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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 545 KB, 600x600, p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17893549 No.17893549 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on vegans. Why are there so many vegan lies/propaganda on the internet. Pic related: Beef only have 6.4 grams of protein, while Broccoli have 11.1 grams of protein.

>> No.17893552

>per 100 calories
lel now do by weight.

>> No.17893553
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>> No.17893558

>Vegan obsession thread
If you people didn't constantly talk about them then I wouldn't have to think about them at all.
>B-but the vegan propaganda!
Get off of FaceBerg or stop bringing that shit here, either way works for me.

>> No.17893559

>lel now do by weight.
They don't have to. It's a lie.

>> No.17893571

Vegetables are goyslop and an inferior source of protein and amino acids.

>> No.17893573

>Redpill me on vegans.
pretentious self-important assholes.
their choice to be vegan makes zero impact on the animal product industry.
therefore, animals are dying in vain because of vegan selfishness.
they are narcissists that do not have the capacity to accept things they cannot change.

>> No.17893578

>pic implies ripping a living plant out of the ground with a harvesting machine isn't violent as fuck

>> No.17893610

Rent free

>> No.17893613
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Is it the "vegan lies" part? Yeah. I add that right before posting, as "vegan propaganda" doesn't feel 'strong' enough. Will I ever completely polish my engrish by just posting in this basket-weaving forum?

>> No.17893620

pretty sure he was talking about the "beef have" and "broccoli have".

>> No.17893650
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Should it be "has"?
I always default to 'have', since I don't really see any difference.

>> No.17893668

I did the math a while ago and it was like 10 oz of broccoli had the same amount of protein as 1.5 oz of beef. So you'd have to eat almost 10x as much broccoli to get the same amount of protein.

There's also another image like that comparing beef and beans, saying they're comparable in protein content. But it's comparing dry beans to fresh beef, and obviously removing the water is going to increase the protein percentage in dry beans but you can't eat them like that.

>> No.17893679

Or do it by volume. Imagine needing to eat a mixing bowl or heaping plate of broccoli to get the protein you can get from a piece of beef half the size of a deck of cards. How about you eat both and get some fucking balanced diet.

>> No.17893721

I see it now. I'm actually the best engrish speaker back in my schooldays, I probably just forgot.


>> No.17893742

In that first result the 'have' links back to the plural noun 'cuts', which is being described as 'of beef', beef itself is not the subject.
In that second result there are two subjects - stew AND roast beef, hence the noun is inflected for the plural.
Beef and broccoli are (typically) both mass nouns (in English) rather than count, meaning they don't have a plural on their own and require a quantifier.
Hope this helps :)

>> No.17893749

>noun inflected for the plural
meant verb, my bad
I'm not ESL I swear

>> No.17893770

you "have" something.
something other than you "has" something.

>> No.17893847
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Here's another one comparing beef and tofu where tofu is the clear winner.

>made from thousands of soy plant fetuses
>cruelty free

>> No.17893872

I'm currently cooking chicken in green chilli spinach sauce. Each serving of this dish (there will be six) has a serving of vegetables, despite the chicken. Furthermore, it'll be eaten with an eggplant curry (two servings of veg) and beetroot rice (another serving). My very small plate of food will have four servings of veg, one of meat and one grain. Most vegans, on the other hand, will subsist on Impossible Burgers, which counts as neither a serving of meat nor one of veg.

>> No.17893876

soy has cancer

>> No.17893880

Hey Google, what are amino acids?

>> No.17893884

>100 calories of beef contains far more calories than 100 calories of tofu

>> No.17893906

Straight from the USDA:
>Protein/energy per 100 grams:
> Broccoli, raw: 2.82g/34kcal.
> Top sirloin: 30.8g/177kcal.
>Protein per 100kcal:
> Broccoli, raw: 8.29g
> Top sirloin: 17.24g

I hate this image and its lies. Broccoli is great, and you should eat it because it's very healthy, but no, vegetables don't have near the same protein content as actual fucking muscular tissue from animals. 100 calories of broccoli is a fucking lot of broccoli; 100 calories of steak isn't that much steak.

>> No.17893915

I refuse to eat anything grown in a field because hundreds of animals and millions of insects are killed in the process.

>> No.17893918
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The lack of bio-available vitamin B is causing some severe brain damage among vegans.

>> No.17893928

Protein in a nutrition label is grossly oversimplified. There are 4 kinds of protein that we must obtain from food, and meat (chicken, beef, pork, fish) is the only food that contains significant amounts of all 4. Plant protein typically lacks at least one of them, meaning you have to eat a ton of different foods to get the same proteins you get from a single serving of meat. This is why raw vegans always look so fucking emaciated.

>> No.17893940

But they can get their B12 naturally from nutritional yeast! As long as their nutritional yeast has been fortified with B12.

>> No.17893943

You're mostly correct. You're thinking of essential amino acids, of which there are 9. The most important, generally speaking, is leucine. Vegans need to mix "protein sources" to get them all (e.g. beans and nuts). But even then, your body won't use it as well as a simple piece of animal protein.
Also, you can eat 4 big ass salads a day and you'll still get less bioavailable micronutrients then eating liver once per week.

>> No.17893945
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I went to correct you but you're not technically wrong, you just don't cover the full usages. But when I started to write it out I realized how shitty English is and gave up. Seems there's no real easy rule(s).

>I have
>You have
>They have
>We have
>She has
>He has
>It has

I feel like English is comparatively easy to become "passably fluent" (you can understand people, they can understand you) but near impossible for ESLs to master without tens of years of immersion.

>> No.17893952

It's worse than that. I had to take a nutritional course in college. At the time we were taught there were 18 amino acids needed, with a 19th being preferential during childhood. Now if you do a quick search there are 20, with an additional 2 that are made from changing the other amino acids. 9 of which CANNOT BE OBTAINED FROM VEGETABLE MATTER. You require fortification or non-vegetable matter for optimal health.

>> No.17893967

>per X calories
what about by weight?

>> No.17893990


when you pick up a can and read the nutrient info its by grams.

comparisons by calories is just lying. but yes you have to lie to make tofu win over beef

>> No.17894074

beef smells like shit. like literal feces

>> No.17894087

Just popping into this thread to say that vegan fags and keto fags are both fags. If you need to watch what you eat you are either a fatass a faggot or a woman.

>> No.17894108

>Cruelty free
Not for the people eating it.

>> No.17894159

>man has omnivorous diet for its entire existence
>teeth and digestive system still designed for consumption of both
>all of a sudden now its a problem
I get not being giddy for stuff like factory farming because that indeed is terrible and the stuff from those hellholes taste like ass anyways, and the world can certainly learn how to stop shoving its face full of lard again. But going around saying shit like “meat is murder” and trying to give hunters flak when they’re literally one of the most pro ecology/environmental people around is just stupid and pretentious.
Most people wouldn’t need to watch anything if they just dropped the snacks and sweets really. Mention shit like caloric intake and all of a sudden everyone completely surpasses the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.17894169

vegans can't eat yeast because fungus was proven sentient.

>> No.17894178

because we don't know how to artificially inseminate yet?
>"how would you like it if you were bred just to be slaughtered?"
it would suck.
good thing i'm top of the food chain because i can understand math, use tools, and build machines to help me have a massive advantage over every other creature on earth.
i'm sorry you hate being human, vegans.

this is how to properly respond to narcissists.
you're right, they're wrong, and you don't budge.

>> No.17894184

> not knowing not all proteins are worth the same
> muh dietary cholesterol when latest studies have shown it doesn't do anything
> beef has stuff like vitamin B12, zinc, selenium, iron, niacin, and vitamin B6
> muh "cruelty"


>> No.17894185

>proven sentient
But what is sentient? We've known for years that plants can react and communicate. Why are plants not sentient?

>> No.17894190

Yeasts do not have mycelium networks like forest mushrooms have

>> No.17894215

NGL, those beyond burgers are actually pretty good.

>> No.17894298

And by amino acid score

>> No.17894323

I don't care. I don't eat factory farmed meat. It's all pasture raised pork, grass finished beef (family friends murray grey cattle which finish particularly well on grass), venison, and I raise my own poultry (pasture raised). I'm actually slaughtering a bird tomorrow. The only animal product I get from the store right now is dairy and that will end soon.

I also have a garden and forage, trap, and hunt. What do I care what some urbanite virtue signaler who doesn't even know what half the shit they are eating even is tells me?

>> No.17894342

Different structures of protein and how the body absorbs it...

>> No.17894612

One last note for you ESL-kun: that second sentence would be "I was the best" since you're talking about the past.

>> No.17894618

this image is true but you would have to eat a shit ton of brocolli to get to 100 calories

>> No.17894626

>But steel's heavier than feathers...

