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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18209994 No.18209994 [Reply] [Original]

milk is $9 a gallon. I can't take this anymore.

>> No.18210001

It's over $10 USD just for a gallon of 1% and one box of sugared wheat.

>> No.18210005

where the fuck do you live? Regular milk is still under $4 per gallon my local wal-mart. The only time I pay $10 per gallon is when I drive out to the local farm to buy raw milk. Even the fancy milk in glass bottles is still like 3.50 or 4 for a half gallon. Only ultrapasteurized grassfed milk from nationwide brands is over $5 for half gallon

>> No.18210014

a dozen eggs are fucking $12 here! you used to get duck eggs for those prices

>> No.18210024

seriously where the fuck do you people live? I'm in Kansas and a dozen eggs is about $4 which is still insanely high for this area

>> No.18210032

I'm in Arizona and spent 3 dollars or so on whole milk. So, I don't know.

>> No.18210042

Bouffon d'orange

>> No.18210043

I pay $5 for Jeff Bezos's eggs.

>> No.18210050
File: 112 KB, 740x444, Screenshot_2022-08-08 Save-On-Foods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Canada, so decades worth of blatant gov't corruption and price-fixing scams have left me dull and numb to the pain of grocery costs. That's $4.25 for a gallon of 2% in burgerbucks.

>> No.18210057

Not them but I live in a state with a retardedly powerful dairy lobby. No, this is not a joke. As such, the state sets /minimum prices/ on dairy here according to "marketing areas." The current minimum for my marketing area is $5.10 for conventional whole, $6.40 for organic.
I get $1 off dairy digital coupons so I'm paying $4.10.

Idk the price of eggs. I think it's $4something/dozen, conventional. Again, I get digital coupons so I pay $3.49/18ct conventional eggs.
I think the store knows that once these coupons stop, I'll shop elsewhere. Literally every time I go to this store, I get or eggs or both and a few other odds and ends.

I have no idea how this price fixing bullshit is legal where I live. No matter the brand, no whole milk may be sold in my area for less than $5.10/gallon and this is somehow legal.

>> No.18210061
File: 62 KB, 375x444, Screenshot_2022-08-08 Eggs Substitutes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$3.10 burgerbucks for a dozen white eggs. I'll never get the whole price difference between white and brown eggs. They're the same fucking this from the same fucking chickens.
>"Oh, but brown eggs are more natural...!"
No they aren't.

>> No.18210062
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>> No.18210066

>I have no idea how this price fixing bullshit is legal where I live.
That's the thing, it usually isn't. They just either never get caught, or when they do get caught they only get a slap on the wrist because they're in bed with the politicians. Our fucking largest grocery chain here is notorious for getting massive gov't handouts since the family that owns it attends all of the Prime Minister's fundraisers. They got caught fixing bread prices and all they wound up doing was giving out a few coupons for free bread.

>> No.18210073

texas here, a dozen eggs is like $3.60 currently, more than a gallon of gas

>> No.18210097

Man, inflation in the US is fucked
I live in the fucking Yukon of all places, where all our food needs to be trucked 1000 miles from the next nearest distributor and a dozen eggs is about 4$ Canadian (about 3$ US)

>> No.18210121

That sucks in Canada but at least they get a skap on the wrist. They don't even get that much here because the price fixing on dairy is legal where I live.
There's a state agency with its own state government website which dictates milk prices here with literally no transparency whatsoever. Price fixing is bad and for commies unless big brother does it. Bizarrely, it's the democrats who want to put an end to this bullshit or at least let voters know how the fuck these pricks decide the prices but the state republicans, many of whom are directly involved in the state dairy industry, keep the status quo and voters get fucked.

>> No.18210144

I mean, if there's an upside to the price-fixing, it's that a gallon of milk 1600km north in Fort Nelson costs the same as a gallon of milk in Burnaby two blocks away from the bottling plant.

>> No.18210156

Gas is less than $3.60 a gallon there now? They still putting those stickers on the gas pumps there?

>> No.18210160

They'll probably still keep putting up the stickers until it's back under $2 like it was before. No point in praising a $1 price drop after a $3 spike.

>> No.18210169

>not taking the brown eggs and putting them in the white egg carton
Not gonna make it.

>> No.18210177

>back under $2 like it was before
When was it ever under $2 except when the lockdowns started and oil was cheaper than the barrels they're measured in?

>> No.18210181

$3.30ish and yes lol
gas hasnt been under $2 a gallon in like over a decade

>> No.18210186
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We're up to $16 a box.

