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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 255 KB, 1280x958, 6F16DDCD-15D6-438F-A5FC-9196B0A2F333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18141227 No.18141227 [Reply] [Original]

Post your kitchen

>> No.18141253

Pretty nice, could do without the glass light shades or the mug shelves. That fridge could be better as well. And where's the microwave?
8/10 overall.

>> No.18141257

looks great. lots of counter space.

>> No.18141353
File: 2.33 MB, 3471x3019, 4A755EEB-FD24-4828-BDD1-48B0D315B6F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lease said “portable gas stoves can not be used inside apartment units”
Didn’t say shit about the garage though.

>> No.18141362

1 UP!

>> No.18141366

Much shelves are fine, but why are they over the stove?

>> No.18141370


>> No.18141409


>> No.18141413

Nice try glowie

>> No.18141424
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mushroom mushroom

>> No.18141428

Looks very nice, but one of the things that has really gotten to me lately is when counterspace is all centered near the sink, which is inevitably going to have backsplash.

>> No.18141431
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>> No.18141433



>> No.18141446
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I may not have soul but I have him

>> No.18141451

that skeleton brazier is sovl
dress your skelly like a matador

>> No.18141455

okay wow opinion changed. pure sovl. and nice leather jacket too

>> No.18141463

Get that cat out of the cocina.

>> No.18141469

Way too tidy. Nobody lives there.

>> No.18141473

Based mountaineering kot, probably chills at Camp#2 on the fridge before summiting the cabinet

>> No.18141480

Why do I feel like Chris Hansen is gonna pop out of nowhere and tell me to take a seat

>> No.18141851


>> No.18141860

I live in a camper trailer, so my "kitchen" is just a sink & stove. No gasline for the stove, so I use a double electric burner.
No pic since I didn't wash dishes yet tonight and probably won't until noon before I go to sleep.

>> No.18141865

>all that space
>single sink basin

>> No.18141881
File: 3.80 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20220614_182253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might not be super fancy, but it's got a gas stove which is all I want.

Maybe I'll install an oven under the stove one day.

>> No.18141902

Nice try, FBI

Are you Dutch?

>> No.18142010

That thing is only 15,000 BTU, you need minimum 50,000 BTU for wok cooking. You are wasting your efforts.

>> No.18142171
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>> No.18142810

Having the stove right next to the sink seems nice.

I just realized that I've never actually been in a house or apartment where that was the case! Wtf

>> No.18142828

Were you looking for a critique by starting this thread?
I'll start, you shouldn't have cheaped out:
Those upper cabinets are not deep enough for ordinary plates and platters. Also, you should have ran the height of the upper cabinets to the ceiling height. The quartz was also not thick enough. It's so thin, that it looks cheap to like a realtor, and how fun is it to bump your hip on those sharp corners that didn't get sanded, shaped or bull-nosed? WTF on those two thin out of place shelves with only 4 coffee mugs, and not even a coffee pot under them?
Sink is too small for a drying rack in it.
Is your garbage can under sink or is there an overhang of that countertop for it to nest?

>> No.18142832

pretty lamps...change out those bulbs to Edison style bulbs.

>> No.18142834

>Didn’t say shit about the garage though.
those non-code, chepass pressboard walls do scream fire hazard. Is the fire extinguisher handy?

>> No.18142837

That's awesome.

>> No.18142873

>purple lights
Doesn't that make it harder to tell if your food is discolored or molding or rotting? Seems even more dangerous than it is ugly.

>> No.18142899

Possibly ultraviolet lights for OCD cleaning?

>> No.18142906

If it's those sticky LEDs meant to throw under cabinets than you can make them white.

>> No.18142928

That row of cabinets hurts. In part because of how shallow they are and the odd number of them. Odd numbers happen, but why put the odd door in the fucking middle? And builders are all cheap asses who want to offer the currently popular open floor concept with high ceilings on the main but are still only going to use the cheapest premades they can get.

>> No.18142946

I can change the color with a remote

>> No.18142967

At least the range hood goes all the way to the ceiling, and they didn't have to fudge it with crown molding. I'm a real estate agent, and I've seen some half-assed kitchen renovations...

>> No.18142989
File: 885 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210726-203003_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the starter version of OP

>> No.18143004

>but are still only going to use the cheapest premades they can get.

