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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 697x571, Save the Planet. Stop Eating Meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18003329 No.18003329 [Reply] [Original]

Everything with meat, dairy and eggs in it is considered unhealthy these days. Even though all of it was considered human diet for majority of human history. Grains and man-made vegetables came much later. What I mean by that? Try eating wild carrot and tell us(if you live), how good it was to shit out blood from your anus for a week. Grains, again, man-made destroy your teeth and gut. The reason people nowdays have such teeth problems is because of shitty vegge-grain based diets. People that ate fruit and meat had no such problems.

At the same time, the same companies that claim that meat, dairy and eggs are bad, push products like "beyond meat" which is full of toxins and fake protein, sometimes literal cardboards, those are the same companies that tell you to replace your natural meat-based diets with toxic flowers like broccoli and claim that this green shit, even though it literally poisons you, is healthy kek. No grains, seeds or vegetables are actually healthy. And they will never replace protein and aminoacids from meat and offal. Should you stop eating grains and vegetables completely? No. But should the entire shtick about them being healthy end? Yes.
They basically want to castrate and poison you.

And yes janny, this is /ck/ related. As you can make the dishes from the things I've mentioned.

>> No.18003333

85%+ Meat and Dairy diet is best diet.

>> No.18003338
File: 487 KB, 1280x960, schnitzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits of truth. Meat as main, vegetables and carbs as side dish.

>> No.18003342
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, mucho-texto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not reading your shitty post
not eating the bugs either

>> No.18003346
File: 231 KB, 810x450, raw meat for a decade derek nance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can survive just fine with only meat dairies and eggs if you aren't too picky on the cuts and animals

>> No.18003460

Because it triggers you so badly, I will consume twice as much meat as I usually do just to spite you.

>> No.18003468

That was pro-meat post, you illterate fucking retards.

>> No.18003474

don’t care, not reading, still eating meat

>> No.18003475

you're just as schizo as the seed oil and vegan freaks.

>> No.18003479

see >>18003468

I swear, 4chinners dropped IQ since 2012
Fuck off you vegan freak.

>> No.18003514

can you even read?

>> No.18003528


>> No.18003546

Congratulations, you've vasted more years of your life here than me. I bet you feel like an elite.

>> No.18003718
File: 234 KB, 181x179, 1599722147371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in times of eugenics Anon.
Nazi's kinda gave Eugenics a bad name, but the elites of the world want to condition the population for traversing the stars and genetic alteration of that amount of people will either take too long or be too expensive, so these are the more subtle and cheaper ways of doing it.
Weed out the weak minded by giving them the option to be a tranny or gay (no offspring) or to be vegan (Weaker, less chance of spreading seed to mates and on average will die sooner)
This isn't about what they believe, its about testing genetic lines abilities to overcome peer pressure and think for themselves.

>> No.18003781
File: 58 KB, 132x140, 1640934669447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat the bugs
gee i wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.18003805

Learn to read you imbecile. I'm pro meat.

>> No.18003818

Now this is a hot take I haven't seen before.

>> No.18003852

kill yourself. now.

>> No.18003859

agreed op we should be eating less meat didnt read your long gay post though

>> No.18004018
File: 175 KB, 843x1407, 1612350292802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, retard

>> No.18004104

>Even though all of it was considered human diet for majority of human history.


>> No.18004586

Gluten and glucose do degrade gut bacteria. That's not to say don't eat it, but it's a mere fact.

>> No.18004593

Just eat whole foods in moderate amounts. If it's not a whole food or made homemade from one, it's not good

>> No.18004603

Tldr: op is blowing smoke up his own ass and decided what early humans ate and their tooth composition without doing any research at all

>> No.18004611

enlighten us then, historian of antiquity

>> No.18004728

Hey, we need to help people. we can't do that if we fighting each other. I know things are confusing and difficult, and maybe we are all on a one way trip to god knows where, but theres still people out there, good people, in a place a hell of a lot worse than we are, and we have the power to help them, to do good things, so that maybe they can go on to live happy lives with their famalies and we can go bed to feeling a little bit less like worthless bags of meat floating on a rock in a void. You feel me? Now, we got a job to do, so pull yourselves together. No pussy shit.

>> No.18004734

Turns out both veganshits and ketolards can't read more than just picture.

You are all fucking low IQ apes.
source: my bleeding broccoli asshole

>The first major evolutionary change in the human diet was the incorporation of meat and marrow from large animals, which occurred by at least 2.6 million years ago.

>As a new study in Nature makes clear, not only did processing and eating meat come naturally to humans, it's entirely possible that without an early diet that included generous amounts of animal protein, we wouldn't even have become human—at least not the modern, verbal, intelligent humans we are

Hang all vegtards and ketolards.

>> No.18004736

We also ate insects for the majority of human history. Will you eat them now?

>> No.18004749

You're not white

>> No.18004754
File: 609 KB, 940x705, 1549118207549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Save the planet

>> No.18004767

>Everything with meat, dairy and eggs in it is considered unhealthy these days
No it's not. Go fuck yourself nigger.