I can't fucking take this shit.

>> No.18210195

please leave him alone, he is a very nice man

>> No.18210204

>Lactose free milk
You deserve to pay $10 for that you lactose intolerant fuck

>> No.18210206

japan here, 160 yen for a liter of milk

>> No.18210208

the solution is to start taking shit, anon.
steal it and leave a note saying, "not paying a cent until you drop the prices. eat shit."

>> No.18210210

>gas hasnt been under $2 a gallon in like over a decade

dude it was down to $1.30 during April of 2020 when covid lockdowns were in full effect

>> No.18210220

$6 for an 8pc on mondays. For $12 any day you can get an 8pc, 1lb of a side like macaroni salad or jojos and a 4ct kings hawaiian rolls.
Used to be $10 until very recently, though. BRANDONNNNN!!!!

>> No.18210238

i love his smugness

>> No.18210250

>that time in 2020 when the price of oil went into the negative
they were throwing it at people to make them go away, it was ridiculous

>> No.18210255

I felt the need to include that for a reference point since OP mentioned a $9 gallon.

>> No.18210260
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>/ck/ actually posts the in store prices
The horror is over

>> No.18210285
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A national tradgedy.

>> No.18210289
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Is this a troll thread? Even the expensive, pasture-raised giga organic milk is like $7 for a gallon where I live. Regular 2% milk is $3.42. Dozen eggs is $2, free range eggs $4.

I realize that prices vary in different places, but who the fuck is paying $12 for a dozen eggs? $4 for eggs in Kansas was pretty surprising too.

A dozen eggs used to be 50 cents for me, so even $2 seems outrageously expensive. Of course, I'm friends with people who raise chickens so I actually get eggs for free most of the time.

>> No.18210293

People are going to have to eat normal portions because food is a commodity again

>> No.18210301

ILfag here. Milk where I live is 5-7 for the good stuff, around 3.50 for the Walmart brand. A dozen eggs, the cheapest you can get, are now above 3 dollars. I just picked up a 6 pack of eggs for 1.62. Stores don't have any frozen goods like toaster scrambles anymore. Probably because they cost too much to produce.

>> No.18210335

I wonder what schizo pole is thinking now that food is more expensive in the US than in Canada

>> No.18210358
File: 151 KB, 1180x1195, 1631333031444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all according to the plan,just wait for worldwide crypto currency to be the new payment method,but before that we have to endure the famine and the increase (yes even more!) of the prices of everything and also the ""((war))"",just wait and see :)

>> No.18210446
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I'm kind of surprised when people claim they're paying higher than BC prices in the US. Honestly, I figured OP was Australian or something.

>> No.18210453
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>> No.18210465

I don't think it's out of this world for the people placing the stickers to forget why that happened and expect gas to go that low again.
Now I know someone is going to call me a liberal tranny and further derail this shit thread so I will tell you I voted Trump twice nigger.

>> No.18210468

None of the top five oil producing nations should be paying over a dollar per litre for fuel. End of story.

>> No.18210473
File: 351 KB, 700x835, B2AC4016-B98F-4B50-8BC6-8DD3AA317DD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>‘liberal? But I voted Trump!’

>> No.18210483

I don't know if that's true but I am inclined to agree and blame Biden.
But my point about the sticker placers stands.

>> No.18210523

Yes, it's a troll thread.

Some of these prices do narrow down where people are bitching about prices, i.e. this is almost an entire thread of Californians bitching about how much their food costs


>> No.18210578

I live in commiefornia and I still don't pay this much. Maybe because I don't shop at shitty overpriced stores like whole foods.

>> No.18210584

Orange? Did you just say... orange? Orange fool? Is that what you just said? Let's just establish that you just said "orange fool"... So you must be anti Trump then. Because everything orange must refer to Trump because that's how my brain works. I can't believe you've done this.

>> No.18210599

Inflation has been shockingly low for over a decade. If you didn't take the opportunity to set yourself up before it accelerated to catch up, LOL. LMAO. If you're a kid first entering the workforce who never got the opportunity, go back to work and stop wasting time on this site. You'll never make it being so reckless with your life.

>> No.18210678
File: 131 KB, 1125x1452, E1DF26C1-3CBE-4985-96F2-102B268E0C7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a video about ‘orange fool’ the week Trump gets elected
>‘wtf I’m not political! You’re political! Tremble before my enlightened centrism you white incel CHUD!’