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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17983012 No.17983012 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17983017

Nutrition has been an absolute farce since the very beginning, and it still is pure dogshit. For me it's just eating everything and anything.

>> No.17983018

>50 years of research says Keto Neutral or Bad
>1 New Study says Keto is secret to living longer
>But not longer than the Japanese or Mediterranean diet.

>> No.17983021

>Keto and fasting
So basically the diet of the ancient man, before agriculture. Unsurprising

>> No.17983023

>Japanese diet

>> No.17983024

"scientists have discovered"
kys, science reporting is absolute cancer

>> No.17983029

>Could be
Literal nothing burger.

>> No.17983038
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>> No.17983069

Western medicine is based on averages.
Fucking 2k cal is based on an averaged self reported study in the 80s.
If the FDA came out with their "best diet" and everyone followed it 10% of people would drop dead in a month.
The reality is that RACIAL REEEE differences make up a huge margin of the effect of different dietary plans alongside lifestyle.
Probably just move around for 30 minutes a day. I dunno. None of this shit makes sense and doctors are lying.

>> No.17983077

>That body
Was he 700lbs before his "diet"?

>> No.17983080

I would imagine you eat less processed foods going keto?

>> No.17983137

Those cavemen died at the age of 15, Anon

>> No.17983146

What is that bathtub full of ice? That's not normal ice

>> No.17983155

>blue zone people have never heard about keto
>still live longer than ketotards

>> No.17983159

They were called caveMEN not caveBOYS. They were perfectly capable of long lifespans but often died to violence, accidents, and infections.

>> No.17983180

>Another research riff

>> No.17983205

Those "men" married and had children when they were 12. 40% of them were dead by the age of 15 because they had a terrible diet, did drugs non stop, had no resistance to illnesses and were chronically inbred until the 1700's.

>> No.17983215


>> No.17983224


>> No.17983251

Keto has its own culty science that has been saying shit like this since its inception. AGE ring a bell? It stands for Advanced Glycation Endproducts, supposed to be how we age, and guess what causes all these terrible endproducts? Carbs. But keto doesn't. Basically with keto you would live forever.

This has all been done before and is now just getting rehashed.

>> No.17983254

I really want to get my hands on caveman drugs.

>> No.17983261

You have zero clue what you're talking about. After the invention of agriculture lifespan fell drastically - this was literally BECAUSE OF grains and the access there was to them.

Before humans left Africa they would live to 70, 80, 90 or 100 as they do now, and what's more they would live in near-perfect health due to their diets. However the evidence of how long they lived in Africa is sparse to non-existent because fossils are so exceptionally rare from early humans there.

>> No.17983265

Well you can go back to Africa and hunt crawling things if that's what you want. I am eating the grains.

>> No.17983268

This used to be true. Then food manufacturers realised there was a gap in the market. Now keto is full of goy slop like everything else.

>> No.17983277

Who doesn't know about those 100 yo skeletons?

>> No.17983281

>Eat lots of vegetables, fermented foods, and meat
>Consume tea or coffee regularly
It's really not fucking hard to extrapolate why these work.

>> No.17983310

I've been on my own 85+% meat and dairy diet the last few months and I feel fantastic. Sure it costs more buying many varieties of meat but it's your health and I am worth it.

It's done pretty much by eye. You factor in if there is any breading and other poisonous carbs in there and you just make sure to keep the overall percentage of meat consumption as high as it can be while leaving a tiny bit for fruits and vegetables.

It really is true, the best food for your health is normally always the most expensive or really up there.

>> No.17983327

you mean fish. No one really ate that much meat anyway. I'm not a vegantard I just mean that meat must have always been something you ate in smaller amounts than we do today

>> No.17983339

Why would you want to live longer

>> No.17983346
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Yes, the earth is flat and 6000 years old and there are people in the Bible who lived to 800 years.

It's also a well known fact that African musea have to turn down skeletons of centenaries from the lower and middle Paleolithicum. Because they're tired of seeing that shit.

>> No.17983360
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The mentally retarded ketoschizo has been BTFO for years already

>> No.17983376

the age of those people is based off of lunar years, not solar years

>> No.17983397

extended fasting is the secret to living longer but unlike every other fad diet they can't sell you not-eating so it will never be promoted

>> No.17983407
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>carbtard projection
>scientifically BTFO

There is still time to change your ways, drop that bread, go keto, lad.

>> No.17983445

what if I don't wanna live longer...what if I wanna die...

