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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18345747 No.18345747 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever tried borscht? I grew up hearing about this stuff and it was usually in the context of poor foods, like gruel. I want to try it but there aren't a surplus of Russkis in my area.

>> No.18345751

>anyone ever tried borscht?
You're probably the only person on this board who hasn't tried borscht.

>> No.18345754

It's not good. It's only eaten by slavs for a reason. Sour soup. They can make some damn good sausages, pickles, I even like kraut, but something is unnatural about eating sour soup.

>> No.18345766

I've never had a Russian sausage. I'm sure it's dope.

>> No.18345772

Not sure if this counts but I always squeeze like half a lime into my pho and it's great. Hot and sour soup from American takeout Chinese restaurants may also qualify.

>> No.18345785

Only americans think borscht is russian. Even russians themselves accept it's from ukraine.

>> No.18345786

Try not to listen to faggots here. Borscht with some cabbage and beef is a damn fine soup.

>> No.18345792

I didnt try it either

>> No.18345793

Literally no difference between Ukraine and Russia.

>> No.18345800

What's "damn fine" about slurping up soggy cabbage? Putting crisp vegetables into liquids is pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.18345804

As is almost everything of value in Russia.

>> No.18345815


my mom makes it sometimes i like it a lot. its a pretty simple soup tho.

>> No.18345820

I dont eat hobo food

>> No.18345846

Cooking cabbage a bit, sweetens it, my newbian princess.

>> No.18345858

I only like vegetarian borscht, the idea of a soup so sweet and sour containing meat is super strange. I like to eat it ice cold with sour cream, dill, and pieces of brie

>> No.18346185

It's pretty good, but I only eat it in smoothie form because I don't like vegetables. From all the soups I've tried (which isn't that many), it's second only to pea soup.

>> No.18346197

I'm from Italy, but my great gran was a filthy Magyar so ceklaleves for me. It's basically Hungarian vegetarian borscht and it's good.

>> No.18346201

Made it once
I'm too lazy to make it again
The recipe I used had a ton of beef/pork fat so it worked with the sourness

>> No.18346204

It's god like

>> No.18346496

Yes. Many times.
It's not sour really. It should be kinda balanced by sweetness of beets and onions.
I'd say the best Russian soup is solyanka if you want to try Russian soup.

>> No.18346672

That's why you make it with pickled(or rather brined) cabbage. It's much better than with fresh cabbage that turns to mush

>> No.18346823

It's like uhh beetroot stew. It's alright but I'd rather eat the beetroot cold.

>> No.18346864
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i will not be eating european food. Its un-American and effeminate

>> No.18346892

>posts animu

>> No.18346899

>Its un-American

Can only be a good thing.

>> No.18347200

It's barszcz and it's from Poland.

>> No.18347217

Nie kurwa nie jest debilu
Barszcz ukraiński jest z Ukrainy

>> No.18347221

It's one of those meals that takes like 5 hours to make, completely shitting up your kitchen and ruining any wood or skin that touches it, and costing your life's savings in gas bills, with an end product that tastes like no more than the sum of its parts.

>> No.18347226

a ryba po grecku z grecji dałnie.

>> No.18347236

Z nczesc żolobyt cynęptłowska aźwrzjonu

>> No.18347241


>> No.18347532

It takes like 30-40 minutes to make.

>> No.18347637

I've never had it be that sour. It's kind of sweet and tangy. I love the stuff

>> No.18347733

it's the only good food from russia.

>> No.18347750

I found a source that claims beetroot first reached poland, so the beetroot variant might be from there. The origin of the hogweed variant is probably lost to time.
Btw "inventing" a soup is really not the kind of achievement that's worth an international dispute.

>> No.18347775

Yes, the OP, let's call him Yevgeni for now, is the only person who never tried бopщ on this board.

Unrelated question: how do you rate yourself on a scale of zero to bloody fucking gullible?

>> No.18347798

Rubbery meat and no broth gelatin tbqhwy

>> No.18347812

Hungarian ceklaleves takes about that long because it's vegetarian. Versions with meat tend to take much longer.

>> No.18347825

Huh? It definitely takes less than an hour

>> No.18347840

>we wuz soupz n shit

>> No.18348143

It's definitely worth trying. As soups go, it'll taste like nothing you've had before. Not saying that's good or bad; it's just unique. Gotta put sour cream in it, though. You may have to order some online if you life in the boonies. However, if your local supermarket has a kosher foods section, you may find it there.

>> No.18348181

What's "sour" about it? It's just standard beef stew with beets added towards the end, which gives the red coloring. Do you mean the sour cream? You don't have to add it, if you don't want.