>> No.17894630

hmmm i like broccoli so i will continue to eat it alongside a balanced diet that tries to limit my intake of needless sugar but does include meat and eggs.

thanks OP

>> No.17894691

>I'm actually the best
>I was the best
I know that, but I just thought it's not necessary. Is "was" really required for that sentence to work?

>> No.17894696

Yes. Tense matters. What retarded language do you soak that doesn't have tense

>> No.17894697

Okay. Jeez.

>> No.17894731

I can summarize it all in one word. Insufferable.

>> No.17894970

Most vegan men are raised by single mothers. It's an honour and values substitute.

>> No.17895187
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>> No.17895203

>animals are dying in vain because of vegan selfishness.
This is why I don't like refusing to eat meat even though I think factory farming is shitty. I'd rather not waste the poor thing's sacrifice.

>> No.17895206

>100 calories of raw ground beef
>contains far more calories than 100 calories of tofu
Is this a shitpost

>> No.17895207

never seen a black vegan
>I think factory farming is shitty
yet you insist to keep it alive?

>> No.17895213

this is retarded and completely forget that not all protein are made the same, some arent as absorbable as others also where the fuck they did get the 6.4 gr for beef? its 26 gr protein these fucking retards and worse yet brocoli is at 2.6!! dont believe this retarded fucking propaganda

>> No.17895233

Anti-vegan strawmanning is pretty much a sure sign that you're in horrible shape, you're an autistic picky eater manchild, and you don't know how to cook. Fatties don't even understand the difference between veganism and vegetarianism. A guy I used to work with would have a meltdown every time our lunch group would go to a no-meat place. Just going one meal without meat = "militant veganism". The brain rot is truly impressive.

How many black people have you actually talked to IRL? I've met far more black vegans than white vegans. It seems to mesh well with a certain kind of anti-authority disposition that a lot of black men gravitate towards.

>> No.17895340

Animal protein and plant protein are two different things.

I eat vegetables but i'm not gonna kid myself that its better than eating meat and especially organs

Yes in my country we still eat organ meat

>> No.17895385

even natives can't master it
I spent so many years trying to figure out the "your" and "you're" rules until I realized a shitton of people were simply wrong

>> No.17895403

English native here, I personally do not understand the obsession some anons have for identifying ESLs on 4chan. How boring of a person do you have to be where this is actually an interesting observation about a stranger, let alone some kind of "gotcha". If I actually had the energy for it I'd make a filter to hide threads containing the string "ESL" but I only see it a few times a day so I'll just continue to mildly seethe about it and then forget about it an instant later.

Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.17895437

>where the fuck they did get the 6.4 gr for beef? its 26 gr protein
It's about 26g protein per 100g, but it's going by calorie count because it's intentionally misleading.

>> No.17895440

That's the protein content for 100 calories of 85/15 ground beef but I'm not sure if I'd consider that high fat. 95/5 ground beef would have about 1.5x as much protein as tofu for 100 calories though.

>> No.17895450

Also this shows a lean piece of beef but it's using the information for beef that's about 20% fat.

>> No.17895454

You can eat broccoli on keto though

>> No.17895461
File: 6 KB, 259x194, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats healthier? a huner calories of beef or a huner calories of tofu?

>> No.17895562
File: 58 KB, 800x450, this_is_an_american_joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind getting called out. It rarely happens, but when it does, I ask what's wrong with my grammar. I know it's supposed to be an insult, but I'm not really affected because I know being multilingual still superior to EOPs.

Sometimes anons actually say what's wrong, and it's a good opportunity to learn, since I'm just browsing 4chan anyways.

>> No.17895579

It's just a cope for people who used to be typo nazis until it became very reddit uncool to police other people's typos and grammar and doing so caused you to automatically lose the internet argument. So now they've fallen back on "ESL ESL ESL" as if being a monolingual muttoid is something to be proud of. Ironically if you were to point out any spelling mistakes they made, they'd pull a reddit and say you are afraid to argue the substance or some shit like that.

>> No.17895592

Retard alert.

>> No.17895597

Paedophile detected.

>> No.17895618

No, you misconjugated 'beef have' when it should be 'beef has.' When we use plural nouns without an s as food we conjugate that as singular. So deer have fur but venison has protien. Cattle have hooves but beef has saturated fat.

>> No.17895626

Well not really, it's more of a class distinction. The internet used to be just an anglosphere thing when millenials were young. Now you have 3rd worlders in Bulgeria, Pakistan, Peru, etc all online and using broken english in spaces where they did not exist 12 years ago. Plus many of us resent it because retarded BR HUEHUEs and others have ruined a lot of Dota 2 games due to their utter stupidity.

>> No.17895639
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I doubt there's any other "forces" that play into the promotion of these cult diets other than basic phychology and selling cookbooks. Its just about reassurance and coping by saying that what you chose to do is right, which often includes cherry-picking mundane statistics to paint yourself or your decision in a good light. None of it is exclusive to vegans or even diets in general.

>> No.17895643

>I'm so high class that i play dota
I've been on the internet since dialup. The internet I knew and loved was for actual nerds, academics, scientists, and other smart people. Not for screeching at each other through a gaymin headset. YOU are the unwashed hordes, know your place child.

>> No.17895656

I played my first zeldas on emulators as a 6 year old. I have always had a computer. My first internet browser was aol.

>> No.17895662

Giro need to range ban American IP addresses.
That would go a long way to solving a lot of issues here.

>> No.17895670

The servers are american. If anything he should ban all nonamerican ips. Your opinions don't matter anyway.

>> No.17895685

>muh kidneys
it's only an issue if you already have kidney disease

>> No.17895701

Please. I played my first Zelda at my dad's coworker's house in Japan in 1986 on Famicom. My first computer was an IBM PC with a monochrome display and a mechanical keyboard, or as we called it back then, a "keyboard", because clackity-clack keys weren't some soyface thing but just normal computer hardware. Quit whining about foreigners ruining your online gaming culture, it's cancer and there was nothing to ruin.

>> No.17895721

The servers are in London last I heard.
Even so it’s clear that a board concerned with food and cooking has no place for the average American. Those fat fucks don’t eat real food let alone actually cook.

>> No.17895725

You would still be crazy to think that all these third worlders haven't reduced the quality of the internet, old man. Well really apples iphone was the worst thing that has ever happened. My first os was 95.

>> No.17895730

So still in the anglosphere? Alright so restrict it to uk, aus, nz, us, canada, ir, sa

>> No.17895740

Americans aren’t Anglo.
The racemixing has gone too far for that.

>> No.17895747

Depends on the state. I'm all for us balkanization myself. I fucking hate eastoids and californians.

>> No.17895755

Facebook is what ruined the internet. Instead of letting users put thoughts of their own out there and interact actively with other people who share common interests, Facebook (and its relatives) does the thinking and feeling for people and just stimulates people's hardwired animal instincts to maximize engagement and generate "original" non-content based on what people have been conditioned to learn will maximize their dopamine hits.

This problem would have happened on desktop PCs in the end, mobile phones just accelerated the process.

>> No.17895778

Aye. Apparently they teach Ebonics in elementary school now.

>> No.17895787

I would say that users giving up anonymity is what ruined the internet but it is also that mobile devices put it in the hands of poor people. At least back when there was one 'family' pc and myspace, the kids had to learn to be scriptkiddos to alter their page. The mobile device is what led developers to alter their guis to absolute mongoloid retard levels. Zoomers don't even know how to organize files because they are growing up on ios and fingerpainting instead of learning to type.

>> No.17895795

They're more German than British, probably why you endlessly seethe about them in every other thread

>> No.17895809

An efficient and simple touch screen interface is a good thing, anon. 6 mouse buttons and 16 layers of context menus = loonix-tier stupidity.

What makes phones bad for the internet is that converting thoughts to text is bottlenecked by a touchscreen, so people become habituated to dumbing down their thoughts and valorizing inanity. Hence why now if you type more than 3 compound sentences in response to anything it's "why u mad bro". Because the only time anyone ever bothers to type more than a few emojis anymore is when they get a jolt of extra energy having taken offense at something.

Blaming this on poor foreigners and brown people is peak facebook btw. Even uneducated people have complex thoughts. Give them the tools to express them and a form factor that encourages independent thought and we could have had something very interesting, but it wasn't meant to be.

>> No.17895826
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It's more of a certain poor people can have thoughts worth hearing but those people would rise to the top regardless. Dealing with 99 voices of noises for the one smart person in 100 is not worth it imo. It's like tolerating advertising because maybe you will hear about a product you are actually interested in. No, the time cost is too high even for that. That said, 85% of first worlders are also retards.

