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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18152037 No.18152037 [Reply] [Original]

How are school children supposed to develop their minds and bodies when they're being fed this?

>> No.18152046

I dunno. Some American president's wife said it was healthy. Personally I don't get why you faggots don't just make your kids lunch like normal people. Hell, by the age of twelve, I was expected to make my own lunch in the morning or go hungry at school.
Fucking faggots providing meal service to children like they're homeless. You just know it's an embezzlement scam.

>> No.18152070

Providing food should be the responsibility of the parents, not the school. Besides, that stuff isn't meant to be eaten as a full, wholesome meal. Shit like chicken tenders are meant to be crammed up my ass.

>> No.18152073


>> No.18152075


>> No.18152079
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>> No.18152088

South America doesn’t have a President retard.

>> No.18152089

he says this but he loosk like he could lose a few pounds himself and his face says hes rattled by alcoholism

>> No.18152102

Actually, it has over 10, my illiterate and confused friend.

>> No.18152107

Suggestion: We cut teachers salaries to fund healthier meals for students. Most teachers are just glorified baby sitters who only work half the year, and at worst they are active propagandists filling childrens heads with horse shit about queer sex and critical race theory.

An investment in healthy food would be better than throwing more money at teachers for the upteenth time and thinking it’s going to fix education.

>> No.18152113

Dilma Rousseff, Juan Manuel Santos, Cristinia Fernandez de Kirchner, Ollanta Humala, Nicolas Maduro, Michelle Bachelet, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Horacio Cartes, Jose Mujica, Donald Ramotar, etc.

>> No.18152121

Glad I didn't go to state schools in America.
My school served actual food prepared in an actual kitchen from actual ingredients (many of which were from our own private farm) requiring actual utensils to consume. State schools can't give their wards silverware because they'll shank a motherfucker. American (and British) state schools are truly terrifying places full of slack-jawed cretins incapable of basic civility. The children who attend them (and their unwashed parents) utterly disgust me.

>> No.18152125

What's critical race theory?

>> No.18152128

>not your wallet though, $8 a bottle

>> No.18152133

some bullshit talking point devised by Tucker Carlson for outrage viewership

>> No.18152137
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>> No.18152139

You dont know him, or his life story. You know nothing about him. Who could he be? What could he have gone through? But you can see the experience carved deeply into his face. The wrinkles in his skin suggest old age and all those experiences to be shared. And (You) know what? He might just do it if you ask him about the wrinkles and wonderful head of hair still intact even after so many years of hardship and possible dance with the evil forces driving this land. Hes going to laugh it off at first, but cherish the moment and possible opportunity to tell you maybe everything. Will you ask him more questions? You should. And he will make sure you have the best time hearing his stories. You may choose to spend a few minutes up to maybe even a good 20 minutes listening and enjoying an honest interaction with someone. Or not. You are free to leave with your freshly squeezed lemon water.

>> No.18152142


>> No.18152161

my school had pretty good food considering it was in the worst part of town

>> No.18152167

He's only 32.

>> No.18152197

From Wikipedia: Critical Race Theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist (inequality stems from race, not class) and that race itself ... is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color (only whites are racist, to the detriment of everyone else).

As an Asian American I am especially opposed to this horse shit, because Asians are the ones truly discriminated against institutionally in the US, while blacks have the most advantages.

Liars and devious snakes will tell you that it’s “just teaching about racism”.

Oh no! You mentioned Fox News! I guess I’ll turn my brain off and forget about this issue.

>> No.18152202
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Fuck dude, I specifically come to these boards so I don’t have to deal with you faggot log posters. Fuck off

>> No.18152206

hel yeah fuck teachers dude. fuck em all. except for the hot ones, or the arts teacher ones. those ones are actually cool, kids love em. the rest? hit or miss 99% of the time.

>> No.18152215

What country is your family originally from?

>> No.18152279

Have you seen how fat children are in the US? If every kid ate this 3 times a day, we wouldn't have skyrocketing obesity and diabetes rates. You want to help some kids? Rip the fork out of their hand and the burgers out of their mouths.

>> No.18152281

kek i thought the same thing

>> No.18152296
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>> No.18152297

You're not even American esl poster

>> No.18152306

Excuse me, but I'm 230lbs, so yes; I am American. I remember coming home from school countless times while my parents were at work and microwaving some gross shit in the freezer.

