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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 1000x667, raspberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18043793 No.18043793 [Reply] [Original]

you literally cannot

>> No.18043806

you're right i cannot

>> No.18043810

thread over

>> No.18043831

orange, peach, grape, honey dew melon watermelon, cantaloupe, honeycrisp apple, pineapple. sorry op

>> No.18043834

cherries because cyanide

>> No.18043836
File: 183 KB, 1024x681, 265F6F6D-1C82-4202-B51D-F0B6DAD77144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs you
Nothin’ personnel kid

>> No.18043842

trash tier

>> No.18043852
File: 5 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18043855

thats a vegetable

>> No.18043859

Not a fruit/10
>inb4 um ackshually
It’s not sweet or refreshing, so it’s not a fruit.

>> No.18043861

if you don't like oranges your a horrendous faggot indeed.

>> No.18043865

looks shoped

>> No.18043874

it's the hot sauce of fruits, fries your taste buds in lieu of an actually decent flavor

>> No.18043877
File: 141 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_5330[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is fruit that grows on a tree
>olive oil is quite literally fruit juice
u mad?

>> No.18043879

ive never had an olive

>> No.18043886

don't eat a raw olive, I used to live and work on an orchard for 3 years and the number of tourist retards that would pop one in their mouth when I was giving a tour before making a huge deal about sputtering and trying to gag it up in the middle of the explanation of the different kinds of trees we had was infuriating. number one, bitch, I specifically told you it was unpleasant, and number two why would you fucking nick one of the goddamn things I worked so hard to grow in the first place? fuck you tourist, no, you can't use the hose, get in your fucking car and drive into town and buy a fucking bottle of coca cola you fat fuck.

>> No.18043887

Olives are neither sweet nor refreshing, not a fruit

>> No.18043888


>> No.18043892

this is a stupid thing to say and you're a stupid person for saying it

>> No.18043894

neither are lemons, you fucking retard, but it turns out the universe doesn't cater to the whims of a fat manbooby bitchboy who posts on /ck/, better luck next reality

>> No.18043895


>> No.18043896

this is a smart thing to say and your a smart person for saying it

>> No.18043901
File: 652 KB, 1883x2123, berries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berries are the most kino category of fruits for sure

>> No.18043906
File: 98 KB, 990x973, 1653845925231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino taste, the seeds suck though.

>> No.18043916


>> No.18043925

strawberry isnt a berry

>> No.18043928

well it's damn sure not a straw

>> No.18043930

Imma berry my dick into your ASS faggot

>> No.18043942

the nice thing about the seeds is if you poop in your yard, you get a free berry patch next year.

>> No.18043948
File: 824 KB, 647x660, 1640643411305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue raspberry is not a real thing. the flavor was created in laboratories when sweets-makers had more red flavors (raspberry, strawberry, cherry) then options for red food dyes. the closest thing would be black cap raspberries, a variety i almost guarantee you have never tried.

>> No.18044004
File: 70 KB, 620x675, 8fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strawberry isnt a berry

>> No.18044026


how about the polish sausage berry?

you stupid fuck

>> No.18044318

huckleberry, lemon, pineapple

>> No.18045557


>> No.18045562


>> No.18045583


>> No.18046011

Lemons can be sweet and refreshing, you're just white

>> No.18046033
File: 146 KB, 480x640, Beautyberry-Fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18046042

Is that a heckin blueberry nestled and ensconced inside of a raspberry's interior nether regions? Scrum-diddily-umptious.

>> No.18046050

Jackfruits are pretty impressive.

>> No.18046308
File: 22 KB, 400x400, rDYifwQXNc3_W5NISrVFj2X9gJ5JeMtH7p58dgAfLPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18046384

Wild strawberry.

>> No.18046434

These don’t look real

>> No.18046447

they are, Beautyberry are native to FL

>> No.18046478

extremely sovlful fruit

>> No.18046496

Have you had blackberries? They are the good shit.

