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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17766775 No.17766775 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: food that people pretend to like for internet cred

>> No.17766782

Licorice sounds close enough to "lick her ass"

Good enough for me to enjoy any day of the week.

>> No.17766788

Chocolate with more than 30% sugar
I always feel sick after eating it

>> No.17766791

If your liquorice has the texture of hard rubber it's dogshit. Also don't eat handfuls at a time fatty.

>> No.17767012
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Nobody actually likes this shit, they just say they do because Ron Burgandy and Ron Swanson both like it.

>> No.17767030
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Best black liquorice coming through

>> No.17767039
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Followed by the second best

>> No.17767043

Enjoy your gyno. Oh, you didn't know? Licoritze is fucking up male hormones, which is why preggo women and men should abstain from it.

>> No.17767064

>Nobody actually likes this shit, they just say they do because Ron Burgandy and Ron Swanson both like it.

Weak, limp & rhubarb adverse comment

>> No.17767086

>another brit who can't correlate a picture to the words next to it
I see your long lineage of illiterate peasants has continued strong in you

>> No.17767148
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I've no clue what you're on about. Is there a carer or adult can clarify what you mean?

I replied to your nonsense post because I think it impolite to vaguely off-topic reply an earnest poster.
Pontefract, on the outskirts of Wakefield a mere 10 miles up the road from me is world famous for its liquorice- & its rhubarb.

There you go lad, two charity (you)'s that are actually addressed to OP

>> No.17767190
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>> No.17767198

I think the entirety of the netherlands would like to have a word with you

>> No.17767199

You're actually fucking retarded if you can't figure out the context of my post, don't know what more to say to you.
Are you drunk by chance? It's almost 9am, so probably.

>> No.17767673


>> No.17767685
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dangerously based

>> No.17767697

Liquorice and salmiakki Would be my favorite candy BUT it lowers testosterone so I don’t even touch that shit.

>> No.17767714

deenz were disappointingly mediocre. i'll take hake or mackarel fillets any day of the week

>> No.17767715

/thread. Costco sell this I buy bags of it.

>> No.17767721

what's with the sticks? are they edible/suckable/chewable like sugarcane?

>> No.17767740

chewable sticks, not had one for years but I used to get mine from a "health food shop" ... this was back in the early 90s

>> No.17767741

has anyone said truffles yet?


>> No.17767744

Oh you poor americans :(

>> No.17767747

ITT: tastelets

>> No.17767779

Pleb opinion

>> No.17767810


>> No.17767812
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you shits have no idea

>> No.17767826
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>> No.17767835

>he will never get to experience fresh Porvoon lakritsi

>> No.17767839
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When I was at college they used to make these in a factory opposite over the road in Chesterfield, The smell was amazing. Black jacks were filling pullers but so good

>> No.17767843

Anyone gonna tell him what happens to excess testosterone in the body?

>> No.17767926

Yes, my 106 year old grandmother gave a shit about internet cred in 1920s Lebanon, you are absolutely right. She was eating licorice and posting it to her insta for all of her followers to like and comment.

>> No.17768039
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licorice is just the pussy version of the best candy, salmiakki

>> No.17768045
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gummies liquorice are shits, only 100% pure and hard licorice is good stuff

>> No.17768079

My grandma was alive before the internet was a thing and she loved licorice.

>> No.17768094

Lol I never understood why people don't like black licorice. The anise flavor, sure it's strong and spice-like, but is actually very pleasant. I find cinnamon flavored sweets much more off putting than anything licorice.

>> No.17768096

Why have i eaten it since before the Internet then?

>> No.17768151
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>> No.17768186

people pretend to like deenz cause they're healthy

>> No.17768200

Your mother swallows it.

