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File: 80 KB, 343x559, tabasco_online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18356231 No.18356231 [Reply] [Original]

>buy pic related
>half of it gone in a day
why is this shit so addictive? i drown everything in it.
never has a hot sauce made me so obsessed, what's their secret?

>> No.18356259


>> No.18356270


>> No.18356385

tabasco master race heil!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18356397

>Not even the Family Reserve version

>> No.18356439

forgive me father for i have sinned but there is no such availability in my local store :(

>> No.18356456

It's made of only 3 ingredients which is incredibly rare for something like a hot sauce these days. More importantly it's fermented for two years in wood barrels, that's where a lot of that flavor comes from.

>> No.18356513

>it's fermented for two years in wood barrels, that's where a lot of that flavor comes from

fuck me why is this the only sauce that's fermented for so long and why do retarded idiots here praise other sauces that are not fermented?

>> No.18356671

I ruin my food with Tabasco and love it. Fuck all other brands. Sunny side up eggs with a splash of Tobacco. Perfect.

>> No.18356712
File: 179 KB, 289x329, 1663227085219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brand is consistent. Other hot sauces are either sometimes not hot or flavorless

>> No.18356797

I like things that taste good regardless of whether they are fermented or for how long

>> No.18356809

non-fermented hot sauce does not taste good. you should check out your neuro with a doctor, that is not normal.

>> No.18356822

I dont believe its fermented for two years. There isnt enough food for fermenting microbi to survive years. 6 months top.

>> No.18356828

>what is wine?
tabasco is like wine and you're an uncultured swine and it rhymes! yo!

>> No.18356841

Wine ferments for like 15 days, big guy

>> No.18356845
File: 967 KB, 2147x3035, 20220915_045404~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have done year long ferments in my own house with good results. I was wrong though, they're fermented for three years, not two. The other reason I forgot to mention is it's a specific type of pepper that's used.

Broadly the peppers we typically eat are usually in the capsicum annum family which is bell peppers, jalapeneos, cayennes, etc. Then the super hot peppers, habeneros, scotch bonnets, scorpion peppers, Carolina reapers etc are in the family capsicum chinense. Tabasco peppers are in a whole separate family called capsicum florenses which are mostly known as ornamental peppers. They're very fleshy and have a distinct flavor to them distinct from the other varieties.

>> No.18356847

then why does wine gets more expensive as it ages in cellars? idiot.

>> No.18356854

Aging aint fermenting, big guy. Fermenting is done when sugar is converted to alcohol.
So what does the microbi eat to keep the fermentation process going for years without feeding it? Sounds like pr bullshit imho

>> No.18356857

that's why it's aged for flavor for 3 years you big retard

>> No.18356860

There's plenty of food there for them to eat. It's different from making alcohol with yeast.

>> No.18356864

wine doesn't ferment for years, moron. ageing is not fermentation

>> No.18356873

stfu kid. learn what flavor ageing is before you talk.

>> No.18356882

Name them then. There is just not enough sugars in it.
Aging aint fermenting, but you know that already.

>> No.18356894

stfu kid, tabasco is the best and you should know your place as a pleb.

>> No.18356907
File: 95 KB, 500x1500, 89FFFCB1-4DD8-4B73-9D26-DA15FBBED51F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having shit taste. pic related mogs your shit sauce.

>> No.18356923

>So what does the microbi eat to keep the fermentation process going for years without feeding it?

Mead ferments for about a year. Sugar from honey, same process as wine, just progressing much slower - antibacterial agents in honey are severely limiting yeast growth.

No clue about the sauce, but yeah, there are foodstuffs that ferment much slower than wine.

>> No.18356925

>not aged
>not even fermented
braindead retard confirmed

>> No.18356927

yet it still tastes better. crazy.

>> No.18356936

no it doesn't. i have confirmation from multiple people and you're just a dumb nigger shill.

>> No.18356940

no i’m based. maybe one day you’ll grow tastebuds and be based like me.

>> No.18356963

>3 rupees were deposited into your account

>> No.18356981

> tabasco is the best
> stfu kid
> your place pleb

Do you even realize how retarded you sound spewing that bullshit about the most generic, most mundane, pedestrian, boring, plebeian of all hot sauces?
Literally every hot sauce in existence is more interesting than Tabasco. You sound like a 15yo who was for the first time in his life allowed to advance past Sriracha because his Karen of a mother would throw a fit and threaten lawsuit whenever she got anything spicier than that and she wouldn't allow her precious baby to be exposed to anything that doesn't get TV commercials.
You are so stupid you have no clue how stupid you are.