>> No.18143016

Perfect example of a range hood that's too short for the ceiling. Other than that, it's not bad. Mid grade appliances, but those are soft-close cabinets, right?

>> No.18143028

Work for a local tax office. Most of these houses that are being built are shit. The spike in demand the past few years has only made it worse. Houses out there being held together by spray foam and the house wrap. All with the same cookie cutter kitchen builder be damned.

>> No.18143030

quick countertop switchout and upgrade of thickness would probably only be $1000 and would help. I love granite's appearance, but it's a little thin and has to be sealed a bit often. My issue with the island is no kickpace for when you are standing at the sink, or sitting there using a cutting board. Maybe that's exists on the opposite side.
If you do switch it out, allow an overhang for the garbage can.>>18142967
>At least the range hood goes all the way to the ceiling, and they didn't have to fudge it with crown molding. I'm a real estate agent, and I've seen some half-assed kitchen renovations...
especially on the quick flipped houses. My friend bought a weird 7 bedroom house in Miami that was flipped, and she pointed out to me at the housewarning, that her ginormous kitchen didn't have one single outlet in the backsplash sheets of granite. None. they had extension cords wrapped around to the next room for their countertop appliances at this party. The house also had a film of oil on top of the swimming pool from proximity to an expressway with car exhaust?. OMG, I wouldn't swim in it. Talk about buyer's remorse. Most of the time, I see fucked up tile cutting in the bathroom or in corners on flips.

>> No.18143035

I want a kitchen island so bad bros

>> No.18143049

The hood goes up through the roof. I had to build that box because a truss was too close so it ducts around it. I general contracted it myself

>> No.18143051

>Work for a local tax office. Most of these houses that are being built are shit. The spike in demand the past few years has only made it worse. Houses out there being held together by spray foam and the house wrap. All with the same cookie cutter kitchen builder be damned.
There's a million dollar house being built at the end of my street out of freezer foam walls and glue, a type of type of industrial insulation for freezer walk-ins in warehouses. Doesn't seem Florida friendly or up to code.

>> No.18143069

Why you would do some weird shit like that? Not sure how it is in Florida, but I think a majority of states require a permit visibly posted at the job. You can always take a look at it. Not just rolling with ICF if you have the money to burn seems silly, though.

>> No.18143090

Builders suck. I talked to a few and wound up building it myself. I posted my kitchen. Have a friend who just used a builder and he wasnt allowed to go through his own house while it was going up. He was only able to go through once. He also bought a water softener that mysteriously disappeared and they said it wasnt their responsibility

>> No.18143101

On the other side of the island is a big drawer with 2 garbage cans. 1 for recycling. Im not home so sorry about no pic

>> No.18143105

Based but get a fire extinguisher lol

>> No.18143125
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>> No.18143129

Been that way for decades. They'll always claim insurance liability. Just don't want you see the corners cut and sloppy work. Certainly wouldn't want to see that they can't get a wall plumb in the year 2022 for shit.

>> No.18143167

Seen this before. What a fucking mess

>> No.18143177

it's always worth reposting.
I can just imagine slicing your foot open on that fucking aluminum molding.

>> No.18143233

holy shit. the flooring.. the aluminum foil over the door.. NONE of the shelves are level.
i'm horrified

>> No.18143239
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x1960, 20220723_124600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a man of modest means

>> No.18143259

Looks clean

>> No.18143264
File: 401 KB, 1200x785, Gabagool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ey! I'm cookin' here!

>> No.18143366

Thank you. I have a cleaning compulsion.

>> No.18143834

God i wish i had that kitchen.
Imagine the gabagool.

>> No.18143843
File: 2.63 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220723_230520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently this, but in about a month it should be all done.

>> No.18143889
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>> No.18143897

is it in the basement?

>> No.18143900

No the oposite attic apartment.

>> No.18143907


>> No.18143920

It looks lived in
Maximum comf

>> No.18143946

>Possibly ultraviolet lights for OCD cleaning?
LOL, that'll be it. Monk lives there.

>> No.18143950

whats going on above the moulding?