>> No.17895831

>100 calories of broccoli
Bowl the size of your head
>100 calories of beef
Smaller than your palm

Which is more efficient?

>> No.17895832

thanks anon this is exactly what I wanted to clarified when I clicked this thread

>> No.17895871

First and second person (Me & you) = have
Third person singular (he & she) = has
Third person plural (they) = have.

>> No.17895873

Wonder how many birds and other small woodland critters had to be exterminated to protect the soybean crop

>> No.17895880

But you don't have to deal with those 99 voices if they aren't shoved down your throat by an algorithm designed for an entirely different purpose than what you came online for. People actively seeking like-minded people, vs. people getting passively herded into ideological concentration camps, creates completely different groupings and generates completely different content. Smart people used to be able to associate with only smart people, because there'd be no motive for a stupid person to sign up for the smart people forum. Now you're forced to read stupid takes on stupid things just to be able to read something written by someone you're interested in, because the way you pay for your access is by consenting to have an ocean of stupid bullshit waved in your face whether you like it or not.

>> No.17895887

Veganism is an outgrowth from weakness of the spirit and the mind. People too afraid to come to terms with the fact life always comes at the expense of life. They are cowards, so they spend their entire existence trying to mitigate harm.

>> No.17895890

Lot less than what they exterminated to grow the cattle feed to make that meat

>> No.17895897

>nation is class

>> No.17895900


>> No.17895903

No. America has a phenomenon of ‘stealth anglos’, caused by historical anti-english sentiment and a curiosity of the exotic. If someone is half scottish and half english, 99% of the time they will claim to be scottish. Because ‘english’ is seen as plain and boring and the norm.
Actual genetic research shows that the single largest ethnic group amongst american whites originates from the British isles.

>> No.17895904

That's a lot of words for "one drop rule"

>> No.17895907

Cattle are fed using the leftovers from human food production, stuff that’s unfit for human consumption.

>> No.17895909

Holy retard.
Your = possession
You’re = contraction of ‘you are’

>> No.17895912

god forbid someone explains himself properly instead of resorting to one-liners

>> No.17895913

No, but that's a pretty unique cope, kudos on coming up with a new angle

>> No.17895924

God forbid anyone not beat around the bush with some weird self-pitying nonsense about how English Americans are the most oppressed race after centuries of English Americans claiming that everyone else is inferior resulting in nobody being English American anymore because they're "contaminated", get over yourself

>> No.17895927

That's a lot of words for "nothing at all"

>> No.17895929

>Why are plants not sentient?
Plants can't be sentient, because otherwise that would inconvenience veganism's moral premise.

>> No.17895940

>trying to mitigate harm
How terrible.

>> No.17895941

>say nonsense
>get proven wrong

>> No.17895955

Yes. The end result of harm mitigation is always self-loathing misanthropy and spiritual impotence. If you allow yourself to go down that path, the only solution is to kill yourself. After all, you want to mitigate harm don’t you? Your continued existence is harmful inherently. Kill yourself, right now. Only then will the world be safe from the harm your existence brings to it

>> No.17895972
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>> No.17895977

Well this is the only social media I use and thankfully it only attracts the outsider. Maybe you could consider youtube social media but my algorithm is pretty much entirely hunting and fishing videos.

>> No.17895992

Yes. Those who cannot accept this spend their entire existence timidly walking on their tiptoes, desperate to avoid every and and eggshell they come across. Slowly withering into nothingness, as everything of value leaves them behind. Veganism should be considered a rejection of your humanity, and a declaration that you no longer wish to live. Killing them would be a service to them and to society.

>> No.17895995

Ant* and eggshell

>> No.17896006

People who do that are the same people who complain about reddit spacing (which was a thing on 4chan before reddit existed) or nitpick about a random typo. They are worthless retards with no arguments and a shit life so they try to make themselves feel better by being pedantic douches on an anonymous himalayan pink salt snorting website.
Anyway fuck vegans, fuck keto. All you need is a balanced diet without soda and using your legs a little instead of driving everywhere.

>> No.17896013

>mitigate harm by harming yourself

>> No.17896043

Unironically because of PETA, they regularly fund shit to spread propaganda like this garbage. Wouldn't be surprised if most vegan misinformation is started by them.


Its really a question as to "why?" because there are plenty of rational arguments to advocate for veganism, I don't know why they need to spread this bullshit misinformation about animal fats somehow being bad for us, humans, who historically were hunter/gatherers that mainly ate animals.

>> No.17896060

Refined carb heavy diets didnt exist until the invention of farming which is when humans halted their own evolution. Before then there were no domesticated crops and the vast majority of our caloric intake came from eating cooked meat along with whatever greens, roots and berries we could find. Its a natural diet.

>> No.17896069

Being American sucks so much, people on here always talk about having walkable space and public transportation and being able to get food that isnt deep fried or some Doritos type shit at convenience stores and none of that exists here.

>> No.17896082
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>humans halted their own evolution

>> No.17896102

Killing yourself causes less harm overall than your continued existence. Cause a little harm now to save a lot of long-term harm. Harm mitigation, after all.

>> No.17896104

It exists in shitholes like Chicago and New York. You’re free to go live there if you like

>> No.17896169

Why would you want to live in a city as a bugman?

>> No.17896185

the cow I eat is grass fed and finished on pasture sorghum.

Soy is mostly fed to human and hogs, and the stuff fed to hogs has to be processed first, usually by extracting the oil and leaving the meal for the livestock.

>> No.17896201

do other countries also have crackheads sitting around the subway stations?

>> No.17896211

we literally did though, once farming was invented we stopped having to rely on our legs and marathon running abilities to chase down prey for food, and also eliminated all of our natural predators by developing civilization and shelter that predators couldn't penetrate. Dumb retards tend to procreate the most so the future of humanity is to produce more fucktards.

>> No.17896371

Why wouldn't they? Drugs are everywhere. It might not necessarily be the subway but they'll always congregate somewhere.

>> No.17896377

You have no idea what evolution is. Please never post here again.

>> No.17896378

Why would anyone live in a city where you use public transportation by choice

>> No.17896380

Yes. Though their police forces are more willing to enforce anti-loitering laws, and there’s also less of the ‘persuasion’ who tend to fall into drugs in those countries.

>> No.17896386

>bro just eat literally 5 bowls of broccoli to get the same amount of protein in one small steak

>> No.17896392

Explain how species gain or lose entire chromosomes successfully. Some species have 14 more sets of chromosomes from their most direct relative species. Normally this results in downs syndrome and genetic failure and besides this how would the cellular meiosis successfully divide these? Nobody has successfully explained this and it activates my schizo sense.

>> No.17896463

>posts something retarded
>doesn't elaborate

>> No.17896476
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>She does not have
Where is your God now?

>> No.17896479

That is past participle.

>> No.17896486

>per 100 calories

Why do vegans have to lie to get their way?

>> No.17896515

Why is that a lie?

>> No.17896517

If you claim to care about animal life and aren't a vegan, you're just a hypocrite.

I think that vegans upset meat-eaters because they demonstrate that meat eating for most people is just done out of pleasure/convenience, not necessity. Vegans show that you can live without killing animals to eat, and most meat eaters acknowledge that killing animals is something to be avoided.

There's a cognitive dissonance among meat eaters where animals should not die unless it's done out of necessity, but also meat eaters are addicted to killing them to eat their flesh for non-necessary reasons.

Pretty much, if you think it's wrong to needlessly kill animals but are also a meat-eater, you're a hypocrite and a brainlet.

>> No.17896545

>Redpill me on vegans. Why are there so many vegan lies/propaganda on the internet.
Redpill me on meatheads. Why are there so many meathead lies/propaganda on the internet?
Why are meatheads so insanely insecure and have to butt into every thread and board on 4chan and tell everyone how upset vegans make them by eating some celery? why do meat heads run around telling everyone to to brush their teeth with spam and wipe with cow livers? scrape your knee? oh just put a turkey slice bandaid on it! have a head ache? bologna on! apply directly up the behind! crazy, absolute insanity.


I think all the anti-vegan meatheads are just a bunch of evil shill disinfo agents trying to shadow defame vegans and push for diets with a higher rate of heart disease and cancer.

I am not a doctor. none of this is advice. ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.17896549

See >>17895972 cityinsect. No we do not.

>> No.17896561

I'm vegan for my own personal health reasons. I don't push it on other people or talk about it almost ever. I think in my opinion peta is not only useless but also counterproductive, I vote conservative, and I don't agree with the vegans that vote democrat. people like me exist, and I am sick of the stereotypes. the only meat eaters I don't like are the ones that automatically don't like me for no reason. otherwise I have no problem with anyone.

