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17945540 No.17945540 [Reply] [Original]

My local American cuisine shelf. Anything missing?

>> No.17945545

never seen 70% of that in my life

>> No.17945546

>no peanut butter

>> No.17945548

those honey mustard and onion pretzel bits are really good, they used to sell the little bags of those in my high school's vending machine. I probably haven't had them in a decade

>> No.17945605

Aside from the Arizona Ice Tea, Orange Fanta, and Vanilla Coke, I’ve never seen the rest of those beverages. Wtf is the toxic waste shit? Sour candy?

>> No.17945618

Jolt and jalapeño poppers, nice. Jolt is the OG high caffeine cola.

>> No.17945624

peanut butter is Indonesian

>> No.17945638
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For a nice dirt bag day of eating american junk food I would recommend
>Jalapeno popper cheese puffs and a JOLT to wash it down
> fluff and the big pack of reeses to make fluff/ reese sandwiches
>1 of each arizona, 1 blue fanta, 1 boylans all left to chill in the fridge to have throughout the week
The blueberry Arizona is addicting at first but the taste gets old really fast so I'd say get 2 at most of that one

>> No.17945643

Yes, they're similar to Warheads candy but Warheads are better in taste and sour duration

>> No.17945648

The marshmallow fluff is a bit of a surprise, I didn't know that was exported. No peanut butter, no chocolate syrup, no canned chili. I thought Fanta was a German brand. Also, what country is this? I'm looking at those prices and really hoping your currency is worth a lot less than a dollar.

>> No.17945650

everything on the top two shelves i've never seen in my life. hunt's is a popular ketchup brand i guess.
never seen ginger beer or toxic waste
everything else is pretty standard, it's missing 30~ different kinds of sugary cereal like cocoa pebbles and fruit loops, quaker oats, slim jims, dr pepper, frozen mini corn dogs, jimmy deans, fruit rollups, way more varieties of chips like cheetos/doritos/kettle chips etc., twinkies/snowballs/other hostess products, thats all i can think of off the top of my head
from that selection i'd go with arizona green bottle and the beef jerky i guess. the tea has become too sweet for me over the years though so i'd probably hate it.

>> No.17945655

Stop lying 80% of that shelf looks like off brand stuff they might, MIGHT sell in mexico
inb4 muttland

>> No.17945706

Sweden 10kr = 1usd

>> No.17945724

I think it's sweden, which would make sense. 20 Swedish Krona is like $2

>> No.17945737

do americans really eat something thats 100% pain? my god

>> No.17945742

Don’t know what half this shit is

>> No.17945746

Yes we put it on our food and go ow ow oof ouch it hurts

>> No.17945749

reese's are ridiculously good

>> No.17945762

Amazing how none of these things are consumed by Americans on a regular basis. Like, at all.

>> No.17945771

>Hunt's BBQ
I'm so sorry OP.

>> No.17945774

No one actually eats it. It's a notoriously bad gimmick product.

>> No.17945776
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>he doesn't know Jolt

>> No.17945779

no guns? no hormones for my preteen trans child?

>> No.17945780

Nigger I love me some pancakes, cream soda, and iced tea. I grew up on boxed macaroni and pop tarts. Who doesn't like jerky and pretzels?

>> No.17945783

That's in the fanta. Once diabetes sets in other hormone production declines.

>> No.17945791

doesn't really represent america :/

>> No.17945823

I never really thought of Arizona tea as particularly American, but that seems retarded to me in hindsight

>> No.17945830

I do about Jolt, but I thought they stopped making it in the 90s

>> No.17945841

It's the generic version of Bone Hurting Juice

>> No.17945957

The tea looks like shampoo bottles

>> No.17945973

Hej OP
>vomit chocolates
Which store is that? I want to try that

>> No.17945984
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Is Reese's good?
t. suffering in yuropoor w/o Reese's

>> No.17945987

It tastes like vomit apperantly

>> No.17945992

I thought that was just Hershey's

>> No.17945993
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>Pain 100%

>> No.17945998

>Toxic waste
The jews are just rubbing it in our faces now, lads.