>> No.18143972

some architect/owner must have conned the city that the roof won't peel away in a storm, becuase, it's all on the up and up with permits. It's the talk of the town. I initially inquired if some burn victim was going to live there, some kind of ADA approval, but nope. For sure, they must be self-insuring/going no insurance on their self-build property, because no insurance in Florida would touch this piece of crap built on a seawall, let alone any home in florida lately. Youi're allowed to carry no insurance, not even flood insurance or contents only if you own your property outright.

>> No.18143976

What's going on here? This is a trailer in some small business, right?

>> No.18144005

I think this is a TV set. There's no ceiling.
Put away some of your countertop space killers. But, actually, these are wood cabinets, and an easy task to paint for remodel. Upgrade the stove, to have a real working vent and add a dishwasher. Not bad!

>> No.18144065

I hate having faggots like this as neighbors.

>> No.18144136

nice barrel, anon

>> No.18144173

The clock you have is so comfy. My dad had that next to his bedside table throughout my childhood.

>> No.18144248

>sink in the island.

>> No.18144261

dude, 1979 called. they want their cabinets back

>> No.18144272

try 2004

>> No.18144289

good for you for using reclaimed materials from the 70s.

>> No.18144295

thats not my kitchen and you havent a clue what youre talking about

>> No.18144305


this >>18143889 is an actual 1979 kitchen

>> No.18144309

why are you getting so upset over a kitchen that isn't yours?

>> No.18144315

im not upset
im just telling you its a 2000s kitchen, not 70s

>> No.18144318

kek. keep crying about a kitchen that isn't yours. i'm sorry for triggering you

>> No.18144334

im not triggeredu r triggered
i agree its ugly and dated
im just trying to help you understand design trends better so you dont sound so ignorant when critiquing them

>> No.18144337

You sound like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.18144351

keep studying interior design trends and youll be here too some day!

>> No.18144796
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>> No.18144799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18144826

>the fridge door

>> No.18145075
File: 1009 KB, 2016x1415, Resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not cleaning fuck you

>> No.18145087


>> No.18145091

most soul photo in the thread
this was my grandmas kitchen

>> No.18145126

If you don't want retarded behavior by the tenants, don't make up retarded rules.
If you make up dumbfuck rules, people will try to find ways around them, get fucked.

>> No.18145138

I feel so poor

>> No.18145149

I wish I had a house/wife/reason to live

>> No.18145157

My grandmother had those handles on the drawers and cabinet doors in her kitchen. Those things loved to snag clothes.

>> No.18145197

That's a goofy ass kitchen.

>> No.18145202

it was designed by boomers bruh. the master bathroom is entirely carpeted and there's a fuckin landline next to the toilet.

>> No.18145235


>> No.18145244

Thats my kitchen. Dont feel bad bro. Im flyover as fuck

>> No.18145245

Yeah, nah.
“Foodie blogs” aren’t the place to learn about thermal physics, friend.
The way they state “X BTU’s are required for Y” (which it seriously looks like they just copypaste from other foodie blogs when they want to write a “wok cooking” article) is fundamentally retarded unless you’re talking about a heat source too week to actually cook food.
Think of it as being identical to saying “it takes X Whp to achieve Y mph/kph”. It’s an absolute meaningless assertion if it isn’t taking mass and other physical variables into account.

15k BTU butane flame will properly cook shit in a wok, given that that the wok is a heavier gauge of steel than the standard ChingChongMart ones are to assist with retaining initial heat after the food is added, and you’re only cooking 1-2 non-fat-ass servings of whatever at a time.
Of course it wouldn’t be sufficient if I were cooking for guests or a litter of kids. But at the time it was just me and a (now) ex-wife.

tl;dr - “BTU’s to do X” means fuck all without mass/volume qualifications.

>> No.18145250

Nice 70s retro style kitchen made in 2004 then

>> No.18145273

you should make a moss pole for that plant

>> No.18145278

studio lighting

>> No.18145289

This is the most confused kitchen I've ever fucking seen.

>> No.18145295

hope those receptacles are gfci protected!

>> No.18145300

>retarded rules like dont burn the place down or carbon monoxide everyone with shitty asian gas burners

>> No.18145301

How so?
It was a non-commercial “garage”, detached from the actual residential units by a fair distance of asphalt, and only had one duplex 120v outlet, one socket of which supplied power to the door.
As far as code is concerned, that provably isn’t even a garage, but just a “storage unit” or similar.
Because I’d hate having a dysfunctional autist of a neighbor who would get triggered over something as benign as “omg that guy is cooking some broccoli!!”

