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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18183701 No.18183701 [Reply] [Original]

Why does restaurant food always taste so much better than homemade?

>> No.18183708

Salt, fat.

>> No.18183712

because you don't know how to cook. Just keep practicing.

>> No.18183729

Lot's of butter. I don't even use butter when I cook at home, which makes restaurant food taste that much more like the perfect once in a while treat.

>> No.18183736


>> No.18183740

because you can't cook but also to be fair a lot of restaurant foods require equipment most people don't have so you can't really make it the same at home, like chink recipes that require a massive wok setup

>> No.18183748
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Two reasons. First one very simple food will always taste better if it was made by someone else for the most part. If they burn it or do something bad like over salting its still gonna taste shit but if you made a grilled cheese side by side with someone else the exact same way theirs would taste better to you.
A restaurant is equipped with high end grand equipment that makes the food stand out and be much better then what you can do at home. Such as industrial burner counter tops that go up to 600 degrees. Alot of this stuff is just unable and illegal to be set up in a home kitchen and it does make a difference on the taste and texture of your food. Others being better quality ingredients and people with presumably more cooking knowledge in the kitchen.

>> No.18183751


>> No.18183756

salt, butter, technique, quality of ingredients and people actually devoting their entire work day/life to your food

>> No.18183762

Depends on many reasons.

Ingredients, I always wondered why pizza chain pizzas tasted better than any home pizza I've ever eaten and that's because people at home just buy generic mozzarella from their local grocery store. When most pizza chains use special dehydrated mozzarella that you need to order in bulk from a manufacturer,but the result is amazing pizza.

Practice is obvious.

Like everyone else said. Restaurants aren't giving you a nutritious meal. They compensate the flavor with unhealthy amounts of salt and butter and other additives that if you are everyday would give you a heart attack. Even the most mild meal from a restaurant is dubiously prepared.

My advice is look up the ingredients used by restaurants and the preparation and treat yourself. But the whole point of restaurant food is that it's unhealthy candy that should only be eaten once in a while.

>> No.18183765

You can't move out of your mom's house

>> No.18183767

Ok chud

>> No.18183772

Anyone else watch the Gordan Ramsey style of making scrambled eggs? You know, the breakfast item you eat everyday because it's a great source of protein.

Well his video starts with adding a fucking knob of butter and whisking them together. Then a truffle. That's what restaurants do. Do you think people eat knobs of butter for every breakfast? You better not.
My point is that restaurant flavors are lies. You don want to have breakfast flavors for ever meal of the day. It's better to get used to enjoying subtle everyday tastes that aren't compensated with additives. Like growing up and not adding sugar to everything and suddenly everything you hated tastes good for the first time. Tongues will find anything delicious as long as you don't shock them.

>> No.18183774
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Wrong. Every case of someone proud of their homecooking I've ever tried has been way lower quality than a standardized restaurant franchise would have.
Homecookfags can't stop kidding themselves.

>> No.18183775
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Sh...shut UP!

>> No.18183776

Tons of butter, oil and salt. Once ((europe)) implements disclosing calories on restaurant menus we're all fucked

>> No.18183779
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>Just train yourself to like my homecooking more than restaurant food
lol, the cope

>> No.18183784
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Either all of your friends are shit cooks or you have a complete fatso goyslop palate

>> No.18183791 [DELETED] 

niggers cant cook. except fried chicken

>> No.18183793

Ok enjoy eating a stick of butter, a pound of salt, 5 spoons of sugar and lots of deep fried foods for ever meal. I hope you enjoy the flavors :)

>> No.18183796

because niggers cant cook

>> No.18183798

I recall that Euro govs tend to reduce the amount of fat and sugar in snacks. Which is why euro coke is different from American coke. But it would be a funny twist if your restaurants compensated for this by being extra rich. I've never been to Europe tho this is just what I've heard.

>> No.18183803

Home ovens also don't get hot enough. a pizzeria oven reaches temperatures up to 1000º, and cooks a pizza (napoletano) in like 60-90 seconds.

>> No.18183822

In addition to the salt and fat thing I think that smell plays a big factor in it, in that when you’re cooking at home you’re going to smell the food a lot before you eat it and consequently be less sensitive to it when you eat it, whereas at a restaurant you’ll be less exposed to the smell before you get your plate.

>> No.18183840

They dont buy the cheapest shit like you. Shit goes in shit comes out

>> No.18183972

giv black lightskin wojak gf

>> No.18183988


>> No.18183989

I always thought that it was just about having an open flame or something. Those pizzaria ovens they have really do change the flavor while my home oven is a piece of shit that dries everything out.

>> No.18184002

It's a simple psychological phenomenon. Food you didn't cook yourself is always more delicious unless the cook is completely incompetent

>> No.18184008

don't forget, sugar too

>> No.18184023

>Why does restaurant food always taste so much better than homemade?
But, it doesn't actually.
There can and will be chefs doing great things, especially bakeries, and pizza crusts might get more amazing in a coal-fired oven far hotter than you might do in your kitchen, or some kind of steakhouse like Ruth's Cris might cook steaks at 1200F, or age their prime with equipment you don't have...
but the bottom line is that you are a human, same as a chef. Your execution is likely way better at your own house, and you might not cut corners to save costs. My greek salad will have a slab of feta, not a measly 1 tsp of crumbles. I might cook my fried chicken in a skillet, not a pressure fryer that drives oil under the skin.