>> No.18356987
File: 122 KB, 1080x1399, 3a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"muh plain jane shitty sauce"
>does not appreciate the aged fermented deep flavor of tabasco
and you sound like some edgy burned out soy gulper incel cuck who hates good stuff only because it's popular and therefore you must separate yourself to be "special connoisseur of hot sauces". pic related is you.

>> No.18356989

Yeah, honey is like 95% sugar. Plenty of food for a year. Pepper is like 3-5%. See where im going

>> No.18357001

Fermentation is a fairly complex biochemical reaction. There are more factors to how quickly it will reach completion than just sugar concentration.

>> No.18357002
File: 59 KB, 1231x1024, 1231px-Dunning–Kruger_Effect_01.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> soy gulper incel cuck

Maybe when you grow up you'll learn what these words mean and then you'll be ashamed for your own stupidity. For now, a hint: don't use big words you don't know the meaning of.

>> No.18357013

>more factors
Indeed, like ambient temp. Still not buying the 3 years fermented line.

>> No.18357017

2/10 kid, try harder

>> No.18357019

also fuck your autism vector picture haha

>> No.18357025

he's right though tabasco is extremely shit tasting sauce, buy valentina for example that has flavor, idk what exactly are they doing with tabasco but it tastes like ass

>> No.18357036

this picture is your face >>18356987

>> No.18357043

I see, that really makes tabasco taste good.

>> No.18357047

i'm glad you finally realized how inferior you are.

>> No.18357052

Yes, I'm truly sorry, tabasco tastes amazing, you have great taste.

>> No.18357055

There's also the biomass. Alcoholic beverages use yeast while this is probably using some kind of bacterium that will have a completely different production rate. I doubt they're adding much or any of that at the beginning which means it will start slower too and the moderately low nutrient content means that they won't reproduce as quickly either.
I doubt they would ferment it for that long without some empirical reasoning behind it.

>> No.18357304

Dude I'm not here to explain lacto fermenting to you or why it works and can go for years. If you want to educate yourself I'm sure you can learn. I am simply pointing out that it does work and long ferment times lead to nice flavors which is why Tabasco is so delicious.

>> No.18357632

Yes anon this is all a huge conspiracy theory, Tabasco company has been bold faced lying all these years about how their sauce is made and no one ever figured it out until you decided with zero knowledge of lactobacilius fermenting but it doesn't make immediate sense to you so it MUST be lies! Just look at this tale of deception they have woven!


>> No.18357650

>a family tradition
a family tradition of shit-tasting sauce

>> No.18357659

>Tabasco company has been bold faced lying all these years about how their sauce is made and no one ever figured it out
It's more like they've been stretching the truth with legally-allowed definitions of words that don't match what those words actually mean and very few people think to question it because they assume if something is written on a label it must be true. They say it's "fermented for 3 years" because it was AGED for 3 years and they're legally allowed to call the entire process "fermentation" despite fermentation only being a PART of the aging process.

>> No.18357672

Why does tabasco make bugmen this mad? You've been spamming this thread seething non stop, it's hilarious

>> No.18357681

it just tastes bad, what do you want me to do, lie? lol

>> No.18357780

you're only supposed to use a very small amount, if that's insufficient heat for you then you might consider investing in some of the more tryhardy brands of hot sauce

>> No.18357788


>> No.18357807

what everyday meals do you like to put hot sauce on bros?

>> No.18357829

fries, but only a tiny bit + mayo

>> No.18357840

Dumb esl poster

>> No.18357841

>t. shit tasting sauce enjoyer

>> No.18357846

I put it on everything.

>> No.18357847

scrambled eggs

>> No.18358008

The fermentation part takes 3 years. I realize you have no idea the difference between fermentation to make alcohol and fermentation to make pickles. But your ignorance doesn't change reality. I personally have done a full year ferment before and it turned out amazing.

Not /thread/ the guy literally has no clue what he's talking about.

>> No.18358050

Even the official Tabasco website linked in >>18357632 uses the word "age" instead of "ferment." Almost like calling it "3-year fermentation" is descriptive marketing shorthand for the bottle text rather than a correct technical term.

>> No.18358127

It is still fermenting that whole time. I am sorry you find this so confusing.