>> No.17768246
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>bro you haven't LIVED until you've tried my homemade recipe
>it's got just the riiiiggght amount of fire to it, not like any of that mass-produced shit
>what? afraid of a little heat? cmon just a cup
fuck off fuck off fuck off

>> No.17768294

Literally who

>> No.17768407

You've may have never had actual licorice. The real stuff doesn't taste of anise at all. idky that anise-y stuff became the dominant type of "licorice" outside of the Mediterranean. For non-med licorice, the Swedish pipe-shaped ones are more-or-less real licorice (they have sugar and flour added, but the flavour itself comes from licorice alone, IINM). If you get the chance, try them some time to see what real licorice tastes like.

>t. licorice lover who fucking HATES anise

>> No.17768413

As said in >>17768407 real licorice is kind of rare outside of the Med. For fucks sake, it's even uncommon in the Med outside of Italy and pure licorice like you posted absolutely unheard of. 100% licorice simply doesn't sell outside of our borders, bro.

>> No.17768414

Ardbeg is actually decent and balanced, shut your whore mouth.

>> No.17768420

Does it fill some time of hole in your heart to lie on the internet? I don't know why you would make up something like this, it just doesn't seem logical. Licorice is literally just anise flavored candy.

>> No.17768425
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Grim taste

>> No.17768507

Oh, okay.

>> No.17768531


>> No.17768546
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How much cred is for the root?

ITT: people criticizing this they haven't tried.

>> No.17768562

>Internet cred
People always mention this and variations of it but I've literally never seen it. People post whatever boring bs on their instagram or facebook and they'll get buncha random "heyyy niceee" "woo!" "yeah I like that!". It's all bland random platitudes, there's no real increase by trying to stand out by saying "Omg i like licorice!"

>> No.17768568

Australian liquorice tends to be pretty soft. That darrell lea takes basically no effort to chew, but it always has a pretty nice texture.

>> No.17768579

We have the easter show up here this weekend. If some of us decide to go there, definitely going to grab a couple of those showbags.

>> No.17768626

Sorry to break it to you, but the vast majorite off licorice outside of Italy isn't pure and a large number of licorice outside of Italy is also flavoured/adulterated with anise extract. idky this is the case, but, simply put, it is.

Only 4,5% licorice extract.



4,5% licorice, 3% anise.


What percentage extract is this? I can't find it.

0,9% licorice, unknown percentage of anise extract.

Can't find percentage for this one, either, but as it also has anise in it, I'm guessing it's fairly low.

IE pic related. 99%+ licorice extract (that's why the pieces are so small, about a third the size of a single tictac).

>> No.17768630
File: 427 KB, 853x1280, 80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, lol.

>> No.17768652

>licorice outside of Italy is also flavoured/adulterated with anise extract

Sorry to break it to you, but anise flavor is literally the exact same thing as licorice. All licorice has anise flavor, because that's what makes it licorice. If you're thinking of red licorice like twizzlers, those are just flavored with strawberry instead. Having anise flavor isn't "adulterating" it, it's literally just what makes it black licorice. How are Italians this fucking stupid?

>> No.17768678

fuck off schizo

>> No.17768684

Always relevant


>> No.17768696

Your claim is so far off base, it's not even wrong. If anice extract and licorice extract are the same thing, then why list both anise extract and licorice extract in >>17767839, >>17767190 and >>17767030, only licorice extract in the others and only anise extract in most American licorice?
In fact, the brand I posted has the original (as posted) as well as both a mint version and an anise version. Why have all three is licorice is literally just anise?
Furthermore, anise and licorice are two entire different, wholly unrelated plants, one used for its roots (glycorrhiza glabra IE licorice) and the other for its seeds (pimpinella anisium IE anise). How could they be the same thing if they are literally two different species?

>> No.17768700

how hard we talkin?
hard like hard candy or hard like a stale twizzler

>> No.17768705
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I like it for real.

