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18090030 No.18090030 [Reply] [Original]

It's not that deep

>> No.18090042

If they were smart enough to manage people properly they'd get a mangerial position in a decently paid industry. They're retards herding people slightly more retarded people than they are and don't have a solid idea how to do it.

>> No.18090049

if you're passionate about something you're going to want that thing to be done right, if you don't give a shit about something and don't care about the outcome then you're going to half ass it and your results will show that.

There is absolutely no reason to do ANYTHING, if you're not going to do it the right way. Do something else

>> No.18090052

>They're retards herding people slightly more retarded people

>> No.18090060

You can be passionate as a head chef and not act like a condescending asshole who think they are God.

>> No.18090110

he's acting for a television show.

>> No.18090121

Everyone that has worked in the kitchen with him confirmed he's like that off air too.

>> No.18090130

It's not about passion, it's about keeping your emotions in check, not acting like a cunt, and setting an example for the workers under you. If you go off anytime something goes wrong, you're telling your employees "this is an appropriate way to react to the stresses of the job." Soon, they'll be at each other's throats instead of acting like a team. Good for creating drama on reality TV, terrible for a workplace.

>> No.18090132

Force everyone to refer to you as chef in every interaction.

Not even the queen demands that much formality

>> No.18090133

kitchens need order or they go to shit

but everyone is a weak softy now days so they literally have business meetings on millennials and zoomers need to be coddled and feel like their job has meaning and train you to not do that anymore

You only see that behavior on tv now

sad really, it kept things orderly and weeded out the non-hackers

>> No.18090137

Plenty of people think that's how a chef SHOULD act

>> No.18090157
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most people have just lost sight of good consistent principles so there's nothing to enforce
there's plenty of nerds in esports who would fucking beg for a pro coach to come in and scream at them day in day out

>> No.18090171

This movie blows. Ask any jazz musician, having a temperamental dickhead as a teacher isn't going to make you a better musician.

>> No.18090237

yeah yeah yeah amateurs will talk bad about the experts. a small fraction of people are just genetically/naturally geniuses and the rules don't apply to them the same way. everyone else who wants to adhere to the best standard (or what they to be the best) has to be willing to give up their own and burning down their egos completely is an extreme way to do that.

>> No.18090255

Who gives a fuck? It's a work of fiction, not a documentary.

>> No.18090258

The Buddy Rich tapes prove that there are people in jazz just like the dude from Whiplash.

>> No.18090264

You don't play a musical instrument, do you?

>> No.18090266

that movie wasn't about music, it raised the question of whether or not pushing someone to greatness is possible and/or worth it.

>> No.18090275

And? Nowadays Buddy Rich is mostly remembered as technically proficient, but boring and uncreative on top of being an asshole.

>> No.18090278

Thing is, he's not like this out of the kitchen. It raises the question is it all an act. Does he think throwing tantrums is an effective way to motivate people?

>> No.18090279

but he is remembered

>> No.18090280

you were filtered

>> No.18090293

what is entertainment. they took the outdated meme of an overbearing chef that demands excellence and amped it up to an outlandish level for tv drama. tb isn't real, stupid

>> No.18090299

A marine drill sgt would eat that faggot brit drama queen alive

>> No.18090307

Not really for his music though

>> No.18090308

op ain't no bitch


>> No.18090322

why are jazzfags so uppity? they're even worse than kitchen wagies.

>> No.18090361

They're upset that nobody cares they spent years rehearsing an improv style of music

>> No.18090402

>no reason

>> No.18090432

yes, there is. In a michelin star kitchen that is, anything below that or not aspiring to be in there its not necessary at all.

>> No.18090453

Firstly marines have drill instructors, secondly, you need to act like an asshole to get anything done in many kitchens, especially on time.

>> No.18090595

Tuberculosis is very real and very dangerous.

>> No.18090622

Aren't Marine drill instructors sassy black women in the USA these days?

