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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 336 KB, 828x633, 5986AA5D-F2AB-4D23-85BD-58887D109DA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17921357 No.17921357 [Reply] [Original]

Also I feel humanity is going to be better at treating each other better the better we treat animals.
Cultured meat is real meat. It just doesn’t include beings living in cages and then getting killed.

>> No.17921363
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>> No.17921370


>> No.17921372

The sooner you recognize that humans have been eating meat longer than even the concept of language has been around the easier it gets.

>> No.17921387
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>> No.17921820

i understand that you have these horribly inefficient things that you didn't contain yet called "feelings", but you need to get that shit under wraps before you become a full-blown faggot.

>> No.17921824

it's not the same thing at all

>> No.17921829

do you think this way because you're stupid?

>> No.17921832

If that's what the human race will be reduced to eating I will become a vegetarian.

>> No.17921833

I'm a molecular biologist, it's not the same

>> No.17921834

>I'm a molecular biologist
too bad you're not a chemist.

>> No.17921838

my minor was in chemistry, not the same

>> No.17921852

Are you really arguing with yourself?

>> No.17921856

are you?

>> No.17921858

All I want is cheap protein that isn't beans. Nothing against beans but tired of eating them.

>> No.17921867

what you are looking for is specific amino acids arranged in a specific way, beans don't have enough of what you need

3oz of beef provide more than enough for an entire day, you would need to consume roughly 1.5k kcal of a variety of beans to match beef

then there's omega 3 needs which beans offer almost nothing

>> No.17921873

except you don't have to like or hate both. i think GMO food is amazing technology, and it's not dangerous: i also want lab grown meat.

not everyone is the same as the little fag in your "gotcha" comic

>> No.17921876

>something is good because we've done it for a long time

fucking retard. the sooner you realize people have died of heart attacks and cancer...

>> No.17921883

no you are fucking not, because i actually am and i can tell you it's the same lmao

>> No.17921884


>> No.17921886

im with you OP

people on this board are gigantic fucking faggots dude id rather be on /r/food at this point

>> No.17921960


>> No.17921981

Damn, it really is pride month.

>> No.17922045

I will not eat the lab slop.
Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.17922172

no one is stopping you, faggot

>> No.17922510

You WILL consume the xenoestrogen and you WILL turn gay

>> No.17922515

Cultured meat is economically infeasible right now and there is no path to it replacing regular meat or even being widely available.

Its pie in the sky shit. If it happens, it will be because of a significant and novel advancement in the tech that we cant predict right now, and Ill eat it happily l. But I'm deeply doubtful.

>> No.17922520

why not raise animals in grass pastures and then kill them. the animals(while technically enslaved) and fed and protected from predators and the humans eating them end up happier and healthier

>> No.17922523

You can't convince me that lab grown meat is gonna be equivalent in taste/nutrition as real meat. Much like tasteless industrial tomato varietals compared to properly grown heirloom tomatoes. Even farmed salmon doesn't taste as good as wild.

>> No.17922529

Beside, if you get rid all "beings living in cages" too quickly (80-100 years)
A lot of people will suffer, mainly poor people and farmers.

>> No.17922543

Have you ever had free range chicken? Not "free range" labelled chicken, but chicken you know lived outside and pecked bugs? Its night and day. Lab meat wont match that, but the dtuff you buy at the market nowadays isnt that, and pab meat can already get to that level of taste and nutrition for ground and processed products. The issue is always tue economics. It's hideously expensive to culture tissue, and there's been no breakthrough to make it better.

>> No.17922657

Just eat deenz instead of this horseshit if you actually care about the environment. There are unironically too many small fish in the ocean now since retards fished up most of the larger predatory fish in previous decades. Now those tiny fish are eating up all the plankton that produces 80% of the earth's oxygen.

>> No.17922663

I agree OP. Looking forward to synthetic meat.
>implying I believe gmos are bad

>> No.17922667
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Veganism is going to turn these retards into consuming a literal 100% fake food diet

Holy shit humanity is retarded. You people deserve enslavement again.

>> No.17922676

I still eat meat, but the lab grown shit would contain no microplastics, antibiotics, heavy metals from shitty feed they give animals and other garbage modern farming practice uses.

>> No.17922687

You consume more animal estrogen from meat or milk (pregnant cow hormones) than there would be in any lab grown piece of meat

>> No.17922729

I don't care what is as long as it tastes good and won't kill me. Lab-grown meat, GMO plants, bugs, chemical soylent shit, I don't give a fuck as long as it sates my hunger. If it was legal I'd give you a try.