Is there a particular dish you've been trying to master at home?

>> No.18184036

For arrogant people it's the opposite, and when you take away the cognitive bias, it's the non-arrogant take that is closer to objective truth. Which brings us back to OP's query.

>> No.18184041

Apparently they use a ton more oil, butter, and cream than you would think.

>> No.18184175

glutamate. A lot of it.

>> No.18184217


>> No.18184498

the restaurant fails if it doesnt

>> No.18184502

I used to think so in my 20s. Now after living alone and cooking for 20 years I find my cooking is far superior to any restaurant. I eat out maybe once or twice a year now and its usually with family.

You also realize just how much damn sodium they put in food once you start cooking at home. Some of the places like Chili's is almost inedible after staying away from the high salt for awhile.

>> No.18184503

Good point.
Private sector tends to outperform comparable government or charity organizations because they have real financial consequences.
Your wife or your mom will mostly get away with making anything they want.

>> No.18184519

Well, the number one reason is that you didn't make it, so it's tastier.

>> No.18184577

Almost nothing they do in the restaurant is impossible to recreate at home. Often its just one technique or ingredient that you overlooked that makes all the difference.

Of course this doesnt really apply to gourmet restaurants where you pay $100 for a little plate of shit they spent years perfecting.

>> No.18184641
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>Private sector tends to outperform comparable government or charity organizations because they have real financial consequences.
>Private sector has real financial consequences.

Only the middle class and poor have real consequences IRL. The rich don't have to play by the rules and neither do their restaurants. Vanity restaurants are a hobby of the wealthy.

>> No.18184657

>the cooking abilities of my social group apply to the rest of the world
lol. no

Where do you live?

>> No.18184661

Restaurants fail constantly you retard. People making a restaurant because they have enough money to support something that isn't profitable as a vanity project are the exteme exception, not the rule. Even when famoud celebrity chefs do vanity projects they still go out of business most of the time. The typical rich person doesn't get rich or stay rich by propping up failures for extended lengths of time. You have the financial depth of a 14 year old who watched a half hour TV special about Enron.

>> No.18184668


>> No.18184672

Oh thank goodness, I've been in need of a good shave and this post has so much edge that I'm sure I'll be silky smooth after it.

>> No.18184694

>Even when famoud celebrity chefs do vanity projects they still go out of business most of the time.
You have the financial depth of a toddler if you think "going out of business" is a bad thing or even unexpected for restaurateurs. Food/food culture is ever evolving and the best at the business don't force trends longer than they are profitable. Japan has an entire food economy based on short lived popular food items.

you cite one of the few examples where executives (not enough though) actually faced real consequences. But somehow it's one of my talking points?? Try again. Next time accuse somebody of only watching The Big Short for their financial background. it would make much more sense.

>> No.18184707

>the rich don't face consequences

rich bastards doing whatever they want without consequences is a daily headline at this point. do you live in a cave?

>> No.18184756

Food scientists have been finding new ways to fit more sugar salt and fat into everything which is addicting to our brains. When you making ever increasing profits everyone's main goal in life this is the inevitable outcome.

>> No.18184759

Lets look at Pizza.
Right off the bat, their ovens are hotter than yours. They can cook a pizza at 650 degrees for 90 seconds. You cook your pizza for 18 minutes at 400 degrees.

Lets talk crust. You can make your own crust, but chains use dough conditioners that will make their crust fluffier and/or crispier than you could ever do at home.

Lets talk sauce. You probably use jarred pizza sauce or maybe make your own. Pizza chains formulate a salty, buttery sauce that has been focused tested to appeal to the greatest number of people.

Lets talk cheese. You probably use standard high moisture mozzarella that they sell at the store. Pizza chains buy low moisture mozzarella and mix it with other kinds of cheeses.

Lets talk toppings. This is your one and only opportunity to stand out. You can get high-end pepperoni and brown the sausage, but do you? Or do you just sprinkle on some snack-grade pepperoni and call it a day?

The problem is that you are doing basic cooking with whatever knowledge/skill you have and the restaurants your comparing to are food factories designed to make one consistent, desirable food 1000 times per day.

>> No.18184780
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Because the person making it has made that dish 100s of time that week and god knows how many times all told. Even if you made/had the same thing 3 times a day non stop you wouldn't be getting the amount of practice they do. You'd think it wouldn't matter if recipes are standardised, but that amount of repetition means cooks hone the dish minutely from: bit overdone > bit underdone > slightly overdone > slightly underdone > near perfect and so on.

>> No.18184797
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It’s the ovens. Home ovens can’t get hot enough

>> No.18184941
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>> No.18184955

Do ebony qweens really not like getting their hair touched by their BFs? Is that because they are self-conscious about it because of "reasons", and breaking through that barrier becomes a new level of intimacy?

