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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18319847 No.18319847 [Reply] [Original]

>go to a party
>meet a couple that makes their own wine
>try some
>it's fucking terrible
>have to compliment and finish it so I don't look rude
If you make your own booze, there is a 99% chance that's it's offensively bad. Please don't force your unpalatable swill on me. This is not the first time this has happened to me unfortunately, and I don't think I'm the only one forced into this situation.
If you make your own alcohol, I hope you know that people almost certainly compliment it to be polite.

>> No.18319858

The same applies to 95% of home cooking.

>> No.18319877

Most home cooking I have is at least decent. I rarely have home cooking that's really great or really bad. I've had plenty of store bought booze that was terrible though, and I've had no homemade alcohol that's been even palatable.
My whole point is that making alcohol is much more difficult and time intensive than cooking, and just not really feasible to do well for most people, e.g. why people should stop trying.

>> No.18319904

The homemade alcohol I've tried was pretty good. It was flavoured liqueurs and mead rather than wine which I suspect might be easier to make something palatable and I'm not super picky about my booze anyway.

>> No.18319915

The alcohol for the liquers was probably store bought.

>> No.18319935

I believe so. They did run it through a still and flavour it though so I think that's enough effort for it to qualify as "homemade".

>> No.18319955

Store bought will be better than brewed at home 99% of the time. I wouldn't call adding things to it "homemade," that's more like a remix of something already made.

>pretty good
An exception in my experience, which is the only one that counts

>> No.18319959

Definitely wouldn’t wanna try making my own wine
unless of course I’m rich enough to buy a vineyard somewhere in California and a gay winemaking expert named Raul to help me grow the grapes and age the wine

but I would wanna try homebrewing beer someday

>> No.18320099

Alcohol serves one purpose. If you're not fine with $10/fifth rotgut then you're a pretentious faggot.

>> No.18320101

noted, if i ever give somebody anything i make i won't mention i made it

>> No.18320162

>Alcohol serves one purpose
Right, it's to get me drunk, comfortably. I want my swill to eat least taste decent.

>> No.18320186

Nah, wine is really easy. Literally the only hard parts are figuring out what grapes you have (if you dodn't plant them yourself), and waiting a whole fucking year before drinking it.
You can get stuff that tastes like medium quality wine with relatively little effort.
Making beer is hard. There's a bunch of processing and ingredients involved.
Cider and fruit wines are all mostly easy.
If somebody makes a "herbal wine", steer clear of them and anyone they associate with.

>> No.18320251

Homemade beer a guy made was the only beer i've ever liked.

>> No.18320289

>Making beer is hard. There's a bunch of processing and ingredients involved.
It's literally as hard as making glorified porridge anon.

>> No.18320295

Nah cunt, I’m gonna keep making rakija the way Deda taught me.

>> No.18320372
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He goes to parties where there is homemade wine.

>> No.18320390

>If you make your own booze, there is a 99% chance that's it's offensively bad.
No. My wife makes really nice tinctures, that's pretty simple, like put orange, coffee beans and sugar into vodka and wait couple weeks.

>> No.18320991

My aunt makes some pretty good berry wine, the latest batch was particularly good. And a friend of mine brews beer as a hobby, he's made some really amazing things.
Maybe your friends and acquaintances are just inept?

>> No.18320996

sounds like you need competent friends anon.

>> No.18321010

>making wine is easy
>making beer is hard
I get the feeling you've only ever tried making beer, making decent wine is hard

>> No.18321012

Had some homemade cider from a friend's uncle, the stuff was fantastic and he even bottled it.

>> No.18321020

I tried my buddies mead one time. Tasted pretty good tbqh. Had a berry cider taste to it. Was like 12% alcohol too.

>> No.18321078

if they bottled it in a "fine wine" bottle and served it to you and didn't tell you, you would have raved over it.

>> No.18321325

Then tell them it's fucking bad.
Holy shit, they won't change it if they think fucks like you actually enjoy the swill.

If anything they probably agree with you and keep the good stuff to themselves while feeding you the shit they think you like.