>> No.17896572

Lol you still believe in the two party system?

>> No.17896577

> buh buh vegans kill plants!!!

Most people understand that killing a plant is not nearly the same as killing an animal. If you'd be just as upset as someone killing your dog to eat as you'd be if they plucked an apple from a tree in your backyard, you're kidding yourself.

No one believes your lies, brainlet.

>> No.17896583

meatheads hate vegans because they know killing other animals out of personal pleasure is wrong, but they've deluded themselves into thinking it's a necessary evil.

Vegans prove that their evil isn't necessary, and rather than do any self-reflection they lash out at those who challenge their delusions.

>> No.17896596

>Lol you still believe in the two party system?
No everything is a rigged shitshow but I vote conservative because they are less destructive and give a tiny sliver of hope of the possibility of improvement vs guaranteed collapse into anarcho-communism with democrats so I rather vote conservative, and then just assume my vote went into some corrupt democrats paper shredder as usual lmao. All I know is I did my best. God and karma will set everything right in the end. I'm just gonna keep eating my fruits and veggies from my specific spot on the sinking ship called earth, and slowly helplessly watch it all burn, knowing there is nothing I can ever do to change anything. I've accepted that everything is screwed but like a robot I will keep doing my best until God decides my batteries run out, or when the soil of the earth refuses to bare any more fruit and I starve. I've done my best, and my best was never good enough. we really could have used a superman or batman or goku or jesus coming back and actually staying. but clearly God wants this experiment to fail.

>> No.17896598

I wish I could just eat beans in peace, the meatheads are so angry that I even exist.

>> No.17896603
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It's the denial of the reality of life and the stunted spiritual growth of these citybugs that leads to this ideological eating disorder and perpetual childhood. Human beings are hunters and anyone who hasn't killed and eaten an animal themselves is an adult child. Vegans are just the extreme of this. Industrial society was a mistake. I wish I could hunt all day everyday with my friends as I was designed to by evolution. But this was taken from us. I wish I could have been a Freidrich Gerstacker and have experienced the last time this was a way of life. What a horrible world we live in of goyslop and fences and statist thugs.

>> No.17896609

Anarcho-communism is better than the current shadow-fascism we live in of crony corporations getting fake fiat dollars at a fed fund rate below the inflation rate. Anything more anarchis would be better than this shit.

>> No.17896622

>Anarcho-communism is better than the current shadow-fascism we live in of crony corporations getting fake fiat dollars at a fed fund rate below the inflation rate. Anything more anarchis would be better than this shit.
No it's not better, it's just a more honest version of the same evil we have now.

>> No.17896634

I don't think you get what anarcho-communism is. It is just regular tribalism like the native americans lived in with only loose and volentary higherarchies and tribal communism being volentary sharing and participation enforced by community with laziness leading to ostracization and exile. It's the state enforcing communism that is the problem with the idea. Any anarchy is better than statism regardless of the economic philosophy. Obviously anarchocapitalism would be better but any real capitalism would be better than what we have now where zombie corporations leech off of stolen tax dollars and fake fiat inflation.

>> No.17896635

>she does not have
>she did not have
How are both of these past participle? I'm not even ESL, and the intricacies of the English language fucking elude me.
And before you say, I'm an engineer. Far from a rocket scientist but I don't work the dish pit at McDonald's either. If something isn't easy enough to grasp by a native speaker who was properly taught English in English schools, and who isn't a complete idiot... Then I think, objectively, it's not an easy thing to learn.

I don't know of another language where you need a college/uni degree in said language to know how to read and write with 99%+ accuracy.

>> No.17896640

Doesnt is present tense
Didn't have is past tense

>> No.17896644

Also navajo is supposedly the hardest language.

>> No.17896647

>Vegans are bad because they don't hunt
>Meanwhile 99% of meat consumed comes from farming.

Yeah bro the vegans are the extreme ones here, not the brainlets like you who continue to fuel factory farming.

>> No.17896655

>she has
>she does have
Both are present but apparently because the auxiliary verb "do" is there in the second example, we use Have.
>she continues to have
>she wants to have
>she now has
Since the noun is what we're attributing it to it follows the normal rules. Once we throw an "auxiliary verb" we change it.
But of course I, you, they etc don't get swapped to "has". Those just stay the same. Because why would a rule apply universally.
>I have
>I do have
Happens for other verbs to, in a different way
>I want
>she wants
>I do not want
>She does not want

While it's a known rule, it's also fucking nonsense and isn't followed the same by every verb. Explaining the "rule" takes more time than memorizing the times where the rule applies ffs. English is shit to learn 100%.

On the bright side it allows is to single out the ESLs on a Himalayan rock salt refinement forum and find that they are, in fact, obsessed with Americans as always.

>> No.17896657

what I meant by anarcho-communism is basically all the poor people (99% of the world) mad max + snow piercer but there are these rich powerful 1% group satanic globalist illuminati dudes running the show like hunger games or divergent, so everyone is in mad max, but the bad guys still control everything. we're all eating bugs to survive and they're eating fresh salad and chicken laughing at everyone else.

your example is not what I meant, but despite the fact that tribes naturally form, it would still be an absolute nightmare and everyone would get raided until it's like the bad parts of africa where everyone is enslaved to a drug lord. God have mercy on them.

>> No.17896658

There's no need to elaborate, what he said is perfectly clear to people who aren't retarded.

>> No.17896660

Nobody fucking cares you eat beans you retard. People are only pissed because the people affiliated with you are nutjobs who pour red paint on old ladies, glue themselves to starbucks counters, and break into farms and bike lock their necks to equipment.

Nobody, and I mean, NOBODY cares that you are a vegan. But you want people to care so bad and thats what ultimately pisses people off.

>> No.17896662

No, you're just suffering from braindamage due to poor diet.

>> No.17896667

Anon monocrop agriculture has destroyed the blacksoil states soil. Nebraska is down to one inch. We need pasture beef to restore the soil biome and rebuild the soil. We have been doing spray fertilization since the end of wwii because we ended up with massive stores of nitrogen from bomb making. A comparison would be taking vitamins instead of eating whole foods. Minerals are not actually good for the soil biome which needs symbiotic bacteria, mycelium, flora, and fauna. We are unironically on the verge of another dust bowl because of these practices. The midwests biome was made for ruminents (bison) shitting everywhere. Agriculturally we actually must pasture either beef or bison in the midwest. The corn lobbies and others have decimated our blacksoil. The only other place on earth that has blacksoil in large quantity is Ukraine. This is no coincidence. My extended family are cattle ranchers, crop insurers, and chemical fertilizer sprayers.

>> No.17896673

all food you buy from the supermarket is slop, vegan or not, with very few exceptions.

the whole vegan project is retarded. as if your individual consumer choice has any bearing on global supply chains and mega-industries. what's even the idea here? boycott something so hard the producer is forced to go bankrupt? not happenning. people are broke and need to eat. here's the truth:

>vegetables and fruit are man made, produced using terrible chemicals and exploitative labour in slave like conditions. none of these plants have any relation to their historic ancestors.
>the animal foods we buy exploit the animals, and likewise have little relation to their wild ancestors. for example the ancestor of the cow is no extinct. these animals "organic, humane" or not are pumped with chemicals, grow at insane rates, are fed slop grain and genetically modified feed and grasses and killed at young ages. the modern chicken is a fucking monster freak animal.

The point being you can't just walk into a supermarket, the nexus of thousands of years of honing market capitalism, globalism, artificial selection and corporatisation and expect to purchase anything healthy or good for you. everything in there is produced for no reason other than profit motive. that it may keep you alive is a mere epiphenomenom.

What to do? Hunt wild animals. Gather shellfish. Fish. Use wild plants seasonally, sparingly or medicinally. If possible, murder and eat other humans like our ancestors.

>> No.17896676

In my opinion the difficulty of a language isn't "How hard is it to know every detail of the language" it's "How hard is it to be fluent enough for conversation and to read/write effectively enough where you're not fucking up critical details, good degree of accuracy".

I think English is easier than many languages to be "passable". If you say "I has a cracker" or "She have a cracker" once in a while, you're outing yourself as ESL but you're not reaaallly communicating ineffectively. It burns the ears of native speakers but they understand you 100%. English is "easy" in that sense. It gets rapidly more difficult and annoying when trying to write 99%+ correctly. Native speakers fuck up All. The. Time. Even (and sometimes especially) in writing.

I've never heard or tried to learn Navajo, so you may be right about difficult regardless of the definition.

