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17701523 No.17701523 [Reply] [Original]

I don't even consider myself that good of a cook, but most things I make taste better than take out and I pay 1/5 of the price or less.

Not sure if it's because I'm from an area with mediocre restaurants or what, but why tf do people eat out? Each time I go I feel like I'm getting insanely ripped off.

Any thoughts on this? I'm starting the feel the only take out that's worth it for the money is mcdonalds.

>> No.17701539

>most things I make taste better than take out

i literally dont believe you

>> No.17701550

Maybe the take out I get is shit, but I've tried 4 restaurants in the past week. Granted they weren't insanely expensive/high end, just regular restaurants.

>> No.17701594

You go out to the eat for convenience at for things you normally wouldn't cook at home.

>> No.17701703

you should get a job as a cook then, since you're better than most restaurant cooks

>> No.17701720

also, come on dude you posted fucking instant ramen and you're saying your cooking is better than take out?

>> No.17702953

You will always save more money by cooking for yourself.
And the quality will almost always be better.
Sure you can sometimes find like a nice family run restaurant where they give a shit about the food and aren't too pricey but it's rare and any fast food, fucking forget it, it's just garbage. The fast food places like JitB or McDs are now charging around 10$ for a fucking burger and fries, and it will be a terrible burger and admittedly decent fries, but you can make a vastly superior version of both for like a third of the price when you factor in servings, sure you mihgt have to eat burgers like 5 times, or just use the same ingredients for different dishes.
Only reason to get any takeout or eat out is simply because you're too lazy/legitimately don't have the time, which mean only fast food because the wait time for restaurants is about the same to prepare it oyurself.
Or if you suck at cooking, which honestly freezer dinners are still better than most and roughly the same fucking quality.

>> No.17702989

he said it tastes better to him than takeout

>> No.17702992

for me it's the opposite. I can't be bothered cooking anything. I'm bad and also I just imagine how some korean street vendor could grill 100 sandwiches in the time I make one. it's so inefficient.

however, restaurants are so uncomfy. I have to bathe and wear normal clothing and act normal. and they often have those uncomfy straight back chairs.

restaurants should be more like movie theaters. you get a comfy reclining seat with a tray that swivels over lap. and you get a button that summons the servant

>> No.17703434

Depends on what it is. Fries at home is too much of a hassle. Pizza takes too long. Chinese is fine for one dish but is more fun with six or seven dishes. I don't always want a whole fucking pie either when a slice is plenty. Really just comes down to how hard I want to work.

>> No.17703444

I'm not poor and I go to restaurants that are producing much better food than I can prepare.

>> No.17703454

i live in a big city with plenty of award winning restaurants and i love going out to eat. just not at mediocre "american" places. if you're not eating at actual good restaurants. that's your problem.

>> No.17703456

eating out is for going out with friends and trying stuff that would be too much hassle to recreate in your own kitchen

>> No.17703457

what city fren? :)

>> No.17703715

Because halal and asian food just hits different tho i'll be damned if I pay for some generic chicken with french fries

>> No.17703731

If your pic is better than eating out then you must be eating out of a fuckin bin.

>> No.17704568

bc the monetary difference between groceries and 5x groceries means nothing to me, and I live in an area with the best restaurants in the world

>> No.17704624

I agree. Restaurants use the absolute cheapest, lowest quality ingredients. Anytime you gst anything with meat it's always a tiny amount of meat and heaps of carbs.

Even if you do go for something premium like a nice steak you could buy it for a fraction of the cost at a local butcher.

>> No.17706745

I completely agree with this

Lol at the people getting triggered that I complemented myself

>> No.17706765

because sometimes you wanna talk with your family/bros/hoes and not have to cook for 1-2 hours just to eat it all in 10 minutes.

Also, time is money. When your not poor it makes more sense to eat out sometimes than prepare a meal because your time is literally worth more and cooking a meal isn't worth it. I know it's hard for poor people to understand.