>> No.17983451

Yeah, a lot died to to medical conditions like getting stepped on by a tyrannical source

>> No.17983509
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Leave the mice alone.

>> No.17983571

At least they died full of cheese

>> No.17983600

You specifying western makes you a fag

>> No.17983653

it's keto ice

>> No.17983685

Kek but no seriously that looks cool, though I’m sure most of us poorfags don’t have bathtubs

>> No.17983696

ohh snap. I was just thinking about the fact that when people "go keto" they are usually just trying to eat healthier in general. I buy this tho... They are now buying salted nuts rather than raw fr fr no cap

>> No.17983728

Someone’s gonna make a fasting (((supplement))) in the form of pills and sell it soon

>> No.17983750

Fuck "researchers"
Fuck "universities"

>> No.17983757

hi dumdum

>> No.17983768

>no one ate that much meat anyways
Most people who live traditional lifestyles eat mostly meat.

>> No.17983771

>similar effects have been found with a fasting diet
are you telling me that my one meal a day is going to make me suffer on this earth longer? fuck

>> No.17983777


>> No.17983786
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>> No.17983792
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they want us to live longer so we can provide more tax revenue and wagecuck longer for them
the kikes are behind this

>> No.17983819


>> No.17983823

keto diet is the secret to baldness. lose weight and hair at the same time.

>> No.17983826

my hair doesn't weigh that much

>> No.17983882

People were making bread from wild grains before agriculture. And probably eating a lot of honey if the hunter-gatherers we see eating large amounts of honey every day now isn't something new.

What is new and bad is the high amount of low nutrition processed food being eaten.

>> No.17983895

Natives used acorn flour as a staple for centuries as well. Though it should be noted that properly processed acorns don't have most of the allergens and anti-nutrients in modern day wheat.

>> No.17984023
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>bought a steak
>a sweet onion
>some gold potatoes
>don't feel like actually cooking anything
>just gonna sit here and shitpost, same as always
Eh. Maybe later tonight.

>> No.17984047

It's just straight up not right to be fat

>> No.17984180

>Those cavemen died at the age of 15, Anon
Holy shit, no. Sure the average age was lower than today, but that's because of the law of averages. The maximum age wasnt any different than today. There were plenty of cavemen living into their 90s to early 100s. You can even find people today living in impoverished borderline bronze-age villages in Asia and Africa with living into their 100s with 0 modern medical intervention.

>> No.17984269

>live longer
why exactly? why are bugmen so obsessed with prolonging life while robbing it of any purpose?

>> No.17984294

I don't want to live longer but I want my parents to live longer

>> No.17984302

Cook it, make pictures, post the thread.

>> No.17984381

I will not give up my potatoes and rice

>> No.17984397

Good, I hope you will continue to enjoy them.

>> No.17984406

Modern medicine is based on profits and creating life-long patients.

>> No.17984415

True. Doesn't mean that all docs are out to fuck you over.

>> No.17984423

i refuse to pay for health insurance because it is a pyramid scheme, literally the fucking definition of a pyramid scheme that's what insurance is
haven't been to a doctor for over 5 years
if I die in the street I will go out with nothing but spite for the medical industry knowing that they did not get a single fucking cent out of me

>> No.17984432

best of luck

>> No.17984444

It’s just a different risk profile ,
Up to u , some people are willing to pay for that kind of security

>> No.17984456
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>that's an awful lot of unspent income you have
>you should give some to me just in case something happens, wouldn't it be unfortunate if an accident happened?
Only a beta male bets against himself.

>> No.17984464

>evidence of how long they lived in Africa is sparse to non-existent because fossils are so exceptionally rare from early humans there.
Couldn't this be because early humans didn't fucking live there?

>> No.17984472
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I too believe that humans did not originate in africa and negro is a separate offshoot of the ancestor of homo sapiens.

>> No.17984488

No, my retard, it's because fossilization itself is a very rare occurrence. We're lucky that any survive. The conditions needed to fossilize anything are very specific. Minerals are replacing bone. That takes a very stable environment over thousands, if not millions of years. Environment of deposition is everything. We're lucky some things were encased in mud quickly, so they weren't oxidized. Otherwise we're very lucky to have cave deposits that were quickly covered in bat shit or were dry enough to get mummified. Fossils are incredibly rare and only capture a snapshot of time. Get with it man. You're missing out on so much information yet drawing conclusions.

>> No.17984492

>Similar effect have been found with a fasting diet
So just eat less food, retard.

