What kind of mental retardation is this?

>> No.18374124

buy deli containers on amazon instead of whatever "let them eat cake" bullshit is happening here.

>> No.18374141

>Can you freeze glass jars though?
Yes retard just don't fill it up to the very top.

>> No.18374142

Yeah, I just have freezable plastic jars for that stuff, broth and such. I can't imagine needing a single cube of Bolognese.

>> No.18374184

this is so stupid lol

who is going to microwave a single cube of sauce
the answer is obviously not so the form factor doesn't make sense
its better to use like small tupperware containerised or whatever

>> No.18374202

but then you'd have you thaw it to get it out of the jar right?

>> No.18374208

I’ve never done it but it seems like a good way to portion out instead of chipping away at a frozen block

>> No.18374237

shut up, you're not allowed to defend adam on ck

>> No.18374243

get the fuck back in your shed adam

>> No.18374318

you can easily find small reusable plastic food containers that are perfect for storing single serving portions of sauce without having to make a retarded mess with ice cube trays.
they are very cheap, but you can also recycle store foods containers if they happen to have a lid (stuff like yogurts and shit)

>> No.18374322

It’s not like he invited this though. I’ve seen this used before

>> No.18374327

I've done this with pesto after making a huge batch from 2lbs of basil. It made sense since one cube of pesto is a reasonable serving size. Froze them then transferred the cubes to a freezer bag. Flavor held up surprisingly well, but obviously not as good as fresh pesto.
I would not consider doing this with bolognese, chilli, or other similar meal sauces. The portion size of an ice cube isn't compatible. Better to just use a larger freezer bag and freeze it flat.

>> No.18374328

bolognese sauce is mostly made of fat and proteins, so it doesn't even increase its volume that much when freezing

>> No.18374329
File: 180 KB, 460x558, Fit guy disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, what animal thought to do this?

>> No.18374345

When would you ever want just a tablespoon of bolognese?

>> No.18374358

>6 quarts of sauce
>1oz ice cube trays
>Need 12 trays dedicated to freezing sauce
>All trays permanently stained orange
Seems like a shit idea.

>> No.18374694

In my experience, only use this shit with broth. The moment you have foreign objects in the liquid it starts fucking up the ease of getting them to stay in cubes. And God Above save you're fucking soul if you try to do this with high volume meat fat liquids. Lipids are oily, they aren't watery- so if you try and make a cube of it, it will instead just shred instead of clean breaking and stick all your shit. What a fucking mess.

Bags are completely different from ice trays though.

>> No.18374697

I had glass jars shatter by doing this

>> No.18374698

no you haven't, stop gaslighting us.

>> No.18374726

so why are we acting like it's stupid?

>> No.18374835

>ice cube tray
Like anything this faggot does that's retarded. Why would you need ice cube size portion of sauce? Just put a serving size portion in a plastic bag and freeze that.

>> No.18374901

This is retarded, I just have a shit ton of those cheap deli containers that they use for takeout soups and shit, it was like $5 for a billion of them or something on Amazon and they come in a bunch of sizes. Just put it in whatever you think is the smallest portion you'll want to use at a time and freeze those, easy as piss you retarded board seasoning sack of flabby failure.

>> No.18374916

Because it fucking is

>Oh boy now I have a ton of tiny blocks of frozen sauce that won't store as compactly as if I'd just frozen an entire portion like a normal person, AND my ice cube tray is permanently stained and smells like old spaghetti. How useful!

>> No.18375001

Because you don't portion use single cubes of sauce. Only real use for ice trays besides ice cubes obv are egg whites and that only makes sense for like a dedicated home baker

>> No.18375020

You can buy steel trays, and wash them. Do you complain about your pans smelling like spaghetti also?

>> No.18375021
File: 165 KB, 1600x900, single portion of frozen stew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use freezer bags for that.
heck, you can easily portion shit within a single container by using them as separators

>> No.18375038

Why would I buy steel ice cube trays to freeze my sauce into uselessly small portions when that's retarded and I don't want to do that?

>> No.18375048

Don't close the lid until after it freezes.

>> No.18375057

>uselessly small portions
Having portions I can use for single servings for myself doesn't seem useless to me. I don't even do the ice tray method and don't plan to, I'm just saying it's not without merit depending on how you prepare stuff. If someone wanted to prep a bunch of meals for themself really far in advance that took only minutes to prepare it could work pretty well. Make one big pot of sauce, portion it into single servings, and you'd have like a months worth meals ready.

>> No.18375081

You're defending the retarded ice cube method while making my point for me, just freeze it in single portions. Anything smaller is a waste of time, energy, and storage space. There is absolutely no reason to do this, it's fucking stupid.

>> No.18375089

Is one ice cube of any food a portion of food for you?

>> No.18375091

what if you dont want an entire frozen slab of bolognese?

>> No.18375145

You can use however many you want, hence why it's convenient. I'd probably use 2 cubes. You're not just eating plain sauce, it would be mixed with pasta and butter and/or olive oil.

>> No.18376007

For someone who specialises in doing dumb shit, he's outdone himself here.

>> No.18376011

This is beyond retarded. It’s just exposed to the circulating freezer air, and that’s what it’s going to taste like when it’s re-heated. I wish he would just die.

>> No.18376013

Just buy 4oz disposable plastic containers, the kind for salsa they’re like 100 for a dollar

4 oz. bolognese per 100g of pasta. A little butter and a little balsamic in the pan with it once it’s heated through, wa La

Why would you ruin a perfectly good ice cube tray just to have ridiculous ant sized portions

>> No.18376021

Ragusea is a fucking idiot.

>> No.18376285

He's not an idiot. He's an absolute retard.

>> No.18376454

What did Babish do?

>> No.18376497

>4 oz. bolognese per 100g