>> No.17946012

vomit connoisseur here, can confirm

>> No.17946026

Reese's is the best thing with peanutbutter.

>> No.17946035
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I've lived in the USA for almost 30 years and the only time I've ever seen a peanut butter snickers was in Malaysia.

>> No.17946051


>> No.17946154

by god where to start...
>the suckers
good. kids sell them throughout primary, along with chocolate bars. that and maybe some girl scout cookies and caramel popcorn.
>top shelf
pancakes are very 'american', but i wouldn't waste shelf space with premix... no idea what the deal is with the popper. hot fries and takis maybe?
>second shelf
why not, but 4 fucking rows of it? Hunts? that 'local' Pain 100% garbage? maybe Frank's and Tobasco? the fluff is a nonstarter.
>third shelf
some of the biggest selections in gas stations and grocers but i've never heard of that jerky brand. snyders fuck yeah - needs more snack belt... nigger-tier pop tarts i can live with.
why the fuck did you get glass bottles? and that bottom shelf isn't even worth acknowledging.

>> No.17947152
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Peanut butter comes from Georgia.

>> No.17947157

kinda surprised there's no taco seasoning
not that it's huge here, but it's distinctly American

>> No.17947341

i haven't heard of half that shit

>> No.17947391

One bottle of pain, please.

>> No.17947799

It's literally S tier candy
Don't listen to this >>17945987 guy.

>> No.17947836

OP you NEEDS to try the honey mustard and onion Snyder's pretzel pieces. They are the best snack there in my opinion.

>> No.17947844

Dear god.It's all corn

>> No.17947856

>7 bucks for poptarts
Fug dat shit

>> No.17947860

isn't fanta european?

>> No.17947877

I've been getting PB snickers for like 4 years now, and I see them at almost every corner store I go to. It's okay. 6/10 I fucking love PB but the candy is just too small.

>> No.17947917

Every time I see 3rd worlders shit on food in America this is all I can think of. I shit on people who buy food at Walmart, and this is like Walmart condensed down to a single shelf, and then shoved inside a Shell station or a Rite Aide. Nothing about this represents what Americans regularly eat, unless they're like an inbred trucker or something.

>> No.17947962

yeah. it's every american's candy, whether they realize it or not. it uses milk chocolate that euros don't like, but just a thin coating. if you were going to try it, also acquire the dark choco version.

>> No.17947966

How bad is the food in Sweden?

>> No.17948192

that looks like the saddest gas station shelf ever

>> No.17948213

the fuck

>> No.17948226

Nope, that's everything.

>> No.17948236

Fuck they still make that? I haven't seen it in decades, it was the fucking best. I need to go to your country, where?

>> No.17948243

hello where are the burger??

>> No.17948245

I for one dislike peanut butter and chocolate together. It tastes awful and hyper saccharine. Snickers wiff da peanuts is ok tho

>> No.17948248 [DELETED] 

The prices are still insane on a lot of those items even considering import costs. Damn

>> No.17948302

>pain 100

>> No.17948321

and the helper too

>> No.17948673 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17948691

>cans of toxic waste
Yup that's definitely the american aisle.

>> No.17948692

'Merican here.
>Jalapeno poppers cheese puffs
>Pain 100%
>Wild West beef jerky
>Toxic Waste
Never heard of any of the above crap

I also didn't realize Snyder's of Hanover was American. I always assumed it was German. However, apparently Hanover is also a city in the state of Pennsylvania.

>> No.17948701

>jalapeno cheese puffs
God damn, reminded me of this grocery chain that imported some cheesepuffs from Herr's.

Best fucking chips, period. Shame they stopped importing 'em.

>> No.17948714

Imagine paying 15 dollars for a Coca Cola even if it’s only worth 2 real dollars. Imagine checking out and the cashier says “that’ll be 15 dollars, sir” and you’re like wtf that is too much for one can of coke but in the other reality it’s a dollar 50 but still… imagine going grocery shopping and your bill is 200,000 dollars. I would shit myself lol.

