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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18139487 No.18139487 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it always turn out like this?

>> No.18139503
File: 2.83 MB, 221x244, 1657232944114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait? Or do you want us to explain how to butter bread properly

>> No.18139505

Apparently you have the coordination of a gibbon

>> No.18139511

first off, your bread is not toasted

secondly, you need keep the butter in room temperature for a while or if you're adventureous you can microwave it for a bit

>> No.18139513

You have to run the mop handle under hot water first

>> No.18139520

The butter never melts enough to be spread.

>first off, your bread is not toasted
It's warm. Look at the edges where the butter melted. I've toasted it fully brown, but the same thing happens.
>secondly, you need keep the butter in room temperature for a while or if you're adventureous you can microwave it for a bit
How much time do you think I have in the mornings?

>> No.18139524

Your bread is too light and fluffy.

>> No.18139536

did you toast it using moonlight?

>> No.18139539


Microwaving butter takes less than 30 seconds. You need softer butter. However you wanna get there is up to you but that's how you solve your problem.

>> No.18139544

just toast is properly, moron

>> No.18139550

I wouldn’t microwave butter for more than 10 seconds and only then if I was using all of it
That being said you can just put pads of butter on the toast and microwave it for a few seconds and spread it as long as you watch it and don’t vaporize it like a retard

>> No.18139567

>It's warm. Look at the edges where the butter melted.
It's not warm enough. Just because the outer surface area is warm enough does not mean everything else is.

>> No.18139570 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 300x262, 1586195103613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't keep a stick of butter OUTSIDE OF THE FRIDGE like a normal person

>> No.18139614

just use a butter bell or something similar, butter doesnt need to be refrigerated


>> No.18139649

You can leave a stick of butter out on the counter in a butter dish or tupperware container. Then you'll always have spreadable butter.

>> No.18139666

>keep a stick of butter OUTSIDE OF THE FRIDGE
do americans really?

>> No.18139675

>air conditioning is running
>butter out on the counter is rock hard

I hate summer for this

>> No.18139689

I think it's a Southern/Midwest thing. They keep it out because they legitimately use butter for every single meal so it never gets too soggy.

>> No.18139726

>cut a slab of butter
>put on plate
>fill a mug with boiling water
>let it warm up a bit then dispose the water
>put hot steamy mug on top of butter plate
>wait a couple of seconds
wa la
soft spreadable butter in less than a minute

>> No.18139731

>so it never gets to soggy
Are you daft?
>I think it's a Southern/Midwest thing. They keep it out because they legitimately use butter for every single meal
Butter will go rancid as opposed to culturing bacteria.
You can safely store butter on the counter for weeks if not months as long as you limit light, air, and excessive heat contact.

>> No.18139733


>> No.18139734

I've never seen anyone not store their butter in the fridge here

>> No.18139736

bait or op is gigaretarded, as a kid i didnt even need training i could spread it on untoasted toast easily on my first try

>> No.18139811

it's 'voila' newfag

>> No.18139818

do you know what the 'toast' part means in buttered toast?

>> No.18139829

>It's not warm enough.
Buddy, I've toasted this shit til it was fully brown, many times. I didn't feel like eating char today. I've NEVER been able to get the butter fully melted on the goddamn shit, no matter how "warm" it is. The bread does not retain enough warmth to melt butter.

>> No.18139834


>> No.18139840

>>fill a mug with boiling water
takes like 10 minutes to boil water

>> No.18139845

The bread had just come out of the toaster. Tell me again how I don't know what I'm doing, pleb

>> No.18139850

>calling others newfags
Great bait.

>> No.18139855

Buy grass feed butter. The better quality the softer the butter is due to higher Omega 3 content. Shitty butter, to cold storage, to little toasting.

>> No.18139858

must suck not having an electric kettle

>> No.18139860 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1353x1062, coin cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeping butter in the fridge
you know the purpose behind butter, right?
>pic related is your brain on refrigerated butter

>> No.18139866

You don't know what you're doing. 'Toast' is the name of a process as well as a product of that process. The hot bread in your picture has not been toasted, it has merely been heated up. Therefore, it is not toast

>> No.18139867

just buy whipper butter you fucking morons

>> No.18139922

don't do this. microwaving butter makes it explode. microwave your knife instead.

>> No.18140001

I didn't know you could keep it outside either until a couple of years ago. I keep the box in the fridge and always have a stick out now.