>> No.18145305

>carbon monoxide poisoning from a butane heater

>> No.18145309

Go inside. No one wants to come home and see your dumb ass pissing around

>> No.18145315

you cant come home if you never leave the house neet

>> No.18145919
File: 2.51 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20220724_115055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny kitchen in my tiny incelpod

>> No.18146500

Lotta words but you're still wong.
If BTUs didn't matter then they wouldn't exist. Just get a wok ring if you have a gas stove or a flat bottom wok. And no one at your apartment thinks you look cool.
I didn't get my information from a "foodie blog". I used to sell magazines door to door.

>> No.18146569
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NYC checking in. (I need to clean up a little.)

>> No.18146584


Thanks anon. The balcony next to my kitchen is great. Sometimes the magpies here come to visit me when I'm cooking and I'll chuck them a piece of bread. They're like friends to me.

They are also really fond of potatoes, I've found.

>> No.18146596
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>> No.18146620

don't act like you're not always on your iphone when you're taking a shit, zoomer

>computer that close to your stove
dude why

>> No.18146641
File: 1.73 MB, 2992x2992, 20220724_111659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my kitchen p1
Nice pic, retard

>> No.18146660
File: 1.58 MB, 2992x2904, 20220724_111713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P2 / other half of my kitchen
Hey nice cutting board anon! What type of wood?

>> No.18146666

>dude why
ran out of space in my suicide pod thats why

>> No.18146704
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>> No.18146852

fun fact: my kitchen had the sink in a separate room that was turned into a closet.

>> No.18146855
File: 489 KB, 2448x1836, DSCN0598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it didn't upload the picture, lets try again.

>> No.18146880

Nice pic, retard

>> No.18146928

That's flashing around the door, they banged it up too much. It would have been better to cut with snips or a nibble and then put them in like wood but use adhesive maybe.
I custom refinished my kitchen by hand but using hardwoods.

>> No.18146951
File: 345 KB, 2262x1272, PXL_20220724_170053362.MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120 year old house with less than 8ft ceilings makes the kitchen a bit cramped. The giant Kitchenaid fridge doesn't help.

>> No.18146956

Those cabinets likely cost $25k today. That's oak. My neighbor runs a cabinet shop and sells things half that size from lower quality wood for $10k.

>> No.18146961

I hate when the cabinets don't go all the way to the ceiling, so I created some boards to cover the extra space.

>> No.18146966

Were you in the middle of falling when you took this blurry ass pic?

>> No.18146967
File: 125 KB, 716x1272, PXL_20220724_170541427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cabinets sat off the wall about 4 inches to the right and 6 from the celing, so I created some extra boards and trim, I just need to match the stain, which I figured out by diluting a darker stain and adding shellac rather than lacquer or poly.

>> No.18146982

me too bro, me too

>> No.18147029

i had a nightmare i was in a cracker mcmansion kitchen like this. liminal space type beat. woke up in a cold sweat

>> No.18147044

That's some nice cabinets/sink you've got there

>> No.18147048

>price mean it good
midwit npc core thought process

>> No.18147063

Oak, walnut, and cherry cost more because they are stable, hard, and pleasing to look at. The raw material is expensive.

Kitchens experience frequent changes in humidity and temperature, not to mention cooking and kids means the cabinets get banged up. Maple and oak won't mare, walnut and cherry will a bit.

You pay more because they spray 10 coats of protective shallc and lacquer on the custom rail and stile cabinets designed to properly absorb the wood movement inherent in such an environment.

Being poor means Ikea mdf off gassing toxins near your food. Enjoy your pooring, you poor.

>> No.18147068

>Literally have the most miserable looking kitchen itt
Too embarrassed to post ngl.
God damn I want out of this fucking apartment...

>> No.18147101

Woke up to the comfort of your 300 year old house with the sweet sound of geandma snoring in the next room

>> No.18147120

>Oak, walnut, and cherry cost more because they are stable, hard, and pleasing to look at. The raw material is expensive.
Also, with regards to Ikea, the major problem is we cut down all the good old growth trees.
Long ago, you could get nice walnut or something, but nowadays, it's a premium or sourced from an old tear down house. My uncle has purchased two log cabins over the years, had them taken apart and shipped and built the things on his farm from the old logs, which incidentally are as hard as petrified wood.
I have a family friend who does cabinets from extinct wood which is finds while cave diving in Florida springs on private properties. Crazy beautiful kitchen in his home. And if your house is 100yrs old in Miami, your roof will have been made from Dade county pine with tongue and groove fitting, utterly resistant to termites, decay and hurricanes. It's all gone now, though.