>> No.18321344

Making genuinely good wine is goddamn hard, there are a lot of things which influence the taste.
Beer is below wine in difficulty, it just has more steps.
Cider and fruit wines are easier than beer, and mead is the easiest.

>> No.18321348

All they have to do is distill it into brandy.

>> No.18322022

don't finish it
be honest

>> No.18322048

Yeah this, fucks sake OP is spineless
Mead is the easiest but goddamn it's so good. Wife made some hibiscus mead recently with a bunch of cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. It's delicious

>> No.18322445

Until last week I had 5 different bottles of homemade alcohol from 4 different people, all of which tasted amazing.
Piece of life advice: Stop having terrible friends.
Homebrewing literally predates writing.
It's not magic.

>> No.18322734
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I don’t drink but sometimes I think about making my own alcohol just to flex

>t. Chemchad (but not an experimental benchcuck)

>> No.18322762

Fun thread. Homemade wine the new hipster thing now?

>> No.18323482

Back when I used to drink excessively, I made my own moonshine. A bottle of it got poured into a communal punch at a party once. Some people almost died.

>> No.18323522

chicken shit

>> No.18325466

>If you make your own booze, there is a 99% chance that's it's offensively bad.
Speak for yourself, I come from a long lineage of tavern owning wine makers, our family recipe has been popular for the last 273 years and is not going to fucking stop being good just because you have shit taste.

Now go develop a palate, you savage!

>> No.18325770

>If somebody makes a "herbal wine", steer clear of them and anyone they associate with.
The parasites in your brain fear the wormwood wine.

>> No.18325887

In my neorural family it took a decade to my generation to make decent red wine from our 2000m2 vineyard. We still don't have any clue how not to fuck up white wine though.

>> No.18325957

I had a co worker invite me over to get drunk on his homemade beer. He bragged about how good it was. It was a stout, but it tasted more like fucking full bodied steel reserve. Worst beer I've ever had in my life and gave me the worst hangover I've ever had because I drank like 10 of them.
Had another co worker who made beer, constantly bringing it to work for us to try. It was NEVER carbonated. Bland , flavorless piss water every single time. The real kicker is he planned on opening up a brewery. I only remember one because it sucked so bad, a jalapeño hefenwisen. Tasted exactly how it sounds and he basically called me a tastelette for not liking it. Like no dude, everyone hates all your beer and we all make fun of it behind your back.
I do know two other guys who make really fucking good beer though.

>> No.18326055

This thread is making me self conscious because I've recently tried my hand at making my own beer. I only use store bought kits though so it seems okay so far. Latest batch said you don't need to add sugar and it comes out at 4.5%. So I added sugar because I'm not a BITCH.

>> No.18326290

Wormwood sounds based. I'm thinking dumb shit like
>woah there's a bunch of mint lets ferment that
>woah there's a ton of weeds in my garden better ferment that haha
>woah, what if we fermented catnip haha can't let the cats get that haha
and then you have half a house filled with botanical swill that's all borderline toxic.

>> No.18327369

>making decent wine is hard
no it's not, it's easy like he said

>> No.18327410

have you considered providing honest criticism without being an autistic ass?

>> No.18327844

It's more akin to biotech though. Beer is pure process engineering.

>> No.18327954

>This is not the first time this has happened to me unfortunately

that just means you're retarded then. by the second time you would have learned to pour your own glass and not very much of it. all you really had to do was drink one or two shots of it and then say the taste is too strong for you, or make up a reason to leave.

>> No.18327990
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Family has been making rakija for generations, I've seen some shit.

>at still
>current batch still halfway through, don't need much monitoring, just check the spiritmeter from time to time
>milling about, chatting with other people at the still
>guy arrives with some sort of delivery van
>opens side door of storage compartment
>I kid you not, literally dozens of 10 liter water bottles he stuffed the pomace in
>ask if he needs help
>spends half an hour carrying each one and pouring it in the copper

>guy in local village
>tries hand at making rakija
>uses wild plums, fair enough we've used them as well
>ignores all advice and insists his grandfather left him notes
>does not remove the seeds, adding ammonia in the mix
>does not measure out the parvak and patoki, cutting too early and too late, adding methanol and other shit in the mix
>does not use proper wood, adds fucking sap to the mix
>takes it out of the barrel after a month
>gets drunk

>> No.18327998

but she did buy some homemade wine in one of the episodes

>> No.18328098

Prison wine is easy. Good wine is difficult. It's easier to brew good-tasting beer.