>> No.18004770

Learn to read you fucking imbecile.
I'm whiter than you, mongrel.
I eat offal, eggs and dairy. Literacy isn't your strongest suit.

>> No.18004780

Save stop eating the planet meat?

>> No.18004783

Where are the insects in your diet? I thought you wanted to eat like how mankind ate during the majority of human history?

>> No.18004950

>for majority of human history

Humans had nothing to eat a lot of the times. That was a good thing. I try to incorporate week-long distilled water fasts once a month to let my body go into that deep cleaning-healing cycle. Especially in these times when everything is literally poisoning us to some degree - deliberately or accidentally.

>> No.18005127

Humans have progressed technologically precisely because they had a stable and abundant supply of food.

>> No.18005175

reminder: YOU VILL

>> No.18005226

>people talk about how meat is the biggest driver of climate change and that by eating meat I'm hurting stuff

>don't have a car, just bike + subway everywhere for emissions savings
>only use about a minute's worth of water in the shower, and use it cold so don't even waste water waiting to heat up
>do one load of laundry a week with smaller water use
>efficiently wash dishes by hands rather than dishwasher
>don't use air conditioning or house heater, just a window fan and small space heater in bedroom

I already do enough I'm not gonna stop eating meat.

>> No.18005290

Digits of truth. The globalists don't want you to know that or live by it, but it's the truth.

>> No.18005322

>stop eating meat
There are arguments to be made that decreasing meat consumption can be better for one's health. Although it is chock full of nutrients that can be more difficult to obtain in larger numbers from plant sources.

>stop eating dairy and eggs
This is a load of garbage. Anyone with a lactase persistence gene can only stand to benefit from dairy consumption, and eggs are a low calorie, high nutrient diet option. Aside from being an excellent source of protein, they are also high in choline, a chemical of high value to our brains in being able to maintain our memories. Additionally, by cutting out ALL sources of animal protein, you are totally denying yourself any non-supplementary form of vitamin B12, and limiting your sources of iodine to seaweed and dishes seasoned with iodized salt.

Sorry anon, but I will NEVER stop eating eggs. Nor will I stop drinking milk, especially after blowing a load into your mom.

>> No.18005354

This. I do almost the exact same thing as this guy. I walk and/or bike ride everywhere, no dishwasher, no central AC, very little laundry to do, I don't use a heater in winter, etc. I'm trying my best here, why is it never good enough? If I'm gonna be perpetually condemned, then screw it. I'm gonna die with a rack of barbeque ribs in my stomach.

>> No.18005366

you could add vitamin A and DHA to that list as conversion is unreliable for many. DHA is the predominant fat in the brain and is only found in fish and animal products

>> No.18005388

The big picture of "saving the planet" is just corporations trying to blame individuals for all the problems and make us seem like the bad guys. Really my limited contributions to these issues outside of meat eating don't move the needle at all. All I know is that in the grand scheme of things on effects individual people can have on these issues, I'm pretty much as low as you can possibly go.

Hell, I barely even produce any garbage. Most of the garbage I produce is just from plastic packaging I'm forced to deal with from stores, like the styrofoam that meat is packaged in. Even with all that, I product like one bag of garbage a month

>> No.18005404
File: 599 KB, 455x618, Jenny Roast Beef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef, it's what's for dinner

>> No.18005449

Didn't read the thread but I find it noteworthy how defensive people eating animals are about their life practices. And evoking mythology of some conspirations etc. If you want to be taken seriously separate the concerns, and we can discuss them bona fide.

I used to eat meat, switched to vegetarian a few years back, now I'm mostly vegan, but not 100% consequential, I prefer pizza with cow milk based cheeses for instance.

>> No.18005594

You made a lifestyle change for a corporate ad campaign. Its pathetic

>> No.18005705

obesity, bad junk food diets that lead to declined health of gut bacteria, long term use of hormonal birth control by the mother, and type 2 diabetes. all these affect epigenetics that will result in lower quality children with a lower ceiling for their full potential, and it'll be even worse if it becomes tougher for families to feed their children nutrient dense animal foods

>> No.18005743

Didn't have anything to do with anyone else. Just pure introspection and reflection. If you are trying to evoke Foucaultian power arguments, then I'd like to remind you that consciously reflecting is precisely the consequence that follows from acknowledging the limits of agency.

>> No.18006446

health maxing is retarded anyways
I eat a shitton of carbs
I eat meat
I couldnt give less of a fuck about your sneed oils

fuck off

>> No.18006536

fuck vegans but also dont even give them attention.

>> No.18006541

Choose a pic that doesn't scream "I'm an idiot" next time, and people might read your post. I tried reading your post, but got bored within the couple sentences, you should learn brevity.

>> No.18006549

I tried to be vegetarian, became anemic (yes, with supplementation, lots of spinach, seeds, soy, etc even eggs and dairy didnt have enough iron for me). Since I gotta eat meat I raise and slaughter it myself.

I also grow, harvest, and process my own crops.

If Im gonna be an eater might as well do it right. But I'm guessing you just get 100% of your food from someone else.