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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 184 KB, 976x1200, FaQjUv7XwAAGgsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18241421 No.18241421 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Italians claim that Pasta come from their country when it was invented by the Chinese and Greeks?

>> No.18241425

Tranny spam

>> No.18241429

I love twinkhons so much it's unreal

>> No.18241434

That spaghetti looks canned

>> No.18241439

I don’t know any Italians who claim this.
Italy didn’t exist as a nation state prior to 1861 so it would be a dumb claim anyway.

>> No.18241444

>picture of trannoid with 10 filters and 20 pounds of makeup
>irrelevant asinine question

>> No.18241524

The chinks and greeks actually stole it.
Also Hunter is a cute, and I'd like to make her my wife and no I don't care that she's a boy.

>> No.18241607

Noodles come from china.
Pasta comes from italy

>> No.18241632

How are the chinks genna invent something you need a fork to eat? Use your ducking brain

>> No.18241636

China historically used forks and spoons until the introduction of fast-ripening rice from Vietnam.

>> No.18241675

money can be exchanged for goods and services

>> No.18241714

Italians think they improved it and made it more recognizable across the world but fail to acknowledge that other countries can do that with their food too

>> No.18241834

There's records of pasta like dishes including a crude form of lasagna going back to the Roman period. The myth that Columbo brought it back from China is just that a myth

>> No.18241840

You WILL bow to the pasta kings and you WILL like it.

>> No.18241876

imagine thinking it came from any nation that was founded after the ice age.

>> No.18241897
File: 55 KB, 750x549, 0CDB912A-E4E2-4719-AECE-4CB89DCA698E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Italians invented pasta

>> No.18242014

You keep repeating that without posting recipes. Your Cake+Hamburger combo may be popular among children worldwide, serious cooks can only laugh.

>> No.18242150
File: 35 KB, 450x301, Santini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naples in Southern Italy is a city founded by Greeks called Nea Polis, New City.
>Many people in Southern Italy still speak Greek to this day.
>Syracuse in Sicily was a Greek city.
>Archimedes (of Syracuse) was Greek.
>Pizza is etymologically speaking a Greek word: "pitta", most Europeans know it as a Turkish dish, which it isn't.
>As for pasta: you can find recipes and remnants in Pompei, but not before. That means it could've definitely been Greek, but not Chinese - despite the odd jade figurine showing up in Roman tombs).
The reason why it's Italian is because for the next 2000 years the Italians kept cooking with it and kept inventing new dishes whereas the Greeks just stuck with their kritharaki.

Good luck with your quest to make the Hamburger not a German, but an authentic American dish. Good luck, you'll ned it.

>> No.18242174
File: 2.94 MB, 406x720, italy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like spaghetti

>> No.18242213

Wtf is that ghoulish, predatory thing? Looks like a penis-eating banshee

>> No.18242358

Italian pasta is really different in flavour and texture

>> No.18242563

Italians refined it. It could come from anywhere but Italians elevated it into something more than what was originally. Just like french cuisine. People always say the French just stole all their ideas from everywhere else. I don't know if I believe that or not but the fact is French chefs evolved those foods and techniques much further than where they started making it definitively French. Doesn't matter where it started. Look at what it is now.

>> No.18242756

I call pasta noodles and i'm not going to stop

>> No.18244388

Hand rolled pasta was made by both romans and greeks since their written history.
You silly goose, italic and estruscan peoples were both running around for over 2000yrs, that's your italians basically.

>> No.18244396

That dude just dumped like $9 worth of pecorino romano on his plate, double if its Parmigiano Reggiano

>> No.18244822

Peak American behavior

>> No.18244835
File: 24 KB, 720x588, Mouyes Vegeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He spams it because it's always guaranteed replies. If only Italians could shut the fuck up and stop giving attention to posters like faggot OP or "le pasta breaking" reddit threads. Herbs in all fields.

>> No.18244849

The Romans had dough like lasagna, which was fried or stuffed. Not what we consider pasta really today.
The Chinese did not invent noodles until the Song dynasty (960-1279). First recording of modern pasta in Italy was in the 13th century. So they're invented at around the same time with China probably inventing first.

>> No.18244850


>> No.18244869

This is the foundation of business.

>> No.18244939

They all invented it independantly, it's just strands of fucking dough

>> No.18244964

This. It's not like you guys stole from each other. It's like listening to idiots argue about who invented steel. Some cultures found iron with stuff already in it near the surface, some had to dig for their ore, some cultures accidentally made steel because they worked the ash of their relatives into the iron, others also found contaminated iron and tempered it by pissing on it. Who cares? Nothing to be proud of.