>> No.17707124

Depending on what you're getting, it can be cheaper if not just easier to have someone else cook something you yourself don't have the skills to make.
Like I never order spaghetti if I can help it because what the fuck. That's just pasta and sauce, worse if it's pasta and butter. People spending $15 or more on fucking spaghetti are dumb medigans who can't boil water for shit.
On the flipside I can't do braciole for love or money so I'm willing to pay for someone else to pre-make the thing to cut down on the work if not outright cook it for me.

There's also the potential for specials or prix fixe menus. In my city each area had Restaurant Week every other month. Depending on what places were taking part you could be getting a damn fucking good 3 to 6 course meal that you normally wouldn't be able to get or cook yourself for less than what they usually offer.

Another possibility is coupons and vouchers. I'm getting birthday emails from various places and some include "free dessert with $15", "free coffee and pastry", "free burger or salad", and "buy one entree, get one free". Some places also do walk-in stuff like you go in on your birthday and you get a free lunch right out depending on if it's a solo thing or if you need at least one other person on hand. With these coupons it can actually be cheaper to order something and walk out full even with ordering other stuff and covering the tip.

That said I have a cousin who pretty much eats out every fucking night and her kid only gets a home cooked meal when my mother or her mother is over. She and her husband make enough to afford it so it's not that much of an issue but it is rather nuts. In their case it's definitely being lazy and having zero skill in the kitchen.

>> No.17707239

I find myself feeling the same way but I probably spend MORE on food because I like having good ingredients and cooking at home.
I bet takeout fags are eating crap anyway, if you did takeout more than 3 times this week what were your meals? Were they really something you couldn't make at home quickly or something you enjoyed with 12 of your closest friends while discussing important things or was it Panera and McDonald's and maybe a burrito from the local place 2 blocks away?
I see people in my apartment getting shit that's 20min away (now cold) delivered to them and it's from Fast Casual places that aren't even worth the extra delivery fee. It's pure laziness.

>> No.17707245

You made that? I've definitely had take out better than that bowl of shit.

>> No.17707354

Same here, anon. Some people have a shitty palate and everything beyond "decent" tastes the same.

Most restaurant cooks are average at best but they have developed line skills, thats all. Why do you think most restaurants fail?

I've had about 12 memorable restaurant meals in 16 years of being an adult aside from the 3 or 4 really solid restaurants I've found. This is spanning both us coasts, Midwest, southwest, major cities, country towns, etc.

>> No.17709297

Yeah, simply using large portions of meat and cooking things in butter or tallow makes it a better experience. People bitch that meat is expensive, but even with the current inflation, it's much cheaper than buying the equivalent at a restaurant.

>> No.17709374

Basically yes but I’ll go out or order pizza when I’m just exhausted or sometimes when I want fried fish. Bar fried fish is based and I only get it seldom. Don’t have to deal with the mess and smell. But generally I agree like I said it’s cheaper and I can cook better I guess some people might not want to deal with dishes one day but for the most part I think it’s just bad cooks

>> No.17709405

Places like Nebraska are miserable for eating out. You either cook for yourself or starve.

>> No.17709427

When I cook for myself it always tastes better, because I know exactly what I like

>> No.17709434

I'm lazy

>> No.17709637
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troll thread

>> No.17709655
File: 94 KB, 500x288, anon bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm starting the feel the only take out that's worth it for the money is mcdonalds.
I started replying then saw that line.

>> No.17709871

>thinks restaurants other than Mcdonalds are bad
>thinks his meals are better but posts instant ramen as an example
Are you fucking stupid? Trolling?

>> No.17709909

You've probably done what most of this board fears doing. You're cooking to taste.

>> No.17709921

Poor cook.

>> No.17709926


>> No.17710659

I eat out because I get antsy bring home alone too much. Also why I go to bars.

>> No.17710670

Strikingly medicore. I'm not going to be a Michelin starred chef but I can afford to eat the food cooked by one.

>> No.17710711

I eat 'out' for two reasons, I enjoy the culinary culture and restaurant world. So I actively go to places that are highly rated or offer something new and exciting I'd never think of making at home.