>> No.18328136

>prison wine
prison wine is literally sugar and water my man.
Reminder that the greeks and people in ancient eras figured out wine. Literally just crush a ton of fresh grapes in a bucket and pitch some yeast into it. Unless you're buying your grapes from the store, in which case they have chemical treatments that make them completely fucked for wine.

>> No.18328142

>prison wine is literally sugar and water my man.

I know of people that went to jail and most agreed some can make you puke and sick. In jail they're obviously forgetting a step in the process or fucked it up.

>> No.18328147

They literally brew it in the bung of the toilet, right?
I know they only have access to bakers yeast, which is probably part of the taste.

>> No.18328167

Well if I ran the jail I'd just get rid of yeast and fruit all together. maybe serve them dried out fruit instead or some fruit powder for a drink. I'd make it hard for them.

>> No.18328182

>over the age of 18
>Can't tell people "no thank you".
Wow, I think the real failure here is you OP.

>> No.18328185

>It's easier to brew good-tasting beer.
Mead is even easier. 3 parts apple juice, 1 part honey, serve with a dash of cinnamon.

>> No.18328191

I've had quality moonshine that easily beats what you buy in the store unless you go top shelf maybe and I don't

>> No.18329790

>prison wine is literally sugar and water my man.
no no, that's Kilju, traditional Finnish drink
that's because they usually don't have access to enough actual sugar, so they substitute with whatever scraps of sugary foods can be used
they usually just make a pulp of fruit peels, bread, and whatever else they can get their hands on in a bag with some water and let it sit for a while

>> No.18329805

damn Wikipedia, they took the reference to the Kilju gamefaqs guide out of the page
linking for the spread of good knowledge to all non-Finns, fight against authorities and start brewing kilju today ;-)

>> No.18329849

I use to live next to an older black lady who would make homemade southern wine and it was fucking delicious.

>> No.18329852

I make homebrew for my own consumption, I'm not going to share something that takes weeks-months to make with a pleb who won't appreciate it.

>> No.18329933

I make beer and mead for me to enjoy, not for whining faggots like you who think just because some globohomo goyslop corporation made it that means it's better. Go to a home brew club/society/association whatever and try some of those. You'll be amazed what amateurs can make at home.
I will admit wine is hard to master as most people won't bother with proper ageing. iirc a new vineyard takes like 7-10 years to get the wine right.
tl:Dr OP is a queer

>> No.18329968

Everytime I bring my homemade hard cider anywhere, I always end up bringing emoty bottles back home. Sounds like a you problem.

>> No.18330528

have none of you faggots seen picrel in the supermarket?
they're impossible to fuck up
just follow the instructions, perfect tasty beer in a few weeks

>> No.18330532
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im retarded please rape my face

>> No.18330579

Dude are you retarded? Read the thread, imbecile, does she make the vodka? No? Oh she just adds some faggy Pinterest inspired flavors to already-made liquor? Good for you buddy, that’s not what any of us are talking about here. Have fun with your fucking cacao infused tincture gay shit

>> No.18330589
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>gets drunk
Why did I lose so hard to this kek

>> No.18330659


Man vs human nature

>> No.18330667

erm sir... those "people" committed crimerinos

>> No.18330741

Yes it's called a punishment. If prison was actually punishing maybe there would be less people in prison.

>> No.18331281

they need the yeast to make bread anon

>> No.18331404

>have to compliment and finish it so I don't look rude
Just say that you didn't like it, you sissy.

>> No.18331415

>telling people irl that you make your own alcohol and having to share it
>not just having a secret hooch program to save money

>> No.18331432
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The difference between them and me is that I have standards. If it is shit I will be the first one to complain about it.

>> No.18331445

stop living in a swamp

>> No.18331510

my homecooking beats most restaurants unless you go really high end. sorry you suck.