>> No.18152358

>"milk product"
>salt packets
>barbecue sauce
>rat turds
did they really ban parents from provided their children food for this?

>> No.18152381

Kek based

>> No.18152388

*rambles in hungarian government propaganda*

>> No.18152390
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They aren't. This is what happens when you send your fucking children to a school run by the United States Government. The education is even worse, honestly. The idea that the government can even run a school in the current system is unfathomably laughable, and charter schools have literally proven they can do a better job. Then again, I'm a person who vouches for a stronger right leaning conservative government not unlike the Turian Hierarchy in Mass Effect, where duty to the state is seen as paramount to individual happiness, and service to the state in some capacity is mandatory. This is literally what happens when you let congress decide what constitutes a meal, and is an example of why they need to be abolished as an institution. Everything they do can literally be performed with a set of AIs and an app that lets people vote on issues of the day.

>> No.18152401
File: 1003 KB, 1284x1282, z bugs in UK schools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon ze Bugs

>> No.18152406
File: 2.44 MB, 720x720, ze bugs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ze bugs for ze school children

>> No.18152419

>grew up with disgusting school food i would throw out a lot
>parents didnt care
>made my own lunch of a tiny sandwich and water
>remember a period when my mother would buy a little caesars pizza i would eat for lunch thru the week
>grow up completely emaciated and physically stunted

>> No.18152475

huh. you literally a bitch made nigga

>> No.18152495

I only got school lunch on pizza days and when I was in middle school and we had a mini Taco Bell in the cafeteria (yes, an actual Taco Bell, not some knockoff). My mom or dad made me lunch most of the time. There was no “free lunch” like these zoomers whine about. At least the school fucking feeds you for free.

>> No.18152519

So basically fuck representative democracy in favor of direct democracy with a dash of Totalitarianism and facisim.

>> No.18152522

When a system becomes rife with cronyism and brown-nosing, literally anything else is an acceptable alternative. Career politicians killed democracy.

>> No.18152528

He's about as "Asian" as Paddy McGuinness and only about half as funny, a third as charming and less than an eighth as fuckable.

>> No.18152536

You could put term limits on reps and senators but everyone in the US is an apathetic zombie. Supreme Court Justices should have to retire at 65. Fuck a geriatric being on the highest court in the land.

>> No.18152538


>> No.18152541

I agree with this wholeheartedly.

>> No.18152548

I've heard some horror stories of some schools not allowing kids to bring their own lunches anymore, but don't know the exent/validity of

>> No.18152555

Here's the sad thing there was initiative to replace items with heathier options and kids actively avoided them. And most of the trash afterwards were healthy items the kids didn't eat.

>> No.18152557
File: 511 KB, 1092x1536, 1657419699546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't hate boomers all that much. They are essentially the rich, spoiled, only child generation and it is why they can't fathom thinking beyond themselves. They passed that on to their children. Their children realized this and have raised their children to be more caring and empathetic which is why zoomers are such sensitive little bitches. It's cyclical.

>> No.18152561

or just like abolish public school
wa la

>> No.18152571

You have to start with young children eating vegetables, whole grains, and other healthier foods for any of it to work. If kids are eating drive thru and processed frozen shit everyday like many do in this country of course that will happen. People need to be more conscious of their creations. Borderline child abuse what some ham planets do to their children. Free will is a trip.

>> No.18152575

It's a podcast that delves into the themes and structural narratives of the tv show Wacky Races. I have no idea why teachers are so obsessed with it nowadays given that Tom and Jerry is a far superior program.

>> No.18152577
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You are gonna have an absolute retarded population if you do this. Even more than this clown world we are currently experiencing. Children also need to interact with other children or you will one day be led by a bunch of zoomer autists.

>> No.18152688

oh god. i developed severe pickiness disorder around 9year old and df stunted my growth until i turned 18/19 and started trying new foods while drunk

luckily i play sports so i still am fit. i just wonder if i wouldve been a beast, a few inches taller, and a bit smarter had i not deprived myself of healthy nutrients growing up

>> No.18152720

>microwaving some gross shit in the freezer.

>> No.18152724

>Suggestion: Make the American education system even worse
I'm not going to post what I think you should do to yourself because I got banned the last time I did that

>> No.18152736

>I really don't hate boomers all that much.
I do. I don't think that people who will die within 20 years should have any say in things that affect life past that time frame.

