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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18221198 No.18221198 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't Mexican food get the same respect that Chinese or Indian food gets? Like growing up in SoCal I can go to any hole in the wall Mexican place and it's good., but I try to do same with Chinese or Indian food and it's either painfully average or diarrhea. Also Greek food is slept on.

>> No.18221204 [DELETED] 

go outside and talk to people
also >admitting to be a californian

>> No.18221215

There's a reason 3 Mexican places in my town survived the Corona despite the fact that you can go days without seeing a Mexican and weeks without seeing a black, yet only 1 Chinese place out of 4 survived. People love Mexican places.

Casual as fuck, beer and liquor, fatty food, vegetables meats seafoods, etc.

>> No.18221220 [DELETED] 

Yes, cleetus/jamal, I'd rather live in California than some run down methed up shithole in the mid west or our east. The food is better too.
It's not just Mexican restaurants, it's Mexican bakeries too. Love me some pan dulce and some coffee with no sugar.

>> No.18221244 [DELETED] 

'rona did kill the only Mexican bakery and grocer we had in town, but they were trash to begin with. I only went there once because despite being a small town, we have 4 major grocers because we serve as a shopping hub, yet all of them were sold out of a spice I was looking for.

>> No.18221263 [DELETED] 

>only flyovers dislike ca
No it's everyone half caste faggot.

>> No.18221270 [DELETED] 

Then stop moving here and making everything expensive for the locals.

>> No.18221271 [DELETED] 

>Like growing up in SoCal I can go to any hole in the wall Mexican place and it's good
It couldn't possibly be related to the fact that there are gorillions of spics in ca could it?
Surely there is no correlation

>> No.18221275

She needs to fuck the shota already.

>> No.18221280 [DELETED] 

There's a lot in Nevada, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. Chicago too.

>> No.18221292 [DELETED] 

Yes and that's really too bad, they should be deported, we don't need people who can barely read their own language much less English here.

>> No.18221310 [DELETED] 

>be amerishart
>move to texas with slaves, despite being told that slavery was not legal
>chimp out over it
>go to war with mexico
>acquire half of mexico's land
>cry about mexicans living on that land 200 years later

guys i almost hate whites people as much as i hate black people, desegregation was a fucking mistake

>> No.18221318 [DELETED] 

Too bad they didn't exterminate you people.
Then I wouldn't have to waste my time on a Chinese cartoon forum explaining why you're a blight on civilized society

>> No.18221335 [DELETED] 

It's amazing how my mere existence makes you seethe. Stick too eating Wonder bread and dying for Isreal.

>> No.18221343 [DELETED] 

Ahh a thinly veiled la raza thread
I don't think anyone wants you people here though, so maybe people have a right to seethe.

>> No.18221355 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should have thought of that before you moved onto our land then. But of course you had to bring your little big lip servants too.

>> No.18221371 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 800x530, 800px-Mexican_Cession.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revisionist retard.
The Mexican Cession went through so easily because at no point in time after the Spaniards showed up on the pacific coast did they put any effort into enforcing their claim and had a barebones presence. Following the war, the Mexicans in the region were given the choice of free American citizenship or heading south. They largely chose the former, which is why Spanish-Mexicans have had a presence in that part of the US for well over a hundred years and why all the Spanish place names stuck.
The people they're complaining about are those who didn't want to be American, went poor in Mexico, and years later turned around and said "Ey, I changed my mind, let me in."

>> No.18221373 [DELETED] 

They can all suck my californian cock, you dirty flyover rodent piece of shit. You're all flyovers in my book. Also, you dirty rodents love to come here too, so shut the fuck up about that not liking california bullshit, before I come down to your area and improve the economy. Stupid dirty nigger.

>> No.18221379 [DELETED] 

"Our land"

You don't own and have never owned shit lmao

>> No.18221387 [DELETED] 

You are not White.

>> No.18221394 [DELETED] 


>> No.18221395 [DELETED] 

We're taking it back, cope gringo.

>> No.18221401 [DELETED] 

tex mex is better. spics and gay californians gonna seethe. go have a siesta and give each other monkeypox u homos

>> No.18221402 [DELETED] 

By squatting?
That's some good poverty cope

>> No.18221408 [DELETED] 

Whites are the only race stupid enough to tolerate gays and tr00ns, keep crying.

>> No.18221427 [DELETED] 


>> No.18221430 [DELETED] 

lol go back to meheeco beaner. back where your manlet indio ancestors are from. Spaniards shoulda brought mor smallpox

>> No.18221451 [DELETED] 

I'm about average height for an American male and have a fair complexion, keep crying gringo. It's funny when I get told to "go back" though. If I say yes, you get mad, because it hurts your ego and your idea of America being the best country in the world, if I say no, you get mad because I'm still here.

But yes it's funny, especially IRL.

>> No.18221912 [DELETED] 

Why do you keep saying this? Mexicans or Mexico were never a thing until the spaniards arrived

>> No.18221917 [DELETED] 

>Like growing up in SoCal I

That’s all I need to hear bitch. Fuck chicanos.