>> No.18348225
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borsch good

>> No.18348228

If it's not made with fermented beet sour then it's not borscht.

>> No.18348243

I respect your opinion, but you're wrong.

>> No.18348244
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I like it a lot

Beetroot is an indicator so if you want your borsch to have a nice red colour, a lot pH is mandatory. Some people just add some vinegar. I don't judge.

>> No.18348250
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I meant low. What a terribly annoying typo.

>> No.18348303

>borsch dates back to 1580
>ukraine dates back to 1991

>> No.18348310

Yeah. It's great.
Add some pieces of panfried pork sausage and it makes it even better.

>> No.18348316

Not sure what you had but I have never once had sour borscht.

>> No.18348320

Anime posters don't get to have opinions on anything beyond anime.

>> No.18348323

>Fidget spinner, gun, and elder scrolls coin


>> No.18348329

I like to add lemon juice. But vinegar is common. The sourness goes well with the beets. It won't be overwhelmingly sour

>> No.18348331


>> No.18348333

Beets are such a beautiful veggy

>> No.18348334

Then you never had borscht. You had beet stew.

>> No.18348352

it's slavsoup, that's as far as I care. murdering each other over pedantics is the slavs job, not mine

>> No.18348356

Who cares. Over the last 100+ years Europe has perpetually moved its borders. Because of the culture Europe brought everyone else people think its civilized, but countries switch like its Africa. Hell, Italy is younger than America.
Because he's eclectic, H&K makes good guns, and if that's your rare fidget spinner your won or whatever that's worth a lot of money, it could be a friend of mine. These camwhore shots aren't cool man, knock it off.

>> No.18348364
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>he doesn't like sour soup

>> No.18348411

>and if that's your rare fidget spinner your won or whatever that's worth a lot of money, it could be a friend of mine
I stole it from goodwill, it's therefore worth exactly 0 dollars

>> No.18348418
File: 67 KB, 720x643, 1593519144852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A representative from HK will be arriving shortly to reclaim your VP9 and complimentary black forest cake

>> No.18348427

Russian food is some of the blandest shit I've ever tasted in my life....

>> No.18348429
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ah fuck not again

>> No.18348437
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try the superior polish version called barszcz z uszkami (borscht with dumplings).

>> No.18348816

Thread theme.

>> No.18348830

You can make it yourself really easily. The beets give it sweetness and then you add vinegar or lemon juice to make it sour. You can dump in all kinds of vegetables - we make it with white beans, dill, cabbage, potatoes, carrot, celery, and beef shortrib. It's easiest to do the beets in a food processor but you can just chop them into big chunks

>> No.18348836

Žurek is the superior slav soup.

>> No.18349464

Make stock beforehand in larger quantity and you open up lots of options for making quick soups or sauces.

>> No.18349553

>Z nczesc żolobyt cynęptłowska aźwrzjonu
ten pedalski chuj ma punkt

>> No.18349991

do beets evern grow in the states.?

>> No.18350000

nah never heard of them
wtf is a beet?
dumb fuk

>> No.18350005

everything grows in the states

>> No.18351065

Borș is not russian,it's eaten in all of eastern europe.It also isn't always made with beets.There exists chicken borș,mushroom borș,pig borș,meat balls borș,rice and fish borș,potatoes borș,beans borș and more borș that escapes my mind right now.The borș is actually not the soup itself,but the liquid you put into it to make it sour.It is always tasty,but because it is a staple food and you eat it everyday since you were born,unless he is starving,no man will grow excited at the thought of eating borș,unless it's a type of borș he truly enjoys.I like beans.

>> No.18351257

There are as many variants of borscht as there are people who cook them. There are sour ones, cold ones, one made with beetroot juice but no actual beetroots, vegetarian ones, spicy ones, pink ones, orange ones (somehow; idfk how they do it), fish-based ones, pork-based ones, beef-based ones, ones with shredded beetroots, one with whole beetroots, ones with sliced or quartered or grated beetroots, roux thickened ones, thin/watery ones, blended ones, chunky ones etc etc etc.
Asking "what's sour about it" just shows that you've only had or been exposed to a single style of borscht, is all.
My best friend from uni, for example, is from Lithuania and that family make their version with sour milk (no, not buttermilk; legit milk that's gone off) and serve it cold.

>> No.18351643

Mmm... rotten milk...

>> No.18351797

Be fair and just say it's not to your taste, I used to hate it growing up but it honestly grew on me and is a very good and healthy soup for when it's cold, thr sour cream, if done properly, is 100% optional