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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.13 MB, 4032x2268, 1645105271184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18268848 No.18268848 [Reply] [Original]

my pizza went poof!!!

>> No.18268849
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>> No.18268851
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delicious tho

>> No.18268865


>> No.18268872

the jew fears the cast iron chef

>> No.18268875

gotta recipe my nigga?

>> No.18268881 [DELETED] 

the fuck is that shit you donkey

>> No.18268886

pizza soufflé

>> No.18268888

A pan pizza. The best pizza.

>> No.18268944


>> No.18269050

I might actually try this

>> No.18269055

It looks good honestly, but if you don't show us the cross section is really hard to tell
You clearly fucked it up by burning it tho. Why the fuck didn't you check the pizza while cooking it?

>> No.18269056

'an 'za you say?

>> No.18269081

Based poofter

>> No.18269116

Too much crust.

>> No.18269303

A bit of burnt crust can taste good imo,adds a nice lil crunch

>> No.18269306

It's not burnt. That's caramelized cheese.

>> No.18269309

Bullshit. Its burned.
Nice attempt at trying to hide it with selective photography. But we can still see its burned as fuck, and that is going to taste bad.

>> No.18269330
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x2268, 1653700233401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only other photo I have. It wasn't burnt. It's called frico. What you do is you coat the sides of the pan with pizza sauce, and then put the cheese edge to edge. It's a common thing in pan, and detroit pizza.

>> No.18269333

You can see how, on the right, it's sort of curling in. It's not dough. That's cheese.

>> No.18269341

curl this, fag



>> No.18269652 [DELETED] 

A layer of solid black charcoal is burnt my friend. You can say you like it burnt, that's your opinion, but pretending it's not burnt when it clearly is is just blatant lying. And trying to hide the edges in your picture isn't tricking anyone here.

>> No.18269653

That pic makes my stomach grumble. Really need some of that.

>> No.18269682
File: 149 KB, 1078x920, 1633100176863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's genuinely a thing called frico. It's common in pan and Detroit style pies. It's very delicious.

>> No.18269692

did you kill the pizza

>> No.18269706

All eaten up between me and my family. :)

>> No.18269799

Did you make the crust from scratch? If so post recibe.

>> No.18269815
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, 1654129206236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually Signature Cafe Pizza Dough you can get from Albertsons. I know it's probably not the coolest thing to say you used pre-made dough, but I swear by this stuff. It's SO well hydrated, and proofs AMAZINGLY.

>> No.18269856

>and proofs AMAZINGLY
more like poofs, amirite?

>> No.18269860 [DELETED] 

You're selectively using a picture of the one part that isn't burnt. Unfortunately you already posted a picture that showed a massive layer of burnt shit >>18268851
so the more you try to pretend it's not, the more we know you're a butthurt lying faggot.

>> No.18269874

I gave you an overhead shot of the pizza, and a side shot. On the overhead shot, if you look closely, you can see the dough, and cheese. The only thing I didn't post was a picture of the under carriage, cause I didn't think people would ask. It's not burnt. It's a caramelized crust. You should try it. Genuinely. It's very delicious.

>> No.18269927 [DELETED] 
File: 638 KB, 3186x1212, burnt-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you did, and you also posted this. Oh well, at least you know take pictures to hide your fuck ups better next time like the deceptive bitch you are.

>> No.18269934

You can literally see the unburnt dough under the frico, though... Look at the bottom of the image.

>> No.18269987 [DELETED] 

It's okay, I'm sure you'll do a better job of hiding your fuck up next time. Live and learn bro.

>> No.18270169

my brother in Christ you made a cheese, tomato and sausage pie

>> No.18271133

>ITT anons don't know what pan pizza is

>> No.18271156

Looks good asf honestly

>> No.18271158

Stop saying "nigger."

>> No.18271170

the pie rises

>> No.18271180

The yeast rises the pizza

>> No.18271192

This happened the first time I made pizza dough from scratch. You need to let it rise first, THEN roll it out into a pizza shell.

>> No.18271210

>my brother in Christ
back to imgur you fucking nigger

>> No.18271230

poofpilled pizza

>> No.18271240
File: 32 KB, 768x1024, underside-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having some blackened burnt spots is essential to good pizza flavor, wtf are you even on about? What's seen in >>18269927 is the perfect level of char for the volume of the slice.

>> No.18271299 [DELETED] 

Having some leoparding is different than a solid layer of nothing but black you donkey.

>> No.18271409

Make me, nigger

>> No.18271419

He didn't, he said "nigga." You double nigger.

>> No.18271430
File: 45 KB, 640x320, frico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon, but frico is not what you think it is apparently. Frico is a recipe from Friuli made with cheese indeed(and sometimes potatoes), but it's very different from burned cheese (the cheese should also be different from the one you use on pizza)

>> No.18271531

Fuck, the op made something far better than I could make. He has my respect.

>> No.18271550

Holy fuck the posters on /ck/ can be some of the dumbest, aggressive retards in this site.

