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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18148746 No.18148746 [Reply] [Original]

>Decide to buy Taco Bell because I haven't had Baja in months
>Eat food
>2 hours later take a shit and it smells foul
>6 hours later take a shit which is mildly liquid and pissing stings, leaving a lingering sting that encourages me to sit on my toilet until the stinging sensation goes away
>sting stimulates the reaction to piss, but there's no piss left so it's just droplets
the fuck is this retarded bullshit? I'm never buying this shit again if it makes my fucking urethra sting like this. This happens every single fucking time I eat there, it's not worth the fucking sugar water.

>> No.18148751


>> No.18148758

It gets worse avoid the doubt meat burrito at all cost.
I got a couple they looked so good on TV.
The filling was liquid meat so help me it was liquid.

>> No.18149096

Crunchwraps are $5 now, I'm gone

>> No.18149114

Every time I eat like shit I drink a green juice and metamucil and I don't have these issues

>> No.18149115

It's not T. Bell's fault, OP. I think it has more to do with the fact that you inserted yourself into that girl from the bar unprotected.

>> No.18149242

Don't know why Taco bell has this reputation for the shits, never had a problem. I usually get stuff that doesn't have beans though, is that the root of it all? The place that DOES give me the absolute worst shits, without fail, every single time, is Panda Express.

>> No.18149255

I never get any GI distress from taco bell, but it's the only place I ever get food from that gives me a sense of malaise. I can't explain it, it just makes me feel sluggish and depressed. Am I the only one?

>> No.18149268

Crunchwraps suck, just get two tacos instead

>> No.18149316

>This garbage teir meme again
Nigger, it's the same food as any other fast food, but high in sodium, dairy and fibre. Check with your doctor because you have a weak digestive system.
You drank sugar water, same as literally 90% of restaurants other offerings.

>> No.18149336
File: 864 KB, 908x1046, greek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shit you not 8 hours later after I ate that, and ate nothing else but had a coke: my dick finally calmed down but then my asshole was not stinging but pulsating demanding I shit when I had barely anything left in my guts at all. It was the same obnoxious sensation to keep me glued to the fucking toilet for another half an hour.
I had two cheesy gordita crunches and one spicy beef cheesy burrito or whatever the fuck they're called, Mcdonalds never does this shit to me and I have it frequently enough to the point where it doesn't make me feel completely sick after eating it. Although I feel extremely bloated after eating from all cheap fast food places. Why is that? Is it the fountain soda? I eat sub sandwiches and pizza and that shit never makes me feel bloated, even if I occasionally have a fountain soda with those. So what the fuck with this shitty food?

>> No.18149340

>le does le Taco Bell/Mexican food make le anyone else SHIT?!?! xD
Do all normgroids have weak, genetically inferior digestive systems or something? I don’t even like spicy food but Mexican food does nothing to my stomach, and Taco Bell is hardly spicy or Mexican. The only time food has ever given me the shits is when I made the mistake of eating calamari at a hibachi grill in bumfuck nowhere Oklahoma and I spent the entire night on the toilet thinking that I was about to die like Elvis, I’ve never felt pain while shitting like that in my life

>> No.18149405

>pissing stings, leaving a lingering sting that encourages me to sit on my toilet until the stinging sensation goes away
too much salt or calcium and not enough water in your diet; unrelated to consumption of taco bell

>> No.18149588


>> No.18149658

Breh, I don't think that was taco bell...

Your body wouldn't have digested it in 2 hours or shit it out in 6 unless you removed your intestines.

Stinging piss/urge to piss but no piss indicates a UTI or kidney stone.

>> No.18149732

Baja literally just did another retail release you sorry faggot. Did you not buy a 24 pack? Shame shame shame on you.

>> No.18149734

Taco Bell is better than Mexican subhuman slop. I hope you like fecal matter in your Tacos El Pastor, faggot hipster. Go back to California.

>> No.18150313 [DELETED] 

People who get the shits from Taco bell are weak, and their bloodline is weak and history deserves to forget them.

>> No.18150335 [DELETED] 

>2 hours later take a shit and it smells foul
dude... it take about 12 hours for something you ate to come out your asshole.

try hard.

>> No.18150394 [DELETED] 

Why is the internet full of stomachlets? It takes me forever to digest things

>> No.18150430 [DELETED] 

Taco Bell is a fucking joke. Last time I went was 6 months ago, before inflation. Cost me $14 dollars for a crunchwrap, a chalupa, and some nachos. FOURTEEN FUCKING DOLLARS. I could have gotten a combo platter from a real mexican restaurant for that price. If I'm going to eat disgusting goyslop it better be cheap..

>> No.18150817 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 3500x4194, Sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sticking around late at work
>go to taco bell for a 2 chicken chalupa combo
>come back sit at my desk
>take stuff out to set up on my desk
>some coworkers leaving passing by
>"whoa anon, hope you don't plan on working from the bathroom tonight!"
>ask wtf it's just some taco bell
>"Bahahaha, okay anon whatever you say just don't say I didn't warn ya! Taco bell is mean stuff there anon hope you didn't get the fire sauce!"

What the fuck is it with boomers and tacobell that need to talk about shitting? It seems to be this fast food place in particular that the most stupid jokes come from. I've never had issues with digesting tbell food, is it because I balance the sodium in it with water or are people just that weak stomached?

>> No.18150986

>Weak non-spicy Mexican fast food.
Faggots. All of you.

>> No.18151007
File: 37 KB, 780x438, 1097589213847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to taco bell for the first time in half a decade because they brought the mexican pizza back
>they're sold out of the mexican pizza but I'm already stuck in the drive thru
>order a nacho bell grande meal because I remember it always being a heaping tower of fake cheese, meat, and bean slop
>order a doritos loco taco on the side
>pay and it's like $15 fucking dollars
>last time I went to taco bell $15 would have bought enough food to cater a child's birthday party
>drive 10 minutes home
>nacho container is smaller than I remember it being
>there's barely any fucking toppings on it
>tacos are already soaked through and soft at the bottom and are way thinner than I remember
>meal is huge disappointment
>could have spent same amount of money at a real local Mexican place and gotten an entire baking tin full of sloppa
Shame, Taco Bell used to be my favorite fast food sloppa house. I was never huge on fast food but at this point what's even the point of it if it costs the same as a normal small business takeout place except with consistently lower quality in the worst way. They barely gave me any fucking food in those nachos and the tacos were pathetic.

>> No.18151539

sounds like you have ulcerative colitis

>> No.18151545

>they bring back the mexican pizza
>don't order the ingredients for it when they run out
Thanks I really enjoyed getting it once thank you sooo much really I appreciate it. That's why I always go in and take like 60 sauce packets at once. Fuck them

>> No.18151793

I love how this meme has become self-perpetuating.

I honestly think most of the retards who make up a “lol I exploded taco shits” at this point honestly think the stories they hear from others are actually true, and not also made up.

This shit would only happen if there is something literally wrong with you, like a severe food allergy.
That’s why, when you point out to someone making this shit up that they’re either making shit up or medically defective, they almost always double down with
>y-your body is just used to processing garbage and mine isn’t, fatass!
or similar.

>> No.18151879

Why are you contrarian retards trying to defend the fucking cheapest quality food on the market? This shit is horrible for your guts and that's why it gives you the shits. Any normal person who doesn't eat there every day is going to have issues digesting this repulsive garbage.

>> No.18151950

Fucking lol
Your faggotry was predicted damn near verbatim in >>18151793 l

>> No.18152008


its low quality grub but if its giving you shits then you're obviously the one with an issue.

>> No.18152048

>2 hours later take a shit and it smells foul

do they normally smell good?