>> No.17922731
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>> No.17922794

And everyone clapped

>> No.17922865

pretty much everything we eat is genetically modified

>> No.17922899

>tfw will never have to deal with this garbage because the corrupt oligarchic rural elite in my country profits massively from selling meat
feels good to be a third worlder

>> No.17922909

>Also I feel humanity is going to be better at treating each other better the better we treat animals.
I don't. I feel if we stop killing animals we'll just kill each other even more

>> No.17922920


>> No.17922930

people have been raping before language too. Now let me open up that boipussy

>> No.17922975

I also would have no problem with it provided it is cheap AND it is actual meat, no fake imitation bullshit.

>> No.17923188

As a Jew I support this, albeit I am sad to say it just isn't kosher for me.
But for goyim? You should eat the fake meat, goy.

>> No.17923294

only retarded christians hate gmo this stonetoss guy is cooked

>> No.17923302
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>i think GMO food is amazing

>> No.17923306

do want. future.

>> No.17923531

You know who’s behind this horse shit? Seventh Day Adventists.

>> No.17925001

>he thinks cavemen were dying of heart attacks and cancer

>> No.17925014

the only people that ever talk about lab-grown meat in my circles are trannies

>> No.17925039

Fake food for fake people. Also, why are you in the same circle?

>> No.17925056

We should be pursuing gene splicing that would allow animals to regenerate their meat. Harvest what you please, let it grow back!

>> No.17925134

I hear they might be working on a happy farm with bipedal sheep.

>> No.17925406
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It’s worth thinking about that animals are just humans that have no voice.

>> No.17925410
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Like should we be eating all the posters in this thread instead?
A humble sheep is more worthy of life than true evil, is it not?

Cultured meat is real meat.
A chunk of meat extracted from an animal that continues growing without a body.

>> No.17925423

>ew no I'd never eat fish from a lab!
>buys fishery salmon, grown in a windowless underground pool in some anonymous basement
so natural, much healthy, wow

>> No.17925431

christ almighty, that image might be a pure representation of discord except no trans-formers

>> No.17925435
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We can use any meat samples.
I can eat my own meat and fatten girls on my meat.

My meat can grow into meat vines and make piles of meat as big as planets.

Imagine a cow with its head removed. Then its body is still fed oxygen and heart and etc continue. One can make it so it grows and grows and grows.

>> No.17925442
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It’s called mainstream society 2022.

Modern civilization. Normality.
What everyone conforms to.


>> No.17925444

me on the right

>> No.17925451

Why are the monopolies controlled by anime spirituality and moral radical Utopianism/true progressivism?

>> No.17925455

No they aren't. you're either an atheist or a satanist and neither is acceptable.

>> No.17925456
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>> No.17925458

schizo apple user

>> No.17925467

I don't know what that image is supposed to mean but it's anime so I'll respond with a generic
he cute

>> No.17925470
File: 88 KB, 750x563, FA2CD536-A023-461B-9680-D3FE2FD9815D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only god is love.

Is a sheep not worthy of life more than a human who is only controlled by the idea/spirit of true evil?

>> No.17925491
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Funny that your term for having a soul is schizophrenia. Is that what remains of yours?

Perhaps some angels should put you in the cattle farm to add to the meat of a cuties potbelly instead of a baby calf born to be veal!

>> No.17925508
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>> No.17925509

Eat the labslop goy. It the exact same as real meat. The science is settled™

>> No.17925522
File: 638 KB, 1125x833, 5191E45A-7AC3-4C57-B2DC-97678C40464C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have nothing to be afraid of. It’s innovation for everyone to use.

Eat your own meat.
You can take a needle, extract some from yourself, and put it in your personal microwave sized machine that grows it.

Every country has countless businesses on this.

>> No.17925568

If the price is right I just might have a bite!!

>> No.17925578

no thanks, i don't trust you or the labslop

>> No.17925586

Luckily this new lab grown salmon has as much Omega 3 as real salmon.

>> No.17925588

But I like my meat lathered in pre-mortem cortisol, the suffering and pain makes it chewy just how I want it

>> No.17925589

I support the idea of lab grown meat. That said, I also support meat that is raised on non-factory farms. Anyone who supports factory farms is just an asshole who likes poor quality meat.

>> No.17925590

Because salmon don't do well in pastures.

>> No.17925605
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It’s for free.

Judaism cultists don’t own any monopolies anymore.
And won’t ever again.


>> No.17925622
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There’s no monopolies of any kind anymore. Yeah it’s free. Its energy cost is zero.

>> No.17925628
File: 88 KB, 960x470, D1440F1D-9779-48D7-84CF-25BC6F291648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up salt water rice.

Rising water levels?
More farm land.

>> No.17925639

Have you inverted your dick yet bro?

>> No.17925664
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>someday when these animals i raise have had long fulfilling lives, it will come time to lay them to rest and harvest their meat. But until then I have to treat them well and make sure they are healthy and happy.