>> No.18090665
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>> No.18092083

Yes there is
Cocaine and cocaine withdrawal

>> No.18092325 [DELETED] 


women ones are even worse.

>> No.18092408

Its not about being deep, its about having a chip on your shoulder. Chefs are nothing but wagies with an attitude so they need to huff and puff to compensate.

>> No.18092447

quit sniffing your own farts retard, it doesn't take any special skill to put a pan on a hot stove and cook something.
of course cokefiend ramsay manages to screw up just that with a simple grilled cheese.

>> No.18092448

I can never see this guy as anything other than the nazi sodomite in Oz.

>> No.18092453

this movie and depiction was retarded and you are retarded for thinking this is what actually improves skill in basically anything, you retard.

>> No.18092456


>> No.18092458

The vast majority of chefs are not like this. The vast majority of anybody is not like this. It's only the absolute top tier autistic obsessive perfectionists who are like this. It's observed in basically every industry, especially creative ones, at the highest level.

>> No.18092459

I never did. Did the motherfucker require me to remind him what job he has as he's coming down off a cocaine high?

>> No.18092468

Thats not how you push someone to greatness, thats a retarded toddler in a adult costume pissing and shitting his emotions all over the place.
Its written for children.. completely the opposite of professionals in borderline every field who act like smart mature adults who control their emotions and are not controlled by them and having emotional outbursts like teenage girls.

>> No.18092674

>completely the opposite of professionals in borderline every field who act like smart mature adults

>> No.18092741

he's a bully


>> No.18092858

how many douchebag chefs and home """chefs""" feel justified to act like scumbags because of him? fuck him

>> No.18092866
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>> No.18092870

Everything needs order or it goes to shit.
Gordon had a bad temper and was a bad boss. There are people who can manage people and get the job done without making their employees miserable. Gordon was not one of those people. The amount of money he made doesn't change that.

>> No.18092885

Imagine of some retard can't manage to keep a beurre blanc from splitting, wouldn't you get annoyed? This little shit is fucking up the kitchen and it's on your head, you would call him a fucking retard too

>> No.18093314

Don't care, a britbong yelling at retarded americans is peak comedy, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.18094984

Because you're not playing their tempo.

>> No.18094996

I have never worked for someone who wasn't a Gordon... then again, he was coming into the public view when I started working in kitchens.

>> No.18095003

Only sensible take itt, desu. It's obvious most of you have never had to lead a team or manage anyone.

>> No.18095115

I lost my cool on one person - once... in the same day he kicked out a shelf in the walk in (luckily nothing too hard to clean up or re-prep), almost reached into the fryer for a pair of tongs, and put raw food in the window... I noticed his wings weren't in long enough, so I asked him to check them... "They're good." "I promise you that they're not. If you check them and see they're not cooked past the skin, we'll call it a lesson learned. If I have to check them, I'm firing your ass." "They're good!" ... ... ... They weren't good. I don't think I said much more than "Get the fuck out of my kitchen before you kill someone and get us shut down," but it was not done quietly. Not my proudest moment.

>> No.18095202
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I was like this when I used to train people at technical-focused job I once had. When the objective is to produce competent personnel, it's pretty effective. The point is to make people feel bad when they fuck up so that they'd personally care enough about what they're doing to not do mess it up again. It also weeds out the people that don't care from the ones that genuinely want to be there. Although that kind of verbally-abusive style gets results, but it is a shitty thing to put people through.

>> No.18095231

Only someone who has never worked in a kitchen would say such a retarded thing.

>> No.18095237

Even the cunt who would spend all shift screaming at me would say "It's just food, relax." when I started taking it personally.

>> No.18095242

>t. I've never performed anything in my life

>> No.18095252

>you need teamwork out of a ragtag group of people
>being aggressive and intimidating is the most consistent way to get results
wow, what a surprise. it's like if you aren't in charge of your kitchen, you're fucked. i don't care what is said to me in the middle of service. it's what happens afterwards that matters.