>> No.18185004

You and everyone you know are bad cooks

>> No.18185013

Certain things I make are better than restaurant made because I know what I like, doesn't mean it's good for other people

>> No.18185182
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Restaurants are food factories. Successful ones are finely tuned.

To expect a normal home cook to make food as well as a restaurant is to think you can make a car in your garage that is as good as one that rolled off a factory assembly line.

>> No.18185194

Tons of salt, butter, and oil + msg sometimes.

>> No.18185264

Cooks freely admit that they add a lot of salt, cooking books tell you to add salt, because salt is what allows you to taste the fucking food

Cooks who cook their own home meals add a fuck ton of salt

I hate this particular home cooking cope

>> No.18185284

Huh I guess 41% of the Nazis offed themselves.

>> No.18185294
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try to preheat a pan or whatever thick enough in 500 degree oven (let it run a bit after it reaches this temperature) then put pizza in hot pan. put back. better pizza.

>> No.18185299

So I can’t taste rosemary unless it’s paired with a fuckton of salt. I can’t taste lamb unless it’s cooked in more salt than red wine.

That’s fucking dumb, your argument reaches the right conclusion, but only because you hopped the curb from Fucking Idiot Street

>> No.18185311

I just like cooking and I’m gonna keep doing it.

>> No.18185316

Yes, it actually does change and enhance the flavor of food, this is one of the basics of cooking

>> No.18185325

> Lets look at Pizza
This might be true in NYC but my local chain has Low IQs working in front and back of house. Incidentally their quality has dropped like a lead balloon. You’re only half right here. And most places are shoddily run, they aren’t high cuisine.

>> No.18185347

I use a lot of butter and I already lost all the weight I gained during covid. All my meals are homemade.

>> No.18185385

Does this work for steak?

>> No.18185402

1 knob of butter per 2 eggs is Ramsey's ratio of butter to actual food. Are you adding that much butter to your meals?

>> No.18185432

I also add chorizo, ground beef and cheese. I really like my eggs like that, and they keep me full until lunch.

>> No.18185434

I can always pick out all the spices/ingredients that are in food I made for myself. Like hmm yep that's an tiny undertone of that X I put in
Restaurant food I usually can't unless they overdid something egregiously

>> No.18185442

There’s a difference between enhancing flavour and outright “letting you taste your food”
Recipes call for a pinch, not a pound

>> No.18185479

You use 1 knob of butter in every meal? Did you go from 300 to 250?

>> No.18185488

I mean something like a chain restaurant where all their ingredients come from corporate. Their pizza is focus-tested into the ground.

>> No.18185510

Sure, if you use all your fingers

>> No.18185541

Yeah but again using your own example, Little Ceez is cheap ass everything and barely pizza. The chain I referenced, they barely proof the dough anymore. Dominos is not doing black magic with their pizza either. All of these are focus tested, sure, but the result is mediocre.

I’m agreeing with you that once you go up the chain, you’ll be walled by ingredients and skill and equipment but disagreeing because most things can not only be made reliably by a home cook but often improved upon considerably.

Most things in life rely purely on your laziness and lack of curiosity and businesses have to adhere to the trappings of mass production.

>> No.18185545

Sneed oils and adrenochrome

>> No.18185548


>> No.18185569

If you're buying food at a restaurant that you could easily make at home you're doing it wrong.

>> No.18185585

because you and people around you can't cook. restaurants inherently have to sacrifice a level of quality to have speedy mass service. it's fine to not know how to cook, if you have the money to eat out comfortably then enjoy it but this opinion is solely derived of a lack of skill

>> No.18185658

I add salt too, but not nearly as much as they do at restaurants to make up for bad quality. You must be retarded to call it a cope.

>> No.18185671


>> No.18185690

Lol have you ever seen the shit tier $5 pots and pans restaurant kitchens use? It's just because they use a lot more salt, fat, and sugar.

>> No.18185714

euro coke is different because it uses sugar and not HFCS. it's still a calorie bomb, don't worry

>> No.18185817
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>has many times more salt than what u make it home
>probably has way more fat, probably unhealthy fat
>usually has sugar added
>msg/mono sodium glutamate is added
>other chemicals engineered to be as tasty as possible are added
>they reuse pans & shit without washing in between meals
>the cook probably is more skilled than you and/or has industrial equipment

I used to work at a semi fancy restaurant and learned a lot by bugging tf out of the line cooks. The food was usually pretty good. Because of that, I can make food at home that comes pretty darn close to what u get at a restaurant, but I refuse to because I actually get to see how much salt and unhealthy fat is used. The next best thing, learn how to sear things and what a broiler is for.

One thing that helps virtually everything that can/should be served hot is caramalizing shit.
Next time u make a sammich, toss it under a broiler arranged like pic related for like 3-4 minutes or u see shit bubbling or turning brown.

Next time u have veggies, toss it in a steel or iron pan until they start browning. Don’t be afraid to crank the heat. Don’t use non stick because they supposedly can’t take the heat and apparently cause the non stick coating to chip off pre maturaly