>> No.18271552

Underrated post.

>> No.18271567

You made a pizza poof!
Based poofter recognizer

>> No.18271569

You really think you've done a "gotcha" here, don't you? I can sense the smug radiating from your posts. Well, good thing is you're a niggerfaggot so your posts don't matter

>> No.18271585

damn yall are fuckin retarded

>> No.18271640

What is this crap?
A thread about actual cooking instead of reposting the same webms and memes for the brazilionth time?

>not the coolest thing to say you used pre-made dough
Eh, it's ok. Making good pizza dough takes a day or two.
Sometimes you want to make a pizza today,

>> No.18271707

im gonna do this shit but make a chicago style pizza ... i love that shit

god im gonna get so fat

>> No.18271712

OP BTFO so hard that cucknons rush in unison to defend

>> No.18271972

The heat from the pan cooks the pizza.

>> No.18272054

It's right on the border of caramelized and burned. I'm sure it's still good but yeah parts of that cheese crust are gonna be a little on the charcoal flavor side. Not so much that you gotta toss it, but still.

>> No.18272122

>What you do is you coat the sides of the pan with pizza sauce
Not Detroit pizza, that would be cheese that has run down the sides and browned, not blackened like your mess.

>> No.18272156
File: 107 KB, 1000x666, 1657805083847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coloration is pretty normal.

>> No.18272237

Won't lie, it looks tasty.

>> No.18272252

This color of crust looks perfect to me

>> No.18272289

You're clearly new here

>> No.18273046

>the seething copes the cooklet

>> No.18274216

this reminds me of the pizza a friend of mine posted on Instagram when her power went out mid cooking. gonna ask her for the photo so I bump the thread so it stays alive until I get the file

>> No.18274225

Post her while we wait

>> No.18274253

i'm so sorry to disappoint, i can't. i shouldn't have used female pronouns in my post at all. that was unfair to anon

>> No.18274579
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>> No.18274959

brooo that's burnt

>> No.18275063

how you finna done dat my lol nizza?

>> No.18275149

My brother in Christ, you need to relax.

>> No.18275270

Why always say christ? Sometimes say mohammed, bless u.

>> No.18275359

A savoury cheese-and-sausage pan-pie.

>> No.18275781


>> No.18276503

I'm going to Big Chungus fucking kill you

>> No.18276515

My brother in Christ muhammad is a pedophile false prophet come to the light amen

>> No.18276527
File: 3.18 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20220804_173106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on my cast iron pizza?

>> No.18276541

Pineapples AND jalapenos? Daring. Looks good though.

>> No.18276561

I made a quick NY style pizza once and the dough can be done in like 30 mins. It was pretty good. DESU buying all the ingredients and making a mess isn't worth it for me. When I eat pizza like a few times a month Ill pay the $12 for one. I spend time making bread and meats and sauces.

>> No.18276564


>> No.18276624


>> No.18277323
File: 2.35 MB, 2047x2730, 1661399329281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some pizza for my family, the crust was delicious but I feel the cheese could be better. I used mostly mozzarella, with a little bit of monterey jack. Maybe instead of part skim mozz, I need full fat?

>> No.18277335

The cheese looks good to me! A little greasy, but that might be more the pepperonis. Was the cheese pre-shredded? That's generally not as good as shredding it yourself.

>> No.18277353
File: 131 KB, 600x600, 1661399702646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks lad, it was block cheese, it was good but I feel that in some pizzerias the cheese taste a little more "creamy", I'm not sure how to explain

>> No.18277365

Mixing in some full fat mozz might be what you're looking for! Alternatively, a lot of New York style pizzas incorporate Parmesan- not just as an after-bake thing, like pepper flakes you see on tables, but before cooking.

>> No.18277373

looks burnt as shit

>> No.18277381

I just gotta find some full fat mozzarella. I have plenty of dough in the fridge, I definitely gotta try out grating some parmegiano

>> No.18277385

So the make pizza at home craze is just for fly overs and west coast people that can't get good pizza so they make it in a pan and argue that there shit pizza is the greatest of all time.

>> No.18277395

I've tried cooking with a pizza stone, and it just doesn't turn out that good. It's not the same as a traditional New York style oven, or a woodfired Neapolitan oven. It's not inedible, but it's not something I'd actively choose to eat over the real deal.

Pan pizza just works great at home though. It's really delicious. I generally don't go out and get pizza anymore. I prefer to make my own.

>> No.18277443

I make pizza at home because, although there are some pretty good pizza joints near where I live (Chicagoland), it's way cheaper to just do it myself and I like the idea of being able to make the things I like to eat so that I am not dependent on take-out to enjoy food.

>> No.18277490

visionary post

>> No.18277567

>he fell for the cast iron meme

>> No.18277572

this looks so fucking good

>> No.18277608

It was really good, I always thought making pizzas would be a hassle, but it's actually pretty easy and the cleanup is not so bad.