>> No.18147176

Kek, the picture has such a Dutch vibe. Also the bottle of Dubro was a big clue. Comfy keuken.

>> No.18147273

that looks comfy as hell, anon

>> No.18147309

No windows? Are you an underground troll?

>> No.18147596

your dutch

>> No.18147649

>noose hanging from the ceiling
I'd have one too if my kitchen was like that.

>> No.18147825

It looks "clean", you just have too much stuff

>> No.18147904

>zoomer education
BTU’s are a measure of heat output across an hour.
Not a measure of temperature at which a food cooks.
>caring about “looking cool”
You’ll feel different after high school, anon.

>> No.18148580

why not just use it whenever your landlords aren't actively in your unit?amaxsy

>> No.18148606

holy shit, that old GE radio/clock is from the 80's and still works.

>> No.18148671

This shit looks like it would be an eroge background image, surely I'm not the only one who sees it

>> No.18148680

why would it stop working?

>> No.18148854

this is bait

>> No.18148859

psyche war tier lighting

>> No.18148874

what's crazy is that's a poor person house

>> No.18149204
File: 600 KB, 1080x1063, Screenshot_20220724-183546_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted an island, not an aisle, but here were are

>> No.18149224

Being single is awesome, you just don't know it yet

>reason to live
Life is like an impossible dream. Philosophy and a general education can help give you this appreciation.


>> No.18149260

I wish I had a house/husband/reason to live.

>> No.18149312


>> No.18149327

Looks like the kitchen my grandma used to have
Good kitchen, very comfy

>> No.18149431
File: 94 KB, 980x599, the-brady-bunch-kitchen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18149454

"I'm walking here" was midnight cowboy. A film about a prostitute, not gangsters.

>> No.18149466


>> No.18149467

>stove in island instead of sink
instantly better than 95% of other island kitchens

>> No.18149533

Is this a picture of a miniature? Something about it looks... off?

>> No.18149637

That thing doesn't put out enough heat, just go back inside and use a regular skillet on your shitty stove. Autistic fucking retard.

>> No.18149707

>that flooring
>not edging the island worktop
What a fucking mess
>windowless kitchen
Grim desu
What the fuck is the point of that cutout in the worktop
>oven and sink in the island
Have fun remodelling that shit

>> No.18149710

Stove in the island is fucking retarded it means when stuff spits or splashes then it messes up more room rather than just hitting the backsplash.

>> No.18150051
File: 3.18 MB, 2266x1008, kitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again? Sure here's my small apartment kitchen.

>> No.18151083
File: 1.47 MB, 4032x3024, 86210DB6-1BA9-460D-99F3-74DDC9A139DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any critiques

>> No.18151379


>> No.18151387

do the walls get dirty when you walk on them

>> No.18151400

why the f you have 2 toasters and a microve , remove the toasters put the microwave in their place and toast things in the oven

>> No.18151432 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18151978
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>> No.18152065

Michael J Fox took this pic

>> No.18152081

Where is the exhaust system for your stove???

>> No.18152086
File: 82 KB, 485x555, ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, i fucks wit it.

>> No.18152192

ugh, look FINE okay I know I'm supposed to ventilate gas fumes outside the house.. but here's the thing, I'm just not going to do it! hahaha!

>> No.18152205

Love whitewash

>> No.18152420

This kitchen makes me nostalgic for an environment I never lived in. Don't change a thing, anon.

>> No.18152490
File: 770 KB, 4640x2610, IMG_20220726_060541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sure wanna kill myself

>> No.18152501

Did you remember to check the mail, anon?

>> No.18152567

Whats so bad about this??

Not bad at all

>> No.18152671

I'm imagining a good smell. Healthy living - good on you
Autism tier sensitivity to light

>> No.18153033

give your head a shake coomerfaggot

>> No.18153114
File: 2.31 MB, 3024x3024, 20220726_021305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow's my day off, I'll clean it then.