Or two, it's convenient and I'm tired, and I don't want to cook. In which case I usually end up at the grocery store picking up some pizza dough, a roast chicken, or packaged fresh pasta. Or go to the mom and pop burger spot.

Fast food like McDonalds and subway and shit is the problem, I rarely go to those places.

>> No.17710761

This >>17701703
Youre obviously one of the most naturally gifted chefs that have ever lived. You need to share your gift and profit off of it. You definitely wont quit after the first dinner rush

>> No.17712222

Eating out is only good if you're drinking. If not, there is no point. Your time spent sitting in a random booth can be used better elsewhere.

>> No.17712240

It depends what you are doing. I cook for myself 2-3X a day every day of the week. I make pasta better than any restaurant I've ever visited, seafood too.

The issue comes from smelling all the stuff as you cook it. It just isn't the same as getting it served fresh straight up. You have to have someone cooking for you sometime. Anything you make is 100X better made by someone else.

>> No.17712294

>You will always save more money by cooking for yourself.
This is incorrect. Usually you will save money.

There are some key exceptions though, those being areas where there is a severe investment or time sink in cooking (bbq) and where the restaurant takes a loss on the item and makes it up elsewhere. For example, I just made lobster bisque at about $18-19 a soup mug. I can get that at a restaurant (same quality) for half that cost, because they are recycling the rest of the lobster into the soup and make money on the expensive surf and turf dishes that use the tail.

Pizza is a great example. I can make shitty pizza at home, or invest in expensive pizza ovens and proof boxes and other shit to make quality pizza, OR I can just pop down to the local pizza place with an actual oven and get a high quality pie. Days if made at home, 10 min from shop. Time savings is huge.

BBQ is the other area, you need expensive smokers and wood, plus the time to smoke stuff most or all day. I love doing it, but its basically the same damn price to buy it from a good BBQ joint. I've personally made brisket that made me cry it was so good, but at the end of the day, its basically the same price as getting it from the store.

Fried food is also semi-equivalent when you factor in frying oil and equipment to fry stuff in. Plus the oil splatter is just messy.

Plus people tend to forget the true cost of cooking isn't just material input. It's ingredients, investment in tools to cook with, knowledge to perform cooking methods (time and energy learning), energy and time expenditures from actual cooking, AND cleanup (more time, energy and cost from cleanup materials).

If I eat at a restaurant, all of that work just becomes paying money and eating. A lot of times it also means eating things I have not mastered or learned how to do.

>> No.17712308

>Days if made at home, 10 min from shop
Such ridiculous exaggeration

>> No.17712320

Depends on your proofing method and how serious and anal you want to be about pizza. 2 days is for a cold proof. Realistic time-frame is 2-3 hours, still quite a lot compared to the 10 min I wait for it at a restaurant.

>> No.17712329

Similar boat but the tandoori chicken wrap from my local Punjab butcher/bbq place is 10 canuck bucks and feeds me for two meals it's so huge.

>> No.17712332

because actual good cooking from scratch is hours of daily work and most people don't want to put in the time

>> No.17712352

Love cooking but doing dishes sucks simple as

There are also some things that I can’t do as well at home

>> No.17712356

By the time I finish cooking I'm too bored and annoyed to enjoy the food. So much wasted time.

>> No.17712357

get good sponges and copper scrubbers and replace them often

>> No.17712392

>I pay 1/5 of the price or less.
Did you account for your time to buy the ingredients ,delivering it to your home + gas and time to make the food?
If you where your own boss, what would you think of you?

>> No.17712484

I would think I'm based for not reporting the daily sexual harrasment.

>> No.17712790


Sounds like your restaurant scene is a fucking hellscape im sorry anon

>> No.17712807

This. Only things I buy are pizza and deep fried stuff. I don't have a pizza oven and I don't feel like wasting a potful of oil just for one dish.

>> No.17712813

shawarma is too much of a pain in the ass to make at home