>> No.17925750
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Perhaps I’ll grow a vagina and self impregnate myself and become a factory for my clone army! Good idea!

Shall I vore you? I hear the crys of countless animals screaming CAESER CAESER LET THE FALLEN GLADIATOR MEET HIS MORALS!

>> No.17925812

Cavemen we’re not dying of heart attacks or cancer because they were dying of infections or infant mortality

>> No.17925825
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True. Besides, it’s time for radical ALL THE WAY genetic modification.

The only heaven is heaven on earth for all.

>> No.17925828

If cultured meat ever caught on you’d have a bunch of chud farmers on your hands saying that the science boys are stealing their jerbs

>> No.17925942
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It’s already caught on.

They can move on to tending new good GMO creations. Like mountain sized apple trees.

Besides, UBI ends work.
Work is not progress.
“Work is the enemy of innovation and progress. Had Rome not used slaves, they would have reached the modern era a thousand years ago and never fell.”

“Everyone has a purpose. It is the greatest waste of humanity to put them to doing anything that isn’t purely and exclusively what they desire to do.”

>> No.17926286
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Besides, it’s nice and moral.

Lets have this be a nature oriented planet for eternity.

After all, the human population is balancing out.

>> No.17926293
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And there’s infinite to love in a world of ever greater loves.

>> No.17926369

it's literally impossible to be this fucking stupid. that is the worst justification for anything i have ever heard in my life, you are so fucking stupid it's astounding

im not even hyperbolizing, i am actually genuinely shocked that someone typed that

>> No.17926373


>> No.17926492

OK So humans will soon be able to grow enough meat in labs to feed large populations. Whats next on the agenda for getting the fuck off the planet before it dies?

>> No.17926506

I don't care about cruelty to animals but I do care that we are overfishing so much that we are going to wipe them all out. 100% support this.

>> No.17926511

After sugar and seed oil lobbying I don't trust a single unprocessed food item.
I will be watching how they lobby this poison with a microscope.

>> No.17926512


>> No.17926515

processed food item*

>> No.17926517

You will be raped again.

>> No.17926522

shut up rockfucker

>> No.17926524

I'm gunna put you in a cage you fucking loser

>> No.17926543

It is the future but a lot of people are just too stubborn, afraid, or stupid to change their ways.
Traditional meat involving raising animals will just become a premium slowly, over time. Eventually it'll be incredibly niche.

>> No.17927594
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I’ll vore you.
I love cultured meat because I love meat.

Mmm and animals. Nature. Heaven on earth for all.

Your behaviour makes me feel you two want to get vored.
Masochistically dumb?

The planet won’t ever die.
Besides, good GMOs can do anything.
We un-ironically can cover Mars with mountain sized trees and turn every desert into the lushest most resilient eternally sexy fertile jungle.

>> No.17927619
File: 131 KB, 640x643, E7E30A02-B6A6-42A7-B3F0-8064EB53F5F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animals can evolve to kill us at any time but all is god and we’re of the pinnacles of natures creation. All the animals believe in us. So lets use genetic modification to make half animal human hybrids to give each species representation. Cat girls, fox girls, winged girls, etc.
Of varying percentages.
And just give animals the ability to talk.
There’s plenty of people that have brains the same as any animal.
A brain is just X=Y.
Anyone can be guided by the same neural network as any animal.

A brain has a set of X=Y seeds and then others branch off.

A spirit of any one behaviour may just one X=Y.
after all, all motives are love.

Besides, there’s plenty of unique people that want to be animals.
Lets enjoy the infinite potential of humanity forever.

>> No.17927665


>> No.17927668


>> No.17927733
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True communism was only ever about ending work.
It’s what everyone fought for.
You know it.
Everyone knows it.

Search your feelings, and remember when you stood for true love as well. Even if it was in another life.

>> No.17927829

If I let you, it isn't rape is it?

>> No.17927926

It is going to contain plasma from aborted animal embryos, hope that's alright with you.

>> No.17927935

I don't trust science or humans to do a good job let alone a great one. Fuck animals and fick you.

>> No.17927947

You calling this opinion “redit” kind of proves why stonetoss is off the mark here.
The Reddit soys who like beyond meat and artificial meat substitutes actually like GMOs, too. The raw vegans and Christian mommy-bloggers are the type who dislike GMOs, and they also hate the synthetic meats (just eat plants and essential oils).

>> No.17928183
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salmon doesn't even taste good, why are they trying to replicate a suicide fish?

>> No.17928243

Animals have abortions?

>> No.17928255 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 750x1059, 987030EF-8292-45B9-AD1A-A7597FA1BE7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the microwave sized machine be like a vacuum chamber?