>> No.18221932 [DELETED] 

>move to texas with slaves, despite being told that slavery was not legal
>>chimp out over it
>>go to war with mexico

Santa Ana changed the law illegally you retarded bitch

>> No.18221996 [DELETED] 

It was an unjust war, even Grant said it was unjust.

>> No.18222038

It is everywhere, and Mexicans are willing to get way cheaper with what they prepare than any other race in America. Go to the best restaurants actually in the country the cuisine hails from and get totally different opinions.

>> No.18222457 [DELETED] 

Santa Ana, dictatorial leader of Mexico was changing the constitution with zero authority. Multiple states rose up in Revolution

>> No.18222602 [DELETED] 

Guerrero outlawed slavery you retard.

>> No.18222924
File: 1.55 MB, 1064x983, 1613834439458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's much more because of the face Mexican food doesn't have the same kind of "high cuisine" that French, Italian, and Japanese have - where there's a culture of aristocracy surrounding and constantly advancing it. It also doesn't have super specialized cuisines like Indian or regional Chinese except for maybe Oaxaca. It has everything you could ask for, does it cheaply, and it's super difficult to improve. It's food made by mothers and cooks with love and comfort being the main ingredients. It also has a weird thing where if you went to a super fancy Mexican place, it ends up not hitting the right spots because they try to "improve" something already balanced like making mole with red wine or something - this always ends up being less 'Mexican food' than a bargain taqueria. Because Mexican food is so balanced, cheap, and tasty, improving it turns it into either something shitty or something that has lost it's Mexican identity. Like that scene at the end of Ratertoolie where the harsh critique writes the best review because they made something timeless, simple, and nostalgic. Mexican is that, but applied to an entire cuisine.

>> No.18222927

feliz jueves

>> No.18223094 [DELETED] 

Poverty nigger. Your shithole state is being bankrolled by California, you're welcome.

>> No.18223097
File: 1.15 MB, 1156x771, Clint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immediate farts that women and horses run away from. Us guys laugh but those women and untrained horses take it seriously.
Them is fightin' words!

>> No.18223098

Mexican food is solid, but it runs into the issue where it all kind of seems the same. The difference between the best mexican restaurant in my area, vs slightly below average mexican restaurant is negligible. Basically the difference between really good mexican food and just okay mexican food is very small. Think Chinese food is kind of like this too, unless you go to an actual fancy Chinese restaurant.

Indian food is either horrible or god tier. And god tier Indian is much better than both Mexican and Chinese

>> No.18223109

Needs beer and whiskey for extra specialo farts, fags and bitches have no idea of the understanding.

>> No.18223115

No matter what anon, indian food looks like poo naturally or its colored artificial red and/or yellow. Indian food always looks like poo. Goo to them.

>> No.18223136 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 720x960, yo ligando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calado, bro?

>> No.18223172

Every Chinese restaurant in the US cuts corners and serves up the equivalent of nuclear waste on a plate.
>mystery black garlic sauces
>oily and greasy
>cheapest cuts of meats and seafood sourced from who the fuck knows where
>produce is toxic shit covered in pesticides
>unhealthy cooking oils

FUCK Chinese food, there's a reason why Chinese males have the same body types as baby seals and Indian women. Fucking shits have 0 standards.

>> No.18223212
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x1960, 20201001_112441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, but most of it is just the same shit prepped in different ways. For me, it's chile colorado I make from scratch. Also carnitas is awesome. And mexican style grilled chicken at this one local place pic rel

>> No.18223220

I wish you guys would stop that, it's so cringe. I like Mexican food once in a while but it has nowhere near they variety of Indian or Chinese. Or French, Italian or Spanish. If had to make a choice having Mexican food or somewhere middle European every day I'm not even sure I'd pick Mexican. For a limited time maybe.

>> No.18223229

Mexicans just don't emigrate anywhere other than the US. Their food can only be of limited popularity and fame. Of course it can't be renowned outside its country if it's not even outside its country.
Greeks and Turks (same cuisine) at least emigrate everywhere.

>> No.18223234

Oh and Mexican food in the US isn't even Mexican from what my Mexican friends tell me.

>> No.18223235

and it smells like shit and reeks like an indian person. also why do all indians smel the same with like a distinct stench and you smell it like “yeah thats an indian”

>> No.18223624

I love asuka

>> No.18223646

It is now, there are so many Mexicans all the restaurants barely have gringo or texmex dishes on the menu any more. It's why the quality is so consistent compared to the gwailo slop Chinese places can get away with.

>> No.18223652

That's a weird way of describing childhood obesity

>> No.18223671

Mexican food is GOAT. So many different fruits and vegetables and they like to use Beef like any American. Authentic Mexican is definitely not underated by Americans.

>>T. El Gringo Mojado

>> No.18224024

You can find all types of Mexican food in the US. Most recently Tijuana style birria can be found in every state

>> No.18224040

>omg guize mexican cuisine number one!!1!

>> No.18224063

>plastic rice
>gutter oil
>rubber egg
>omg guize chinese cuisine number one!!1!

>> No.18224069

eat shit spic, there is a reason everyone loves chinese and mexitrash food can't even break top 10

>> No.18224163

Dogs are not to be eaten.

>> No.18225071

you could do this for every cuisine