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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18030654 No.18030654 [Reply] [Original]

bought a single lemon: what should i do with it?

>> No.18030659

Put the juice into your eyes or maybe make some aglio y olio. It's your choice.

>> No.18030663

Get a grip

>> No.18030671

Stick it up your butt

>> No.18030675

how do i inject it?
>grip on deez nuts

>> No.18030694

make it combustible haha am I right follow Portal 2 fans?

>> No.18030695

flavor chicken or talapia with it.

>> No.18030698
File: 13 KB, 260x143, Oreochromis-niloticus-Nairobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont have any chicken,someday i will. thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.18030707

Make beef stew

>> No.18030711

turns out i have drumsticks. total noob at cooking them though.

>> No.18030713

You could use a syringe. Just dripping it onto your eyes will be almost as effective.

Lemon water is also nice. Put a few slices in a pitcher of water overnight. :D

>> No.18030722

the concept of lemon water sounds like something from the point in human history when people threw shit at each other, barbaric.

>> No.18030740

lemon pasta

>> No.18030743

Lemon Pig or quarter it and grind it in the disposal.

>> No.18030747

Chicken ceviche

>> No.18030751

Cram of course but also try squeezing it on fish after cooking it's very good.

>> No.18030784

It's nice, friend. If your water is a lil yucky a couple 'ices 'o 'mon can do the trick!

>> No.18030803

Spruce up some vegetables, make some lemon water I dunno.

>> No.18030841

Eat it like an orange

>> No.18030858

It's far more based to eat citrus like apples.

>> No.18030906

will do

>> No.18030917

Prove it.

>> No.18031020

save it for a lemon pig in 6 months

>> No.18031052

Find a secluded freshwater lake. Throw the lemon into the lake at midnight. Dance around in circles for one hour shouting LEMON LEMON MELON MELON.

>> No.18031057
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I don't know

>> No.18031077


>> No.18031087

ended up putting it on some drumsticks and perogies and in my tea. it was alright.

>> No.18031090

that made me lol, gonna upvote that.

>> No.18031092


>> No.18031132
File: 126 KB, 1024x640, featured-blistered-tomato-ricotta-bruschetta-1024x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 cups whole milk
>1 cup heavy cream
>5 tbsp lemon juice
>3 tsp salt

>heat milk and cream until 200
>dump in salt and lemon juice
>kill heat, mix, let sit 10 minutes
>strain in to cheese cloth for 5-10 minutes
>chill until cool
>spread on toasted bread
>top with tomatoes, basil, olive oil

>> No.18031134

Make lemonade

>> No.18031143

Hey asshole, the man only bought one lemon. What kind of degenerate makes 1 lemon's worth of lemonade?

>> No.18031170

People living in a recession

>> No.18031171

what would this be called?

>> No.18031183


Ricotta-tomato toast

>> No.18031206


Technically not how ricotta is made. I would call it a farmer's cheese as that's a bit looser of a term in regards to technique.

>> No.18031212


>> No.18031217

That's completely technically how ricotta is made. Are you mincing technique vs ingredients? Take that pretentiousness back to retarddit, this ain't the place for it.

>> No.18031235

it would be called 20 more ingredients than OP listed

>> No.18031239

Ummm? Traditional ricotta is made from the whey that is leftover from making parmesan. No acid is needed. You just have to heat the whey up and let it simmer for a while.

Ricotta can be translated to recooked or refined. Adding lemon juice to milk is recooking it? Lmfao bro, really?

>> No.18031261

That's how I eat an orange so yes

>> No.18031262

So mincing ingredients then; clarified. Also, nobody makes "traditional" ricotta anymore except for faggots larping as old timers. You can fuck off back to you-know-where now.

>> No.18031281

Care to guess why I know the real way to make ricotta? I've made lots of cheese and I'll make real ricotta with the whey, so I can get a little extra out of the milk. It's truly sad how dumb you are.

It's called farmer's cheese when you add acid to curdle milk. Sorry bud you're wrong and for some reason choose to continue making a fool of yourself.

>> No.18031291

>fagddit spacing
>ostentatious claims
>clear validation seeking
Out out out

>> No.18031305

Screeching reddit isn't going to make you right you silly little cheeselet.

>> No.18031336

You'll never be a woman. Abortions will be illegal. Gay marriage will be abolished. Everyone will own a gun. Christian values will predominate. American exceptionalism has always been, and will always be here to stay. Seethe, cope, dilate.

>> No.18031355

The absolute seethe. How glorious.

I have goats, chickens, cows and live on a farm in the country, you retard. Explain to me what saying that mostly based stuff is accomplishing?

>> No.18031357

coping incel spergs out lol

>> No.18031380

medicacion. ahora.

>> No.18031385

Prove it. Post goats and tits.

>> No.18031398
File: 2.21 MB, 3229x1800, 20220609_193459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a couple teats if you look closely.

>> No.18031401

Now post hands spic.

>> No.18031413

>thread about a lemon

>> No.18031420
File: 944 KB, 1800x2615, 20220617_151218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be happy I posted my goats, you monkey. I'm not a mexican.

>> No.18031423

Based reminder.

Consider making a small amount of limoncello, or do salt cured lemon then use it in food.

>> No.18031517

>from the point in human history when people threw shit at each other

Have you not been here long?
This is 4chan

>> No.18031527

>If your water is a lil yucky a couple 'ices 'o 'mon can do the trick!
Ahh, it's another one of them stroke posters.

>> No.18031572

I used the peel to garnish cocktails and then juiced it to use in a stew

>> No.18031633

Juice it, zest it, molest it.

>> No.18031775
File: 249 KB, 1440x2500, lemonpigface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemon piglet

>> No.18031787

So that's what you americans mean by "lemon water", I always got confused because in my country we call lemonade "lemon water"

>> No.18031796
File: 534 KB, 995x678, 1640274112282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18031903

Cram it

>> No.18032015

In Soviet Russia, Space-capsule re-enters you :)

>> No.18032895
File: 464 KB, 514x585, saltedpig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the salt around the lemon cooks the pig

>> No.18032917

Got 2 eggs? Got about a cup of oil?
Make some nice mayonnaise.