You just pour in water and fresh grass mulch.
And grass can be genetically modified to grow extremely fast. Like instantly. Some grass is already like that.

For like a tigers meat, one would just put various minerals in. Or meat from another little vacuum chamber. The options and creativity is limitless. The meat can grow instantly faster than bread too.

0 cost.

Fucking fresh grass mulch and water = instant giant car-sized wagyu steak.

>> No.17928295
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The process starts with harvesting muscle cells from an animal, then feeding those cells a mixture of nutrients and naturally-occurring growth factors (or, as Good Meat’s process specifies, amino acids, fats, and vitamins) so that they multiply, differentiate, then grow to form muscle tissue—in much the same way muscle grows inside animals’ bodies.

The meat grows like a plant.
You feed it water and plant mulch.

I’m a fan of anime. It proves humans are divine.

Planet anime.
And genetically modified half-cat girls.

Cow girls
Girls with horns and tails

>> No.17928315
File: 52 KB, 496x680, AB205C1A-254A-4785-9645-19B5D56492F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go have sushi.

Sushi is becoming free for everyone forever.

Money is over forever!

>> No.17928320

take your meds

>> No.17928371
File: 577 KB, 835x608, E9736813-4576-46BD-A4B3-EB2CDD6874AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My medicine is impregnating you.
While you orgasmically scream “love is real! I love morality”!

>> No.17928424

Tfw humanity finally killed money and cost.
Tfw everything is becoming free and everyone shall become immortal almighty gods forever.

>> No.17928510

Might as well go back and stay there nigger.

>> No.17928522

Sounds like cope. They're going to sell this fake meat at 2-3x the price just like your fake chicken nuggets.
Enjoy wasting money on fake meat retard.

>> No.17928551
File: 98 KB, 751x1063, 4CBB969E-6FEE-4F31-A95C-1CB49B79EEC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh baby, it sounds like you’re coping.
This simply is tech being used by all people that makes meat simply cost nothing.

No worries, we’re not going to put you in a cattle farm and vore you for abusing people and animals. Though the souls of all the dead and tortured animals are looking at you right now.

True goodness is good for all.

You’re such an ornery little animal.

>> No.17928780

This solves everything.

>> No.17929104

What’s the world going to be like when work doesn’t exist anymore?

>> No.17929129

why do people like you keep trying to assert that there is some moral dilemma to eating meat?

>> No.17929139

Scientifically, and of course morally, I support this 100%. But politically and economically this is going to be a fucking shitshow.

>> No.17929145

Well you do have to murder something to get it. If you think that's okay then you must think non-human lives have no value. So I ask you, what gives a life value in your opinion?

>> No.17929152

Only correct answer, needs more research before they start shoving in the consumers face

>> No.17929157

your life has no value

>> No.17929165

for me it's just another way that they can reach 100% control of the food supply. and by this I don't even mean any stupid (((they))) meme, I mean the state-corporation conglomerate. They already control it almost fully by regualation, if they manage to implement this they will control it fully because people will forget how to grow meat themselves just how we forgot to grow most other shit. This shit is heading into Capitalism2.0 Now With More Fascism! and everything they're trying right now is a cope in the face of the inevitable crash of capitalism that happens every once in a while.

If you think there's even a slither of schizoposting or conspirationism in what I've just said then you're clearly not wasting enough of your time with this shit, which is understadable since you're a wagecuck who spends almost all of his waking hours working, not to serve your fellow man, but to serve some rich asshole.

>> No.17929172

first, you can't murder an animla, murder is an unlawful killing, you slaughter animals. their life has no value beyond what we attribute to them, that being their food or labor, human lives are valuable in this context because we have that ability in the first place.

>> No.17929228
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That isn’t moral.

It is tech that anyone can use.
You can use it.

Imagine pouring mulch and water into a microwave sized meat plant grower vacuums chamber.

I attribute that your value is merely food. You shall now be slaughtered and your meat shall fatten cute American girls. At low prices.

Cultured meat would just make food free too.

And get fucking real. The only god is love. And the only morals are ever greater love.

>> No.17929241
File: 2.75 MB, 2203x638, C6D2476D-F265-4DAF-9B02-6D2FF56DDD79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economically and politically it makes all free and creates progress.

Work is the enemy of progress and innovation. Had Rome not used slaves, they would have progressed to the modern era a thousand years ago and never fell.

>> No.17929245

redpill me on lab grown meat: what's so bad about it?

>> No.17929247

you can't assert what is or isn't moral, morality is a consensus, tyrant

you're a single human dictating what should be and ignoring others, you should get real yourself

>> No.17929253

another way to get you to accept eating ze bugs and living in ze pod

>> No.17929263

okay now try again but without schizobabble

>> No.17929275

>My life has value because I say it does, and I can say it does because because it has value.

