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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 600x1040, Kornheiser_Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18081951 No.18081951 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you cook

>> No.18081960

Cooking tenderizes meat and kills parasites.
It's a great way to extend your life span

>> No.18081968

Guess I'll eat raw meat from now on

>> No.18081989

it's enjoyable and satisfying when the finished product turns out well

>> No.18082015

Because it's fun and you get a 2x satisfaction combo knowing you made something cool AND it's tasty

>> No.18082021

its relaxing and often times eating out is a frustrating experience for a number of reasons that arent always related to the food.

>> No.18082039

Expanding one's taste expands one's soul - French proverb.

>> No.18082041

people are willing to pay me for it

>> No.18082051

Beacuse It brings me happiness.

>> No.18082124

My body makes me feel pain if I don’t eat anything.

>> No.18082153

because I miss those niggers like you wouldn't believe

>> No.18082155
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I need to eat.

>> No.18082156

i get mad when eat something tasty and I cant make it myself

>> No.18082203

...i honestly don't know. I'm the worst cook I know.

>> No.18082267

1) it tends to be cheaper than buying takeout every day
2) it tastes better, and I can choose dishes unavailable in premade or frozen options
3) I genuinely enjoy it, and enjoy learning techniques and tricks I didn't know before

>> No.18082565

I often dont like food when I go out or order something. Only kurdish, greek and stuff like that still taste good to me

>> No.18082587

Because its the grown up thing to do
>friends are older than me, in their late twentys
>have them over for a weekend, breakfast time
>prepping the breakfast, ask my friends if they want eggs
>they want soft boiled eggs, ok, get them a casserole, fill it with water, turn the gas on
>alright guys go ahead and make your eggs while I prepare the rest of the stuff
>uhm anon, we don't know how to make soft boiled eggs
I was honestly flabbergasted that these retards had never made a soft boiled egg in their entire lives, fucking pathetic

>> No.18082591

It’s my job lmao

>> No.18082597

Because I've lost control of my life and cooking is the one way I can regain even a tiny sliver of control.

>> No.18082626

zoomer moment

>> No.18082760
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Oh, you know...

>> No.18082792

I find it therapeutic. I enjoy the cooking more than the eating.

This is possibly the first time I see that photo without the edited mouth.

>> No.18082835

I enjoy the process of incremental improvement. I cook a recipe, then taste it, adjust the recipe to improve it and repeat until there's no longer anything I can do to make it better.

>> No.18083935

because i like eating nigga

>> No.18084150
File: 93 KB, 1125x1107, x5tnno8h1lo31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can get a pound of prime sirloin for $7
a quarter pound fast food burger is also $7
i cook now out of necessity

>> No.18084175

I got sick of only being able to cook eggs and shitty tacos and having the only other options of sandwiches, precooked food, or stupidly expensive takeout.

>> No.18084220

is that some smoked salmon?

>> No.18084370
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Because my MIL hated cooking and therefore was a selfish bitch and never taught her daughters a literal survival skill like cooking food. Ya know, one of the things you only need to do literally every single fucking day of your life. If I didn't cook we'd be eating chips/kraft bluebox/chipotle everyday until we died of scurvy or homelessness because of being poor from eating out. Also it's fun to cook stuff and she has a vagina/tits/ass and is my best friend so it works out lol

>> No.18084381

>prime sirloin
Why would you want such a shit cut though?
Might as well just get the fucking burger lmao

>> No.18084383


>> No.18084386

I like the idea of combing a bunch of mundane things to become impressive crafts that I can eat. Aka i have severe autism

>> No.18086008

1) It can be fun/satisfying
2) Cheaper than ready meals
3) I can choose what to put in it, so I can be healthier that way
4) Uncooked food doesnt taste as good and is less pleasant to eat and can be dangerous
5) One day... in the far future my family will be happy to eat my cooking

>> No.18086137

Piece of mind, time alone. Control.
It taste good.

>> No.18086141

body needs food to move

>> No.18086255

it's cheaper and I like it

>> No.18086341
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>> No.18087860

why are boomers so useless. cant even fucking cook

>> No.18087890

I enjoy cooking. And I get great satisfaction when my wife or kids say, "Wow, that was great" and they pat their bellies. That's my love language I reckon. I'm into good food and presentation. I'm a total amateur, but when it comes to making special meals, I do it instead of my wife.

>> No.18087894

>Why do you cook
To prove to my wife that I can do everything better than her, even things she does all the time.

>> No.18087949

I like formulating a plan and executing it successfully. Cooking has the added benefit of nourishing myself and those I love.

>> No.18088014

no wonder they eat intestines and snails

>> No.18088316

yeah, you got some silverware but really, are you eating though?

>> No.18088493

need food to live

>> No.18088551

it's fun
cheaper than ordering every day
food is better
keeps getting better as you get better

>> No.18088559

It's the only way I can provide for and impress people

>> No.18088620

my sides

>> No.18088623

Better taste for less money.

>> No.18089201
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what anon said, also it make my friends and family happy which makes me happy.

>> No.18089203

To make meth.

>> No.18089869
File: 45 KB, 500x375, fun_things_are_fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun.

>> No.18089882
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>> No.18089897

I gave several reasons in no particular order
>it makes me happy to make something physical with with my hands
>it makes me happy when I make something good and people compliment me on it
>it's cheaper and healthier than eating out or getting pre made stuff
>it's a good way to try world cuisines

>> No.18089904


>> No.18090723

I don't.

>> No.18090763

So that I can eat.

>> No.18090969

Gives me something to do and look forward to.
I can both enjoy improving my skill and the results of my work.