>> No.17948748

If it was based on a real walmart shelf it'd be more like
>doritos and three separate flaming hot variants
>only orange fanta
>arizona iced tea in a can instead of a bottle
>kraft and cheetos mac and cheese
>30 yards of cereal
>coke "starlight" version

>> No.17948771

My brother loves it. He can never get enough capsaicin in his food to be satisfied

>> No.17948868

>no Bottlecaps candy

>> No.17948985

why do you guys have jolt when they stopped selling it here in the US

>> No.17948988

it's a darn fine candy, but to be honest the peanutbutter and chocolate are of a lower quality
I vastly prefer to buy the hipster organic knock-off peanutbutter cups because they have better ingredients

>> No.17948994 [DELETED] 
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I'm a red blooded AMERICAN man that is 100% straight. I was hanging out with my buddy from work one evening, just some night fishing, and felt like a little treat. I reached into my tackle box and found a Hershey bar. Well one bite and a few beers later and me and my friend Dave are kissing passionately on the shore. I have no idea what came over me. I just tried a single bite of the chocolate and something snapped. I came to my senses briefly and asked him wtf was going on. I even called him a "fag" which I regret. He looked very hurt. He said he always had some feeling for me but didn't want to act on them. I was overcome with emotion. We've been best buds for years, he was at my wedding, was the first to congratulate me on my promotion. He's the godfather to my son for god's sake. I tried to relax and took another bite of chocolate. The next thing I know we're making love and let me tell you, it was the most passionate love I've ever made in my life. I forgot my wife's name for a few minutes after he released inside me. I threw away the chocolate and begged him not to tell my wife about this. He just kissed me on the forehead and we got dressed again and went our separate ways. I can't stop thinking about what happened. That damn chocolate did this to me. Be safe out there guys, they're always trying to get us someway.

>> No.17949138

>no Aunt Jemima
Fuck George Floyd.

>> No.17949520

Peanut butter is common enough to sit in the regular shelves. These are the "specialty" items

>> No.17949529

mmm $75 pop tarts

>> No.17949560

that's a decent selection for a random international section.

needs moar Butterfingers

>> No.17949563

>TFW Jolt only still exists in other countries now
Well this is fucking horseshit, i fucking miss that stuff, it's been YEARS since this stuff was in the US.

>> No.17949648

>No franks
>shit bbq sauce
>discontinued soda
it's like they weren't even trying

>> No.17949834

I've never even seen most of this and I've lived in Texas for over thirty years. Fanta is a Mexico thing.

>> No.17949859
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>> No.17949888
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My local Bong cuisine shelf.
Anything missing?
Any Bong-recommendations?

>> No.17949947

Don’t know if some of this is actually international but: knock-off Girl Scout cookies, peanut butter filled pretzels, Cheese whiz, ritz crackers, triscuit, pirates booty, honeycrisp apple cider, Arnold palmers, Faygo soda, Fritos, rice crispy treats, Bisquick, corn nuts, candy corn.

>> No.17950945

Normand detektet

>> No.17950947

holy fuck i havent seen that in decades

>> No.17950950

Hello fellow Publix chad, reminds me to pick up an IRN BRU next time I go.

>> No.17951034

There are 2 Hanovers in PA actually.

>> No.17951046
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>toxic waste
>nuclear sludge

>> No.17951104
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Life is Suffering

>> No.17951159
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If they want to take coloured peopled (excuse me >people of color) off the food packaging that is fine with me. Just keep the rest of packing the same, like how Land O Lakes ditched the Injun chick, but kept the land.

>> No.17951515

>it’s all sugary shit

>> No.17951535

Dude... a bottle of 100% French bread....

>> No.17951554 [DELETED] 
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my local American cuisine sofa

>> No.17951596

OP whats the currency of those prices? I hope not Euros or Pounds.

>> No.17951704

You will likely see 15 dollars for a coke in the US within your lifetime.

>> No.17951712

Extremely unlikely.
$5 sure
Maybe $10
but at the point that a bottle of cokacola costs $15 then the USD is functionally worthless and will cease to exist.