>> No.18153731

i just bought the place
so im pretty poor now and focusing on projects that that protect the structure over cosmetics
i plan on upgrading the roof soon so i will add ventilation in the kitchen and bathroom at that time
and i would like to do a soft kitchen reno soon like repainting and adding a backsplash, maybe some new cabinet pulls
nothing crazy, the kitchen is functional amd pleasant to work in as is
i wont replace appliances unless they completely stop working

>> No.18153747

>inb4 your contract says "wherein, 'apartment unit' includes all rooms, areas, crawlspaces, and garages signee is responsible for'" and you get fined for trying to kill your neighbors

>> No.18153767

Jesus. If you have cabinets, you should use them

>> No.18154031
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, meinekuche .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go bro. currently renting weekly in a 1980's era motel.

>> No.18154215

Ornamental white people kitchen.

>> No.18154220

This, and he'd be smarter just to use it inside. The odds of someone from the apartment walking in while anon is cooking are slim to none.

>> No.18154232
File: 954 KB, 1439x1085, Screenshot_20220726-113921_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I have the poorfag version of that. I have the same faucet now too. I like it.

>> No.18154234

Dishwashers exist. The sink is just for rinsing.

>> No.18154240

Trimmed out the patio door and painted it black.

>> No.18154242
File: 1.05 MB, 1439x1086, Screenshot_20220726-114201_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18154244

Looks like a nicer version of my kitchen...

>> No.18154247

Sounds like OP could offset the cost of his new cabinets by selling his oak cabinets.

>> No.18154258

That was your chance, bro. Femanon could've been your wife... This is why you're alone.

>> No.18154262

>when stuff spits or splashes
Learn to cook.

>> No.18154271
File: 20 KB, 384x288, bc90c4736356a087ec50b04eeffd59f2-cc_ft_384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wood bad
My original solid wood cabinets from >>18154232 are going into my garage. Solid oak boxes and doors in some shitty dark brown stain. They'll outlive my plywood box modern cabinets I replaced them with and I had to pay a premium for get ply instead of sawdust boxes. If didn't change the floor plan and take a wall down I would have just put modern doors on.

>> No.18154279

I love the halfwall window to the kitchen and the island. Promotes togetherness notice how you'd be looking towards the tables and chairs/window while cooking

>> No.18154290

>that avacadoo fridge

>> No.18154352

Women don't post on 4chan there's only men and women(male)

>> No.18154490
File: 1.44 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20220726_174933217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is basically the same as my kitchen except how i'd like it to look when it's remodeled. this house hasn't been updated much since the 1940s and i can't much afford a remodel since i'm poor. i really cannot stand looking at it much less being in it. there's no counter space and no dishwasher. i don't even have a good place for the microwave. i had to add a prep table and some shelves at a minimum but it's the best i can budget for the time being.

i need new floors, paint, backsplash tile, electrical rerouted, new electrical added, piping, gas line added, walls removed, soffits removed, new cabinets, new stove and a bigger fridge. only part of the layout i want different is the oven being with the rest of the counters, a vent hood over it, and counters/cupboard along the rest of the wall. the opposite wall i want to be an island with a window to the living room. it'll bring more natural light in and add a lot of social potential (to the home i live alone in..)

really surprised nobody has posted a kitchen shittier than mine already. even the granny homes are in better taste.

>> No.18154833


>> No.18154842
File: 3.76 MB, 4000x3000, 0598168F-21B7-4177-82D0-DD68F52D8387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend is coming for dinner on Friday so I plan to tidy this shit up.

>> No.18154895

Never understood why americans "ergonomists" thought that it would be awesome to put buttons in a way the user must put its arms above the hot stuff, to turn it off..

>> No.18154928

Will post a pic tomorrow morning if the thread is still up

>> No.18154958

Kids can't reach them, and the heat is supposed to be going into food not directly radiating three feet into the air.

>> No.18154964


>> No.18155089

nigga, hoes love to clean your shit. they feel useful, dont clean nuffin my man

>> No.18155106

Uhm.. Never seen a kid use the oven or anything around it, here.

Hot vapirs/smoke?

>> No.18155237

Maybe he should have painted them to fit in with women and homosexuals who like passing fads that require them to ruin everything timeless.