>> No.17896679
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Cattle revert epigenetically in one generation

>> No.17896680

>Nobody fucking cares you eat beans you retard. People are only pissed because the people affiliated with you are nutjobs who pour red paint on old ladies, glue themselves to starbucks counters, and break into farms and bike lock their necks to equipment.
That is a very small very vocal group of MENTALLY INSANE liberal democrat socialist communist globalist weirdos covered in piercings and tattoos and dyed hair that eat trash junkfood like chips and soda and claim to be vegan while doing flashy and controversial publicity stunts for internet fame and political clout. THEY ARE POSERS. THEY DO NOT REPRESENT ANY VEGANS. vegans don't accept those types of people as vegans.

>Nobody, and I mean, NOBODY cares that you are a vegan.
people like you do. you are the reason why we are here talking about this. you keep bringing it up by shoe horning your hate for vegans into every thread on 4chan every single day for years on end.

>But you want people to care so bad and thats what ultimately pisses people off.
I never see any vegan threads trying to convince people to go vegan but I see hundreds of threads a day of uncle chuckleshit bob meat head telling me how much he hates vegans and why I should eat 10 chicken gizzards a day, shove cow livers up my butt and brush my teeth with spam. absolute insanity.

>> No.17896684

They used navajo for radio codes in wwii because it's basically unintelligable in gramatic pattern

>> No.17896687

Vegans are fine if you're not terminally online and actually meet them IRL.
>why is there vegan propaganda tho
Because a vegan wanted to convert other people to veganism and didn't care about the ethical implications of making propaganda. Got any other stupid questions?
Very pompous post desu

>> No.17896688

Veganism is practically a religion at this point.
And like all religions, they need to grow their numbers.
Through indoctrination, fear, peer pressure, guilt.

>> No.17896689

bro this is literally the plot of interstellar. scary.

>> No.17896692

Monocrop agriculture exists to feed cattle and other livestock.

>> No.17896695

Google 'pasture'

>> No.17896697

dutch pigs are fed soy from brazil (where they had to cut down the rain forests to grow the soy)
and those pigs get exported to china

how does any of that make any sense?
I'm not sure

>> No.17896701

There are literally unlimited wild hogs in texas surviving in the scrub.

>> No.17896710

Factory farming does not improve soil composition and large portions of US monocrop agriculture goes towards feeding livestock.

There's no rational way to look at this and come to the conclusions that vegans are the problem, when in reality they're the only ones not feeding into a wasteful and agriculturally harmful industry.

>> No.17896711

I know what a pasture is anon, I'm saying that the majority of monocrop agriculture exists to feed animals. In other words veganism is supporting what YOU'RE supporting; an end to monocrop agriculture.
We're not all rich enough and disconnected enough from the common man to go hunting, anon.
Pigs are literally unstoppable. They eat anything and they survive anywhere. The first European explorers used to take a few pigs with them to dump on random islands they found in the tropics because they knew by the time they got back there'd be a whole population of pigs to resupply with.
Nonetheless, pigs in modern macrofarming are fed generic monoculture grown slop with antibiotics mixed in to make up for the abysmal immune systems they have as a result.

>> No.17896713

>Veganism is practically a religion at this point.And like all religions,they need to grow their numbers.Through indoctrination, fear, peer pressure, guilt.

Carnism is practically a religion at this point.
And like all religions, they need to grow their numbers.
Through indoctrination, fear, peer pressure, guilt.

>> No.17896719

>My extended family are cattle ranchers, crop insurers, and chemical fertilizer sprayers.
So they're biased as fuck is what you're saying. A majority of all crops in the world are grown to feed livestock, not people. If you actually give a shit about mono cropping destroying soil you would stop buying meat.
>But muh grass-fed beef
Grass-fed beef can't feed the world. There is way too much of a demand for meat and not even nearly enough land. We would literally have to tear down every forest on the planet to come even close to providing enough grass fed beef to supply the demand.

>> No.17896721

you think the meat people eat comes from a fucking pasture? how naive can you be?

>> No.17896724

Beef do not need feed. The entire midwest is grasslands. Beef is the solution to soil degredation. Hunting is not expensive, what are you european? I bought an m44 mossin for $79 when I was 16.

>> No.17896726

>My extended family are cattle ranchers, crop insurers, and chemical fertilizer sprayers.
So they're biased as fuck is what you're saying. A majority of all crops in the world are grown to feed livestock, not people. If you actually give a shit about mono cropping destroying soil you would stop buying meat.
>But muh grass-fed beef
Grass-fed beef can't feed the world. There is way too much of a demand for meat and not even nearly enough land. We would literally have to tear down every forest on the planet to come even close to providing enough grass fed beef to supply the demand.

>> No.17896733

>Beef do not need feed
Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter at all. They are fed monoculture grown plants. Livestock are the main reason monoculture grown plants exist.

>> No.17896735

Population growth is pushed by fractional reserve banking. There is absolutely no reason to have 8 billion humans in the first place. We should go back to 1600s numbers of people. And there is plenty of food for everyone as is with pastured animals. Cityinsects just wouldn't understand. Everyone should already be living in an earthship at this point but *they* don't want you having subsistence home agriculture.

>> No.17896743

So just ignore all grassfed animals existence? Shitty bullshit meats like factory chicken and pork eat 'feed'. Beef is only finished on it and doesn't even need it.

>> No.17896750

Don't change the topic of conversation. You attempted to argue against veganism by saying that monoculture grown plants are bad for the environment. You failed to account for the fact that monocropping is HUGELY driven by people eating meat. Veganism reduces monocropping. Monocropping is an argument in favour of vegans, not against them.

>> No.17896762

I know you're trying to be clever.
Trying to be.

But you're not, "carnivores" don't put out fake bs to try and convert people
The only thing i've ever seen from them is literally satire and straight up pisstaking out of vegan shit.

>> No.17896765

Dude, stop attempting to strawman me. I am advocating we entirely reform agriculture to save the blacksoil. The way to do that is to switch to pasturing and eating far more beef and less corn, wheat, grains in general. The other thing that we can do is rotational pasturing which is where you pasture beef on a few acres for a few days then allow them onto another few acres so the grasses can regrow. Then you follow them with pastured chickens and the chickens eat the maggots out of the cowshit and you also do not need feed for them. Regenerative agriculture has a decently large following at this point and cityinsects like you certainly do not know about any of it. I am more of a hippie than you are and I will eat people like you if shit hits the fan.

>> No.17896772

Keto doesn't even work unless you have your diet and activity monitored like a fucking hawk. It is impossible for an average person to be properly in ketosis. It's used by health services for epileptic kids and even then it takes a stupid amount of effort and attention.

>> No.17896774

isnt keto/carnivore diet the new big fad?
for every 'vegan' thread i see like 5 keto threads lol
even though it's dying down these days (thankfully)

>> No.17896778

>But you're not, "carnivores" don't put out fake bs to try and convert people
oh yea lmao? literally every single day carnists say:
crazy! hypocritical!

>> No.17896783

I apologise for giving your intelligence the barest minimum of respect and assuming you were posting something which had anything to do with the topic of this thread: veganism.

>> No.17896789

Hunter-gatherers have been documented eating anywhere from 50g to 250g of sugar per day from honey. There's also evidence of people making bread with wild grains and tubers before agriculture started. It's still true that meat made up a large portion of the diet though. The biggest actual difference is that they regularly exercised and didn't eat processed foods. The average American gets over half their calories from highly processed foods.

>> No.17896799


>> No.17896802

>I don't know why they need to spread this bullshit misinformation about animal fats somehow being bad for us
I think that was originally started by companies who wanted to sell their plant-based alternatives and it just stuck around. Even people who regularly eat meat will sometimes think animal fat is unhealthy so it's not necessarily due to veganism.

>> No.17896804

okay thanks for letting me know I won the internet argument and that you have nothing else to say to back up your side.

>> No.17896806

Why are vegans okay with murdering one kingdom of life but not another?

>> No.17896810

See >>17896603. Veganism is a mental disorder and the result of being a born in captivity bugman detached from both nature and reality with no mythical tradition to draw from. It's a truely sad result of the domestication of the npc class. Born onto pavement, raised by state-run education following the Prussian model, eating goyslop, detached from basic life skills like skinning, gutting, rendering, soapmaking, etc. A consumer bug, a slave. Veganism is absolute peak consumerism. They sell the gluten protiens to the vegans as fake meat, they sell the gluten free flour to the gluten freers, they sell the blanched almond flour to the ketards, they sell the almond milk from that to the lactosefreetards. All of this shit is a scam. Buy 20 acres and grow your own food, bugman.