>> No.18046510

imagine calling hairy berries kino

>> No.18046519

God I fucking LOVE berries

>> No.18046541

I've loved blackberries since I was a kid. I remember going out into the woods near my house and picking them off the bushes, eating them right then and there. They were always so sweet and delicious, and I loved their deep purple color.

But now, as an adult, I've come to realize that blackberries are the shittiest fruit. First of all, they're full of seeds. No matter how many you eat, it seems like there's always one more left to prick your tongue. And those seeds are hard as rocks! I've tried picking them out, but it's nearly impossible. It's inevitable that we're all damaging our teeth chewing these little seed demons. They can get stuck between your teeth and lead to fracturing.

The seeds are what really do it for me. I can never seem to escape them no matter how many I eat and they always find a way to prick my tongue. It's like they're mocking me. "Oh, you thought you could eat us without getting poked? Ha! We're always one step ahead of you."

Second, blackberries go bad so quickly. You can have a whole pint of them, and within a day or two they're all wrinkled and gross. Give it three days and they're covered in nasty mold. What's the point of that?

Finally, blackberries are just too damn messy. They stain everything they touch, and they never seem to come out of your clothes. I've ruined more shirts and pants with blackberry stains than I can count.

So yeah, blackberries are the shittiest fruit. I thought I loved them, but I was wrong. I'll never eat another one again.

If you have never tried a kiwi, I would highly recommend it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by how delicious they are.

Even now, as an adult, I still love kiwis. I will often buy a bag of them to have as a snack during the week. I will also use them in smoothies or in baking. They are just such a versatile fruit.

>> No.18046560

Nothing like a glass of olive oil after a hard workout.

>> No.18046625
File: 33 KB, 480x651, 1595868402008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18046647

Uh, mangos?

>> No.18047357


>> No.18047435
File: 45 KB, 420x560, Actaea-pachypoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18047539

My """life management""" teacher in high school said, "The tomato is the fruit of a vegetable plant." I'm still confused to this day.

>> No.18047827


>> No.18047831
File: 217 KB, 2048x1360, Gold-Kiwifruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18048132

have you never had a fresh off the vine tomato?
they're naturally sweet and refreshing
maybe if you hadn't flavorblasted your tastebuds with sugar your entire life, you'd know, fag

>> No.18048147

BlackBerry mogs raspberry

>> No.18048191

I hate the seeds too, but they're still good if they're going to be juiced or pureed and strained. I don't like pomegranate for the same reason too but the juice and molasses are good.

>> No.18048196

>that will be $10 for 3 berries, ma'am
that's about right

>> No.18048199


>> No.18048201
File: 36 KB, 520x390, 1635807185947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zespri's original gold cultivar got replaced with their sungold cultivar and I fucking hate it. I am declaring jihad on Kiwiland.

>> No.18049039

I do not like raspberries at all. Not as a jam, not as a plain fruit not a syrup. I find them gross.

>> No.18049070

are you black?

>> No.18049084

Came here to post this.
Used to buy them from local grandmas back in my russian village, or pick them up myself when walking in the woods. Now I live in the UK and you can't find them anywhere and they're not cultivated and sold anywhere

>> No.18049109

Gold kiwis are disgusting. Green FTW

>> No.18049126

This is why science and food need to be kept apart

>> No.18049130

Why? Is it a genetically modified tomato?

>> No.18049133

No because it's categorized as a fruit

>> No.18049211

Literally any other fruit besides pears

>> No.18049214

i cannot

>> No.18049219
File: 621 KB, 2048x1365, blackberries-safety-feat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18049221

a challenger appears

>> No.18049383

>they're not cultivated and sold anywhere
I didn't even know you could cultivate it, and i've never seen that sold anywhere. It's just a wild fruit no?

>> No.18049424

>I didn't even know you could cultivate it,
Well yeah. That's why it's not being cultivated. That's what I meant.
>I've never seen that sold anywhere
They basically have to be hand-picked in the wild which prevents easy and cheap commercialisation. But for example you can easily buy truffles or stuff made with truffles - the fact that they're hard to gather just makes them cost more. Wild strawberries I've never seen sold except on local markets by people who picked them themselves.