>> No.17768720

>anise and licorice are two entire different, wholly unrelated plants
Proof? That sounds retarded, because the flavor of licorice is just star anise. Maybe there's a special variety of anise you use in Italy or something, that you just call licorice or something, but it doesn't make it a fundamentally different plant

>> No.17768740

The proof is in the post. Two different species names were given. They are unrelated species from entirely unrelated families, one related to beans, fennugreek and locust (licorice) and the other to parsley, dill and fennel (anise).
The language doesn't matter because the species names will be the same internationally. Licorice is glycorhhyza glabra and anise is pimpinella anisium.

>> No.17768759
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So what you're saying is that back in the day people used to use beans and locusts to flavor their licorice? That sounds disgusting, I wouldn't ever want to try that. I'll stick with my normal, anise flavored licorice sticks. I'm not gonna eat some bugs just because some sweaty hairy Italian said it's "le true-a authentic-a italiano licorice-o"

>> No.17768764

liquorice sticks are nice to chew on though?

>> No.17768767

Oh. Okay.

>> No.17768776

No more pimping Ella, anon. She's been through enough.

>ah wuz only pwetendin' t'be weetodded!!!

>> No.17768789

>chewable sticks
Don't think this even cuts it, it is the litteral root and stem of the liquorice plant, they are entirely edible. Taste great, but you are left with this mass of inedible wood-mass after you are done, kinda' like chewing gum.

Tastes great!

>> No.17768794

This, they're reddit larpers who suffer from fragile masculinity

>> No.17768819

How am I wrong?

>> No.17769081
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we have reached the point where things are getting pretty serious

>> No.17769155

Dropveter > hash browns or whatever you american shits eat

>> No.17769190
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>> No.17769200

>bought a durian at the local gook store
>first bite was disgusting
>forced myself to eat one whole pod
>threw the rest away

>> No.17769312

same with avocado
why some people are so hard on themselves?

>> No.17769689

whiskey, bear, and wine.

>> No.17769738

Did you sorry souls buy some rotten produce or something?

>> No.17769742
File: 26 KB, 425x425, 61ac7FGUijL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as it also has anise in it, I'm guessing it's fairly low.
I also hate all this fake licorice, but there is in fact pure licorice containing a dash of anise and nothing else, such as pic related ("Ingredients: Licorice, natural anise flavor").

Probably my favorite from Amarelli.

>> No.17769752

Like an avocado or melon, it can be hard to determine that a durian is ripe but not overripe when you're not used to buying them.

I would go as far as to suggest that you either get it served or buy it frozen the first time.

>> No.17769813

You're not even wrong. Being wrong would be an improvement.

>> No.17769854

deenz are good but i prefer my oysters

>> No.17769946

ITT: people who have the preferences of literal children.

>> No.17769987

lucky that anise tastes exactly like licorice

>> No.17770053

Oh. Okay.

>> No.17770309

I don't know who these 2 Ronnies are but I guess they're the reason I like Whisky, sure

>> No.17770328

yeah you can chew them forever

>> No.17770798

Mackerel is just a superb fish in general, it's not really a fair fight.

>> No.17770813

>drunk for hundreds of years
I think some people might actually like it

>> No.17770822

Beat me to it.

>> No.17770929

Licorice is so dogshit that the stuff it's pictured with is just sticks

>> No.17771727

you'll like it when your nuts drop and get some hair on them, so fuck off until you're 18 because you have to be that old to post here

>> No.17771808

Sorry boss, that shit tastes like a peet bog with the chedder man still in it. Shit is hyped like diamonds with inflated worth

>> No.17771812

Stale twizzler probably, its still chewy and you can bend the sticks but its a tough chew, not hard candy

>> No.17771824

I unironically love licorice, my first favorite food. Bad for the kidneys, though.

>> No.17771880

Liquorice is the ultimate brown people filter. Onlt read Nordic chads can consume liquorice

>> No.17771991

>Not even salmiak coated

Yeah, who eats plain liquorice?

>> No.17772520

>Can't enjoy something until you're a crusty old man with a nuked mouth and burnt synapses from years of alcohol
Just admit it's bad, bro

>> No.17773154

And yet, no Nordic country eats any licorice above 5% purity. Funny, that.