>> No.18140018

If you're too lazy to let your butter sit out a little bit or toss it in the microwave, let it sit on the warm toast for 30 seconds before trying to spread it. The heat of the bread will melt the butter.

>> No.18140175

Where's here? I live in the Northeast and I never seen anybody store it outside the fridge.

>> No.18140184

I thought the purpose was to make my toast taste buttery

>> No.18140185

A masterpiece

>> No.18140188

What's plebbitor?

>> No.18140335

Reading Comprehension

>> No.18140432

Put pieces of butter on bread, toast in oven, toasty brown edges around soft, creamy areas where the butter melted. Butter your bread before you toast

>> No.18140463

>microwaved bread
damn, i know white folks be scared of crunchy shit after the holocaust, but isn't this taking paranoia a bit too far?

>> No.18140640

You have three problems

- Your bread is not bread and can't withstand any pressure
- your bread is not toasted (hot) enough
- you aren't letting your butter soften up a bit before putting it on

>> No.18140662

Midwesterner here. I keep a stick out in a butter keeper on the countertop while the other sticks are in the fridge.

>> No.18140727

>The butter never melts enough to be spread.
then you aren't using butter.

>> No.18140849

>- Your bread is not bread
It's bread.

>> No.18140852

>then you aren't using butter.
It's butter.

>> No.18140861

You can't butter toast if you don't have any toast.

>> No.18140880

Cut the butter paper-thin so the heat of the toast melts through it, dumbass.

>> No.18140885

You have a small amount on the counter ready for use and then the rest you store in the fridge long term. Simple

>> No.18140919

Holy mother of Mary. If you can't butter bread then stay away from literally everything else on the planet.

>> No.18140956
File: 103 KB, 640x421, margarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should just switch to margarine.

>> No.18140959

>How much time do you think I have in the mornings?
We got ourselves a pussy over here

>> No.18140960
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Based and flavorpilled

>> No.18140979

I don’t think so.

>> No.18141009

I grew up with margarine, which is probably why I never learned to spread real butter, which is much harder and less meltable.

>> No.18141046
File: 34 KB, 800x800, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the knife. For some reason when I use a knife with a smooth edge then it doesn't spread well, but when the knife has some minor serrations then it works.

>> No.18141302

Trying to spread refrigerated butter on bread is melanated behavior on the level of washing chicken

>> No.18141311

Your grasp of English is struggling. The subject is the butter. Not the bread. You don't heat bread to melt butter. You let butter come to room temperature so you can spread it even on untoasted bread.

>> No.18141331

Butter must be kept refrigerated. So says the words on the packaging.

>> No.18141346

>Butter must be kept refrigerated.
>So says the words on the packaging.
So does the packaging for steak, chicken, and many other food items. But you don't pull those out of the fridge and eat them at fridge temperature, do you?

>> No.18141354
File: 42 KB, 640x640, GOTTDAMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off--THAT'S NOT TOAST.
You know my favorite seasoning for sausage**

>> No.18141356

You didn't post toast.

>> No.18141357


>> No.18141360
File: 39 KB, 604x404, WAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair--- it IS mostly carbonised wheat gluten--But...

>> No.18141365
File: 205 KB, 800x533, Toastm,aster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can at least have some Summer fun in this retarded Bread.

>> No.18141367

You posted burnt bread, a ruined piece of what used to be food. Not toast.

>> No.18141371

6 will be the best if you want to eat the skin
9 will be the best if you're willing to peel off the skin

>> No.18141375

>Or do you want us to explain how to butter bread properly
this one, please

>> No.18141385

you're having breakfast, you're supposed to have readily available hot water

>> No.18141388
File: 2.03 MB, 720x404, cocksucker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough--But I'm NOT OP the cocksucker--
Tell me, anon, do YOU have problems buttering bread at the age of 18?

>> No.18141391
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1200, Melted-KOT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food for the fire in the burnt sugar-sheath
I can get with that.

>> No.18141392
File: 91 KB, 828x804, 1657983021061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're having breakfast, you're supposed to have readily available hot water
I believe you have just purveyed misinformation to me.

>> No.18141396

Rotating for a nice golden skin all the way around is really tasty, but takes so much time.
Whereas letting it catch on fire is so quick.
And then there's the weird choice, where you let it catch on fire, burn out, and then eat it with the skin. The burnt sugar skin has a nice smoky tang.