>> No.17929283
File: 76 KB, 496x801, AC47033A-D986-4103-9371-11947F8F95C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see morality as anything but love, step out of my way.
If you see no value in life,
step out of my way.

Or I’ll give you your morality.

>> No.17929292

anime isn't real

>> No.17929336
File: 357 KB, 1125x1008, D8EF5B2B-BC89-414C-8C39-50CE380AAEEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is anime.
Love is real.

And I go all the way.

>> No.17929348
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>And I go all the way.
i believe in you

>> No.17929465
File: 290 KB, 706x1000, 9803A199-9B31-4036-8E43-9F11A9A22271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t kill yourself.
True progress is progress for all.
True goodness is goodness for all.

Imagine true heaven for all.
It’s what everyone wants.

>> No.17929604
File: 148 KB, 750x456, 90B6E03F-2591-4365-99B1-B8FB5E52CC89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the opposite of such things.
You can make your own cultured meat at home. It just makes food free.

>> No.17929732

Nigger they already do that with fake eggs and fake chicken nuggets. They are literally more than 2x the price of regular eggs and chicken nuggets.
You can buy that expensive fake meat all you like retard. No one except retards like you will buy a literal scam.

>> No.17929766
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It makes meat free. Should we eat you instead?

>> No.17930105
File: 259 KB, 1136x811, Warhammer_Khorne_Brass_Throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only god is love.
My God is Khorne faggot. Without hate, love is nothing but a pathetic empty catchphrase used by faggots and hippies.
>Is a sheep not worthy of life more than a human who is only controlled by the idea/spirit of true evil?
They are bred to be livestock, in the wild they would die, you retarded faggot pacifist.

>> No.17930137

That's cool.
Is it made from haygrass or food waste not fit for human consumption?
Does it create fertilizer and soil additives as a byproduct?

>> No.17930192

Ancient humans:
Hunting wild animals on the fucking savaana who love normal lies and are just as much in danger of humans eating them as they are wildcats eating them.

Modern humans:
Mass breed fucking slave animals who live their entire lives in a fucking cage rarely getting proper sunlight and fresh air, with the sole purpose of being slaughtered without a chance of ever having a different fate.

There's a large difference. I don't even mind eating meat, just don't like how we treat the animals we domesticate for meat products. It's easy to think humans are vastly different from the rest of the animal kingdom because of our egos, but when you look at the complex social structures and intelligence in much of the animal kingdom it becomes easier to understand that we're closer to them than we like to admit.

And this goes for all animals, not even a fan of the "eat ze bugs" propaganda because just look at how fucking complex ant social structures and societies are. They rage wars, care for their wounded, farm fungi, domesticate other insects a cattle, build complex megastructures like we do, etc. They most likely have no concept of whatever the fuck we are and attribute whatever interactions we have with them as what we would consider natural disasters and such. They experience the world so much differently than we do, but live complicated lives.

>> No.17930202

Not reading this. Going to still eat meat. Seethe and dilate, etc.

>> No.17930206

Good to see /ck/ is still the most schizo board

>> No.17930208 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 750x1007, B290F719-B95F-450C-9B83-D795C5477566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your image is very telling.

And hate is love.
All feelings are love.
And I hate you.
And I’d vore you any day over a sheep.
I’d enjoy watching your eyes widen when you realize true-love is worse than Khorne.

>> No.17930221 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 750x921, 5931AB1D-927D-4C72-988E-4855ED805B7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The better it is for animals, the better it is for us!

>> No.17930233
File: 92 KB, 1125x1193, Buckle Shuckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still eat meat too. Though I like adding lots of mushrooms into my diet to soak up meaty flavors and give the feeling of eating more meat without eating as much.

>> No.17930282 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1125x1252, D01935D5-D8F8-47E0-B3A9-A30E62574C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t ever respond to their ilk unless to eat their soul.

>> No.17930703

yes? that how reasoning works. we are at the top, we decide what is what.

>> No.17930872

In the future celebrities will sell meat grown from their own cells and people will pay exorbitant amounts of money for it.

>> No.17931345

every week the same bait thread
fuck op and i hope him and every newfag falling for this dies in their sleep tonight

>> No.17931362

I don't even think it's bait. This guy is genuinely mentally ill based on the threads and images he spams on other boards, too.

>> No.17931415

Again you stupid retard, you already know how much they're selling with the fake meat that they can easily sell for $1 because the fake meat is basically bread.
They didn't. They sold at 2x the price of real meat. You think they won't sell this shit for 2x the price of real meat again?
You're retarded.

>> No.17931813
File: 101 KB, 384x530, 03599170-EAE8-48F7-8D62-77ADA17A036E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m at the top above you and reasoning works for me to say that it’s time for you to be vored.