>> No.18277624

>Calls it Detroit style
>isn't stolen or shot
I think you're lying to me

>> No.18277627

Pizza is really easy if you have the right setup. The biggest challenge is always the dough, and the sauce if you're particular about it.

>> No.18277696

Too much cancer on that pie.

>> No.18277761

yeah its quite obvious the OP is either aredditor or some kinda queer or pussy man

>> No.18277920


>> No.18278012


I smell an underage faggy boy who never had real food in his life before and has no palette on anything that is good and decent and will remain a cumgargling trash soyboi for the rest of his life.

>> No.18278016


You know this board is fucking trash full of disgusting uneducated Amerilards when you see a post of someone actually asking for a pizza dough recipe.

>> No.18278020


Why are you being such a nigger?

No wonder you negroids are so violent. You are all a different breed of human and should be all shipped back to Africa. Or human rights should be different for you negroids, just like we have different animal rights.

>> No.18278221

why? are you browsing this thread with your hungry children? chowing down on your pan p'za? Showing them how a real man makes 4chan threads?

>> No.18279197

stfu samefag

>> No.18280127


>> No.18280345
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proof of proof

>> No.18280347
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sauced sides

>> No.18280349
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all dressed up

>> No.18280350
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it keeps poofing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18280356
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>> No.18280360
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not burnt tho

>> No.18280632
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I hope you're the guy who got his posts deleted. I can't think of a pettier thing to do than counterpost your own pizz. That said, you could easily let this get more browned but it looks good.

>> No.18280683

No. I'm OP. I made a second pizza, and posted it here, cause somehow this thread is still alive.

>> No.18280692
File: 273 KB, 472x447, 1633711142644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that your second pizza also poofed

>> No.18280747

will a woman let me cum in her if i can make a puffy pizza like op?

>> No.18280770

why not just cum in the pizza

>> No.18280772

i dont get to smell a woman's hair that way

>> No.18280781

if anyone unironically likes buffalo chicken pizza then you are my mortal enemy

>> No.18280784

not with that attitude you don't

>> No.18280963
File: 86 KB, 774x831, kil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate when that happens

>> No.18281198

Dangerousely based poofter seekers.

>> No.18281204

She is cat calling you, dumb ass.

>> No.18281246


>> No.18282238

This thread made me want to try to make my own pizza. I usually only cook shitty rice or pasta.
Can I cook pizza on a pan or would that be too retarded?

>> No.18282251 [DELETED] 

Corr looks lush mate, would scran

>> No.18282285

Pan pizza is very good, and very easy! You have to put it in the oven though. Once you get it down, making a pizza really only takes about 45 minutes! You can make your own dough, or buy store-bought stuff, like seen here. >>18269815 Making dough isn't really hard, but the store-bought kind is about two dollars, so it all depends on how in-depth into the process you want to get.

Sauce is probably the second most tricky part. A lot of people have different perspectives on it, but for me, I just buy some pre-crushed tomatoes (it doesn't have to be San Marzano, that's kind of a meme), and season to taste with dried oregano, some garlic powder, and red pepper flakes for a little spice. I'm very simple with cheese. I just get a block of low moisture mozzarella, and shred it. Some people like to mix in some full fat, or Parmesan, or other things like monterey jack, but I just like regular mozz. For pepperoni, Boar's Head is great. You can get it in a stick form, but I found the pre-sliced variety is very tasty, and one less hassle.

The cooking process, for me, just involves proofing the dough overnight. I stick it in an oiled bowl like here.>>18280345, put some plastic wrap around it, and leave it out before bed. It'll hold for a long time like this. Then I place it in a cast iron, like here. >>18280347, dress it, and put it in an oven at 550, though during the last two minutes or so, I put in on the broiler to cook the top a bit, and add some char to the pepperonis.

>> No.18282318

Thanks mate, though I was hoping I would not have to stick it to the oven, since mine uses way too much gas. I know people have been able to make pizzas using a skillet, but I don't really know if they are just showing their successful attempts.

>> No.18282329

baser 'za poofer

>> No.18282365

Yo have you noticed how fucking expensive pizza has gotten in Chicago recently? My local place wanted to charge me over $40 for an x-large 3 topping. Ridiculous. I remember when $10 got you a decent hot pie when with friends, $2 for the delivery guy. Now the dude will flip the box over if you give him less than $10 i swear to God

>> No.18282406

It just hasn't met the right woman.

>> No.18282414

ESL retard.

>> No.18282441

>the staleness of the meme makes the unfunny

>> No.18282443

I love pineapples and jalapenos together on a pizza. But with pepperoni too? I dunno

>> No.18282447

If you live on the east coast and can't make a pizza, you are a failure. Which seems likely given your post

>> No.18282475

Dock it with your fingers dude. The fork(?) I'm guessing you're using is just poking holes instead of sealing the top and bottom layers of the dough together.

>> No.18282511

Imagine being proud of being only able to learn one language. Seethe, EOL, seethe.

>> No.18282579