>> No.17984505

The biggest problem is oxidized unsaturated seed oils. That's what fucks you up.

>> No.17984510

dude humans left Africa at least 50k years ago and agriculture only became widespread like 12k years ago, theyre not related changes

>> No.17984521

Shhh! You'll shatter his worldview

>> No.17984530

Cool, looks like nutrition science is settled now forever. I'm sure there definitely won't be another article 3 months from now claiming the polar opposite

>> No.17984533

Keto will make your bones weak. Good luck with that

>> No.17984536

>dude ancient people lived forever!
*next breath*
>we don't know though cause not enough evidence

>> No.17984539

Then what about beans? I'm chowing down on a fat bowl of black beans right now, the can was 72 cents, no salt just teins. I went to a doctor for the first time in half a decade and apparently my A1C count is .1 percent below pre-diabetic, I have three more weeks before the followup test and I don't want to have my first diagnosis of anything

>> No.17984557

avoid sugars (including starches- such as from beans) and sweeteners to lower your insulin resistance, in general if you're on the fat side limit your food overall
good luck
pay attention to not get a rebound if you manage to lower it
get tests often to see if it's helping you

>> No.17984562

forgot to mention
remember to exercise- lift some weights or at least do cardio if you are sedentary

>> No.17984566


Further research showed that muscle stem cells from fasting animals were smaller and divided more slowly than those from non-fasting animals. But they were also more resilient: They survived better when grown on a lab dish under challenging conditions including nutrient deprivation, exposure to cell-damaging chemicals and radiation. They also survived transplantation back into animals better than those from non-fasting animals.

“Usually, most laboratory-grown muscle stem cells die when transplanted,” Rando said. “But these cells are in a deep resting state we call ketone-induced deep quiescence that allows them to withstand many kinds of stress.”

Muscle stem cells isolated from non-fasting animals and then treated with a ketone body called beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) displayed a similar resilience as did those from fasting animals, the researchers found. Additionally, muscle stem cells isolated from mice fed a ketogenic diet, or a normal diet coupled with injections of ketone bodies, displayed the same characteristics of the deeply quiescent stem cells from fasting animals.

>> No.17984574

What, so you faggots can bitch about it being undercooked and the egg I'm planning on slapping on top being runny and hoping I get food poisoning? No thanks.

>> No.17984578

woah that's a lot of upset at an innocuous suggestion
you good?

>> No.17984585

Shit bean starches are off the table?? So I gotta go close to keto on this one? Thanks for the advice, I've picked up on exercising daily since I work an office job, I actually just rebounded from the verge of being underweight so it's got to be my diet (145lbs now, 5'10, college student tier food everyday)

>> No.17984588

pathetic [fill in the blank] diet tards.

>> No.17984604

>Sure it costs more buying many varieties of meat

Not when you eat the organs. Fuckin love me hearts.

>> No.17984612

got to find what works for you the best, can try reintroducing some less carbohydrate rich things over time as long as you don't forget to test to see if it doesn't make it worse
best to start with something stricter that you relax later
it'll still be a permanent change to how you eat
hopefully it's not the irreversible type

>> No.17984663

you want the silver bullet to living longer? Choose any diet that has you eating fresh, lean foods with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Dont over eat and move your fat fucking body until you're not fat. And just like that Ive added 15 years to your life

>> No.17984665

i don't want to live 15 years longer in this communist hell on earth where i'm just existing to pay more taxes and be another wage slave. fuck that I want death

>> No.17984671

solid advice

>> No.17984674
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>> No.17984692

You're meant to eat food that tastes good

>> No.17984695

Not really. Been a day.

>> No.17984696

Apparently how often you eat can have an affect. If you eat three meals and constantly snack or drink sugary stuff throughout the day then your body keeps pumping out insulin and your blood sugar is staying higher. If you only eat once or twice a day then it gives your body some time for your blood sugar to come down and insulin levels to drop.

>> No.17984701

sucks, hope it gets better

>> No.17984707

honestly butter does taste pretty good, I like it on carbs though

>> No.17984737

Yea, OMAD and intermittent fasting can also be a huge help.

>> No.17984749

Okay that's nice, I'll continue eating rice and potatoes with meat/eggs so I'm actually full for cheap.

>> No.17984756

You're not exactly in good position to practice keto if you're poor.
Carbs are way more efficient at providing calories than nice vegetables and meat.

>> No.17984778

Plus I'm a glutton retard and have to feel full after I eat. Thankfully I discovered fasting and IF to combat this.