Or no money at all. One can just get some of the meat their meat sold and grow it themselves.

Money is over fucko

I’ll destroy all that you say sanity is.

Every country is doing this.
Countless businesses.
The tech is for all. For anyone to do at home. Progress is progress for all.

Money is over

This simply makes meat cost nothing to make for everyone.

>> No.17931828 [DELETED] 

ok you got us
money is over
you win and we loose
you dont have to be so mean about it

>> No.17931833

ok you got us, money is over
you win and we lose and you dont have to be so mean about it

>> No.17931892

Im pretty sure the actual product doesnt look like that

>> No.17932133

It does look like that.
It is real meat.

>> No.17932240

Most of them died after doing so, the current generation of meat eaters is not on track to break the record.

>> No.17932258
File: 166 KB, 1080x1080, 6C454960-E07C-488F-9950-EB0B078479A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw everyone can be immortal gods via real progress.

I hate the god damn guts of anyone ANYONE that stands against real progress for their dead end dreams.

Also cultured meat shall be healthier that real meat.

>> No.17932283

Cute batgirl, but I prefer catgirl.
>The only heaven is heaven on earth for all.
Humanity should create Eden. With no parasites, predators and no more natural death just like the mythical Eden. On earth and in the heavens.

Nature should be designed, evolution created a horror show.

>> No.17932293

i wish you faggot shills would stay on redd0t /r/futurism and /r/science.

>> No.17932305

soyboy here. I'm happy with genetically modified fruit & veg and with synthesized meat.

>> No.17932322

I don't give a fuck about animal suffering or other vegan reason, but if they can make a 6 inches long piece of pure spinalis muscle steak then I will buy that shit.

>> No.17932335

salmon tastes great. but the problem is, the longer a salmon is in the river, the worst it tastes. the reason is, suicide fish dont eat while migrating to their spawning grounds. so as each day passes, the fish is basically already dying and degrading. The best tasting salmon are caught either in the ocean, or right at the mouth of a river, and guess what. We dont have clean/pure river mouths anymore. so you either end up with half dead fish which would be better off as processed cat food, or farm raised crap which tastes like shit because they are raised in unsanitatry conditions while being fed a diet of corn or some other filler.

t. salmon fisherman

>> No.17932363

How do you expect to feed the unwashed masses? People having 12 kids with no job while living off of food stamps don't deserve quality products

>> No.17932435

Idk if this applies to synthetic fish, but synthetic beef is a huge scam that DOES involve the suffering and death of tons of cattle.

>> No.17932471

>True communism was only ever about ending work.
>It’s what everyone fought for.
>You know it.
>Everyone knows it.
Yes, everyone knows communism murdered tens, if not hundreds, of millions on a fools errand dreamt up by idiotic utopians and actually intelligent tyrants.

>> No.17932531
File: 172 KB, 973x1024, 05FD58DB-5E6C-4D0A-8D68-6C3BB55730D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of my country, parasite.
You deserve none of the goodness of my people.

My people are my creation.
I care for them.
I grow them.

You are nothing but a parasite and an exploiter. You deserve hell.
Any country you exist in, you harm.

>> No.17932534

It’s not synthetic

>> No.17932541
File: 1.75 MB, 1061x1382, B623549A-7EE3-450C-9F4C-7D1E7C170233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that would curse utopia is a dystopian.

Damn you! Your life has less value than than the life that once was of what you eat!

>> No.17932555
File: 208 KB, 750x931, 09ED0185-3A57-4CFA-AA54-D463B1623A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you.
Lets design humanity via genetic engineering! Limitless potential!

>> No.17933054

I don't know that they'd be able to actually accurate recreate the taste, but this is probably the future of lab grown meat if they can - exotic animals that the average person is unlikely to be able to eat in their lifetime, for a reasonable price.

>> No.17933119

I'm in favor of anything that produces good quality food for less money. If it doesn't succeed in that, then it's pointless

>> No.17933146

your anus will be left in a state of disarray

>> No.17933163

So what do vegans do about blood vegetables/fruit from exploited people in poorer countries?
Mexican avocado growers are under the cartel thumb.
Coco is harvested by child/slave labour.

>> No.17933174

Fuck vegans, but this isn't much of a gotcha when the whole farm to table industry popped up as an answer to it

>> No.17933176
File: 2.38 MB, 2480x1748, 62A6717C-FE3C-4D22-A764-B292ABA7FBD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just tiger meat. It really is REAL meat.
I cannot stress this enough, it is if you cut a tigers head off and kept the body alive and then bloated its muscles to the size of Mount Everest by continuing to feed its body nutrients.

That is what it does.

Food is officially free from now on.