>> No.18141398

I'm 37, you little shit.

>> No.18141403

>a nice smoky tang.
dry, flaky non food item.

>> No.18141408
File: 142 KB, 1221x1007, 1478808210478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you beat by a generation, you Mill faggot--
>imagine not knowing hopw to take care of yourself, let alone BUTTER BREAD--at the age of of 37--you BIG SHIT.

>> No.18141414

Bread may not be meant to be buttered. We are probing new information in this thread, now that the large hadron collider has been running for 3 months now.

>> No.18141417
File: 1.18 MB, 1800x1350, Feeshin'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have another (you) faggot...
I PWN YOU nxt...

>> No.18141419

Gotta check that shit-even if spurious at best.

>> No.18141434
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, 1653512046212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your stick of butter and just use this

>> No.18141447
File: 2.61 MB, 480x270, wizords ov Cheesus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based Euro-Cheese cutter
They really ARE a wizard at cheeses

>> No.18141692

Unless you keep your house at like 65 or something, butter at room temperature is very soft and will deform at barely any touch.

>> No.18142197

#7 for me please

>> No.18142232

Hold the butter above the toaster and let it soften a bit. Just make sure not to let any drip onto your toaster.

>> No.18142504

Drop a chunk of butter on the toast, wait a minute and then spread.

>> No.18142783

Your butter was cold and your bread wasn't toasted enough.

>> No.18142784

We do this with SALTED butter, so it doesn't go rancid.

>> No.18142804

No, the salt in salted butter is there for flavor when using it directly on your food like this. Unsalted butter is sold for baking, when salt needs to be better controlled. Highly fatty foods are pretty bacteria-resistant as they are.

>> No.18142816

Salted butter was specifically invented to increase shelf life in the time before refrigeration.

>> No.18142817


>> No.18142822

Modern butter is, of course, far less salty than the original salted butter.

>> No.18142830

I know retards like you think everything has to go into the refrigirator but if you aren't in some tropical climate, butter is fine to be left at room temperature for like 2 weeks and usually only spoils if you dirtied it with breadcrumps or the like on your knive.

>> No.18142836

That's nice and all but I like salty butter none the less.
A shame the salted butter in my bitch country is more bland than normal butter arround the mediterraneans, where I could live on sliced bread and butter alone since it's so good.

>> No.18142851
File: 26 KB, 287x337, 1654720280454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>types "knive" as the singular form of "knives"
>says *I'm* the retard

>> No.18142860

I'm an ESL, what is your excuse for being too dumb to butter a toast?

>> No.18142868 [DELETED] 

In my America, we don't make excuses, we seek solutions, which is why I started this thread.

>> No.18142872


In America, we don't make excuses, we seek solutions, which is why I started this thread.

>> No.18142885

being able to get your house to the temperature of a fridge when everyone is dying because of the heat and still complaining

>> No.18142893

Get a kettle and it'll take 2 minutes

>> No.18142897

what does holocaust have to do with whites

>> No.18142898
File: 59 KB, 898x472, 1657966874876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when everyone is dying because of the heat
On, no!! You poor lil' baby! You're going to melt when the temperature finally hits 33 (91.4*F). Are you made of butter?

>> No.18142903

Yes the British are made of greasy and lard.

>> No.18142909

Yeah we told you several ways but you are just a fucking shitposter trying to have his funny butter the toast thread aren't you.

>> No.18142912

I have yet to see a single piece of well-buttered toast posted by ANYONE in the thread. I'm fully confident that everyone giving "advice" is a hypocrite or just espousing folklore about how they think it works.

>> No.18142931

>doesn't know heat resistance depends on the place you and your ancestors were born
>doesn't know how much humidity (which is very high in Britain) affects how people feel and react to higher temperatures
you're probably a yankee with just enough negro and mexican blood that heat doesn't affect you at all

>> No.18142951
File: 154 KB, 750x1000, AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even understand the angle of your "attack" here.
>I'm a racially pure Anglo!
>so I can't tough out the heat, but that's OK because we Anglos are pre-determined to be weaker than the browns
>y-you're probably a brown, huh!!!
Bro, I didn't even bring up race. Have you never heard of air-conditioning? Even a cheap or old HVAC system on its last legs does not even struggle at those temperatures.