>> No.17896830

That doesn't mean evolution "stopped". There were genetic changes associated with farming to better take advantage of that, i.e. evolution. Dairy farmers gained the ability to digest lactose, and we started producing more enzymes in our saliva to help digest starchy food better. Then humans became bigger threats to each other. Some evidence shows that when small groups of hunter-gatherers came into conflict it would be more like a small fight with a lower rate of death, but when farmers and hunter-gatherers came into conflict it was much more brutal and more people were dying.

>> No.17896850

>I wish I could hunt all day everyday with my friends as I was designed to by evolution.
You probably have genes for farming. That doesn't mean you can't hunt anymore but "evolution" probably wants you doing a bit of both. We're not strictly hunters anymore.

>> No.17896853

>Yeah bro just be a farmer and farm/hunt all day for your food. What's that? Want to be a doctor? or a programer? an engineer? Want to do what you're passionate about? NO YOU BUGMAN YOU MUST SPEND ALL DAY FARMING LIKE WE ARE STILL IN THE 1700'S HOW DARE YOU BUY FOOD FROM A GROCERY STORE.

You have no idea how much of a hypocrite you are, we live in a time period where you have so many options and conviencinces, but you want to throw that all away just so you can fulfill your gay ass larp. Vegans are at least fighting for the lives of other sentient beings, while you are just giving into your own hedonistic pleasures. Killing defenseless animals for your own pleasure. Yet you would shit yourself in an actual war where your enemies also had guns.

>> No.17896862

I wasn't even the anon you were arguing with. Your insane rambling speaks for itself, schizo.

>> No.17896880

I would eat you if given the chance. I have killed hundreds of animals. I also know more about programming than you. I remote work on our compound. I bake my own real bread. I clarify our own butter. I smoke our own bacon. You are an insect, a bug. We require collagen and offal. You are mentally weak. That is why my kids will eat your kids when the upcoming global depression hits. You are a weakling. I would fucking chop you into pieces with a hatchet.

>> No.17896882

>I wasn't even the anon you were arguing with. Your insane rambling speaks for itself, schizo.
>"i-i w-wasn't even me! y-your crazy!"
lol lmao

>> No.17896886

Evolution is not addition, more evolved does not mean stronger, it's algebra, the right numbers in the right places gives a working result.

>> No.17896908

>she has not
Proper english, dear boy

>> No.17896914

Anarcho communism is an oxymoron. Anarchism is inherently capitalist.

>> No.17896928

i have never met a 'normal' vegan
>inb4 ketoschizo
whatever vegans have whether its too large a glycine deficit or whatever is just not good.

>> No.17896930

>how do you find a vegan on the internet?
Don’t worry, they’ll tell you

>> No.17896931

> Veganism is absolute peak consumerism.

Meanwhile braindead normie consumers have been consooming meat products en masse and get pissed at the concept of vegans not consooming as well.

But yeah bro keep convincing yourself you're a special boy for eating meat products like every other braindead normie out there.

>> No.17896933

Most "natives" fuck up written English and euphemism's way worse than ESL's.

I'll take 100 broken your/you're over a single "should of", only dumb and lazy people can fuck up so badly.

>> No.17896945

Go read the ingredients of your tofu burger

>> No.17896946

I cannot wait to eat you

>> No.17896956

Isn't soy full of chemicals similar to estrogen? I don't think it's good for man. Can someone shed light on it?

>> No.17896959

>You are mentally weak
>n-n-no don't take bacon and butter away from me.

I don't taste as good as bacon or butter. You wouldn't eat me. You only do what is pleasurable to you.

>> No.17896967
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It's not hard to make bacon out of your fat carcass.

>> No.17896970
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Nobody is telling you to brush your teeth with spam.

And those vegans aren't a small local group, every single vegan I have interacted with online and offline are insane. Including you. I bet you don't even know what the fuck a gizzard is and are now going to google it just to try to prove that you know.

Seriously, I don't care what you eat, brush your teeth with, or cram. Maybe your high strung anxiety and paranoia is coming from your deficient diet? I'm not saying eat animal products, but maybe accept that you are fucking insane?

>> No.17896972
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>> No.17896979

tofu, onions, bread crumbs, garlic, soy sauce, wheat germ

What exactly is wrong with that?

>> No.17896991

Nothing but another lie the meat industry says to stop you from eating it over meat.

>The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.

>We conclude that the phytoestrogen dose consumed had no effect on semen quality.

>Consumption of soy protein of low or high isoflavone content does not adversely affect semen quality in a sample of healthy adult men.

>The intervention data indicate that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men at intake levels equal to and even considerably higher than are typical for Asian males.

>These data suggest that, while isoflavones were detected in SPC, chronic WPC or SPC supplementation did not appreciably affect biomarkers related to muscle androgenic signaling or SQ estrogenic signaling. The noted fiber type-specific responses to WPC and SPC supplementation warrant future research.

>The reported studies suggest that soy consumption exerts small effects on hormones in both men and premenopausal women. Although these effects are generally in a beneficial direction
>beneficial direction

> Results obtained in this study provide additional evidence about the favourable effect of a plant-based diet on sperm parameters.

>> No.17897009

Veganism is peak consumerism because they refuse to consume?
And they want to avoid monocropping but you dislike them because you believe the anti vegan propaganda?

>> No.17897070

Broccoli is keto friendly though

>> No.17897090

They don't refuse to consume. They are obsessed with consuming. Think about it: now that you don't have animal products you have to fill in the niche somehow. You can't just replace it with beans and rice. So you get fake meat. You can't just ditch dairy cold turkey, its so important culinarily speaking, so you get surrogate dairy. Same with eggs and every other damn product. So you buy the more processed, more expensive, less local version. You can try to make your faux meat at home but trying to turn tofu into something that isn't tofu is an absolute feat. So you go out to eat at vegan restaurants and buy premade fake meat. Then as you continue on veganisim you don't feel so well. You go on vegan forums and they tell you about the vegan doctors and the vegan doctors sell their vegan books with vegan supplements and vegan seminars. Soon you've spent insane amounts of money on a stunted belief that you can live above this machine of death.

If you REALLY want to consume as little as possible you can be a crazy cunt like me. Garden, forage, hunt, trap, fish, raise livestock, grow livestock feed.

>> No.17897093
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sure dude whatever you say

>> No.17897114

Your mom's been eating my asshole for weeks already.

>> No.17897115

>carbs carbs carbs (((soy))) carbs
WAOW so healthy!

>> No.17897128

not enough hormone-filled MEAT in it! I'll devour you or something! grrrr vegans make me so mad

>> No.17897147

You've made one huge mistake, anon. The mistake is forgetting that milk is not local, eggs are not local, meat is not local, and all of it involves animals being fed feed from monocropping. Veganism is less consumerist than the alternative.
It's easy to avoid vegan alternatives to meat and eggs btw, makes me feel like you haven't spoken to any vegans about what they eat. I'd never do it myself because vegetarianism is so much easier but still.
>stunted belief that blah blah blah
You are not a mystic. You are not a philosopher. You are a random anon who has never written anything interesting and probably never even read anything interesting. Don't talk about life in these pretentious terms.

>> No.17897154


>> No.17897155

beefs has have
broccolies had has

>> No.17897158

see >>17896931

The average braindead consumer eats meat. The average goyslop has meat as the centerpiece. Consumers gorge themselves so much on meat that obesity is through the roof.

You're hating vegans for being consoomers when their diet is vastly different from the average. Acting like fucking veganism is the consumerist ideology and not the prevailing and far larger industry of factory farms makes you seem stupid.

>> No.17897167

Friendly reminder that the veganism push is born from a desire to reduce the living standards of most of society back to pre-industrial levels. Vegan diets are based on what dark ages serfs were forced to eat. This is the end goal they are fighting for: a world where only the privileged few get to eat beef and dairy, whilst us peasants eat stale bread and compacted bug protein patties.

>> No.17897171

Not hard to keep track of net carbs. Very easy to do.
It's been around for decades and it isn't a carnivore diet. It's just restricting carb intake to usually around 20g net carbs. For some reason one guy is obsessed with posting "ketolard" and loves bragging about knowing what's on reddit.

>> No.17897200

Every fat fuck I talk to always talks about cutting down on meat. Generally what they gorge on is chips, cookies, candy, soda, ice cream, cake, breads, fries, processed foods, seed oils... Some people eat too much meat but the vast majority just eat too much in general.

Saying a vegan who eats the beyond fast food burger instead of a regular fast food burger is better in any ways is absolutely retarded

Milk is definitely local. Idk where you live but all my dairy comes from within 100 miles. My eggs come from my backyard, poultry feed comes is grown in my state, the deer in my freezer is local, the beef is local and was fed and finished on pasture grown on site.
But if I were to try to eat vegan year round there's no fucking way I'd be eating local. Almost none of the fruit in my store, even the fruit that I grow in my backyard, is not from my home country. ESPECIALLY in winter.

