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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 600x450, diet-nutrition_nutrition_facts-about-fish_2716x1810_000035336590-600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17986841 No.17986841 [Reply] [Original]

I hear too much fish is bad for you but can this really be true? How come Asian pacific nations and Mediterraneans ate almost exclusively fish but have long lifespans?

>> No.17986843

Many types of fish are very high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which most westerners already eat way too much of. If you were eating a natural diet that wasn't full of seed oils it would probably be fine to eat fish every day.

>How come Asian pacific nations and Mediterraneans ate almost exclusively fish
I don't think this is accurate. They may have eaten fish as a staple, but it still wouldn't have comprised their entire diet.

>> No.17986851

So if I regularly eat tuna and cod, there isn't going to be a problem. Why do I hear people are so reflexively against fish because of mercury

>> No.17986857

If you regularly eat tuna you might end up with mercury poisoning. Not so sure about cod.

>Why do I hear people are so reflexively against fish because of mercury
Because it's actually a big problem for certain types of fish, tuna being the most popular of them.

>> No.17986860

>If you regularly eat tuna you might end up with mercury poisoning
Damn. Well there goes my cheap and easy, tastey high protein lunch.

>> No.17986865

depends if its sustainably fished

>> No.17986875

>but it still wouldn't have comprised their entire diet.

>> No.17986876
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>sustainably fished

>> No.17986902

thats how you keep population ok you retard, its been done for hundreds of years

>> No.17986926

So what affordable fish options would be safe for regular lunch consumption

>> No.17986943

The lower on the food chain a fish is, the less mercury accumulates in it. You can check the deenz thread for canned sprats and sardines, but I also recommend (if you can get them fresh) to simply grill some sardines as well. I think tilapia and salmon have comparatively low mercury content as well

>> No.17986960

Cooked, canned, chunk light tuna is supposed to have only half the mercury of raw tuna, and they recommend no more than 2-3 servings per week of raw.
Make of that what you will, but the larger, and longer-lived the fish, the more mercury it accumulates in a lifespan.
If you do a search for "mercury levels in seafood" you should quickly find a chart of how much to consume based on species.
But yes, pound per penny, tuna's the cheapest source of protein.

>> No.17986968

specifically they get too much omega 6 fatty acids. if they ate fish with a high percentage of omega 3s then they'd fare much better. 4:1 omega 6 to omega 3 is ideal

>> No.17986969

>But yes, pound per penny, tuna's the cheapest source of protein
It's also super tastey and convenient. I suppose god to balance it somehow

>> No.17987026

Now you're slapping my white boy ass until I cum.

>> No.17987040

Why does the FDA allow tuna to be sold if it can poison you? And I know they still allow tobacco and alcohol, but that's different, they're not food.

>> No.17987051

>junk food
any of these can poison you if you take too much, and the FDA allows them to be sold as well

>> No.17987063
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>can you really eat too much fish?
i hate schizos like you so much its unreal

>> No.17987064

you don't want mercury poisoning

>> No.17987076

How am I a schizo

>> No.17987162

Nope it's just more WEF Great Reset fake news.

>> No.17987184

You should eat max 2 cans of tuna a week or 300 g of fresh fish.
Or cancer....

>> No.17987210

So why aren't Japs dropping like flies to cancer

>> No.17987247

Because his logic doesnt hold up to scrutiny

>> No.17987254
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Give him some time and it will be a new thing to obsess over, hopefully not /ck/ related.

>> No.17987318

Nothing is wrong with seed oils

>> No.17987551

the omega 3 acids balance out the loss in iq from mercury poison

>> No.17987587

Even too much omega-3 isn't good for you. The ideal is to get a small amount of both with a ~1:1 ratio.

Lots of things you can buy at the grocery store can poison you if you eat too much of it.

>> No.17987590
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Keep telling yourself that fatty

>> No.17987728

how is this not just because of the fact that they're cheap as fuck? corporations gunna greed and fatties gunna glutton

>> No.17987755
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That's precisely the point. They're industrial waste products and they have replaced real food in our diets. Now everyone is obese and has the beetus, and what do they do? They blame le evil animal fats.

>> No.17988585
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The higher up on the food chain or older a fish is, the more toxic substances it usually accumulates. People in the past got away with it because humans hadn't trashed the planet yet.

>> No.17988729

>trophic levels
After trapping flies to feed to spiders, you may attract birds. After that you can ask for a kitten. Because no one would dare harm a kitten.

Then eat the birds because men realize you are in no way sane.

>> No.17988841

Adding onto this, currently larger tuna canneries source smaller tuna known as "skipjack tuna." If it's chunks of tuna instead of punches from a tuna steak, you're very likely eating tuna coming from these smaller tuna. Smaller tuna = even less mercury. You're very likely going to be safe eating canned chunk tuna multiple times per week.

>> No.17989235

so its actually not the seed oils, but the fact you eat 4x the fats since the 50s

>> No.17989246

Guys no seriously stop eating fish guys you'll be poisoned please order a pepperoni pizza instead please eat fried chicken please fish is bad for you

>> No.17989296

That too. Like a third of the modern Americans diet comes from just added sugar aand vegetable oils. People just need to eat real food and obesity would drop back to single digit percentages.

>> No.17989311
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>a third
i'd say more like 50% and upwards sugar.
look at this popular snack (m&m), fucking disgusting, almost 6x the amount of sugar than coke by weight.
A large bag here is 300g, or 170g of pure sugar. i imagine the average land whale consumes that in a sitting

>> No.17989905

It's both. The seed oils are bad not only because of the excessive PUFAs they put into your diet, but also because those oils are oxidized during the refining process and rancid before you even open the bottle. fun fact: they have to chemically deodorize seed oils in the factory, otherwise they would make you puke when you ate them.

>> No.17990120

start following regular working class japanese people on social media. You will soon see that every meal is meat, eggs and noodles. That's really all they ever eat. It's amazing.

>> No.17990141

I don't want heavy metals, microplastics and PCBs. Excess protein promotes cancer.

>What is GRAS

>Even too much omega-3 isn't good for you.

True. Human bodies seek balance constantly. You need a low level of inflammation for crucial processes. Extremely low inflammation is extremely unhealthy and increases risk of stroke. There aren't any 'weird tricks' or single ingredients or diets that are good for you.

>> No.17991671
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I'm pretty sure Japanese people also eat rice, but that might just be in anime.