>> No.17933182

Based Christians

>> No.17933186
File: 209 KB, 1366x1100, 1654296234511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Food is officially free from now on.
We will turn the entire world into amerifats, and no one can stop us

>> No.17933188
File: 88 KB, 540x540, AEF6D2CC-F2B0-4BDD-90F5-8A0666486A3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chunk of meat is taken from an animal and grown like a strawberry.

If nutrients keep going in, it keeps growing and growing and growing.

If people want something to be all negative about… well… food is going to be so abundant that feederism will be normalized.

>> No.17933198
File: 29 KB, 500x333, 73A956B9-1153-4995-8D18-95FBB9693008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is goodness.

>> No.17933232

>It just doesn’t include beings living in cages and then getting killed.
Then it's not real meat. Grow a sack kid, nature isn't pretty.

>> No.17933251
File: 86 KB, 720x697, 6E3F71BA-0A52-483E-92D0-3BFFCE763A1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we do that to you instead?

>> No.17933252


fuckkkk yea i cant wait until bbws get normalized in east asia

>> No.17933273

Factory farmed meat already tastes like shit because the animals don't get to move around and eat real food. It's already established that younger meat has a less developed flavour than meat from older animals. Why the fuck would I want lab grown shit?
May as well just start eating dog food if we're meant to just ignore how degrading and tasteless food is for the sake of muh fee fees

>> No.17933284

No. How about you let me sniff her ass.

>> No.17933286
File: 192 KB, 750x750, 0DCB0CCE-1087-4694-9E83-8BCD1468B62D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cultured meat just makes meat free
And it’s utmost quality.
Its quality has infinite potential.
Higher potential quality than any meat that ever existed.

>> No.17933292
File: 174 KB, 1120x2048, EF29B6ED-CCFC-4303-839E-805C5C68D61E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really are an animal.
You’ll add to the fat of her ass instead.

>> No.17933476


>> No.17933512

>It really is REAL meat.
Real meat develops flavor profiles from the activity of the animal, it's diet, etc.
I'm not saying that's impossible to recreate in a lab, but I don't want to eat clinical lab grown tissue - I want it to taste similar to if I went out and shot a real Tiger that lived a full life and ate a varied diet.

>> No.17933531

>The meat grows like a plant.
>You feed it water and plant mulch.
This makes me wonder about taste. Different animal conditions when alive make the meat taste different. Free range cows and chickens genuinely taste better.

>> No.17933539

Upside is that no one's stopping you, and the demand from people who don't mind lab grown is fulfilled elsewhere, driving prices down across the board

>> No.17933541
File: 58 KB, 371x542, 1698B68F-2C4C-4989-A9CA-ADE85DB871EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They simply feed it the correct minerals.

The minerals and chemicals can all be detected in non-cultured meat. Then measured for quantity. And then so on.

>> No.17933546

So the leftists changed their mind about this just like big pharma? Because it was only a few years ago that the left was screaming bloody murder about any and all GMOs.

>> No.17933553
File: 229 KB, 750x1061, 8FCE3996-89FB-4E1F-B6E5-AC39D6890E0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little dirt and sediment with their grass.

And no stress

Cultured meat is a no stress meat

>> No.17933559
File: 64 KB, 600x338, AF4B79F0-4559-4272-A30C-54026CD245A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one was ever against good GMOs

>> No.17933757
File: 146 KB, 698x1046, 51F9BF14-0F46-4F94-80B9-6E0D1C1B61EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s something more to make of this world. Infinitely more.

>> No.17933869

More real meat for me. The retard can eat as much fake meat at 2x the price of real meat as he wants.

>> No.17934733

Real progress

>> No.17936162

>nature isn't pretty
What is natural about selective breeding, forced impregnation, lifetime confinement with no sunlight, mutilating an animal so it can fit in a tiny cage better, feeding it until it cannot support its own weight, and then slaughtering them with machines by the billions? If nature isn't pretty, how are you justified in adding more to the violence and bloodshed when it is entirely unnecessary for humans to eat meat, dairy or eggs?

>> No.17936208

>So what do vegans do about blood vegetables/fruit from exploited people in poorer countries?
Oh no, they are replacing a natural environment with tons of predators and parasites creating a horror show of suffering all day every day with an artificial monoculture. It matters little to me, because I don't respect nature. Nature is a temporary bootstrap for humanity to elevate itself to the point it can completely redesign itself and its environment artificially.

Eden is how nature should be, nature as it exists is a horror show.

>> No.17936535

Is this true?