Even local rice is hard to find. There are NO rice farms in my state, a couple in my country but most rice farms are overseas.

Unlike you I actually DO put the effort in to directly connect with everything I eat right down to what it eats. I must have struck a nerve by saying you are stunted.

>> No.17897201

How does 100 calories of beef have more calories than 100 calories of tofu?

>> No.17897206

Cholesterol is largely genetic. There's also two sub types of cholesterol that most tests don't give. Also only retards think you just eat nothing but bacon. This is usually the fat fucks who think they don't have to monitor anything and just eat nothing but bacon and butter along with their other marketed foods and usually they never stick to the carb restriction anyways. These retards exist in any way of eating where they ignore caloric deficit being a necessity.

>> No.17897229

>You can't just replace it with beans and rice
Yes you can
>You can't just ditch dairy cold turkey
Yes you can. Jesus how little self control do you have? This entire post is basically the definition of projection. You don't need to eat fake meat to be vegan. It's literally just don't eat animal products.

Considering how many crops and resources we put into raising trillions of livestock everywhere. Yes you are consuming much less as a vegan.

>> No.17897232

Probably meant that it has more calories for an equal amount by weight/volume. That's only true for fattier beef though as lean beef will have more protein than an equal amount of tofu no matter what measurement you're using. Just trying to be sly about being misleading but someone will always pick up on that. They'd probably be better off just saying it's a decent source of protein that you could add to your diet instead of trying to say it's better than meat in every way.

>> No.17897239

If your definition of local is "within one hundred fucking miles" then sure. Of course, that's just changing the definitions of "local" to make you feel like you're eating locally, which doesn't seem like it's accomplishing much to me.
You admit your chickens are fed monocropped chicken feed. Your milk will also probably come from monocrop fed cows. You failed in all these aspects even though you live surrounded by farms, and even though you admit to being a "crazy cunt". Would it hurt your feelings to admit that vegans are better than non-vegans who aren't crazy cunts like you are?

>> No.17897244

enjoy your iron deficiency, freak

>> No.17897265

Weird, every fat fuck I've met talks about cutting down on carbs and shit like that. They love gorging on fried meats, are obsessed with bacon, and love cheese. All factory farmed, hormone-filled goyslop.

>> No.17897291

I didn't feel too good after a couple weeks of rice and beans. It tastes good but it seemed like it started messing with my blood sugar too much as I'd feel a lot of energy soon after eating then get really tired. My blood sugar tests before trying that were pretty much perfect too. I felt alright after eating some vegan imitation burgers instead but they were expensive and I'm not sure if they'd really be healthy to consume a lot of. I don't think everyone can thrive on a high carb diet which vegan diets almost always are.

>> No.17897333

You forgot the part where the chug beer, sugary starbucks, chugging energy drinks, side, and eating chips. The average fat burger isn't low carbing. They are eating garbage processed foods like each day is a niggerball party. Guys at my last job worked labor so that kept their weight down as they inhaled cup of noodles daily. This is in the pnw at least.

>> No.17897356

Is that schizo vegan still posting? 100 of the replies is his(its). Pretty good prism for the world of mental illness that is veganism.

>> No.17897367

Well hath said, sir. P'rhaps english isn't so hard to learneth aft'r all.

>> No.17897536

Every fucking vegan I know uses vegan milk or vegan yogurt. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.17897553

Nigga did you really just pull a my dad works at nintendo card?

>> No.17897575
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vegans aren't better though. They want to be better, but they aren't. They don't even know what better actually is, they just listen to whatever the talking heads tell them without actually doing or questioning anything. The milk I get has its rations printed and oh noooo 2% of its feed comes from grain! Probably when it gets milked! Oh noooo!!! Of course I plan to eventually get my own dairy animal in the near future. I have a friend who has several different animals lined up for dairy. I'm debating between a hair sheep and a dexter/jersey cross

You also fail to understand just how much inedible byproduct goes to livestock. A corn plant is hardly edible to a human, even a sweet corn plant, you have the cobb, the stalk, the roots and husk, etc. Humans can't eat that.

Not to mention the byproduct in other monocrops like canola. When making seed oil or other processed foods there are TONS of byproduct completely inedible. And guess what eats that?

I'm sorry, animals are important, they aren't just wastes of recourses like city people. Even most "veganic" farms I have looked at fucking use animal manure because the acquisition of artificial fertilizer using the haber-bosch process is incredibly unsustainable and harmful to the environment.

>> No.17897591

I'm a native speaker and I've never made a single grammatical error in my entire life.

>> No.17897593

idfk I just finished butchering a duck tho.

>> No.17897603

It wasn't estrogen/soy, it was getting raped by JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS in front of millions of people. Totally shattered his fragile little psyche.

>> No.17897614


Beef = tastes good.
Broccoli = tastes like shit.

>> No.17897617

Do vegans not consider plants life? Is it not violent to cut a plant and kill it and eat it? I don't understand

>> No.17897632

Lmao now you're defending monocropping

>> No.17897667

Yeah because you don't consume any cash crops whatsoever.

>> No.17897671

it's only life if it's an old tree or rock or something, that a bad man wants to cut down. plants grown for eating is ok for some reason. kinda like how normal people differentiate between pets and livestock

>> No.17897675

Ask me how I know you only eat blue box mac and cheese and tendies
The autism is strong.

>> No.17897896

I just ate a hamburger (beef cow) topped with an egg (chicken chicken)

>> No.17897930
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>be new-age cult based around MK-Ultra tier childhood brainwashing/fee fees
>need converts
>can't make any valid fact or science based arguments
>can't make appeals to God/religion
>only option is to lie
It's not that complicated

>> No.17897952

Why not eat vegan food? It doesn't have all the nutrients but there's nothing wrong with taking supplements to lower your carbon footprint, suffering of animals, and still meeting your dietary needs.

>> No.17897960

That does not mean you have to.

Plants don’t have a brain or nervous system. They can’t feel pain or have a subjective experience

> they just listen to whatever the talking heads tell them without actually doing or questioning anything

They do do something. They don’t eat fucking animal products. What you are doing is wrong. Raping cows and taking their babies from them so you can steal their milk for your own selfish desires is unethical. You know it no matter how much you want to larp about being a self sufficient farmer.

>> No.17897966

These claims are just based on pure protein content ignoring the factor of bioavailability.


>> No.17897973

I thought the claim was the extremely high amounts of Atrazine in soy was the foundation for the soy estrogen claims, not the soy isoflavone?

>> No.17897988
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>but there's nothing wrong with taking supplements to lower your carbon footprint
Yes there is. Lab made supplements are not nearly as bioavailable as real nutrients, and you basically need a phd in nutrition to even begin to know what you need to supplement. That's why despite vegans dedicating their lives to their food cult they still end up looking terrible.

As far as my "carbon footprint" goes, let's start with the overpopulation problem in Africa and Asia.

>> No.17897993

they don't look healthy

>> No.17898008

When demand increases the supplements will too. Vegans live longer and have full healthy lives. I've been vegan since I was a child. Never had a B12 issue. I took supplements.

People in Africa have no bearing on Americans who can afford these changes.

The meat industry is the leading cause of pollution. It also uses more water and uses more plants when we could just eat it ourselves.

>> No.17898038

>uses more plants when we could just eat it ourselves.
There are parts of plants we can't eat, that's usually what they're fed. Cows are also just eating grass most of the time, even in the USA for grain-fed beef they start on grass. They're not being fed the corn and soy and whatever else we actually eat.

>> No.17898143

>Vegans live longer and have full healthy lives
Than what? The average obese American? Anyone who isn't obese lives longer and healthier lives than the average American.

>> No.17898147

>The meat industry is the leading cause of pollution
>It also uses more water and uses more plants when we could just eat it ourselves.
top tier trolling m8

>> No.17898190

Your values are so facile and easily influenced that you'll turn on them if it lets you hate your little vegans more.

>> No.17898225

There's no evidence whatsoever that a vegan diet increases life span.
You are completely full of shit, no surprise there.

>> No.17898230

okay bro have fun eating like 2.5kg of broccoli or whatever the fuck it is and not having a steak

big mussel strong brian know to just eat steak with broccoli

>> No.17898334

>crualty free
Aren't large areas of the rainforest getting removed for soy growth?

>> No.17898335
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You gotta eat 10x as much to get the same amount of protein on paper. You absorb less than half of that, so you have to eat 20x-30x the amount to get the same absorbed proteins. Plants also don't have complete amino acid profiles. They poison you when you eat them too. aaaaand you shit out more than half off what you eat anyway. It's a scam

>> No.17898348

>cows have been domesticated since the 9th millennium BC
What did they mean by this?

