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18213012 No.18213012 [Reply] [Original]

Barbecue is a summer thing, right? So why don't they offer the McRib in the summer?

Who thinks of barbecue in fucking November?

>> No.18213025

McRib. BBQ.

>> No.18213029

It's slathered in barbecue sauce even if the pork patty itself isn't actually "barbecued". It counts.

>> No.18213037

You're right, they should start only offering barbecue sauce for nuggets during the summer too.

Dude, something having barbecue sauce doesn't make it "barbecue".

>> No.18213047

Yes it does. Anything else?

>> No.18213058

the short answer is because the mcrib is only ever offered when hog prices hit their cyclic lows
here in iowa we grow more swine per square foot than anywhere else in the world

>> No.18213076

hey is the "iowa chop" a real thing? like a pork chop just thicker?

>> No.18214691

BBQ keeps you warm in winter. Turn that heat up

>> No.18214703
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>Barbecue is a summer thing, right?
is it?

>> No.18214707

>muh pork prices
Urban legend and deboonked. The """economist""" who came up with this asspulled and fudged his numbers to make it seem like a trend, but it didn't actually hold true over the years. The pork "rib" patties are made and produced all year long. The real answer was because the McRib simply wasn't a popular full-time menu item in the US without the artificial scarcity promotion. In countries where pork is more popular, such as Germany and Luxembourg (where the McRib came from), it's a permanent menu item.

>> No.18215137

>Who thinks of barbecue in fucking November?
ME, because that's when the oustide temps finally get down below death range.

I grill all winter long into the spring and never in
the summer.

this thread brought to you by creepy clowns that server crappy food inc.

>> No.18215140

no dick for brains. barbeque means low heat slow cooking for a long time usually with smoke, and no sauce till after.

>> No.18215451
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>Who thinks of barbecue in fucking November?
The absolute state of burgistanis. In Germany we grill all year round. However in Germany we also get the McRib all year round, every year. Not sure why but I think it's because of how much pork we produce, that other countries like the US don't.

>> No.18215455

no, it just means you put bbq sauce on it. that's literally it.

>> No.18215506

based shitpost-arguing pedant

>> No.18215530

No it doesn't, you fucking twat. You can dip chicken nuggets and french fries in barbecue sauce but that doesn't magically turn it into barbecue, now does it?

>> No.18215541

Yes, it does. Anything else?

>> No.18215542

>this urban meme
Every time

>> No.18215942
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>> No.18216340

You might have hit on the exact reason it comes out in November. By then most US bbqs are winding down and they're thinking about turkey and sweet potato pie. That's when you give the McRib because people are distracted by other foods. If you release it in the summer everyone will compare it to actual barbecue and realize how utterly disgusting it is.

>> No.18216375

It's a permanent thing in my country and I know no one that ever ordered one.

>> No.18216460

Grilling and barbecuing are two related but quite different things.

>> No.18216533

This isn't barbeque, it's goyslop.

>> No.18216569

>Kraft BBQ sauce makes it authentic!

>> No.18216591

No, it just makes it barbecue. How are you not understanding this

>> No.18216600

True. But now I can also look forward to getting some tasty mcribs, snuggling into my warm blanket while I eat and watch some comfy Christmas stuff

>> No.18216612

Because the McRib isn't barbecue, it's diarrhea, soy beans, and wood pulp.

>> No.18216622

I can't tell if you're trolling or not.

>> No.18216652

i can’t wait for fall bbqing. love getting up early to start the cooker, toss some meat on, start drinking and watch football. and it’s a nice temperature outside

>> No.18217041

NGL i kinda want to try one, its been so long. Last one I had was before i moved out of usa in 2009.

>> No.18217057

Do people actually get excited for McRibs?
It's really not that good

>> No.18217175

-t iowegian

>> No.18217209

I have a family member who works in corporate which told me the reason that they sell the McRib in late months is due to how dirt cheap they get the product to make them. They turn a huge profit as well as towards the timing of people being more out and about during Thanksgiving/Black Friday/Christmas Shopping.

>> No.18217329

It reminds me of childhood days and cafeteria food. It's not really "good" but got heavy nostalgia factor.

>> No.18217352
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>> No.18217357

only npcs do and npcs are not people.

>> No.18217375

>says the npc repeating memes
You literally are a generic rpg character regurgitating random garbage like this disgusting sandwich monstrosity.

>> No.18217395

>he doesn't know that npcs are real
please wake up, anon.

>> No.18217466

Ohh I know they are real. I am replying to one right now and it's depressing as fuck. You don't even know what you are.

>> No.18217545

anon, i'm not from your book.

>> No.18217595

Wait is it coming back in November

>> No.18217918
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It's a pork sandwich with BBQ sauce on it. If you look into it any more than that then you're retarded.

>> No.18218319
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>Who thinks of barbecue in fucking November?

>> No.18218524


>> No.18218525

Goyslop eating bastards do

>> No.18218794
File: 113 KB, 430x330, 1655902092098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my family are bland cunts who just slap raw meat on and will add season-all at best to their barbies
i would like a christmas bbq that wasn't so bland and dry