>> No.18244987

its another nitwit bait thread about italy. no one ever posts italian music or whatever in these threads either, it's always half-baked attempts at bragging about stock photos of pasta. they have the deez general but theres a damn italy thread every damn day. just sayyyin.
theres just so little italian soul in these threads. the closest i can find is from the wine threads. soulful olive threads too though, i will admit.

>> No.18245018
File: 127 KB, 1024x1024, pasta gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germans invented pasta and called it Spätzle

>> No.18245052

Why would music be posted on a Food and Cooking board? Pasta isn't even real food.

>> No.18245485

>Germans invented
Germans never invented anything.

>> No.18245596

it was marco polo

>> No.18245675

Italians have always copied good inventions from other cultures and made them exceptional Beretta took Walther's designs and made them sexy. They discovered noodles from China, removed the dog, and created pasta They stole the idea of arches from the Etruscans and built colleseums and aqueducts. They took the Gladius from the celt-iberians and conquered the world with it. They leamed about sex from the Greeks and realized you could also have it with women. Etc

>> No.18246758

Italians are so cringe with everything

>> No.18246796

Noodles went westward on the silk road. Isn't it obvious?

>> No.18246809

Probably not just one guy out there who put dough strands in boiling water. Pretty obvious how it would start too unlike some other foods.

>Cooking pot of stew
>have leftover dough from making bread
>put dough into stew
>notice you prefer the dough dumplings when they're long and skinny vs. other shapes
>boom you got pasta

Bread and dough dates back over 30,000 years, soups and stews have been around for about as long. People have probably been making pasta all over the place for 1000s of years, doesn't exactly take a genius.

>> No.18246833

man, americans sure are obsessed with italians.

>> No.18247109

boiling dough is not an invention and the chinks certainly weren't the first or only ones to do it.

>> No.18247121

papa mia

>> No.18247123

based fact poster
we made pasta and pizza better than others and now you associate it with us. germans have a traditional kind of pizza too but nobody cares

>> No.18247260

Some of us Americans are fuckin greaseballs, can you believe that shit?
We stole early pizza from ourselves, the Greeks.

>> No.18247833
File: 11 KB, 258x258, 1547319026068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you don' need to ask so many fuckin' questions...

>> No.18249763

she's cute

>> No.18249766
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>> No.18249771
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>> No.18249848

>he thinks noodles and cheese is any better
shitaly was a mistake

>> No.18249887
File: 41 KB, 474x359, 5794ed084b8d7401dc2bfbb82792f6f2--bosnian-food-serbian-food-3066997125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serbia has that too

>> No.18249951

Hunter is my wife

>> No.18249973

Stop seething, there are only 3 remarkable cuisines: italian, french and japanese

>> No.18250070 [DELETED] 

We had a transexual apply to work for our restaurant (Germany)
First day, we have them clean dishes. They complain this is sexist work. (gay man pretending to be woman)
Of course, because of local regulations, we don't want to appear as sexist. So they are now a server.
As server, they manage to offend every fucking customer who wants to order food by trying to fucking have a big conversation with them.
>explain to retard this JOB (yes, it is a JOB) is about fucking working
>they cry and act like I am doing sexism
>also, all of this is recorded WITH AUDIO (because fuck running restaurants in euroworld)
>drag me to court
>play audio and video for court
>counter-sue tranny for damages
Now I am being paid by the father of the tranny who killed themselves as a result of this legal ruling but hes actually kinda cool and i comp his meals at the restaurant so

IDK. I have mixed opinion on transexual retards.

>> No.18250079

Wow. So many strange things happen that I would have no idea about if not for this website.

>> No.18250086 [DELETED] 

I know! Thank goodness that no one tries to exaggerate reality to pretend that there's a pervasive mindset which is completely illusory. No, seriously. Thank GOODNESS that people aren't conflating propaganda and pushed opinions with reality.

Because I've seen people be murdered over it. Always a shame when people overstep their bounds. Observers. Participants.

The world is confident that nothing will happen until something does.

>> No.18250110

He's clearly british

>> No.18250123

Is that the tranny or Phoebe Bridgers

>> No.18250545

This thread has a disappoing lack of the spaghettified porn pics that was the hottest new meme some years ago.

>last line
I lose every single time.

>> No.18250812

I was gonna post this