>> No.17898441
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Eggs are fucking awesome. When animals that are normal "vegetarian" become more desperate for nutrients, guess what they go for first. Granted part of it might be because eggs are vulnerable and you are at less risk of injury, but a hungry animal will rarely turn down an egg for a reason.

>> No.17898651

It's okay when they do it but we're smarter so we have a responsibility not to!

>> No.17898797

pigs from the past gave disease
pigs today are the cleanest of the 4 main meats

>> No.17898805

evolution is made up bullshit

>> No.17898824

Lel. Based

>> No.17898886

>ai is rape
Holy shit how fucking disconnected are you? You can totally keep a bull with a cow, but a bull doesn't give a fuck if the cow is ready to be pregnant. It's actually MORE ethical to ai cows because you can prevent them from getting hurt from either breeding or pregnancy.

>stealing milk
An animal that doesn't want to be milked wont lactate. I have seen people milk their dairy animals in front of their babies and the mother will literally headbutt the babies if they get too close. Humans are amazing for animals, we are fucking monkeys, we can scratch them in areas they cannot reach. We wont bite or rip off their teat when we milk them. Even non dairy animals will sometimes produce so much milk that babies can get scours or other issues from too much milk. Stop learning everything from netflix documentaries and actually go out and talk to people holy shit.


>> No.17898893

>vegan since I was a child
You had abusive parents.

>> No.17899019
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>> No.17899045

Literally buy 20 acres you consumerist insect. Pasture some beef. All of these issues are a result of city bugmen like you.

>> No.17899188

Good for believe Club of Rome's climate scam to extract money from retards like you. Just two more weeks, I mean two decades, I mean two hundred years.

>> No.17899450

vegans tell you that you can get everything if you mix and mach your veggies so amino doesnt matter

>> No.17899460

Why do vegans make people seethe so much? It's usually Americans that get upset as far as I can tell. I guess it's because you guys eat meat too much?

>> No.17899484

Why are so many 15 year olds too lazy to do research themselves and rely on infographs on an anime website to provide information for them? Just ban phoneposters and we can get rid of the "vegan lefties" and the "anti-vegan righties" in one fell swoop.

>> No.17899488

Maybe American vegans but there's a whole world

>> No.17899500
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Spic copeing ITT

>> No.17899562
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How does this make you feel?

>> No.17899573

Anthropomorphizing animals is like admitting you can't actually come up with an argument involving real animals or don't even know how they act. Pigs will often consume the runt of the litter if allowed.

>> No.17899581

Hell, the reason why sows are restrained like that is because they regularly crush their own piglets like retards and then eat the corpse.

>> No.17899582

your a retard then
a quick google search would have answered you're question

>> No.17899584

Sad I'll never be as sweet and succulent as that little porker.

>> No.17899617
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>Vegans live longer and have full healthy lives

>> No.17899623


>> No.17899631

my retard what?

>> No.17899632


>> No.17899639

Many such cases.

>> No.17899647

humans are meant to have a varied diet, but meat is a lot more accessible nowadays than it used to be for most of history hence why eating a shit ton of meat every day is bad for you unless you're trying to bulk up. our ancestors were scavengers before they became hunter-gatherers and evolved to consume bone marrow and developed tools to pry the leftovers off the carcasses they found and smash open any nuts they found. where did we get all that amazing stamina to actually do persistence hunting in the first place? We had to walk everywhere for our food on the savannah. our metabolisms are way more efficient than most animals for this reason. meat wasn't something you ate every day unless you knew how to fish and lived near a watering hole. so our bodies naturally adapted to this.

Same reason why most of the world outside of white countries are lactose intolerant--europeans happened to rely a LOT on milk, which wasn't a huge thing for most of human history after we stopped breastfeeding as babies. Yes other societies drank milk but europeans really went all in on their dairy compared to the rest of the world. and they just naturally got used to drinking more milk than the rest of the world due to their reliance on dairy.

however we lack a cecum, which is the organ herbivores have that help them eat plants. we developed an obnoxiously large intestinal track to compensate which is why we have so much ropes inside of us to eat salad. Also the three species of tapeworms that live in humans evolved from tapeworms that lived in hyenas, and it would be harder for a tapeworm that lived in a hyena to live in a horse than an omnivorous human.

vegan is silly and not something I would consider natural. for most of human history humans didn't get the option to be vegans. it feels like the people doing it are trying to one up people who are vegetarian for their own reasons, religious or otherwise and for clout. just eat more veggies and fruits and you'll be fine.

>> No.17899651

Its hilarious, even after you deboonk all their unreasonable claims they cling to "b-but the heckin animalinos!" because they anthropomorphize. Full grown adults with Disneybrain is just sad.

>> No.17899664

worst yet are those who spread misinformation about the dairy industry and act like cows are the most abused animals ever and yet think videos where hideously obese orangutans drive golf carts are adorable and not at all inhuman when you consider a lot of primates who are ex pets are observed having some self harm habits like physically hitting themselves and do experience trauma. primates can even get ptsd and have attacks. plus it would be hard to control an ape that knows how to drive. it contributed to travis's death because his owner taught him how to drive and that's how the situation spiraled so bad in the first place so badly.

>> No.17899671

To be fair, the monke on a golf cart video is pretty funny.

>> No.17899700

Monke should have human rights, they deserve them more than some people.

>> No.17899737

monkes are creatures both capable of love and violence who deserve respect. they deserve to live in a nature environment full of trees to swing from and lots of fruit to eat and hang out with other monkes. its not fair to take them out of that and keep them as a pet. I love monkes so much.

>> No.17899742

Damn if only they were capable of such thoughts.

>> No.17899780

this wouldnt happen in real life

>> No.17899784

I fucking hate how americans appropriated tofu into this meat substitute vegan cuck shit.

>> No.17899878

The rare foreign weeb

>> No.17899888

Vegans literally think disney movies are real and animals can talk. May I suggest Snatch as an alternate hog depiction.

>> No.17899909

koreans have this dish called tofu tuna patties and theyre pretty filling if a bit bland without seasonings. I've contemplated making burgers with it.

>> No.17899989

Sure alright I'll spend a few million pounds so I can avoid being a consumerist, as you do

>> No.17900027

>per 100 calories

>> No.17900043

20 acres is like 80k in kansas. Not my fault you live in a horrific overpopulated nannystate where you can't even hunt like a human being is born to.

>> No.17900047

If your anti consumerist lifestyle only applies to a few privileged hippies living in a few specific locations then it's not actually anti consumerist. It's just a LARP.

>> No.17900053

Or maybe you shouldn't have given up your human rights so you could be safely enslaved by an evil corporation.

>> No.17900055

Granted broccoli was a terrible example, I'm vegan and I get plenty of protein just from beans and whatnot

>> No.17900057

Because animals totally don't hunt and kill each other in nature. Lions tear their prey to shreds, Octopus don't even kill their prey before they start to eat them, Alligators rip off a part of their prey and eat it first before they start eating the rest of the animal that slowly bled to death.

>> No.17900060

Or maybe your "plan" isn't actually a plan and is just a lifestylist LARP you do to make yourself feel better without changing the world. You're honestly worse than the vegans, aren't you?

>> No.17900064

To get the minimum 50g of protein daily recommended by the FDA, even ignoring the absorption rate you would need to eat 4lb of Broccoli.

>> No.17900106

Why is you being a bugman trapped in a soystate my problem?

>> No.17900288

Why did you complain about monocropping destroying the soil if it's not destroying YOUR soil?
Hypocritical retard, you'll pretend to have any point of view to help you "win" an internet argument

>> No.17900297

I'm prepared for the upcoming worldwide economic collapse and food shortages.

>> No.17900299

Answer my question: Why did you complain about monocropping destroying the soil if it's not destroying YOUR soil?

>> No.17900301

Because I'm going to have to shoot some people when they are all starving trying to get mine.

>> No.17900303

Then you agree that other people in "soystates" driving the use of monocropping by buying macrofarmed meat which is fed on monoculture grown plants is your problem you cretin

>> No.17900362

Maybe some people can do veganism but the pushes for it almost seems like some kind of prank. Veganism is a luxury of the people with the cash and frivolous time to spare

>> No.17900435

Is veganism just propaganda designed to trick unsuspecting people into supporting the extremely profitable cash crop industry?

>> No.17900468

>Veganism is a luxury

> trick unsuspecting people

>> No.17900870

I'm not der Fuhrer and democracy is mob rule. Best you can do is buy 20 acres of rural land, homeschool your kids, and get out of the system. In bongistan you don't even have the human right to hunt food.