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17930505 No.17930505 [Reply] [Original]

Vegans should be Jainists
Jain vegetarianism is practiced by the followers of Jain culture and philosophy. It is one of the most rigorous forms of spiritually motivated diet on the Indian subcontinent and beyond. The Jain cuisine is completely vegan and also excludes root and underground vegetables such as potato, garlic, carrots, onion etc., to prevent injuring small insects and microorganisms; and also to prevent the entire plant getting uprooted and killed.

The objections to the eating of meat, fish, milk and eggs are also based on the principle of non-violence (ahimsa, figuratively "non-injuring"). Every act by which a person directly or indirectly supports killing or injury is seen as act of violence (himsa), which creates harmful reaction karma. The aim of ahimsa is to prevent the accumulation of such karma.

According to survey responses of Indian Jains, 92% would be unwilling to eat at a restaurant that isn’t exclusively vegetarian and 89% would be unwilling to eat at the home of a friend/acquaintance who isn’t a vegetarian as well.

>> No.17930778


>> No.17930793

Jains predate hindus, but got less traction than hindus because it's hard to live life wearing a muffle to avoid swallowing bugs. But today we understand that dairy is more torturous to a heiffer than just killing it for its flesh. So jains have a lot to think about now and will probably never recover.

>> No.17930826

>The Jain cuisine is completely vegan and also excludes root and underground vegetables such as potato, garlic, carrots, onion etc., to prevent injuring small insects and microorganisms; and also to prevent the entire plant getting uprooted and killed.
I bet they still use pesticides though

>> No.17930831

They avoid walking on ants. It's pretty extreme.

>> No.17930852

>Vegans should be Jainists
>Jain vegetarianism
Make your mind up, dipshit.

>> No.17931902

You'd lose that bet. Don't gamble.

>> No.17931906
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I'll pass.

>> No.17931911

I wholeheartedly agree with you OP. i think that every time I think of the Jain religion. The Jainists I know have been the nicest most considerate people. Maybe they are on to something

>> No.17931919
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>The Jain cuisine is completely vegan and also excludes root and underground vegetables such as potato, garlic, carrots, onion etc., to prevent injuring small insects and microorganisms
do they really think small insects and microorganisms are not harmed when any other kind of plant is harvested?

>> No.17931924

every plant is covered with bacteria and fungi

>> No.17931929

Some monks are true vegans but most Jains eat a fuckton of dairy so overall it's not exactly vegan-friendly.

>> No.17931935

They just try their best not to harm them.

>> No.17931940

God, what a narcissistic lifestyle.

>> No.17931944
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Half of those veggies aren't even from India

>> No.17931948

>potato, garlic, carrots, onion
I can't survive without these four in my cooking.

>> No.17931950

so do I, by not directly killing cows, just enjoying the ones that are already dead
hooray for veganism

>> No.17932000

It's basically to make themselves feel good about themselves, like veganism. It's not about actually not causing harm to others, it's about feeling like you're not causing harm. If you feel bad about yourself for eating something that causes pain and death, that can affect your psyche and in effect your "spirituality".

It's like giving $5 to a panhandler on the street corner and feeling good about yourself for doing your good deed, only for them to go to the corner store and buy another pack of smokes.

It's all about the ego and making themselves feel like they're doing the moral thing

>> No.17932008

I can see how a westerner raised on corporate advertising and consumerism might view things as you do.

>> No.17932037

Quite the opposite, most westerners go along with the idea that "things that make me feel bad are bad" as their basis for morality, and it's taken in part from philosophies like India

>> No.17932046

Not the opposite at all. Exactly what I said.

>> No.17932056

>jain cultists
You gain brozouf but check if your legs are OK

>> No.17932060

If they actually cared about suffering, they'd kill one cow to eat for a whole year, instead of causing massive amounts of suffering through agriculture. But they don't care about that, they care about sticking to their dogmatic religion that causes them to suffer in place of the animals they're trying to prevent the suffering of.

But they can't, because they religion forbids it and they can't or won't think for themselves. India is the epitome of sheeple.

>> No.17932095

Microorganisms and cells in general really throw a big wrench into all these religious beliefs about harming no living creatures, almost as if ancient religious practices don't hold up to modern evidence or something

>> No.17932107
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In Jainism mushrooms, fungi and yeasts are forbidden because they may harbour other life forms.

Honey is forbidden, as its collection would amount to violence against the bees.

Jain texts declare that a śrāvaka (householder) should not cook or eat at night.

Strict Jains do not consume food that has been stored overnight, as it possesses a higher concentration of micro-organisms.

Jains do not consume fermented foods (beer, wine and other alcohols) to avoid killing of a large number of microorganisms associated with the fermenting process.

Jains are forbidden from eating figs or the five udumbara fruits (the five udumbara trees are Gular, Anjeera, Banyan, Peepal, and Pakar, all belonging to the fig class).
The way some varieties of fig are pollinated means every edible fruit of some fig varieties contain at least one dead wasp – so by eating a fig, you are eating a dead insect.

Fruits that bleed milky sap when cut like Jackfruit for instance are forbidden. Many Jains avoid fruits that have a red meat-like appearance (tomatoes watermelon). Vegetable Greens are considered marginal because plucking them involves pain to the plant.

Very orthodox Jains do not eat even multi-seeded fruits and vegetables such as brinjal (egg plant) and guava. … Cauliflower and broccoli that have velvety surfaces are not consumed by orthodox Jains.

>> No.17932112

This lol. Veganism is horrific for the planet, and does way more harm to animals than not eating them. Shit's fucked.

>> No.17932147

Prove morals exist or why I should follow laws created by society and the government.

a state is illegitimate when even one person doesn't want to be a part of it anymore, and thus cannot exist. When a bunch of selfish dicks ally with other selfish dicks by their own free will is the only kind of 'state' that should exist. If you don't want to be a part of a system, you shouldn't be forced to, and that system can set out to do whatever it wants, because only might makes right and morals are illusions made up by high society.

>> No.17932314

Why do you lie? Jains consume dairy.

>> No.17932317

Exactly. OP is a liar.

>> No.17932328

I knew a Jainist once. She was cute. Gave me a hug.

>> No.17932332
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>some fig varieties contain at least one dead wasp
I just read up on this and am now glad I've never eaten a fig, no matter how much my old saudi boss used to try to shove them in my face.

>> No.17932380

>dairy is more torturous to a heiffer than just killing it for its flesh
I think you mean modern dairy factory farming might be worse than slaughtering, but there's no reason just milking a cow would be worse than killing it.

>> No.17932399

>potato, garlic, carrots, onion
Aren't you able to cut off a small part from each of these that a new plant will grow from? Like if you cut off an eye from the potato, or left one clove of garlic from the bulb, the top part of the carrot, the bottom part of the onion, and stuck it in the ground a new plant would start growing?

>> No.17932950

There are diffrent sects of Jainism
With the more orthodox and strict calling on other Jainists to stop the consumption of dairy as well because common practices in most dairies of all sizes are extremely cruel. They consist of impregnating a female animal against her consent repeatedly, separating, selling and even sending the male calves for slaughter, and eventually sending the female to slaughter when her body cannot have any more pregnancies.
See >>17932107