>> No.18152775

Do Americans really?

>> No.18152780

It's PB&J, OJ, Apple juice, Milk and some bananas and apples too expensive for Ameri mutts? We do we even pay taxes (I don't but you get the point).

>> No.18152782 [DELETED] 
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He's American, go easy on him.
It's hard to learn when you gotta get beaten by niggers, fleeced by jews, cucked by spics and being a short beta male with a diet that makes you dumb, bald and short.
Actually never mind, dog pile the little shits, but hey, at least they won the war against that Hitler fella.

>> No.18152784

>Asian American I
You're family is rich, calm the fuck down, half breed.

>> No.18152787

Calm down, Tyrone Jose hernandez, I'm sure you're proud of being an American but a healthy diet will do wonders for kids.

>> No.18152789

My grandmother just cooked me meat and potatoes stew after school.
Must suck being American.

>> No.18152797

>luckily i play sports so i still am fit. i just wonder if i wouldve been a beast, a few inches taller, and a bit smarter had i not deprived myself of healthy nutrients growing up
Yes the fuck you would and you fucking cock with be bigger and thicker had your parents not sliced you up.
My highschool bully doesn't even come to my shoulders because he spend his childhood refusing to eat so he could stay skinny.
You need to eat healthy food and eat vitamins when you're a growing boy, helps with your mental stability too.
I live in America and only eat once a day, it really fucks with me, right along with the heat too.

>> No.18152812
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>You're not even American
And that's a good thing!

>> No.18152815

I love turds, carrots, and rice day.

>> No.18152823

>throwing more money at teachers will improve the system… BECAUSE IT JUST WILL, OK?!?!?!

Say it you punk bitch.

>> No.18152828

That's nowhere near enough protein for healthy development

>> No.18152830


Swing and a miss, but I could be a billionaire and still tell you institutional discrimination goes against the concept of “le land of the free”.

>> No.18152833

>or you will one day be led by a bunch of zoomer autists.
I'm a zoomer autist. No father figure. Went to online high school. I'm distinguishable from an autist. How do I fix myself? I'll never marry a girl like this and that's all I want. I just want one girl

>> No.18152840

Everyone needs to eat real foods with real portions to stay healthy. It dictates everything about your physiology.

>> No.18152880

Fuck interactions. All the girls there were whores when I was in high school and most guys were idiots and or school shooters. Even the """"chads""""" were shallow

>> No.18152884

You obviously never been in America if you think only short and bald guys exist. Your europoor inferiority complex is showing

>> No.18152910

Eh, that looks much better than the bland patty/dry chicken breast, mushy rice, and a piece of stale apple that i used to get during middle school

>> No.18152915

>All the girls there were whores when I was in high school and most guys were idiots and or school shooters
It sounds more like to me your were an unsociable loser

>> No.18152925

so you are proving his point that proper education (including proper socialization) is good? i hope you see how your post makes no sense

>> No.18152935

Fuck off redditfag scum.

>> No.18152969

>everyone is wrong but me
>everyone else is the problem but me
You sat alone at lunch, didn't you?

>> No.18153009

The education is another abomination of its own but saying it promoted any form of socialization whether by doing school work together or by forming school clubs like a fucking jew would is asinine and retarded

>> No.18153016

i was explicitely saying "proper" education as a concept. wasnt praising the education system and i wouldnt do it. you should have learned to read properly long ago. pea brain

>> No.18153034

You have reddit. Stay there or keep quiet.

>> No.18153047

take you're meds

>> No.18153048

No one is getting a proper education you fucking jewbrain. Thats the problem this thread was made for in the first place. I wouldn't give a shit for the masses if they weren't all being used to drag the high value men down with them. Fuck everyone I hope you all go to hell

>> No.18153112

I'm addicted to sugar and I cant stop eating. I'm tired of being fat. Its fucking disgusting just to look at myself.

>> No.18153133

Shitty school lunch builds character. It’s important for the children’s emotional development.

>> No.18153147

so what exactly should we aim for you suggest instead? i dont get it. but this reddit contrarianism is starting to get on my nerves

>> No.18153155

Develop? We want quite the opposite, goy

>> No.18153163

Everybody listen to this high value man. Stop dragging him down, you guys.

>> No.18153193

A few schools actually do that

>> No.18153317

LITERALLY thanks obama