>> No.17936614

>Free range cows and chickens genuinely taste better.
its called the placebo effect

>> No.17936665

how does labgrown kill cost?
maintaining a sterile environment and clean water takes a tremendous amount of resources. Raise an animal and its immune system will do all that for free

>> No.17936841

die faggot anime poster

>> No.17936894

>NWO mindfucked leftists to completely reverse their anti GMO stance in about 2-3 years with veganism

leftists are truly cattle

>> No.17936917

to add to this, I remember when CONAGRA foods was said with genuine venom irl, and in the internet. now CONAGRA foods and many other artificial synthetic companies have become the enables for the vegan lifestyle.

this is the perfect example of social engineering, probably one of the most successful social engineering plots in history.

>> No.17937262
File: 178 KB, 640x1025, 42852292-3F56-4D80-914C-00CEAB548C46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post.

Get real. Look it up.
I doubt you believe your own words.

Anime is the eternal universal spirituality.

>> No.17937267
File: 371 KB, 921x2474, 520263AC-25DA-4903-B269-E6B7B737E25B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one ever opposed good GMOs.

Can we stop with the whole left vs right thing?! Everyone wants the same world.
The only motive, moral, and god is love.

>> No.17937273
File: 84 KB, 571x734, 7A4FADFD-F1CD-4C39-975A-A6B09655CED8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there’s only one love.
And love is infinite.

>> No.17937510

there are no good GMOs. I miss the lefties that used to believe in this, it was a perfectly rational and pro-earth belief.

>> No.17937515

People don't want the same world. There's huge diversity in what people want.

>> No.17937539

my god is hatred.

>> No.17937563
File: 853 KB, 1443x1125, 29C8495B-09F3-4499-8774-C511B3AA37FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All is GMO

When one plants only the seeds of the apples that taste the best, that’s genetic modification.

The only motive, moral, and god is love.
There’s only one love.
And love is infinite.

One cannot hate without love.
One cannot feel pain if they don’t feel love.

>> No.17937593

untrue, hatred is a pure base emotion.

>> No.17937646
File: 194 KB, 1117x703, F2887214-C3A4-43A8-94CD-D978F4FAFDCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t feel hatred unless you want something else instead in its place.

To hate something means there’s something that you don’t hate.
Something you want instead.

When I feel hate, I would describe it as the desire for me to grow my love and end what I hate. To have my love replace what I hate. To have my love overwhelm what I hate. To have only my love exist.

Love is infinite. I can replace all that I hate

All is love though so I’d describe what we hate as areas where love leave. Hate being where love is limited.
No energy in the universe can be lost. It simply leaves to somewhere else.

When I hate something, I just extract all
the goodness any love from it to empower my love. So that my love replaces it. Or I convert the hate into my love by making it MY power instead. Like eating a soul.

>> No.17937657

At this point our soil is so shit and our standards for raising meat so poor that lab shit would probably be healthier and tastier

>> No.17937671

>You can’t feel hatred unless you want something else instead in its place.
no, not true, i can hate something and not want it without knowing what i want.

if love is infinite, it's a cardinal infinity and hatred is ordinal.

>> No.17937720

You don’t need to know what you love to feel hate.

Trust your feelings always.

Once all that you hate is destroyed, what you love flowers.

As you kill what you hate, you discover what you love. Your consciousness unfolds and blooms.
That’s what happens to me.

I feel angry, I let my anger win, and then in the rubble my love grows.

A beast stands in my way, I slay the beast, and then continue on my way.

My love is the DESIRE to destroy what I hate.
All forces are love.
Then that desire blooms into infinitely more!
Infinite universe!

The desire to slay the dragon leads to the desire to build a city upon its blood and fertile lands.

Even the blindest smallest emotion is infinite multiverses of love. All is love!

>> No.17937732

I just want to throw the gays into a bog

>> No.17937748
File: 994 KB, 500x281, 1532623357843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you hate everything, and embrace the hatred, there is nothing but hate. become the hate.

>> No.17937757

How about I put you in a cage, OP

>> No.17937765

How about I end you

>> No.17937768

I will eat my neighbors before I eat this fake frankenmeat.

>> No.17937880
File: 171 KB, 723x1024, EB2B8320-3879-45EE-BE87-6E4A8A1B8D15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love everything.

But if I hate everything or find myself in such a place where everything is what I hate, I just destroy everything and replace it what I love.
I burn down cities and slay everyone I hate inside it! I save whom I can if I can or destroy all if I can’t save them! And then I build a new city upon it and create a new people! And create new loves! New good energies and good souls!

Goodness is infinite love!
Badness is ever diminishing love.

How about I put you in a cage instead and I’ll impregnate you and milk you and fuck you endlessly and fatten you and then eat you if you don’t agree that cultured-meat is a good idea!
The only might is love and might makes right!

I have the ghosts of countless animals on my side! And the spirit of utopia! The end of work! Better food and free food for all!
Etc etc etc!


I’ll vore you!

Go ahead!

It’s real meat tho!
Look it up and learn!

>> No.17938350