>> No.17951718

A coke already costs $5 at a music festival or an upmarket bar. With inflation this high and low chances of inflation slowing down, $15 is practically a certainty

>> No.17951743

A cup of soda at a venue an apple to a bottle in a grocery store's orange.

>> No.17951759

>no cheetos

>> No.17951764

the two best candies are reese's cups and reese's pieces

>> No.17951773

And green tea is chinese, what's your point?

>> No.17952420

I love to keep some in the freezer and eat them cold.

>> No.17952433

>Synder's pretzel bites but not the buffalo ones
so close to greatness
Grab an Aero bar for me.

>> No.17952473

>Palm oil
>Flaming hot cheetos
>Soy products

>> No.17952508

Why bother with boring pretzels or jerky when pretzel crisps and pork rinds exist? And a box of cakes or cookies makes that box of sand irrelevant.

>> No.17952718

The aztecs made it with no connection to Asia. It is American too. Also peanuts are from the Americas retard.

>> No.17952748

Yeah, it’s Hershey’s. That’s why most of them don’t even bother importing it.
In Australia they sell the Hershey’s Cookies 'n' Creme in big supermarkets but not the regular stuff because it tastes awful.

>> No.17952771

>ketchup called PAIN 100%
do Americans really?

>> No.17952869

It's missing Slim Jims and Quaker Instant Cheese/Butter Grits

>> No.17953268

Hershey's uses more cocoa and less milk than other milk chocolates yet the article makes the argument that butyric acid is the culprit. If that were the case higher milk content like British chocolate would yield more vomity chocolate as all dairy contains that acid. It's really the bitterness of cocoa that you're not used to, bitter like stomach bile. You guys just don't like cocoa.

>> No.17953318
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tang & calumet

>> No.17953991

Tunnocks caramel wafers (top left below sconses)

Chocolate hobnobs

Do americans have squash? Is it a british thing? I dunno but Robinson is good.

A lot of that is just crap, dehydrated gravy granules etc bought by old ladies and few other people. Thrown into shipping containers because of long shelf lives and sent on a month long trip abroad.

Terry's chocolate orange is also pretty good. Maybe wine gums.

Those are all id bother with as an expat, and of course Yorkshire tea.

>> No.17953997

they still sell them at major grocery stores.

>> No.17954134

SEK. Divide by ten to get approx USD

>> No.17954153

It's one of those meme hot sauces that's ridiculously spicy to the point where you can't eat it. Not sure why they'd include that

>> No.17954174

not really they taste look goop

>> No.17954469

I eat Lindt 95% Cocoa, it tastes great. Hershey's taste like vomit (butyric acid).


>> No.17954484


Lack of cereal is upsetting. Some good Reese's products there, shame you guys don't have Take 5s though, literally one of the best candy bars ever.

Drink selection kinda sucks, Jolt was popular but I think it's dwarfed by Monster at this point. Ginger beer isn't really popular here. Not enough pop-tart representation.

The Snyder's honey mustard and onion pretzel bits are the best thing on the shelf.

>> No.17954487

Frenchfag here, we have exactly the same shitty products in every fucking supermarkets here. A jewish boomer made a list a 20 items and they never deviate and import exactly the same crap. Maybe some EU bullshit law and expensive fees to certify a chocolat bar and some fluff.

>> No.17955922

Fellow Europoor who's lived in America for a while here. Reeses is so sweet it's gross. Like a mouth full of diabetes. The Halloween version tastes better though.
These days you can get Reeses in a lot of stores in Europe too though. I've seen it sold in England, Germany and the Netherlands.

>> No.17956060

Its "Pearl Milling Company" now, but thats not there either so they probably never carried Aunt Jemima.

>> No.17956243

If anything the price of clean water will go up and soda will stay the same or get cheaper

>> No.17956248

Even Arizona iced tea are considering price hikes.
Price of clean water will definitely increase. When you think about it, it's crazy that it's so cheap

>> No.17956330

Buy some salad cream and digestives and layer them like you were making oreos, it's a classic British treat