>> No.17984784

Im unable to control my calorie intake if I eat carbs, they taste too good so I feel like eating when Im not in calorie deprived state.

But during keto it's completely different. You dont feel the need to eat and you steadily lose weight.

>> No.17984821

I'll look into all of this, thank you

>> No.17984903


>> No.17984929

A lunar year is only 11 days shorter than a solar year.

>> No.17984933

>But during keto it's completely different. You dont feel the need to eat and you steadily lose weight.
This, this! So much this! Keto is literally magic!

>> No.17984940

Yes its almost like food industry came up with ways to make people consume food more by adding sugars and refined carbohydrates into them and the natural diet of keto foods returns you to a pathway evolution designed you to take.
Your weight is normal
Youre no longer permanently inflamed so your joints and skin wont hurt anymore
Your teeth no longer rot
You feel more energetic
Your poop is more consistent and you wont suffer from diarrhea

>> No.17984944

You also steadily gain wealth and your penis and/or breasts become bigger (but only if you want them to) after just 10 minutes on a keto diet.

>> No.17984946

Never seen this so called ketoschizo, but I see you spam this pic in every other thread even when the thread has nothing to do with keto. This is one of the few times you actually found a keto thread to post it in

>> No.17984955

Don't bother, they're here to shitpost

>> No.17984962


>> No.17984963

The motivation of people who are antis is very confusing
Like they have something personal to gain from disrupting people discussing a diet thats really mundane all thing considered

>> No.17984988

Yes, I'll take one Japanese, please. To go. I'm in a bit of a rush.

>> No.17984994

Don't rush, chill a bit. Stress leads to an early grave.

>> No.17985007

Because your average ketolard ascribes all of their weight loss success to the diet vs the fact that they are controlling their diet and then proselytizes it wherever they go.

>hurr i stopped eating candybars and liters of cola and eat actual food with nutritional value now but durr ketosis saved my life

>muh inflammation
>muh joints
>muh skin
>muh diarrhea
Case in point. Just how fat are you, actually?

>> No.17985017

Just been looking into the Mediterranean diet. Looks like a good way to live

>> No.17985019

Not eating candybars and sugary sodas is part of the diet. If you didnt have the diet as a thing to guide you, you have always the option to feel good by eating something sweet, and people do. Why not buy icecream next time you're at the store, it'll make you feel good. etc.

It'd be same with counting calories, you drop out food items because you use the diet as guide in life.

As far as I can tell you must be low IQ to not get it.

>> No.17985029

>hurr i stopped eating candybars and liters of cola and eat actual food with nutritional value now but durr ketosis saved my life
Keep proving the rule, ketard. Your problem isn't the sugar. It's that you're a fat piece of shit who can't stop eating sugar.

>> No.17985032

>Your problem isn't the sugar. It's that you're a fat piece of shit who can't stop eating sugar.
Sure, thank god for Keto then so I can enjoy the consequences of not eating sugar.

>> No.17985038

>did I create meaningful weight management change through hard work, willpower and vigilance over the food I eat?
>lol no it was magic ketosis
See you in a month when you gain it all back, tubba blubba.

>> No.17985044

Don't care, didn't read, shut the fuck up about your obsession with your shitty MS paint pics newfag cancer.

>> No.17985050

wrong person

>> No.17985057

I just wonder why do you think people would stop eating sugar and refined carbs if keto wasn't advertised to them with a catalogue of tips and recipes related to that specific diet?

>> No.17985122

>Western medicine is based on averages.
All science is based on averages. The massive bridges they build are based on averaged calculations. Your PC's electrical components are manufactured to an averaged range of specifications. Literally any good thing people have created is based on averages. Even predating modern science, "trial and error" was just a way for our ancestors to brute force their way into the optimal average. Averages are the key to life's universal truths. Deal with it.

>> No.17985223

I'm a 6'1" 140lb skelly. The amount of food I'd have to buy for keto would be insane. I just try to eat decent foods, avoid sugar except for a few times a week, and at least run or something everyday.

>> No.17985251

Sounds healthy, except for the weight.

>> No.17985256

Try the ketosis thing to see how the positive stress affects your body

>> No.17985328
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>mfw this whole fucking thread

>> No.17985616

this is true, but if you are conscious of it, it's easy to avoid, when I "went keto" all I would eat is bacon and eggs with spinach and avocado for breakfast.

>> No.17985665 [DELETED] 

??? All it is is ~20g net carbs. That's it.