>> No.18095260

If you have to scream at people, you're working with the wrong people. They should be cutting onions until they quit long before you lose your cool.

>> No.18095273

>she thinks screaming is bad
where i've worked, you only get shouted at if you fuck up something you're supposed to know inside and out or if you try to talk over your superior when you're being told that you're fucking up. you'll get taken off the schedule before you're tasked with bitch work if you're a fuck up.

>> No.18095286

It's an HR nightmare to fire people up here, so I'd have to make them quit unless I could prove that they were actually hazardous or insubordinate. It doesn't mean I wasn't an absolute cunt when necessary - I just had to be more creative than "You call that food? I didn't realize we were working with the Make-a-Wish-Foundation. Get out of my sight, you incompetent shit croquette!"

>> No.18095381

I wouldn't hire you. You'd complain, bring down the morale, try to unionize and get the whole joint shut down within two weeks.

I don't know anything about Gordon Ramsay other than he's on the electric Jew and people seem to like him. I'm referring to the OP.

>> No.18095391

literally the point of the film retard

>> No.18095394

Itt: people conflating tv with reality, plus women and soyboys seething at all the based authoritarians suggesting that kitchens need order and strong leadership

Work isn't always fun. You're not always right. Sometimes you need to be yelled at.

That said, nobody acts like Gordon Ramsay, that's an exaggerated tv persona used for dramatic effect.

>> No.18095407

The point is CLEAR and DIRECT communication. If you can find a better way to do that in a fast paced place with many people, you go and sell it.

>> No.18095423

Filtered. What a brainlet you are..

The final scene proves he achieved greatness. At first you see him stroll in and cockily ignore his teacher and begin Caravan, even after the teacher addresses the crowd and says they're going to do something slow. He ignores his instruction, and pays no mind to his threats, even telling him "I'll cue you", indicating he is now the master and is in charge. Then the rug is pulled out from under you and the illusion is broken when at the end of his solo he looks up sheepishly like a child seeking his father's approval, and only shows happiness once he gets it from the teacher in the form of a nod and smile. He didn't care that his performance was great, that wasn't enough for him. What he sought was the approval of his "superior". He'd have never attained the level of mastery that he did without the asshole pushing him there against his will.

The film raises to philosophical questions-- is achieving greatness worth the sacrifice it takes, and is it moral, and/or worth it to push someone to greatness at the risk of destroying them.

>> No.18096102

I played 2 instruments until after college

>> No.18096196

he only needs to act like a cunt when the cooks are being retards
cooks are usually retards for the first couple weeks of service, and gordon is always cooking a new menu with a new crew

>> No.18096197

>They're retards herding people slightly more retarded people than they are

>> No.18096311

It's not a personal thing, you massive vagina.
It's chaotic and there's a lot of noise and movement. I need to communicate something precisely and right the fuck now.

>> No.18096370

Modern cooking comes from the military retard.
Why do you think we have chefs de brigade ? Half of the cooking linguo are french military words.
It's from the early XXth when people tried to create a modern cooking environment and put in place a hierarchy that they turned to military institutions as guidance.

>> No.18096728

He acts like a cunt for ratings. He amped it up for the American version, and he's far less cunty on most of his other televised endeavours.

>> No.18098238

Said by an autistic boy "chef", who lives in his mom's basement.

>> No.18098430

mangers have to wrangle retards too it's just that they wear nicer clothes and have college degrees

>> No.18098606

I'm not a chef and I live above ground in my own house.

>> No.18098619

If I was a Michelin inspector I'd go back and if I heard any screaming the restaurant would instantly lose all 3 stars for an unprofessional presentation of their cuisine

>> No.18098621

his scrambled eggs are horrific

>> No.18098695

Look up how Chopin behaved during his piano lessons for students and try again. Artists become complete sociopaths when excellence is concerned.

>> No.18098708

you mean his runny egg soup?