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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17792501 No.17792501 [Reply] [Original]

Why not just name this board /ack/ - American Food & Cooking?

>> No.17792520

My coworker is so cute how do I turn him into picrel? He told me he's been practicing his sponge cake baking.

>> No.17792521

kek good one op

>> No.17792524

It's /mack/, the knife.

>> No.17792529

Kill yourself faggot.
There's a lot more than just American cooking on the catalog right now.
Furthermore, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.17792536
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I don't really care if she can't cook, I want to forcefem and domesticate an incel twink and feed her HRT and protein from the source until she starts developing hips and cute little boibooba

>> No.17792549

me working in the Auschwitz-Birkenau crematorium desu

Also, I used to post my cooking, which was mostly Scandinavian peasant food, here and it was not well received. I just stopped wasting my time.

>> No.17792564

will you give him chain piercings to tug on when your rocking him slowly?

>captcha: VRGNS

>> No.17792575

i want a blond bf :(

>> No.17792585
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if you spent as much time on literally anything else in your life as you do obsessing about trannies and talking and thinking and drawing memes about trannies and looking at tranny news and tranny twitter you'd probably be a successful and confident man in your day to day.

>> No.17792592

Just letting you know that I didn't read this.

>> No.17792598
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>> No.17792599

What is ack I never understood.

>> No.17792600

No way this is real
Get their number and just flirt with them a little and see how they respond. Say something like "I'd like to try your cake at some point", but less retarded and more flirty. Since he's a guy, you'll want to flirt hard and fast, as opposed to a woman where you want to slowly over the course of several months become their friend and get slowly more flirtatious (unless they just want to sleep with you, which will be obvious).
After you sleep with them at least once, you can slowly convince them to take E

>> No.17792602
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I take the same view as our primitive ancestors. Her weak, useless masculinity is to be shattered and immolated as a sacrifice to the gods. To maximally please the gods her body must be kept pristine aside from the careful removal of her poison glands which is done for purification reasons.

>> No.17792607

Death rattle when somebody hangs himself I guess

>> No.17792612

Post more pics without filters
And pics of his cake

>> No.17792618
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>>>17792501 (OP)
>if you spent as much time on literally anything else in your life as you do obsessing about trannies and talking and thinking and drawing memes about trannies and looking at tranny news and tranny twitter you'd probably be a successful and confident man in your day to day.

>> No.17792620

>zoomer hasn't read Cathy

>> No.17792621
File: 290 KB, 680x697, 1624967961196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get lost

>> No.17792622

worst thread in the history of humanity

>> No.17792625

>t. sharty

>> No.17792630

>as opposed to a woman where you want to slowly over the course of several months

you could have just namedfagged as 'friendzoned beta orbiter', and it would have been less obvious

>> No.17792632

I like it

>> No.17792637
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>if you spent as much time on literally anything else in your life as you do obsessing about trannies and talking and thinking and drawing memes about trannies and looking at tranny news and tranny twitter you'd probably be a successful and confident man in your day to day.

>> No.17792645
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 1632688416985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The United States of America is a multiculturual nation
huh maybe you have a point

>> No.17792648

>90% of them are from the US
okay tranny

>> No.17792650

Seek actual help.

>> No.17792656
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, 1648424497098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a zoomer so I could get taken like this, imagine becoming someone's live-in meido, cooking and doing chores for free rent, food and cute clothes.

>> No.17792674

>imagine becoming someone's live-in meido, cooking and doing chores for free rent, food and cute clothes.
There's a part of the arrangement you're forgetting anon...

>> No.17792676
File: 151 KB, 1080x1349, coffeebad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon is a socially awkward kissless handholdless virgin with no muscle strength and a doormat personality
>this is supposed to be bad, somehow

>> No.17792690

You fucking...

>> No.17792693
File: 336 KB, 613x613, 1651531061738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filling all my masters needs goes without saying, you know?

>> No.17792704

>still says friendzone
Wanna know how I know you're a virgin?

>> No.17792711

>still says virgin
wanna know how i know that you're an incel?

>> No.17792730

What will you do when she hits the wall?

>> No.17792733

>what south american genetics does to a nigga

>> No.17792745

If you ask, Jesus will forgive you for being a degenerate

>> No.17792753

btw this is a female who fell for the ftm meme and got her booba surgically removed and now lives in a purgatory state where she is a girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl.
That is, she claims to be male but only dresses like a trap.

>> No.17792765

Whatever happened to that girl who posted cooking threads while dressed like Alice margatroid and always covered her face with a 2D drawing?

>> No.17792769

thats some fucking mad thinking
>i can be a cute girl
>the internet loves cute boys now
>im going to become a boy
>now i can bea cute boy

>> No.17792783
File: 2.46 MB, 6115x2532, 1651556302706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s me, the devil. Been a hot second eh? Anyhow, Jesus called me up because he’s bummed about about the plot lines. No worries! I am too! I have countless souls in creative writing classes and they weren’t coming up with anything. So get this, we called Love/god over for a visit. And Love was all like “anime.” “Anime but irl”. And both me AND Jesus are like… that’s fucking slayer. That’s the nectar. That’s love. Fucking typical. So anyhow, that’s the ENTIRE plot-line now. Cosmetic surgery is perfectly good and free. We just grant immortality via “innovation”. Don’t over think it. It’s anime but IRL. Solved. Earth is solved. Boom. Done.
ELVES AND MAGIC AND ETC. You name it. No restrictions. If it doesn’t suck, then it’s perfect! Don’t over-think it. Don’t stress it. It’s all good. You won all. Call up Jesus for more info anytime.

>> No.17792785
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>> No.17792787
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>> No.17792788

Thread has not been remove.
Oh janitors...

>> No.17792790
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>> No.17792799
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>> No.17792838

What the hell would a housewife do all day?

>> No.17792848

children you fucking numtpy

>> No.17792914

What would a trad boywife do all day?

>> No.17792933


>> No.17792934

Arts and crafts.