>> No.17985667
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if only people would realize how much we owe to lab rats

>> No.17985674 [DELETED] 

Get your booster, don't want to bet against your health, right? It costs nothing!

>> No.17985717

The average smoker doesn't get lung cancer ergo smoking doesn't cause lung cancer. Thanks averageanon

>> No.17985719

You dont get food poisoning from raw eggs. Okay maybe, but only if you lick a dirty shell.

>> No.17985865

Salmonella can affect an egg while it's forming and end up inside the egg.

>> No.17985892

explain Spain then

>> No.17985949

ahh ok. for a second I thought maybe we should stop worshipping black people as these all-righteous gods who can do no wrong. thank you for correcting me

>> No.17986102
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This is the problem with midwits, they think they are smart when they cannot understand how the relationship between two obvious elements is important. They use outliers examples (YouTubers who make a living making videos about keto, for example) to extrapolate and define that everyone is a cultist.

>be simpleton raised in poverty
>doesn't have any moral guidance nor principles
>causes trouble everywhere, is a nuisance for society, likely become a criminal
>goes to church
>first time someone is friendly and teach them how to be good
>finally has a set of principles and moral rules
>says that church has saved his life

The midwit will get angry at the simpleton and scream at them saying that what saved them was not the church but the set of principles and moral rules that they could have learned elsewhere or by himself. Just like our friend here.
Keto is good in general because it helps people not eat unhealthy shit like the fucking animals they are. That's a good thing. No one is eating ZERO carbs anyway.
tl;dr midwit is just angry because it's popular to be an angry retard.

>> No.17986111

humans probably didn't eat THAT much meat. probably mostly plant matter in-between kills. it'd be berries, grains and vegetables then meat at the end of the hunt. so.... a balanced diet. almost like meme diets are all meme diets and normal healthy people eat a variety of foods

>> No.17986118

i always forget that third worlders can use the internet and there's a bunch of them on 4chan. at first i'm surprised, like "wow no way someone this retarded can live in a developed nation" but then i remember you're probably from some shithole in eastern europe or south america or something and your infrastructure can't afford books or education in general. good thing you have a smart phone though

>> No.17986119

You're not meant to eat that much meat during keto.
Its like 75 fats, 20 protein, 5 carbs.

>> No.17986210

>all sorts of fossilized human records from tons of ancient timeframes found in tons of other climates
>but this one area has none
>this must be where humanity originated from

>> No.17986239

You should look into insulin resistance, its causes, and how it affects weight gain/loss. I'm a skinnyfag who has never been overweight, but there is certainly a lot of evidence that it's more than just food quality that makes keto good at weight loss.

>> No.17986241
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Paleolithic humans had a wide variance in diets. Most of them ate more meat than vegetation.

>> No.17986269

Plant matter could only be preserved so long, during winter for europeans meat was crucial when vegetables were scarce. Meat may have been less crucial in equatorial regions but if your northern european I would suggest a meat rich diet would be common to your ancestors and you are genetically primed for that kind of diet.

>> No.17986762

What are you waiting for, pussy?
Everyone else here has a goal or ambitions. And here you are, opening your mouth just to bitch about the % of money you have to give to the government, who incidentally pays for your welfare.
Stop talking about it, and do it.

>> No.17986768

Why the fuck would i want to live longer?

>> No.17986784

go back to >>/flatearth/

>> No.17986786

make me

>> No.17986848

Smokers have higher incidences of lung cancer on average. That's how science works. Why are zoomers so retarded?

>> No.17986917

>Whiskey keto doesn't work

>> No.17986949

>but if your northern european I would suggest a meat rich diet would be common to your ancestors and you are genetically primed for that kind of diet.
Dairy seems to have been a big part of the diet there, maybe even more than meat during the months everything wasn't frozen.

>> No.17986957
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Meme diet that doesn't work. Next.

>> No.17987123

To dab on trannies and vegans

>> No.17987139

To eat more meat

>> No.17987428

Look at the absolute state of vegan big grain shills. You’re frothing mad, LOL.

>> No.17987884

I lost 30 pounds on it. It's only a meme diet if you go to the store and buy (((keto bars))) filled with soy. Don't eat meme products and the diet works fine

>> No.17987895

>don't consume processed junk food and you'll lose weight
that's true even if you're not doing keto

>> No.17987929

Alright but I feel keto is a good guideline. Even when I ate healthy I didn't see my abs until keto helped with belly fat